Ike - Medium Humanoid Form's page
41 posts. Alias of CaptainFord.
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Ike took a sliding step back, panting in exhaustion, but unrelenting in his wrath. He had to beat this thing... if he didn't, it would hurt others! Something about that notion clicked a little idea in the back of his head... he hated to fight, but some things would only listen to fighting. Unrelenting brute force! If he was going to get them to listen, he had to fight first! And some wouldn't listen at all... but if he wanted those he cared about to be safe, he had to fight! Something about that seemed revolutionary to him...
"Arlen! I have to be bigger! Can you do that!? Make me bigger, and I'll have a much easier time stopping this thing!" he shouted, bracing for another charge from the big brute! "Come on, you king-sized lizard! Come at get me!!!"
Five foot step back, taking the total defense action to boost my AC up to a solid 20! (If I'm remembering my rules right.)

Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
At last! Site's back up! It went down RIGHT as I was posting too...
Ike couldn't explain his anger. He was just furious. The notion that someone would take someone he cared about away for no decent or discernable reason enraged him! Was this what it was like... to be a real monster? So caught up in his wrath that he was, he overestimated his abilities and felt a good chunk of him sloshing out to the ground!
Reshaping himself and enlarging his antlers to spear sized proportions, Ike bellowed back a roaring challenge at the beast before lowering his head and barreled for the beast at top speed, looking to impale the creature!
Morphic Weapon 1: 1d100 ⇒ 211d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 281d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Confirm Crit: 1d100 ⇒ 601d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 251d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Morphic Weapon 2: 1d100 ⇒ 931d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 101d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
WOO! You mess with the OOZE, you're gonna LOSE!
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Ike couldn't explain his anger. It just was. The notion that someone would take someone like Noober from him, for no decent discernable reason, enraged him. So much as that he overestimated his abilities when the giant reptile... thing attacked him!
Leaking ooze from one of his sides, Ike reformed himself as quickly as he could, before enlarging the horns on his head to spear-like proportions, and lowering them towards the creature, barreling for it at top speed!
Morphic Weapon 1: 1d100 ⇒ 751d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 211d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Morphic Weapon 2: 1d100 ⇒ 611d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 151d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
As Ike pushes forward, he raises a hand up, as it shapes itself into a massive tower shield, trying to push back the hail and defend himself!"I won't stop! So come on! Hit me! Hit me with everything you've got! I won't stop until I find him and bring him home!" he yelled through the storm, challenging whatever entity wanted to stop him!
As the hail lifted, Ike's hand reformed into a proper limb, before he pushed ahead. As he did, his feet started to flatten out, feeling every nook and cranny the ground had to offer moving forward. He would find those tracks... he had to! Noober was counting on him! "Noober! Noober, it's Ike! Where are you!?"
As he walked forward, he clenched his fists. He felt odd... something about this whole situation, weather wise, felt... comfortable. It was inexplicable. The weather had shifted from sun, to hail, to fog... but it didn't scare him. Was it because he was an ooze, and was constantly shifting his own shape? Such chaos felt... peaceful.
"Leave us alone! I just want Noober back! He's my friend! Please! ...come out! I'm not afraid of you!"
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Survival: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Ike poked a tendril out as the hail began to fall! No... NO! Why!? What was going on to suddenly bring out this weather!? Ike only grew more concerned as he realized Noober might be in this terrible storm too! They were going to lose him!
...no... this was his home... and Noober was like family! He never saw Ike as a slime or a monster... he saw him as Ike! Spilling out of his safe saddlebag, Ike formed himself up into a humanoid form, but with a key difference. This time, adorning his head was what looked like an elk skin hood with an impressive seat of antlers topping off the simple design. He hoped that, perhaps, if he shaped himself in Erastil's form, the god might grant him his protection. "Erastil... please, if you can hear me... if you'll even listen to a monster like me... please give me strength, and guide me to him..!"
Raising his arms up to brace his front, he pushed through relentlessly. "Find safety if you must! I can't lose him!" Despite the wind and hail, he would not be stopped, forcing his way forward and trying desperately to see the tracks ahead of him! Let the world level every ounce of wrath it had at him!
