
Hordak's page

37 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Thought I'd Share with the Community. Here's over two hours of the city of Magnimar!

Will be using this when I run RotRL again!

The channel has other cool video's as well! Including Sandpoint!

I can't seem to figure what exactly the Jadwiga is. So far what I know is this

It is a certain type of human.

They are all descendants of Baba Yaga.

They are the rulers of Irrisen (duchess, dukes, baroness and so on)

I know their function in irrisen and why they are called Jadwiga.

But here are some questions I can't seem to figure out:

Are all female Jadwiga white witches?

Do they all have pale skin and white hair(from lost omens character guide 2e)

Do they live longer than normal humans? (All of irrisens queens get to be a hundred years old and queen Elvana doesn't exactly look old)

Hope someone can help me with this.

So I am big fan of the lore going on in 1st edition. can anyone tell me if anything has been changed in the time before the escape of the Whispering tyrant?

So not the development such as Lastwall falling or Oprak, but did they go back and change any of the already existing lore and say "We said this in 1st edition but in 2E this happened instead."?

Also I just bought "Guide to Absalom". How much of that book will be irrelevant now that the new Absalom guide is coming out in the near future?

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A brief history of Goblins.


So advance races, are there any level adjustments to the different races (tiefling, Hobgoblin etc) or are there no "penalties" for choosing a race that imo are a lot more powerful than the core races?

I was wondering if it is possible to put the Realm of the Fellnight Queen module in Fangwood, namely Crystalhurst? Could there be any problem with that?

I am planing on playing a Wizard7/Fighter3/EldritchKnight10 for my next campaign and I really like this combination. But when I look EK up on the net, all I see is negative comments about the EK. Why is this?

What is so wrong with EK?

Doing this combination I'll get a load of feats, some Wizard specialization powers, a base to hit at 17 on level 20 (3 less than a fighter!), the ability to cast 9th level spells and a very diverse character that I think will be fun to play!

All I see is WIN!

Could someone clarify what is so bad about this combo

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When casting a touch spell, such as chill touch, if you choose to hold the charge, will you then be able to attack with a sword in one hand and the use the chill touch as an off hand weapon? Plus if touching a friend is a standard action ,while holding the charge, what kind of action is touching yourself or an opponent?

Source: page 185 in the core rule book.

Does the activation of a magic items power always require a Use magic device roll?

For example a flaming sword? Does that need to be activated using UMD skill?

The Monk in the party is starting to make some encounters too easy for the pcs. He has a CMB of 13 and a CMD at 25 and he's only 5th level. They just beat up Grizzigt(sp?) from "Seven days to the grave" and the encounter was far too easy, because he just grappeled the rat, pinned him and the others finished him off. What do you guys do when a character makes the fights less "challenging"? It quickly kills tension and story plus it's no fun for me as a GM :/

Does the five foot step provoke an attack of opportunity during combat?

I have been searching through the forums on bards and see that you either "love" them or "hate" them. I love them, but I am wondering what all the "haters" would like to see happen to the bard. What extra powers would you give him or what would you change about him?