Yeti Savage

GreyYeti's page

********** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe 319 posts (323 including aliases). 11 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 62 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
Personally, I would be in favor of some ACP boon options to add some more items (and yes also spells) to the list players can select via their Pathfinder training ^^

No thanks, the whole school thing is already far too complicated with 4 different lists, adding options to that with boons is not something I would like to see.

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SFS 3-06 also uses that map.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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Alex Speidel wrote:
Nope, that one doesn't have any Fame purchases involved. It's also Shadow Corruption, not Nanite Corruption.

The Boon is Nanite Corruption (2019 RSP Boon 3)

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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I have some questions:

Hacker's Curse trap:

I am a bit worried about this one.
That curse will affect every technological item the party is using (all items in 60 ft. and no save for any item below level 8). That also includes armor and weapons.
At level 1-4 the PCs cannot cast remove affliction themselves. And the DC 35 computers check is also out of range for most of the characters. So the only option left for them is spending a lot of fame for remove affliction, or throw away all their gear and buy new stuff which also will hurt a lot.
Is this really intended?

I am also a bit worried about the fact that the curse is contagious so someone with that curse might play at another table and infect other people's gear.

The Whisperwing Hatchlings:

Melee bite +6 (1d6+3 P plus 1d4 Dexterity drain [DC 9])

Putting ability drain as a to-hit effect on something for lvl 1-4 characters is quite nasty, and what exactly does that DC 9 mean?

Is that a save to negate or to half?
And what save is it actually - Fortitude, Reflex, Will?
And is it even a save or some other check?

The Acolyte Memories:

They have trick attack, but what skill are they using for it? Stealth, Bluff, something else? And do they get any bonuses on that skill (most operative specializations get some bonus) but without any information given it is hard to guess.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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And where did you get the 52gp per adventure? Looking at 1-01 it gives 14 gp at level 1, and 22 gp at level 2. Looking at the guide this seems to be the standard amount for all scenarios.

So a fresh lvl 3 should have gotten a total of 108 gold if they got every treasure bundle in every scenario and never spent anything.

75 gold seems very reasonable for that.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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I am really torn here.
It is sad to see you go, but I am looking forward to wonderful things you will do for Starfinder.

And Linda is worthy successor although now I totally expect an invasion of Leshys.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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As a GM it would be nice to actually get the solution to a puzzle in the scenario so we can present it properly.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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Some ideas for the points:
Pathfinder achievement points (PAP) and then potentially SAP and CAP for starfinder and the cardgame.

Reward points or recognition points (RP or ReP)

Society points (SP or SoP)

Gamer score (GaS)

Organized play score (OPS)

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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Joe Bouchard wrote:
Bob Jonquet wrote:
Natalie Kertzner wrote:
achieving a 5* designation was something you earned, above and beyond just numbers of tables run
Think about this for a moment. Don't you think that a GM who has invested upwards of 800 hours at the table running games and at least that of their own time in preparation for said games deserves a little recognition even if they don't belong in the Hall of Fame of GMs?

No. Absolutely not.

Just because you do something a lot, doesn't mean you deserve recognition for doing it well. I can GM 146 scenarios at home with my same 6 friends (and get my last 4 specials at conventions or whatnot) and I could be a terrible GM. That GM doesn't deserve the same level of recognition as a person that GMs 150 tables across 3-4 local game stores and half a dozen conventions per year, potentially GMing for hundreds of different people. I'm well aware of the limitations of some people geographically, so I definitely think some discretion should be used to accommodate people who don't have that same availability to a variety of players that some others have.

Let's stay with your example: the terrible GM that GMed 150 tables only for his 4 friends.

Why does it matter if he has 4 or 5 stars? He most likely will continue GMing exclusively for his friends and not bother anyone else. The value of my 5 stars is not changed by him having 4 or 5 stars.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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Thurston Hillman wrote:

Before people begin calling doomsday on the tier ranges for our next season, I'd like to alleviate some concerns.