He would not be stopped until he found Noober!
Hail damage!: 1d4 ⇒ 42d6 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11
Survival: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Seems Erastil might actually be listening!

Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Ike sat entranced as he listened to Jhod speak about Erastil. A god of homes... a home he wanted so badly. A place to belong and call his own like he had before. Somewhere that others like him could come and find refuge from a world that didn't understand them. The traditional things seemed a bit... hard. Not unappealing, but given he was a sentient ooze, he suspected those traditions might not all apply to him so easily... still, the idea had his attention, and by the end of Jhod's lecture, he wanted to be a part of this so badly.
He just... didn't know how. How do you venerate your deity? How do you show you want to be part of their faith? Ike didn't know... but he knew someone who did!
"Thank you, Father Jhod! I'll find that temple! I promise! ...Sigurd!" Ike called, bowing back to the priest before running off to find the war singer. "Sigurd! Sigurd, how do you do the faith thing? Like... how do I show I want to follow Erastil? You know religion too, right? I mean... I don't think I can be a priest like Father Jhod... but you have divine power, right? From Gorum? So... how do I do that?"
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Ike stared at the ground a little bit, pondering this. Could the Stag Lord really be spying on them like that? Did bandits have that much magic? Something about it felt... odd. He couldn't quite explain it, something in his slime center didn't think that was the case... was there someone else they'd met who might could do that?
"...Nyrissa." Ike murmured. He remembered her. And she seemed to fit the bill. She vanished in a flash of light, and she could change herself into other shapes. That was magic, right? And she certainly didn't seem to like them... not that he could guess why. And more importantly, she had the chance to meet them. That night at the campfire.
"It's that Nyrissa lady. The elf lady. I... I bet she's the one watching us. I can't explain it, but I've got this... this feeling. Like an animal." Could oozes have animal instincts?
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Ike tried out his dwarven skin a bit longer, approaching as a dwarf as he shook Noober, nodding. Ike perked up at the mention of a temple that someone asked about. "What does the temple look like...? And... who is it to?" Ike never considered himself religious... who would he even worship? He'd been defaulting to Shelyn, he heard she was a goddess of beauty and figured his shape changing could let him make tributes to her beauty... but the truth was, he knew next to nothing about her or any deity.
Perhaps... perhaps this was a sign? Did the gods send signs to oozes? Would they even listen if they honored them? "...Mr. Kavken? Who is this temple to? What do they do? ...would you teach me? Do they like monsters like me? I... I want to make a home for others monsters like me... maybe... would a place like this help me?"

Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
"...but if we can find a place for them... I want to do that too." Ike said, looking up from his fire gazing at the mention of the kobolds and mites. "Can we do that? These lands are their homes to begin with... they shouldn't..." He turned back to the fire for a moment.
"...I know what that's like. To have a home, a place you think of as safe... and have others force you out of it. Because you're different. Because you're a... a monster." His expression shifted from saddened to determined quickly, nodding. "That's... that's what I'll do. I'll make a home for monsters. Like me. Or anyone who feels like they don't have a home. They deserve one... and I'll get strong, to protect them from others who don't want them to have their home! Like... like a king! That's what a king does, right?"
Ike stood quickly, clearly fired up by the idea. It gave him hope! It gave him... purpose! Something to strive for! If he couldn't find his own place... he'd make it! "Yeah! And... and I'll call it... uh... Monster Town! And I'll be the king! King of the Monsters!"

Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Ike opts to try a dwarven form this time... he's seen enough of Brokk'r to at least make the attempt. It's the facial hairs that are the hardest part... so many individual tendrils to mimic. So while he comes close, it looks a bit... fake. More like it mimics the color and shape, but not quite the same texture.
"...I appreciate you all being diplomatic with the mites. I know that can be... harder... I know it is. And I didn't make it easier by looking like a kobold. I just hoped that... if they saw one of them being peaceful, maybe they'd... do likewise... but you all salvaged a mess I made. I'm... grateful."
