Lamashtu (symbol)

Gnash-Yathuur Sandstalker's page

19 posts. Organized Play character for Dixie Landoe.


Dark Archive

Hey folks!

Does the Fiendflesh Shifter's gore attack, granted by Fiendish Aspect, receive the bonus half level to damage from the Shifter's Edge feat, when using dexterity to attack and strength to damage?

Why or why not?

My forum search here said that Fiendflesh hasn't even been written in this forum yet, which is unlikely, so I'm sorry if this question has been asked already. -shifter-shifter-archetype/

I am hoping the answer is yes, assuming that the gore attack is "a natural attack augmented by your claws," but I don't know for sure and won't pretend to. I'm playing a tiefling Fiendflesh Shifter in Hell's Vengeance, and I'd really like to know.

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Thank you Tonya for your diligence, attention, and solution to this matter. I will vouch that, as a player in the Triangle gaming area, Michael Eshleman has been a fantastic Venture Officer, and I have no reason to doubt that this was a good, worthwhile and positive decision.

I appreciate the reconstitution of stability that this decision will provide for the two new Southeastern regions, and for your willingness to work with involved parties and Venture Officers to ensure the success of our gaming community in these areas.

I believe you've made good choices about good people. You and they each have my support as a PFS player.

Dark Archive

Awesome! Best of luck on the new release! Definitely looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

Personal request: any chance y'all would consider giving gnolls some love as player/core characters in Pathfinder 2.0? :D You did great with them as monsters, but I'd love some more gnoll-friendly player character options! As your resident gnoll cultural representative and aficionado, I'd certainly appreciate the plug! :)

Or even a mammalian furry ancestry in general would be awesome. Y'all did great with the Ysoki and Vesk in Starfinder. I'd love to see something similar in Pathfinder!

Dark Archive

Threeeeeeead Neeeecroooooooo!

Hey folks! Question for you. How *balanced* is Valley of the Brain Collectors for having two NPC companions (Isuma and Hyrsek) joining a six player party? That feels extremely powerful on the players' side, especially since a gunslinger and a slayer are both fairly powerful just on their classes alone. Did other GMs find that these additions resulted in a cakewalk? Did the developers/Paizo geniuses (stated genuinely, not sarcastically!) intend for the game to be balanced for an eight-player party? I'm a bit skeptical and unsure how I want to go about this.

Current player composition:
half orc melee slayer
half orc mechanic/traps guy rogue
human mobility melee skirmisher rogue
human wizard/technomancer
human bomber alchemist
strix gunslinger

Dark Archive

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Hey folks! My group is just starting up a Strange Aeons game. I have a vanara that I'll be playing, and I've already decided on her roleplay fluff. She's a redneck woodsy tracker, and kind of a simpleton, but has some odd levels of knowledge about aberrations that one wouldn't expect from such a person. As a result, this question is (mostly) purely a mechanical, crunch one.

Which is the more crunch-optimal choice for an archer in Strange Aeons - ranger or fighter?

-I can't just assume that every single enemy will be an aberration. That's just silly. Obviously I'd go with favored enemy (aberrations), but I like weapon specialization more as a player because it applies against every enemy.
-Half of the party chose knowledgeable classes that deal more with the actual psychic and research elements of the game. That's not what I'm going for, that's their job.
-There are two very powerful melee tanks in the group, so I don't really expect to go into melee a lot. However, I'll be taking Point Blank Master when I can just in case.
-I go into this knowing I have a low will save. That does bug me. I'm debating taking the feat Iron Will.
-I chose Vanara because I like to play furries, and because I haven't played one before. I'm debating going ratfolk for darkvision.
-Her stats as of right now are 14/16/14/10/16/8 (+2dex, +2wis, -2cha)
-I haven't really decided on an actual backstory for the character, because I'm hung up on the fugue state concept. I'm also not used to playing good-aligned characters and that's throwing me off.
-I'm totally right there with you on the play what's fun, but I'm playing the character the same way regardless, and right now I'm just held up on projections of what will be most useful in the AP.
-This campaign is already one I'm going to have trouble really "getting into." I like horror, but I like it because I want to be the one causing the horror. As you can probably surmise from the Lamashtu icon, it makes me feel derpy being on the side that would be scared of eldritch horrors and fighting against insanity. My normal characters freely ally themselves with the strange, mutated and otherworldly, rather than fight back against it. As a result, I need an enjoyable character concept to see this through, otherwise I run the risk of getting very bored, very quickly.
-3rd party materials are unlikely to be allowed by the GM, and for the most part, if it's not PFS-legal, it probably won't be allowed in the game.

My current plan is to go Ranger 1/Fighter the rest of the way. I'm just asking if, from a crunch perspective, is that the most optimal choice for the Strange Aeons AP? If not, what is?

Dark Archive

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Hey Paizo folks! I wanted to say Thank You for making this book! The furry player races have needed some love for a long while, and this book goes a long way towards giving them that much needed boost and shine in the spotlight. The features are great, the art for each race is delightful, and in particular I'm glad to see the kitsune getting so many delightful goodies. From someone who exclusively plays these and monster races, this was a must-have for me. You rock!

Dark Archive

1. Gnolls
2. Kitsune
3. Furry tieflings

Honorable Mention: Ratfolk

Dark Archive

eakratz wrote:
As a priest of Brigh, I changed the material components of her spells requiring diamond dust to an equal amount of scrap, machine components, etc. it still cost the party 1000gp for Restoration, but in a place like Scrapwall, in an adventure called Lords of Rust, in an AP called Iron Gods, I just felt the flavor so much better.

Now THAT is a good idea. I love it. All right, I think that'll be a good time for her to be introduced into the campaign. With her able to use the scrap as material components, it'd be a good way to combine the mechanical effects with the NPCs and events of the story. Thanks for this suggestion!

