
I. M. Flumph MD's page

43 posts. Alias of Nodnarb.

Oh trust me. I did.

Liberty's Edge

Who are the poor sods you sent on that quest?

Silver Crusade

Seems we greatly needed a topic such as this.

Liberty's Edge

This title has me wanting to say, "I wanna cast a spell!"

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge


*walks in and sets down a basket of Apples*


Liberty's Edge

SO, I was just looking at "My Subscriptions" and reality roundhouse-kicked me in the face. The deluxe subscription is really a bit more than I should be spending on a monthly basis. Could I please downgrade that to the normal comic Subscription?

Liberty's Edge

To the Moon, Alice!

That's pretty cool.

That's me! Yay!

Liberty's Edge

I'm just curious if anyone knows of any good Mom and Pop Restaurants between Flint, Michigan and Indianapolis.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.

The Race books in the Player's Companion line are great and a ton of fun, but when will we see a corresponding Flumph book? We Flumphs are wonderful creatures and 9 out of 10 dentists agree that it would be better to get a Flumphs of Golarion book than get eaten by Great Old Ones.

YES! I am excited!

Liberty's Edge

I am attempting to make a dual wielding catfolk chakram master. I am finding the whole heavy armor thing to be my major obstacle for what I am aiming. Does anyone know of any good work arounds? Is there any real reason I couldn't just wear gauntlets(even though they are listed as weapons, and not armor in the core rules)?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I wasn't part of the Paizo community at the time this was posted, nor did I own or play anything that was OGL (or even Slightly d20 based. I was a 2e purist). Though, now being a Pathfinder player and a member of the Paizo community, it's nice to see some of the thought processes that went into the old modules which I never bought... Also it makes me want to buy a certain module, if only for the nanites.

Liberty's Edge

This just showed up in my mailbox today. Completely caught me by surprise. Haven't opened it up and read it yet, I'm still admiring the new polybags the crafty little kobolds started putting their magazines in.

EDIT: I am curious, though, why the PDF for this issue doesn't seem to be available for download. I do have the print/PDF subscription(though, after this issue, I have to re-up).

Liberty's Edge

Could you please suspend my Player's Companion Subscription for about two weeks? I have to take care of some stuff.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
brock wrote:

A suggestion from the Mythological Monsters Revisited thread:

Oggron wrote:

Strange creatures revisited
(Will-o-Wisp, Denizen of Leng, Grick, Homunculus, Thoqqua, Doppelganger, Shoggoth, Froghemoth, Treant, Rakshasa)

((okay admittadle I just picked an chose a dream team at random out of my bestiary books for that last one, but whatcha gonna do eh?))

James, what would your 'dream team' for this book be, and what would you entitle it?

I actually wouldn't do that book at all, because there's like 3 different books in there that I'd rather do:

Mythos Monsters Revisited (Denizen of Leng, Shoggoth, 8 more)

And two others. I'm not sure what they are, because I'm too distracted by "Mythos Monsters Revisited."

This was stolen from the Ask James Jacobs questions thread.

So, what do you think? Would you want this book? Would you not? What monsters do you think should be in it, and what should NOT?

Liberty's Edge

I've read this document and I've thought it was great. I'm not the type to do a fully detailed review, so I'll just leave it here in the comments section. This is one creature I would love to see in a Pathfinder product. Be it a Bestiary or one of the other products like Campaign Setting. It has the darkness and the background that would fit it with all the other Dark Tapestry nasties, and it's fully Open Content, so.... Yeah.