Brokk'r's statement that he'd put his life on the line to help him makes his faux-dwarven eyes widen a bit, before pouncing and hugging the genuine article. "THANK YOU!!!" he shouted before likely getting shoved off. Once back in his seat, he stares intently at the fire for a little bit, before finally speaking again.. "...I don't like to fight. I feel like there are better ways to resolve things than fighting. But... if I have to... I don't want to lose that fight. So... I want to get stronger. Not because I want to fight, but because if I have to.... I want to win. I have too much to lose - too many friends now - by being weak."
He stared a bit longer at the fire, as the gears in his slimy mind began to turn a bit. After a moment, a light seemed to click in his head. "Is that what leaders do? Like... good leaders? Like Sootscale and his kobolds. He didn't seem to want to fight, but he did so he could save his tribe... is that what a leader is supposed to do?"
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
I actually don't watch too much wrestling, but I love the characters they've created over the years. And Macho Man Randy is just the best, so if I'm putting someone in a headlock, might as well go all in. X)
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
...Right you are. I forgot about that!
Ike fails to get a good grip on the big brute, but with his friends in jeopardy, he refuses to give up! Reaching up and extending his slimy arms, he aims to latch them over the trolls face and drag him down to him before putting him into a headlock.
Slime Wrestling!: 1d20 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 25
Reflex Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Ike sits a bit stunned by the sudden appearance of the troll and the ensuing chaos of the fight unfurling. He really needed to get better at getting his mushy head in the game! But when the troll goes after Rai, despite its grievous fire injuries, Ike springs into action!
Shaping himself into a hulking, orc-ish form, Ike lets out a bellow to match the troll, before reaching into his stomach... and producing a scythe! Covered slime, but most certainly a credible weapon! How had he forgotten that he had THAT lumping up inside of him!? Gripping it in both hands, Ike roars a challenge back and charges forward, leaping into the air and slashing for the big troll! Frankly, it was more of an excuse to close the gap between them, because whether it finds purchase in the troll or not, he drops the weapon and leaps for the troll's head, aiming to put the big brute in a headlock!
Sorry for the delay! First round actions, draw scythe (which I legitimately forgot I had in my inventory!) and charge attack on the troll. Second round actions, free action to drop the weapon, standard action to grapple.
Charge Scythe Attack: 1d20 + 4 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 4 + 3 + 1 = 222d4 + 6 ⇒ (4, 1) + 6 = 11 +4 strength, +3 base attack bonus, +1 from Sigurd's song
WRESTLEMANIA HEADLOCK!: 1d20 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 17 +4 strength, +3 base attack bonus, +2 Improved Grapple, +1 from Sigurd's song

Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Ike pushes up his glasses before nodding. "I'm glad I could help... this was what my master looked like... and acted like. Is it... strange that I've never actually tried acting like anybody else? I had hoped acting like my master would help me be a better alchemist... and... I think it's working. Maybe."
As Diceros explained himself a bit more, Ike listened quietly as he worked, nodding on occasion. "...I'm sorry to hear that... you definitely aren't a monster, so I don't know why they don't want you around. I've... I've only been around for about... 5 years? Maybe? As... as a 'person', I mean. It's... complicated, how people act. Every time I think I have it figured out... I don't. But I know they don't like the way I look... like, the real me. But you guys didn't. To be honest, it's kinda hard to stay in these forms... it's like... holding your breath, I think? It's... nice, not having to stay in this shape all the time... so, thank you. All of you."
Ike continues to look out for Pygmy's health, but he was feeling a bit more confident. This whole... acting thing wasn't so bad! Outright helpful, if he was being honest! So as he slushes along, he has a bit more slurp to his oozing, walking along and taking in the sights a bit more.
Kn. Nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Survival: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Ike rolled along as he pondered the vision they'd received from the undead. It was... so weird. Not the vision itself, but feeling angry about something that didn't even happen to him... but feeling like it DID happen to him! It was... weird to be in someone else's mind, even though he was usually taking on their bodies. Could that... work for other things?
