Varisian Wanderer

Hector Malson's page

48 posts. Organized Play character for Chris Parker.

The game's afoot.

Gaedren Lamm. Three syllables to either give you a cold sweat or a white hot fury. This man has ruined many, many lives. He may have ruined your life, or the life of someone close to you. The Guard know all about him, of course, but good luck trying to get something done about him - he knows where all the bodies are buried, so to speak. If anything is going to be done about him, someone's going to have to take the initiative...

Right, here's the gameplay thread. If you would all like to tell me what you would typically be doing, I can get things started. There's no need to start together - you'll all meet up soon enough.

Gaedren Lamm. Three syllables to either give you a cold sweat or a white hot fury. This man has ruined many, many lives. He may have ruined your life, or the life of someone close to you. The Guard know all about him, of course, but good luck trying to get something done about him - he knows where all the bodies are buried, so to speak. So when you receive an anonymous note offering information about where he might be...

So yeah, I'd like to run a Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign, but I'd like to do it in a different role playing system for two reasons: first, it's a cool system and I like introducing people to cool systems, and second, I'm just awkward like that. Anyway, no access to the rules is required (though if you want to pick them up, you can get the pdf for a dollar at drivethrurpg), as I will happily walk the up to six successful candidates through character generation. Instead, I'd just like to see a background and a character concept.

For those of you unfamiliar with Legend, it used to be Mongoose RuneQuest 2nd edition, which was based off of Chaosium's d100 system. Everything you roll is either an ability (strength, dexterity, constitution and so on) or a skill. There are no classes, so if you want a greatsword wielding, heavy armour wearing wizard, you're more than welcome to have one. HP is locational, it starts low and it stays low. But what's true for you is true for your enemies too. This makes fights short and brutal, and rewards picking your battles.

Sound fun? I'm running this recruitment until one of two things happens: I end up with so many good applications that I can't take any more, or until Christmas.

I've been converting Rise of the Runelords over to Legend (formerly Mongoose Runequest 2), and I'm now a little stuck on how to port the player races over. Elves, Dwarves and Halflings are fine; I can just go ahead and use the Legend stats for those. More interesting is how to port over the Half Elf and Half Orc (other than to just stat them as humans and call it a day) or Gnomes.

Also, when would people suggest granting Improvement Rolls? I'm leaning towards at the end of each numbered part, but I'm wondering if that might not be regular enough. Either way, I don't intend to include quite so much filler combat; encounters that are clearly just there for the XP (like a room full of rats) will not be included. That being said, some of the larger encounters will be kept if they make sense in terms of the story; such as the barracks full of ogres (it's easily avoided).

Finally, I was wondering if anyone had suggestions regarding creating Cults for the major deities? I'll probably be restricting starting Cult ranks of Initiate and above to the six gods worshipped at the cathedral, just to avoid having divine casters unable to refresh their spells until the end of the second adventure, and I've come up with skill and divine spell lists for each, though I've decided to let them teach all Common Magic spells - it gives characters who want to learn rudimentary magic a source of instruction. Common Magic will likely be made an Advanced skill, just because magic use is relatively uncommon in Golarion.

So yeah, I've been wondering for a while how well a Pathfinder AP would convert over to Legend (formerly known as Mongoose Runequest 2), and I reckon the best way to find out would be to go ahead and do it. I've converted the first adventure, and I was wondering how many people would be interested in such a game. Lack of access to the rules would not be a problem, as the rules are incredibly easy to learn.

So, there you have it. Who here would be interested?

I keep seeing references to DR X/-. Am I correct in assuming that this means that the DR in question can be bypassed by any magical weapon or the like, or is it the only other thing I can think of; that it can't be bypassed at all?

The former makes the most sense IMO, but I'd prefer to be certain.