Gremlin, Jinkin

Gremlin of Notre Dame's page

37 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


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Hisao of the Yellow Reeds wrote:

Round 12

Hisao goes after the final gremlin. Moving with grace he adjusts to the heft of his new weapon and swings it sideways at the skull of the final little monster.

[dice=Heavy Mace]1d20+1;1d8+1

The final gremlin falls after Hisao caves in its skull with a solid swing of the mace!

Alphonse Veritas wrote:


"Aaagh!" Alphonse cries in pain as the debris pierces his flesh.

Good thing I didn't actually get hit by the Gargoyle earlier or I'd be in real trouble.

Alphonse is pierced and battered, but fights through, and cleaves the wee bugger in twain!

Paddy wrote:

[dice=reflex] 1d20 + 6

Ye'll have ta get up a little earlier in tha morn ta put one over on me, ya nasty little pest!

Undaunted by the cloud of blinding talcum, Paddy stabs the gremlin, which squeals like a stuck pig!


Charmaine Da'vi wrote:

Charmaine calls out to the lord to give her the strength to fight this evil as she does that her sword burst into golden flames.

i'll use my last blessing to cast holy strike on my long sword

** spoiler omitted **

Smite thy evil, i am a conduit of good

Charmaine moves to the closest goblin menacingly as the golden flames dance around her sword and illuminate her face. Her hands tighten around the hilt of her long sword as she readies to strike.

The gremlin Charmaine moves toward cuts a thin cord, dropping a sack of bricks upon the young holy woman for 2d6 ⇒ (6, 1) = 7 bludgeoning damage, unless she evades with a successful DC 15 Reflex save!

Alphonse Veritas wrote:

Round 12:

"Agreed, Tevaga. Let us deal with these things first."

Alphonse moves in and slashes a Gremlin with his new Greatsword.

Heeheehee!!! JENGA!!!

As Alphonse moves in, greatsword raised, the gremlin yanks a peg out of a precariously stacked heap of crates and barrels, studded with nails driven through from within, causing them to topple toward the young paladin!

Reflex save DC 15 to avoid 2d6 ⇒ (2, 5) = 7 piercing and bludgeoning damage, Alphonse....

If he survives this gremlin trap, his attack cleaves the gremlin who triggered it from crown to groin, the two halves flopping wetly to the belfry floor!

Paddy wrote:

Paddy dashes at the gremlin, a grim demeanor fixed on his face.

Say hello to yer kin when you get to Hell, ya blighter ya!

As Paddy dashes at the gremlin, grim demeanor suddenly changes to startled surprise as the "blighter" suddenly yanks a thin cord connected to the bucket while springing out of the way, spilling an eye-abrading dust of flour mixed with powdered talc in Paddy's square!

Reflex save DC 15, or Paddy is blinded for 1d6 ⇒ 4 rounds!

If he succeeds on his save, his attack on the gremlin strikes.... If not, his blinded condition grants the gremlin a 50% miss chance.... 01-50 misses....1d100 ⇒ 40

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson wrote:



Thanks Rynjin!

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson fires if he doesn't need to move to get within 30':

[dice= for rynjin!]1d20+3

[dice= for me]1d4+1


Iommi-Tyr's bolt grazes a gremlin!

Paddy wrote:

Aye, me boyo...that's the stuff! Paddy says at his new found ally.

]b] Let's go send sone more of the wee buggers to the pits of Hades , eh?[/b]

Paddy then seeks out a gremlin to skewer.

He spots one lingering about 10 ft away in a shadowy corner where crates and buckets are stacked....

It makes eye contact, gasps in fear, and looks around for an escape route!

Hisao of the Yellow Reeds wrote:

** spoiler omitted ** Hisao mutters to himself as he misses.


And demonstrates his own agility by smoothly avoiding the trap as he pursues the retreating gremlins avoiding the stone monster because... hey it's a stone monster. He will try to get into flanking position and wail away with the heavy weapon.

[dice=Heavy mace attack]1d20+1;1d8+1

Please add +2 flanking bonus to attack roll if that is a possibility

Flanking a withdrawing gremlin with Paddy, Hisao brings the head of the cold iron mace down on its little skull with great speed and force, crushing the wicked little fey!