While helping to survey the area, Pygmy started to cough and wheeze. Was something making him sick!? Perhaps... perhaps now would be a good chance to test out that theory of his! At their next stop, Ike slunk up to Pygmy, before forming into a human form again, this time taking on a much more spry, lithe and academic in his appearance. Ike was doing his best to look more like his master and creator, complete with a pair of glasses that he pushed up on his nose, an angular thin face, and a hooked nose that his glasses kept sliding down on. Okay... how did his master speak again...?
"Erhmmm... now then. Let's see..." Ike mused, kneeling down to inspect Pygmy as his fingers twitched from time to time, as he muttered his observations. "Yes, yes, yes... cough suggesting excess phlegm, possible irritation of the throat and eyes, labored breathing, weak steps, slowed reaction times, yes, yes...." He leaned back, adjusting his glasses unnecessarily before snapping his fingers. "Wet compact, warm water with courser honey, ground ginseng and leipa root, yes, yes..."
Ike stood up and went to fetch some materials. He thought it was working... could not just looking, but ACTING like someone make him BETTER at that thing?!
Kn. Nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Heal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Ike, for his part, is a little surprised that a zombie can talk! Though he doesn't sound too friendly... but he's no friend of the Stag Lord, clearly! And as the old saying went, the enemy of my enemy is not my enemy at the moment!
...or something along those lines.
Ike studied the zombie a moment. Perhaps... perhaps it could be reasoned with! He took on a humanoid shape, than slowly started to shift and change it to try and match the zombie... or, at least, what Ike thought he might have looked like when he was alive.
"Is the Stag Lord across the river? If so, can we cross? We're going to kick his butt! If not... if we brought, like... something of his to show we beat him, can we cross? Like, an antler or something?"
Diplomacy Aid Another: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Curious Roll?: 1d100 ⇒ 2
Seems about right. Bracing for all the bottles to start bashing me in the face.

Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
As soon as the health poultice is poured on one of Ike's halves, it pushes the collection of slime together enough to start reforming and reshaping himself. The moment he's got enough of himself together, he reforms into a human visage, thanking the alchemist for putting him back together, and gladly following along.
Upon arriving at the house, Ike is taken in by the elder man's set up. Being a former town alchemist himself, he's always eager to get a good look at how other folks organize their places. But he seems particularly taken by any shelves that have possible bottles or concoctions on them! Maybe there were other slimes like him! Stuck on their master's shelves watching with learning eyes! He was positively giddy at the prospect of having a friend - a slimy friend - who really understood him!
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Kn. Nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
In fact, the prospect excites him so much that he can't even be bothered to recall much info about what fangberries were or where to find them! "Helloooo? Anyone here? Shake if you can hear me... I'm a friend! I used to be stuck on a bottle shelf too!"
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Ike sat and seemed to grow lost in thought a bit before sitting up and snapping his fingers! "Oh! Right! I read that in one of master's books! Mites!" he said, standing up. "They're these little creatures like fey! They like it underground and love little vermin like spiders and other bugs... but they aren't really fans of dwarves and gnomes, so, uhm... if we meet any, Brokk'r might want to stay back... they aren't mean by nature, but... I think it's an ancestor thing lost to history. Like, a gnome stole a mite's favorite bucket once, lent it to a dwarf, and they've never been friends since."
"I might be remembering that last part incorrectly. It's been years since I read it..."
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Ike perks up a bit at the mention of mites, before sitting and trying to recall where he's heard that name before... it sounded familiar...
Kn. Nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Ike continues trying to hunt for the trail, but after a while, it's clear they've covered their tracks well... no surprise, truthfully. When he lived in the villages of his past, he knew better than to leave a trail.
Returning, Ike sees Sigurd and Arlen interrogating the bandit, who looks a bit terrified. And Arlen was laughing his head off... was he scaring him? It was a bit... unnerving... but when Sigurd mentions the booze, Ike shrinks back a little. Ever since the moon radishes, he'd rather not approach anything that gets him like that again. He knows what booze can do to someone...