As I've said since Day 0, the Tiers for Starfinder Society scenarios are very much a pyramid structure, which need to be enforced with a strong number of low-level scenarios. However, we also want to make sure that our higher level players get some chance to shine during the course of the season.

While nothing is fully locked in stone at this point, I know that current plans are looking like we'd have Tier 7-10 / 9-12 scenarios in proportions that people have mentioned that they'd like to see in this thread (assume in the 3 to 4 range). For several of these planned scenarios, they won't be related to the ongoing Season 2 metaplot, and some of them instead build upon other ongoing storylines as carry-overs from Season 1 (thus rewarding those higher leveled players). That being said, there's going to be a more solid base of mid-level content to support people this season, including some other plans in terms of different scenarios that I'm not quite ready to announce.

Hope that clears some things up!

To get a clearer picture of how much these higher level scenarios are needed it would help to look at how often existing 5-8 and 7-10 scenarios were reported in comparison to lower level scenarios. There were instances in the past when the activity in certain forum threads was not representative of the needs of the global player base.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
What I'm hearing is that 5 Glyph GMs should be rare, with difficult hurdles to overcome to attain that status.


Why should they be rare? Or rarer than 5 star GMs?

Honestly i don't see any gain in creating some sort of super exclusive club. Does anybody really think that creating this sort of obstacle course really benefits the campaign as a whole. Or will it just burn out GMs that get disillusioned.

There was a reason that the VC validation was little more than a formality. And that reason is that you don't want to alienate a volunteer who spent over 600 hours for the campaign by telling him that it is great that he spend so much time but he is not worthy enough to join the exlusive club.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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A question regarding the 5 novas:
Since you need 10 specials to qualify which scenarios are considered specials?
I guess 1-99 is a special but what about 1-00. Is there anything else?

I also just noticed that getting 50 uniques is quite hard because we only have 38 sfs scenarios released so far.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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Ra is a member of the old osirion pantheon. They are described in AP #80 "Empty Graves" and according to the additional ressources he is a legal option to worship for a player character.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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I am a bit worried about the final boss. CR 7 or 9 seems a bit high for their respective sub-tiers and the fact that it more or less hits automatically while having a lot of hit points and being incorporeal makes me feeling a bit uneasy about my group that will just barely be in high tier.

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Will be available for purchase approximately Tue, Aug 7, 2018.

but is still listed as unavailable.

When can we get this, or do we have to fulfill some special requirement to get access to this?

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Right now the proficiency modifiers are too low to make it feel like an investment into them really matters.
The ability score gives a higher modifier to the roll than proficiency, so characters with a high score and a low proficiency will have a higher bonus than someone with a low score and high proficiency.

This is not really surprising based on the math.
At level 1 your proficiency modifier can go from -2 (untrained) to +1 (expert) for a total spread of 3.
Your ability modifier can go from -1 (8) up to +4 (18) for a total spread of 5.

And even at 20 the spread for proficiency is only 5 points while ability gives an 8.

Right now investing in skills to get a higher proficiency (master/legendary) feels like a waste because you only get marginally better.

I am thinking that doubling the bonuses you get from proficiency might make this better.
So it would look something like this:
Untrained -2 (right now i am not sure if is better to keep this at -2 or make it even more like -4)
Trained +0
Expert +2
Master +4
Legendary +6

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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You guys are so old-school.

readies his laser pistol and eyes The Masekd Ferret

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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Lau Bannenberg wrote:

Yesterday we were told we should slot a certain Ally boon, which I did instead of my regular skilled hireling. During the adventure I didn't really notice the special ally doing a lot (mainly because we had things well in hand ourselves).

In which scenario and which ally boon did this happen? So far all cases of slotting advice i have seen gave major bonuses.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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TheFlyingPhoton wrote:

In the opening of the scenario, the players are told, "On that note, you might want to make sure you have some means of communicating with a new species. By this point in your careers, I assume you’re capable of that."