Paddy wrote:

Well, let's get after them! Paddy implores.

He steps towards the nearest gremlin and tries to impale it with his blade.

[dice=attack] 1d20 + 5; 1d6

[dice=crit] 1d20 + 5; 1d6 edit: crit confirm roll

Paddy dashes after a gremlin, sticking it in the back with the cold iron dagger and causing it to squeal....


As he advances after the little monster, his booted foot snags a tripwire, bringing a bucket of tiny bronze ball bearings down to scatter and roll in a 10-ft-radius spread underfoot.... Paddy must succeed on a DC 12 Reflex save to avoid falling prone!

The ball bearings roll into Hisao's square, too.... DC 12 Reflex save to avoid falling prone, Hisao!

Tevaga sees a gremlin yanking a cold iron bolt out of its belly and whimpering.... She thrusts her short sword into its chest, and it drops with a whistling wheeze!


One of the gremlins squeaks in high-pitched French:

Plutôt jouez un hymne funèbre de funérailles pour vos amis stupides, musicien! HEEHEEHEEHEE!!!

Rather, play a funeral dirge for your stupid friends, musician! HEEHEEHEEHEE!!!

The gremlins dart away from their attackers into shadowy corners of the belfry, withdrawing where necessary to avoid AoOs....

Iommi-Tyr sticks a cold iron bolt in the gremlin standing to the gargoyle's left side.... It shrieks in pain, but still stands....

Tevaga the redeemer wrote:

Tevaga rushes (not charges) up to the closest healthy gremlin, screaming For health activating her "healing" judgment as a swift action. She does try to avoid being caught between 2 creatures to avoid flanking, though (if possible) she will assist others.

Tevaga now has fast healing 1

[dice=attack] 1d20+5

[dice=damage] 1d6+3

Tevaga strikes a gremlin hard, laying it out flat!

Paddy wrote:

Paddy charges in, and stabs at one of the gremlins.

Paddy will try to get into a flanking position opposite Hisao in order to get sneak attack...if not he moves beside Hisao

[dice=attack] 1d20 + 4 + 1; 1d6; 1d4 add +2 if flanking

Paddy flanks a gremlin with Hisao, but the little fey dodges his dagger thrust....

Hisao of the Yellow Reeds wrote:

** spoiler omitted ** Hisao mutters and, staying away from the stone monster moves to the side and hits out at one of the gremlins with his fancy new weapon.

[dice=Heavy mace+1]1d20+5;1d8+1

They're flatfooted right? If so then please add the following 1d6 sneak attack to the damage roll

[dice=Sneak attack damage]1d6

Hisao swings the mace, but fails to connect....

Six gremlins also emerge from the shadows, rubbing their little claws together and grinning evilly....

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The two gremlins, chittering and chirping like evil birds, hop up the last few stairs to the shadowy belfry, also dimly lit by guttering torches in sconces....

They beckon slyly to the pursuing adventurers before disappearing around the final corner onto the belfry....

Paddy reaches the landing about 140 ft up the stairs, where the two gremlins with any fight left in them stand near a board propped up to hold a barrel with nails driven through it from within attached to a swing rope secured to the underside of higher stairs....

The gremlins kick out the board, releasing the swinging barrel toward Paddy's head!

Nail-spiked barrel on a rope trap 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18 deals 2d4 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3 piercing to Paddy the Loon!

Michael the Warsong wrote:

Round 6


The nimble fey dodges Michael's shot....

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson wrote:


Round the Sixth

Move Action 30' further up.

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson, brandishing the battle-used Hand-Crossbow that apparently didn't help its French owner against the English at the Battle of Agincourt, takes aim with great ineptness, firing at the impish little Gremlin with one Cold Iron bolt already in his Fey belly, and fires.

[dice=KILL SHOT]1d20+2


The bolt narrowly misses the incapacitated gremlin (even if Iommi-Tyr has Precise Shot and doesn't take a -4 to attack for firing at a foe in melee with Hisao)....

Round 5:

The two gremlins not adjacent to Hisao flee another 40 ft up the stairs, still tittering madly and gesturing rudely at the ninja and his companions!