"...I guess? I'm not sure... Oleg will just beat him up again, won't he?" Ike asked. He really didn't see any sort of good outcome for the bandit... than again, bandits were jerks, so he couldn't feel too badly for him.
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Back in town with steady access to a computer! Should be back and ready to rock! Sorry for the absence, all!
Ike immediately runs to the horses, aiming to quickly mount up and ride after the group of fleeing bandits!
Ride: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Unfortunately, he forgets the he doesn't know how to ride a horse effectively, and instead of doing the cool mount he hoped for, he hits the side of the horse before falling to the ground with a *SPLAT!* Swiftly reforming and standing back up, Ike sighed, shaking his head before moving to the path the bandits ran through, getting on all fours and feeling the ground, trying to feel out their tracks through the earth...
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Ike continues to stride towards the woods like he owns them... But the moment he is out of sight, he starts to hiss for the others and regroups, filling them in on the situation.
"...so now, they think I'm a lieutenant of the Stag Lord, and think we're new hires come to help them storm the fort. Three of them are off getting the bogus ingredients... not even sure they grow around here, so that could be a while. There are still 11 guys left... and I'll admit, I didn't know what else to do. So... uhm... Help?"
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Hey guys.
A fair warning, but I will actually be out of town until Sunday.
I will do my best to keep up the pace, but if I seem less detailed than usual, that's why.

Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
'Phew! 3 down... and we can get the cart!'
Ike nodded, folding his arms and shaking his head. "You think too small. Think about it... a lightly manned outpost. Well stocked. Well armed." He paused, remembering his own rules before taking his amulet and clamping his hands around it. "The start of a fortress to rival that of the Stag Lord himself. Defenses, stockades, and well removed from the direct influence of the Stag Lord... you do the math..."
Ike let go of his amulet and let it hang again, before looking back to the forest edge where the others were. "Bah! How bloody hard is it to follow a blasted spit of water?!" He looked back at the woman, shaking his head. "I need a few minutes. Either they're taking a leak long enough to drown the Stolen Lands, or the bumbling cads are lost... I will return. Have someone get that cart hitched up. Every minute the Stag Lord waits is a minute for him to get even pissier." Ike ordered, before making for the tree line he'd exited from to try and quietly reunite with the group.
Bluff: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Whew! I was kinda of expecting them to roll nat 20s, to be honest! XD
Ike tried not to let his relief show through as the others seemed to actually be convinced! Truth be told, he was completely making up the bit about the amulet, but he was glad they bought it! "Much better... now! The plan..."
...shoot! He didn't expect to actually get this far! Uhhhhh... right! He needed to try and thin out the numbers! "...the elf - well, one of them - thinks he has a way to melt the snotty mess they've got to a puddle. Gonna need a few materials for that. Crap, what was it? Uh... nightshade... fen reeds... wolfsbane... sounds about right. Need to start looking for those stupid things... supposed to be able to mix 'em up into some kind of acid or something, coat it on the weapons and it dissolves the nightmare." A shame he scared off Tyk and Perlivash... he might could convince them to play some tricks on the bandits, keep them occupied for a bit.
His eyes darted to the wagon, before getting another idea. "Also need to get anything and everything of value to the Stag Lord's place. Want's it done yesterday. As for the new batch of hands... should be along pretty soon. I headed out ahead of them, should be moving along the river." He paused, before adding. "And mind the rhino they're bringing. Jumpy little git. But supposed to be able to ram down those doors. Once they get here, we'll be moving out soon as that mixture the elf is brewing up."

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Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Seems about par for the course to me! Gonna really hope this next bluff does that job!
Oh great... they weren't buying his bluff! What did he do wrong!? He looked like a bandit... right? Wait... he looked like one... but he wasn't acting like one! He needed to exude that sense of being a total jerk! His mind quickly flashed back, recalling the night his master was killed. Those thugs, their demeanor, their words...
