
Stannis's page

Goblin Squad Member. **** Pathfinder Society GM. 16 posts (62 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 29 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Dark Archive

I've tried a few different approaches to getting some attention on my missing complimentary subscriptions for a few weeks. Can someone from Customer Service please take a look at my account. I have yet to receive any scenarios since the changes with subscriptions were implemented.

Thank you

Dark Archive

I have yet to receive any complimentary PFS or SFS scenarios and I was PFS subscriber prior to the change. Sent email last week but thought I give this a shot as well.

Dark Archive

Thanks Matthew, indeed I have and I plan to run it in Jan.

And somehow I managed to post this in the website feedback thread I meant it to be in the customer service thread.

Dark Archive

I recently earned my 4th PFS GM star and would like to have access to purchase 6-98 Serpents Rise.

Thank you,
Howard Black

Dark Archive

Assuming that our local 4-5 stars and/or V.O.'s are available, what is the projected release date for them to have access?


Dark Archive 4/5 *

Congrats Thea. We missed you at Winter War.


Dark Archive

A little note..on one of the bow's capabilities


My PCs just assaulted the Crimson Fleet in SoSC and were in dire straits when the PC with the bow decided to nuke 'em with a tornado (via control wind @ 15th level)... Now I'm trying to figure out if anything will survive the tornado. By anything I mean the ships that make up the wreck.

Dark Archive

Thanks everyone for the suggestions and's one last thought...Would an active freedom of movement prevent the daze effect?

Dark Archive

ellegua wrote:
Stannis wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

That's definitely an issue with those critters in particular - well, really the issue is with the spell, and the fact that they can use it at-will. I've always imagined those guys as big, brutish, "I have all these abilities but I'd much rather beat you to death with my enormous fists" kind of monsters -- and played like that, your players have a fighting chance. If you play them as intelligently as possible, I agree your players are probably toast unless they specifically prepare tactics against the method you describe (which isn't necessarily outside expectation for a group of 13th level characters, but still).

Shameless promotion: Alternately, this would be a great encounter to play-test the Pathfinder adjustments to that spell, which are in the Alpha document and thus available as a free download. ;)

That's what I was thinking..."I'd rather get my hands dirty than use silly spells"

You make an excellent point on using the PFRPG...I'm a bit ashamed that I didn't think of that...seeing how I'm always preaching about it to my players.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Dark Archive


I'm concerned that the Hezrou room is going to be a TPK for my party. They are going to be 13th level when they hit that room. So if the Hezrou use Blasphemy in a coordinated way I'm looking at probably 8 rounds of PCs standing around dazed. That would also mean about 13 unholy blights. Even if they make all their saves the party is probably looking at somewhere in the range of 140 hp of damage. So here's the question, do you think the Hezrou are patient enough to do this coordinated attack or are they just too chaotic to work together?

I don't want to try and force them to 14th level because it's still pretty far away.

Dark Archive

Excellent idea...especially since I just spent 15 minutes trying to calculate it for the parties armor for an upcoming encounter with black add me to the yes crew!

Dark Archive

Matthew Vincent wrote:
Stannis wrote:
Here's a question...if it's an artifact? How does one go about figuring out what it is other than some magical tooth, since identify doesn't work on artifacts?
The fact that it is an artifact (obviously, because identify doesn't work) will likely prompt players to want to use it. A little research or trial/error should probably give them a good idea of what it does (mechanically). This sort of stuff is sometimes what makes D&D fun.

I agree, I'm looking for suggestions on how to approach this...story wise. I'm thinking that maybe some divinations spells or perhaps even bardic knowledge might do the trick.

I was also wondering if there were any game mechanics out there that people might be able to point me to.


BTW: I'm the DM not a player so please don't think I'm trying to weasel some forbidden knowledge out of this board.

Dark Archive

Here's a question...if it's an artifact? How does one go about figuring out what it is other than some magical tooth, since identify doesn't work on artifacts?

Dark Archive

Name of PC: Keblon Thistleman
Class/Level: human beguiler 6 / Fighter 2
Adventure: Here There Be Monsters
Location of Death: Ruins in Fogmire
Catalyst: Pouncing Olangru

The night was not expected to be uneventful, but as Keblon Thistleman took his post as first watch little did he know it would be his last. He thought himself prepared with an enchantment to see invisible creatures and a Gem of Brightness nearby providing adequate light. To Keblon’s dismay and eventual demise, an exceptionally intelligent and stealthy demonic ape was lurking just beyond the wary adventurer’s sight. With stunning quickness and overwhelming power the demon charged and pounced upon Keblon, striking him with both wickedly sharp claws across his chest and a gaping maw biting deep into his shoulder. Keb was so surprised by the sudden onslaught and still reeling from the pure force of the first assault, he had nary the time to gather his wits and loose sword or spell before the demonic ape came at him again. With a frenzied knuckle-walking dance the deadly primate retreated to better position himself to pounce once again. This time scoring deeply with a claw the fight was over for Keblon before he was even aware there was a threat, sending him to meet the rest of his family (which had been murdered in Sasserine) in Boccob’s Bunker.

Dark Archive

Can you please add me to the list of the humble beggars.

howardpb3-paizo at yahoo dot com

Thank you

Dark Archive

I just started my group in TINH a couple weeks ago in our typical full weekend gaming session and I expect them to be half way through Bullywug Gambit when we leave GenCon.