However, none of us knew how to do that. The only thing anyone could think of were spells (Share Language, Comprehend Language, etc), but there were no spell-casters in my group. There is no way to UMD spell gems, and spell ampoules cannot be made with divination spells. After digging for a technological item, I went ahead and told them that this was taking too long and we have a space combat to get to (I'll need to come back to that later), so I'm just going to let you know that it's not going to matter - there will not be a language barrier issue.
A player who has gone through the CRB more thoroughly than I have yet said he's never seen a universal translator. After the game, I found one item way beyond their level (mindlink circlet mk 3, lv 14) that could do it.

Where is the universal translator?

Simple answer: there is no perfect universal translator.

There are some things that can help you:
Mobile Translator (tier 1 wayfinder boon) which acts as a very rough translator.
Quick Pidgin - lvl 6 xenoseeker theme ability
Spell Gem of Share Language that can be used by non-spellcasters with the help of a Spellthrower weapon fusion.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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Just a question: Shouldn't this blog be in the PATHfinder Society subforum instead of the STARfinder society one?

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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Plan A, talk to the GMs of the tables. If this is no longer possible
Plan B, talk to your local VC, they should be able to help you.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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Everything seems to be working fine, thank you very much for all the hard work.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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Secane wrote:

Just asking...

What happens if a fellow player, casts Dominate Person on a wearer of the The Ring of Seven Lovely Colors and have the wearer change into a songbird and attack people?
Assuming the casting of Dominate Person is allowed by the wearer and the wearer choose not save against the dominate?

Whenever you try shenaninigans to circumvent a rule, Pharasma kills a puppy. Think of the puppies!

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Nintendogeek01 wrote:
4 Necrofighters!? Geez... I know the Maiden Outclasses the Necrofighters but that's still four ships' worth of actions per round vs. 1 ship's actions per round. How'd your group manage that one?

A level 5 party in a tier 5 ship.

They had an AC of 18 (20 with evasion) against a gunnery of 5 from the fighters, so the fighters really had trouble hitting them. They also had a point weapon that took down at least 1 torpedo if i remember correctly.
A much higher piloting skill on the PCs pilot also meant they could win initiative most of the time and outmaneuver them.

Now add the fact they nearly obliterated one of the fighters in the opening salvo and then it turned into a reasonably challenging but never too dangerous encounter (i consider it a success they took some hull damage, which is more than i managed to do in the pirate encounter).

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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Nathanael Love wrote:

More annoying to me than the factions themselves are the very unequal distribution of scenarios with faction missions.

Silver Crusade and Exchange in particular seem shafted.

That is not really true. Counting all special faction missions from the beginning of season 5 to the end of season 9 gives the following result:

Dark Archive / Cheliax 14
Grand Lodge 18
Liberty's Edge / Andoran 15
Scarab Sages / Osirion 16
Sczarni 4
Silver Crusade 15
Sovereign Court / Taldor 16
The Concordance 3
The Exchange / Qadira 16

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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There is no way to leave the library unless the 2 hours are up or they find the 5th book.

If they do nothing, they don't get the breaches for failing to find books, but they might get breaches for the events happening.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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As a five star GM i feel a bit insulted by the idea that i and others need the special incentive of having to grind for for glyphs/symbols/whatever because otherwise we would not GM for PFS2. As far as i know most 5 stars didn't stop GMing when they got there so why do people think we would do so when PFS2 hits.
I am far more likely to stop GMing if they devalue my stars. And i am really worried about being forced to speed grind again because my country has noone else that can run certain star-gated content. i had to do that once and it was annoying enough.

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Since swarms are immune to all effects that only target a limited amount of creatures, you cannot deselect them with selective channel, which only targets a limited amount of creatures.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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Tineke Bolleman wrote:

Honestly, from what Ive seen so far, its mostly the one and two star GMs who are up in arms about this.
Most of the five stars Ive seen who weigh in, dont really seem to care about starting over.

I personally am happy to start over, and I rather not get a special benefit, just because Ive been hanging around longer.

5 star GM here who is really angry about that. Of the 3 5 star gm who are active locally, 2 hate the reset, and our 1 4 star is also unhappy.