Ike scowled, eyeing the hands moving for their weapons before barking at them. HE was in charge... HE was! And probably loud enough to be heard by the others at this point. "You wanna draw weapons on me, it'll be the last thing you do with those hands, you $#!*-wracked pus suckers! You slack-jawed slop buckets might not have, but half a brain, but use what little intellect you DO have and think! I AM one of the Stag Lord's lieutenants! If I wasn't, how did I get my hands on this!? Ain't no half-wit yokel this side of Rostland is gonna wear one of these and live! The Stag Lord can see every move the owner makes. You do know they can do that, right?!" Ike yelled, grabbing the pendant and holding it up to their faces, before dropping it back to his chest and scowling further. "No wonder you and Happs got assigned to this gods forsaken stretch of land! Those fey have been playing so many pranks on you, you're starting to jump at shadows!"
Ike folded his arms, looking around a bit before huffing. "Stag Lord's managed to convince some batch of freakazoids to help us retake the fort. Don't know how he managed to get an elf and a dwarf to cooperate, but then again, I don't question his abilities! ...unlike some limpwad bear snots I know! And we're gonna need them! Apparently, the soldiers now in the fort have some gods forsaken blob of some hellspawn's mucus at their beck and call!"
Bluff: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
...I was kinda hoping the roll matched the effort put into making that speech. X) Still a chance, though... right?
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Ike takes a good bit of mental notes. 4 here, 1 there, 5 at the fire, 2 in the towers... 12 total. That was quite a few people. He needed to think of a way to thin them out. The only woman in the camp looked to be the head honcho, though... those axes sounded familiar...
Ike nearly jumped as one of the bandits piped up, the others joining him in meeting him at the camp front. Okay... show time. So, they thought he was an envoy of the Stag Lord? "...yes! *cough* Yes I am." he replied, folding his arms and taking on a slightly deeper tone. "Ah... about Happs... he and his group are dead. Wiped out. Seems Rostland sent them some extra hands, and Happs showed up at the wrong time."
"But! The Stag Lord has a plan to deal with the trouble. He's..." And then Ike got an idea! An awesome idea! Ike had a wonderful, awesome idea! "...he's hired some new hands to help bring the place down once and for all."
Bluff: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Well... darn it. Thought I had access there for a second, but I guess it was just teasing me. I sadly lack access to roll20 at the moment, but I have a general view of the map, at least, so... I can try to keep things moving smoothly.
Ike inhaled a bit, approaching the bandit camp casually. No need to worry... he fit into places all the time! It was just like settling into a new village... it's just this time, the villagers would be ready and willing to pick any sort of a fight! Because they weren't so friendly.
Strolling up to the front entrance (or what passed for it) of the camp, Ike paused to take a look around and assess things. How many bandits were currently here? Who looked to be in charge? Where did they keep the gear? The spoils?
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Sorry. With the family out of town, I had a few more things land on my plate than I expected. Should be back in business!
Ike can feel the ground start to show signs of sooooo many footprints! A lot of travel has occurred here! A tendril lifts up to see the watch tower peeking over the trees, before he slinks back into the bushes. After a moment, he shudders and collapses into a puddle, before reforming into the shape of a grizzled, weather worn bandit fellow, complete with the cloak and a pair of axes at his waist, before the amulet he'd taken from the others emerged into place on his chest, hanging around his neck.
"Alrighty! Lemme at 'em! I can cause a ruckus in there and give you guys a signal when it's time to attack! I bet, if I earn there trust, I can even get into that tower, and take the watch, and give you the signal from there!"
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Ike blinked as Tyg suddenly freaks out about this Nyrissa person, before turning invisible and running away! "...I... I'm sorry!" he tried to call after her, before looking at the others, a little worried. "Uh... so... that's not good news, I'm guessing."
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Sitting up in human form by the fire, Ike streeeeeetched up as he watched Tyg stumble through her speech. It was good to have a source knowledgeable about the forest... and that reminded him!
"Hey, Tyg... do you know where there are kobolds around here? You know, like, little scaly people with tails? Little snouts? Claws? I'd like to talk to them, maybe!" He instinctively went to swish his tail in excitement... and then realized he didn't have one in this form.
