
Stannis's page

Goblin Squad Member. **** Pathfinder Society GM. 16 posts (62 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 29 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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Name of PC: Coluriel the Elf Class/Level: Ranger 1 / Rogue 2
Adventure: Burnt Offerings
Catalyst: Bruthazmus the elf hater and the terrible slashing cage trap

Coluriel's trap sense went off, in fact the entire party's trap sense went off seeing the polished / shiny space between the statues. Coluriel decided to show his skills in disarming said trap, only to set it off (rolled a 1). Apparently he was so shocked that he set off the trap he failed to jump out of the way. Unfortunately for him, Bruthazmus and Nualia were making their final stand. Bruthazmus stepped out into the hall and plunked Coluriel with his last elf bane arrow. Only to drop to the ground (-1). Then the statues made a puree out of Coluriel (2 hits, one a crit put him at -44) then the pulpy remains were dropped down the pit.

In eulogy: The wizard stated, "Ah Coluriel, he will be missed by us...'cause he wasn't missed by anyone else."