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GentleGiant wrote:
GreyYeti wrote:

Based on my PF1 experience rogues are not the skill monkeys they are supposed to be. Investigators and other int-based classes far outskilled them, while their niche of the nimble fighter was taken by the swashbuckler and the slayer.

I want them to have a viable niche.
I hope you can see where the problem might lie.

Yes, the problem is that nothing so far suggests a change and i rather point to the problem now when stuff can be changed.

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GentleGiant wrote:
GreyYeti wrote:

I am still a bit worried about the rogue. The dependency on sneak attack to deal competitive damage is one of the main weaknesses of the class in PF1. I was really hoping to see a change here (something like trick attack in starfinder).

So rogues are still forced to jump through loops to get the same damage output as other melees.
I am also not happy that abilities like Gang Up are class feats and not class abilities. So every rogue is forced to take them at the earliest level to stay viable. That is bad design to give players a false choice of "here you can decide between x abilities, but you have to take this one or you will regret it".
And let's not even start with all the immune to flank, immune to sneak attack monsters that totally neuter their abilities.
I am also not happy that nothing is done to cover the rogues other weakness: Being forced forced into melee with far weaker defenses (AC, hit points) than other melees.

So you want them to be equal to the martial classes (fighter, barbarian etc.) AND have all the skill stuff on top of that?

Why play a martial character then?

Based on my PF1 experience rogues are not the skill monkeys they are supposed to be. Investigators and other int-based classes far outskilled them, while their niche of the nimble fighter was taken by the swashbuckler and the slayer.

I want them to have a viable niche.
And i don't really see the idea of a class that is only good in skills, especially if PF2 is like PF1 where in most cases only the best roll matters and being second best in everything only means you get beaten everytime by the class that is specialized in a smaller field or made obsolete by a mid-level spell.

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I am still a bit worried about the rogue. The dependency on sneak attack to deal competitive damage is one of the main weaknesses of the class in PF1. I was really hoping to see a change here (something like trick attack in starfinder).
So rogues are still forced to jump through loops to get the same damage output as other melees.
I am also not happy that abilities like Gang Up are class feats and not class abilities. So every rogue is forced to take them at the earliest level to stay viable. That is bad design to give players a false choice of "here you can decide between x abilities, but you have to take this one or you will regret it".
And let's not even start with all the immune to flank, immune to sneak attack monsters that totally neuter their abilities.
I am also not happy that nothing is done to cover the rogues other weakness: Being forced forced into melee with far weaker defenses (AC, hit points) than other melees.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
Angel Hunter D wrote:
The Society works with Zarta, Sinuhotep and Torch.
What evil acts have you seen them perform?

I have witnessed Torch murder a helpless prisoner, that is pretty evil in my book.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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Strongly opposed.
As some have mentioned i would rathet make the society more good by removing the worship of evil deities than make it more evil

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After all the trouble of the last days i am no longer able to report or edit PFS event #82826. Can someone look into this?

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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1) Contact your local venture-captain, so he/she can give him corrected chronicle sheets and correct the reportings to be for the correct PFS number.
2) Undine became legal at the beginning of season 8/gencon 2016 which was in last year's august.
3) If they were not legal by time his character was created he needs to change the character to a legal race (but see point 4).
4) He can rebuild it based on the current rules. This rebuild can also include a change of the race which means if his undine is still eligible to be rebuilt he can rebuild it and keep it as a legal undine.

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Tervola wrote:

Use readied actions for the Eternal spell (magic missile) on other casters. Auto hit for force damage. Have not seen any force resistance, and it causes the loss of the spell.

Does not work that way. Casters only lose their spell to damage if there is a successfull attack roll or a failed save involved. This means magic missile can never interrupt spellcasting.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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Correct me if i get this wrong:

You don't like the few (maybe 10) changes to existing stuff and therefore noone should be allowed to use the many (maybe 100) new things in it that are unrelated to the changed stuff?

Is this some sort of "if i am unhappy noone else is allowed to be happy" thing?

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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I might be the minority here, but i would prefer to see starfinder building their own background instead of filling it with cheap knock-offs and insider jokes based on existing pathfider lore.

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