"Oh! And speaking of talking to people, do you know who someone named... uh, was it Nerissa? She looked like an elf lady? I think she got angry at us about something. Maybe we could talk to her too?"
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
One down! Another one to go! Readying her blades, Ike spins her upper half in a helicopter motion (whatever a "helicopter" is!) and slashing as much of the little brute up as possible. "Are we winning!?" she yelled out, comprehending an invigorating song being played, but not sure if it was meant to be a bolstering or victory song.
Full attack action!
Morphic Weapon 1: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 5 + 1 = 231d6 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 +1 from song bonus!
Morphic Weapon 2: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 5 + 1 = 191d6 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 +1 from song bonus!
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
I'm sorry, I tried to get to my laptop last night, but Mondays are busy nights...
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Kn. Nature: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Ike tried really hard to recall what this thing was, but in the meantime, they had more important things to worry about! Like hacking up this stupid monster biting on Brokk'r. "I said LET! HIM! GO!" Ike shouted, bringing up both bladed arms and slashing away at the creature! If a lot of things disliked getting cut up!
Full attack action on the monster biting Brokk'r! Pleeeeeeeease let it work?
Morphic Weapon 1: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 221d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Morphic Weapon 2: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 101d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
I might not be able to hit diddly squat, but at least I can see what I'm not hitting quite well!
Also, I imagine this might unsettle Rai and Diceros at least a tad. Sorry guys!

Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Ike seemed both elated and hurt to hear this elven woman call him poisonous! On one hand, he'd finally found someone who could change their shape as readily as he did! On the other... she seemed to want nothing to do with him! Why!?
But as she vanished and left them with something dangerous to deal with, Ike slopped out of Pygmy's pouch and began to form into a proper shape! Interested in trying out a new form, Ike tried his best to copy the shape of the elven woman before she transformed and vanished, going for an elven shape. However, in his haste, he not only missed some details in copying her figure, he transformed into a different race altogether - although this new form of Ike looked an awful lot like the woman who just vanished, his skin was a dark hue, eyes bleak and pale, and hair silver white.
Ike had inadvertently shape-changed into a drow!
On the plus side, he could see perfectly well into the darkness surrounding them! "Well... that didn't work out how I- OH MY GOSH! Is that my voice? Is that MY voice!? Wow... this is weird. Even for me." Unfortunately, he didn't have much time to contemplate that, as he marched valiantly to Brokk'r's side, hands forming into a pair of long, curved, serrated blades! "Come pick a fight with a someone your own color, freakazoid!"
Standard action to transform into a drow, move action to move closer to Brokk'r, free action to form a pair of morphic weapons.
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
"So he's a bully too!" Ike seems to conclude, evidently not bothered by the prospect of getting shot up. Seeing the silver amulet and taking it for inspection, he studied it. After a moment, he looks back at the other bandits as Rai rooted through them, before smiling and slipping the amulet on over his head, looking at the others. "Hah! Now I work for the Stag Lord!" Between his attempted bandit look and the silver amulet... he might very well could!
Ike turns back to Happs, fists on his hips. "You guys took a ring from Ms. Svetlana... and she wants it back! Where is it?"
"Erm... I'm not very good with bows. They just... feel weird. Too many fine twists. You can keep it."
Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)
Ike held on long enough to let the others tie up the bandit leader, before slinking back and creating a tendril that seems to observe the human for a moment. After an apparent moment of thought, he started to reform himself into a human form... granted, with the extra slime at his disposal, this one was twice as big as he usually was. But what was really interesting was the new shape he took on - while not an exact copy, he seemed to be coming close to mimicking the bandit leader himself! Though, again... he was quite big.
"Who's Kressle? Another bully?" he asked, leaning down over the bandit. "You should know, I don't like bullies... and what's a 'Stag Lord'? Deer aren't scary. They run away from everything!"
Finally got around to making new alias forms for Ike! This'll be his default medium humanoid form, and when he takes on a small humanoid, I've got another for that!