Imeckus Stroon

Gilderoy Lestrange's page

16 posts. Alias of Dune Drifter.


Well me and my GM where discussing a potential upcoming campaign where we the party would all be Azlanti. The story being that a Wizard did it, by it I mean created demi planes with time effects that allowed thousands of years to exist outside but only a few hundred inside. This was going to be due to a political belief shift. Basically the 'leftys' ran off and hid in these pocket dimensions/demi planes to wait out the 'right wingers' insanity and just got complacent and didn't want to leave of care what happened outside their pocket. Well eventually the party would be formed and sent into the main world to try to see if any other pockets survived and if so to bring them news and help arrange a new Azlanti revival. If not... well what do we do now would be on a lot of minds.

I don't see a problem with the DR, sure it means they are less likely to take lethal damage at low levels, at level 1 for instance someone swinging a d8 at them can only possibly do d6 worth of damage to them not including Str. But is that really that big of a difference?

As for making them take more damage, and that damage not heal naturally or at least requiring special means such as healing spells or CR checks. That is unfair to the player and makes them a huge financial liability at early levels when spell slots matter and getting healing items cheap is hard.

Its not a huge deal, but it will make the person playing the Faun feel singled out and much weaker then the rest of the party. And if the Cleric has to keep throwing heals to the Faun then even other players might have a problem.

Thanks for all the current input

Starting at 1 but wanting to work into he just wants to be on the right path.

Outside he wants to be more Cha based, basically he wants to be the charming swordsmen from fantasy movies.

From what he said he wants to be able to deal the most damage possible, but also have some good access to things like Disarms and such.

I do have a PDF for a third party material to allow a person using Panache and specifically the Precise Strike deed to deal dex to damage with two weapons tagged onto a Daring Champion I told him dealing Level+Dex to damage twice a turn (With two rapiers or whatever) would be great, adding Challenge onto that makes you undisputed in damage output for someone not raging/pouncing/charging

Well he didnt say he wants to be the cliche armored tank swinging the greatsword around. Because lets face it, it is almost always a Greatsword.

Swashbuckler and Daring Champion Cavelier are being considered because people say Swashbuckler is weaker.

He just wanted to be sure when it came to using a sword he was quite able at it.

Magus with Kensai and bladebound are good ideas, I will suggest them. I dont think either of us have played with a bladebound mechnics

Ok so my friend wants to make a character for the new game coming up. the one I will be playing my Arcanist in. However his only premise currently is he wants to make one hell of a swordsmen, perhaps a duelist but he wants this guy to be extremely good with a sword. Not so much magic but that could help. He really just wants to be able to go into a non-magic environment and still be just as good with his sword, without me throwing buffs on him.

He likes the Swashbuckler mechanics of their deeds, like Parry and Riposte if that helps.

animegirlss wrote:

I have a quick question about this skill. The skill reads

Opportune Parry and Riposte (Ex): At 1st level, when an opponent makes a melee attack against the swashbuckler, she can spend 1 panache point and expend a use of an attack of opportunity to attempt to parry that attack. The swashbuckler makes an attack roll as if she were making an attack of opportunity; for each size category the attacking creature is larger than the swashbuckler, the swashbuckler takes a –2 penalty on this roll. If her result is greater than the attacking creature's result, the creature's attack automatically misses. The swashbuckler must declare the use of this ability after the creature's attack is announced, but before its attack roll is made. Upon performing a successful parry and if she has at least 1 panache point, the swashbuckler can as an immediate action make an attack against the creature whose attack she parried, provided that creature is within her reach.

now the question that a friend asked me was "Can you parry and riposte if the attack on you missed?"

now i try to tell em that you cannot parry if you have nothing to parry against since the attack missed. He said it doesnt say it has to make contact in the skill description so i thought i ask the community about this :D

thx in advanced!

When Baddie A makes an attack you make an attack roll as well. It does not matter if that attack rolls a 1, you have chosen to commit to the parry already. Your job just got easier because if you roll anything higher then his attack, you block his attack.

Arachnofiend wrote:

As others have stated, the Arcanist is not as MAD as it should be because the charisma-based exploits are very lack luster.

As for the race, I'd probably take Samsaran. I know the GM's I play with (including myself) would see cheese if you showed up with a venerable Elan.

With the Samsaran though you can cheese it very easily by taking spells from any arcane spell list such as the Bard or Summoner to get spells earlier on the Arcanist.

Not sure yet, its a homebrew campaign and I think I will switch it around.
We start at level 1.

Minos Judge wrote:

Take the Elan.

I would also really look at the Cha. I play one and use cha. as a dump stat. It dose not hurt as long as you do not want any of the exploits that require it.

I considered putting the second 18 to Dex, I may. Elan would put even a 14 to a 17 which is a +3 so it would work I think.

Ok so I have never played a full caster before, that is to say a 9th level spell caster. The furthest I have ever played is a Bard, with 6th level spell casting.

Now the race I am gonna play is tied up right with the the Samsaran or the Dreamscarred Press's Elan.
The two choices are very nice each and come with serious upsides.

Samsaren alternate racial trait allows you to pick a spell list and steal spells from it to add o your own spell list. The +2 Int and Wis is nice, Wis is a dump stat but the boost is nice, the -2 Con sucks as it makes you more of glass canon but it works fairly well.

Elan are basically immortals so you get the pseudo-lich feel already but due to that you could play one who is Venerable Age which never takes the physical downsides and has a floating +2

We roll for stats (4d6, Drop the Lowest, Reroll 1s)
I figured
Str: 10
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 20 (18+2)
Wis: 12
Cha: 18

I put the 18s in Cha and Int due to well spells and DCs and the DCs of the Exploits if I take those, if not I am just that damn goodlooking.

Which race is a better fit? The spell stealing is awesome but the additional +3 is cool, being able to go without food or drink is awesome too in the right situations.

Drat, that would be an interesting combo. But I suppose even if they did not, if you had a Spell Resistance already, then it is pointless.

Was just curious.

Horselord wrote:

I am interested as to what the final resolution will be for stacking, but there is the solution that no-one has considered:

The abilities stack in a sense that their levels stack together (at least if the ability is identical).

So a Monk 3/Sacred Fist 4 would flurry as a 7th level monk and deal unarmed strike damage as a 7th level monk.

I'm not sure how level-stacking could work with the AC bonus ability and have clarity.

They have ruled that the Wis to AC is a Ability Bonus, and so the two do not stack. However, the +1 and so that each class gets as they level would stack.

I was curious if Untouchable Rager and Spelleater archetypes stack. They do not replace the same things. But if Untouchable Rager says "This ability replaces the spells, blood casting, eschew materials, and bloodline spells class features."

Does this mean there are not spell slots for Spelleaters "a spelleater can consume spell slots for an extra dose of healing."

Spells normally, pretty much always, include spell slots but it does not say you lose those spell slots, just you have no spells to fill them.

Would this work together?