Hisao may attempt a Perception check vs DC 20 to notice....something....

Hisao of the Yellow Reeds wrote:
Huh, double move to get right next to the nearest one then. AC still 17 and will get an AOO if they retreat further

His double move brings Hisao adjacent to the gremlin that a split-second earlier was pierced by a cold iron arrow from Michael's bow....

The apparently incapacitated gremlin groans and cowers before the ninja!

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Michael the Warsong wrote:


[dice=damage+Arcane Strike]1d6+1

Using one of the cold iron arrows, Michael let's fly another shot, hoping to hit something this time.

I should be 90 up. I have used a total of three move actions to get up the stairs. And I am for any gremlin close and not in combat with someone.

A gremlin shrieks as Michael's shot takes it in the belly, sinking deeply! The evil fairy staggers about dramatically, wailing a high-pitched squeal!

Ubchell Ap Ossian wrote:

Ok to get my stones in ;)

Ap Ossian draws back the sling and heaves his embed stones..

1d20+ 2

(In round 4)

The sling stones rattle against the shadowy corner that Ap Ossian sees the silhouetted forms of the gremlins lurking in, backlit by torchlight from a torch in a sconce....

The gremlins dodge the shot fired by Iommi-Tyr, and scurry another 40 ft up the stairs with double moves, withdrawing from the square threatened by Paddy and his makeshift cold iron mini spear....

Paddy wrote:

Paddy curses at the gremlins in a mix of English, Irish and another language. infernal if anyone speaks it

He then move to one of the gremlin and tries to skewer it with the bolt.

Take that, ya wee monster!

[dice=attack] 1d20 + 4 -4; 1d4; 1d3 I am assuming the bolt is a light weapon, so weapon finesse applies I think, unsure for damage so rolled two sets

The gremlin dodges Paddy's thrust and sticks it's purplish tongue out at him, while blowing a rude sound....

WHIIIIFFF!! CLANK!! goes the stray shot from Iommi's hand crossbow!

TEEHEEHEE!! giggle the gremlins at his wide shot!

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Seeing the game is up, the gremlins hastily spring their trap, and the barrel, spiked all over with nails driven through the staves from within, comes bounding out of the shadows into view and toward the two adventurers on the stairs!

Vs Hisao 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13.... The agile ninja vaults over the barrel with a handless cartwheel through the air....

Vs Iommi 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8.... The sprightly Norseman also leaps over the barrel....

The barrel crashes apart on the landing a few feet below, exploding into staves and iron bands....




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The gremlins titter and squeal with fear or excitement as Hisao-San and Iommi-Tyr draw nearer up the stairs....

On their turn, they all step back from Iommi-Tyr (who has moved adjacent to the lowest and nearest gremlin) and dimension door 60 ft higher, bringing them a total of 120 ft up the spiraling stairs....

One giggles a shrill peal of chirpy laughter.... The others beckon and squeak with rat-like voices:


Ici, Monsiuers!

Oui, Monsiuers!

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Squealing fearfully at the sight of one of their fellows taken down with a cold iron bolt, the gremlins scatter, hurrying further up into the bell tower....

One ducks as an arrow from Michael the Warsong's bow flies near and ricochets off the bell tower wall....


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Tevaga's bolt pierces a gremlin through!


It falls from the stairs and lands with a splat, motionless....

The gremlins retreat further up the stairs, tittering and chittering like rats or monkeys.... Those nearest Hisao use withdraw actions to avoid attacks of opportunity....

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Tevaga the redeemer wrote:

Tevaga, like Iyomi, loads & fires at the closest Gremlin:

[dice=attack] 1d20+4

[dice=damage] 1d8

The bolt sticks solidly in the gremlin, who squeals in pain, but not as deeply as one might expect (DR 5/****)....


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Iommi-Tyr's bolt grazes one of the creatures!

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Seeming to notice that they have been spotted, the owners of the glowing cat-like eyes recede further into the shadows up the stairs, high-pitched tittering giggles echoing evilly in the bell tower....

Initiative 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

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Michael the Warsong spies a few pairs of cat-like eyes reflecting the glow from Charmaine's sword, about 40 ft up the stairs that spiral around the bell tower....