Also, Ascalaphus, good point! I'd not looked at her part of the stat block. Don't know how I missed that. Haha, so much derp.

Dark Archive

Lamashtu, because she is and always will be my goddess of choice. Blessed be the Mother. :)

Though I would ask your advice, James - how would you advise playing a Lamashtan character in this adventure path (aside from "I wouldn't")? I'd either be a gnoll, a kitsune, or a kitsune-tiefling.

EDIT: Sorry for the necro, folks. I'm genuinely interested to hear what he has to say.

Dark Archive

Hey all. I'm currently running some friends through Iron Gods, and I just got done letting the advanced wraith in Scrapwall's haunted wreck have at them. Three out of the five PCs have con drain on them. After the fact, they mentioned "yeah, we have no way to actually deal with con drain." It's true - the writers put an *advanced* wraith in the game before there's any way for the party to deal with ability score drain, and so far there have been no tools available whatsoever in the story to deal with it. And that's not cool. The wizard is down 4 points, the cavalier is down 4 points, and the rogue is down 8 points (from 12 to 4 Constitution). Yes, it was a nasty fight, and they got unlucky more than a few times.

Through some personal finagling with the story, I've got them set to go visit the manticore lair next. They still haven't encountered Dinvaya, because I rearranged the story a bit to make more sense of some things for which I didn't like the flow.

So my question is this: what do y'all think is the best way to give them the tools with which to rid themselves of the con drain? I have some possible thoughts:
-I make Dinvaya high enough level that she can cast Restoration, and does so as a token of goodwill for letting her know it's safe to go to Torch.
-I ditch some of the loot in the manticore lair and instead they find three Restoration scrolls. Either Dinvaya or the party's Warpriest can use the scrolls.
-In the manticore lair, they find a unique Timeworn Gray Nanite Hypogun with three charges that does Restoration instead of Neutralize Poison.

Thoughts? Alternate suggestions?

Dark Archive 2/5

Hey Jon, thanks for doing these! As a current GM for Iron Gods, I'm very happy to see I can reward my players (and myself!) PFS boons for its books. You were reasonably giving with technological items and weaponry, and I certainly appreciate that. I'm looking forward to giving some of these items to a gunslinger character I create! You rock.

Dark Archive

Oh hey, thanks for finally errata'ing rapid reload as it relates to advanced firearms! Finally, their action economy is better than early firearms, as it should be! Nice trick making firing both barrels specifically a standard action. As an avid shooter, I can attest to both barrels being shot together continuously as being stupid, and admittedly appreciate the reduction there.

Dark Archive 2/5

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Hey Paizo/PFS staff! I just wanted to say, because I'm surprised to find myself saying it. "For the first time in ever, I finally want to play a rogue." Thanks for allowing the Unchained rogue into PFS - it was the bone the rogue class was waiting to be thrown, and I'm happy to see PFS allowing it in. I'll definitely have to make one of my kitsune buddies into the russet rogue I envisioned them to be. :)

I'll also be checking out what I can do with my barbarian rebuilds, given I have so many, and many are natural weapon/dex-based. :D

Dark Archive

Oh! I'm not intending to make these/have these made to sell, I just want one little pendant to tastefully and appropriately wear at cons and gaming events as a bit of personal flair. Yeah totally, if I started making obviously Paizo stuff to sell I'd be giving the company a call to strike a deal with them. Personal use only here.

Great analogy with the Seahawks fabrics - I do understand you there.

The patches sound like a great idea! Shelyn would be proud.

Dark Archive

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Huh. Good point on the copyrights. I can't believe I didn't think about that in relation to WHY I haven't seen any of such symbols being produced. That's unfortunate. In which case, depending on how Paizo reacts to the idea I may just have an actual symbol of Lamashtu from Mesopotamian lore made, given she's a real god by historical/mythological standards. I like Paizo's design for Lamashtu's symbol though, I really do, and would like to be able to use it.

And as a sidenote: The Hellknights at Fort Inevitable are such jerks, I can't begin to say it. Sure I'm a barbaric gnoll warpriest of Lamashtu, but I haven't even done anything chaotic or evil there and I've already got their holy roller paladins and Hellknights there giving me trouble and deathglares. :p

Dark Archive

Hey folks! Got a question for you. Has anyone ever seen a real life version of any of the Pathfinder deities' holy/unholy symbols made? That's one of those things I'd love to find, but Google searches always turn up negative.

It's on my bucket list to get a tastefully-sized pendant made of Lamashtu's unholy symbol, probably out of brass or some other cheap metal (was considering doing it out of hammered out bullet casings using spent primers for the eyes), but maybe silver if I ever move up in the world. May even be cool to get one carved from wood.

Does anybody reading this make such things, or know someone who does? Would be pretty cool, if you're of the creative bent.

Dark Archive 2/5

Thanks to both of y'all for making PFS (and non-PFS, for that matter) in the areas both local and nationwide! I know I've certainly enjoyed the fruits of your labor, and appreciate it all immensely. Y'all have my offer for help in anything PFS that you do.

Dark Archive 2/5

Gnoll. :)

Dark Archive

Oh... Oh gods yes. Please come to me, your unholiness! While I am not worthy, I am willing! I and my horde of demon-children prostrate ourselves for your pleasure! <3

I am buying the Lamashtu mini the HOUR it comes out. Phew... Oh... By the (evil) gods... Oh thank you. :D

I can't wait to bust the Lamashtu mini out when one of my characters grows to Large size. Most of my characters are aspects of her in various ways, and would be greatly behooved by her appearance... furthering others' understanding of just how terrible they are. >:)