
Garethane Seregon's page

584 posts. Alias of Pedron.


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M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

The hunter nods in approval at Celeste's efforts. "Agreed. We just need to make sure that our efforts always draw the trolls further from Elkmark. We probably need to commit some horses to the effort as well. Trolls can cover a lot of ground and don't tire easily. To quote a bardic tale I once heard 'They just keep coming.'

So our job is not just to stop them, but also circle back far enough that our efforts don't inadvertently endanger the town. Where possible, I'll act as the final bait to make sure your forces can break off. Once they're a few hours off your trail, I'll just fly away in the opposite direction. I wonder if I can lead them into being eaten by something even bigger?" The elf ponders before grinning wickedly.

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M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

My thought is "get what you need". Got a great idea and we got the credit for it? Do it. It's a collaborative effort after all. It's not like you're a rogue picking your party's pockets "because it's what my character would do". So in summary, go nuts :)

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

I'm still here. Just on the road this week.

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M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

"Well, I'll definitely take that barrel of cooking oil off you. It's not for a fish fry, but close enough." The elf's grin is, frankly, malicious.

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

"And any chance you have a few barrels of cooking oil?", the elf asks hopefully.

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

"Everyone, I have some troubling news." The hunter fills in the council about what he has found.

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

After seeing the grim message left behind in Vesket's former village, the elf in falcon form turns Southwest to follow the trail.

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Aerial Scouting: Please add +2 to the survival rolls if they are for tracking purposes.

Survival: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21
Survival: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26
Survival: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23
Survival: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32
Survival: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25

Perception, FF: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (1) + 19 = 20
Perception, FF: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (5) + 19 = 24
Perception, FF: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (3) + 19 = 22
Perception, FF: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (12) + 19 = 31
Perception, FF: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (1) + 19 = 20

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

After silently considering the matter for a long while, the Hunter speaks.

"It is imperative that we don't draw them to Elkmark. They regenerate and our smallfolk don't. Any move we make should come from the south. I'll scout them from the air so we can know their range, but I think we should start culling their numbers as soon as possible, going after individual hunting parties or packs. As Rhianonn say, we need to use hit and run tactics and stay mobile. Hopefully we can anger them into sending their strength away from the other settlements and spend their retribution in a direction we choose."

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Go for it. We also have a trident thingie to distribute to someone. It might be best to go to someone outside the party for diplomatic reasons or two help out a key NPC.

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

At the most inappropriate moment possible, Garethane swoops in and resumes his normal shape. "Hey everyone, what's going on? Anyone need a trident-thingy?"

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Grabbing the gift of the departed warrior, Garethane casts Greensight and transforms back into a Giant Falcon. He heads back along the river to the Southwest until he reaches the point where the rest of the group departed their vessel. He hopes the combination of the keen eyesight of the bird along with his canopy penetrating magic will assist him finding evidence of the groups passage to the southeast and allow him to rapidly catch up.

Perception: 1d20 + 15 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 15 + 8 = 43

The racial bonus to perception of most birds to of prey is +8. The perception bonus of Feral Focus (Falcon) is +4. Please adjust as makes sense.
If necessary, the elf will hit the ground to track using survival and scent from Feral Focus (Wolf)

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Without further hesitation, Garethane tosses the bag of bones into the roiling river.

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M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

May your holidays be happy and warm!

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

"I knew it wasn't going to be that easy." the elf says under his breath as he picks up the bag and walks towards the bridge.

Upon reaching the bridge he calls out, "Specter, I bring you your tribute! Claim the remains of this foul bandit and find peace."

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

The Giant Falcon will drop his burden near the eastward approach to the bridge and circle away, hopefully before the specter can re-appear. He will then land a few minutes away and approach on foot to see if the offering has been accepted.

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

After finishing his grisly work, the Hunter will wash up and spend the remainder of the day checking in with the folk of Elkmark.

However as the afternoon wears on he thinks it might be better to do an air delivery of those bones and decides to do a little experimenting. Grabbing another burlap sack and filling it with sticks so simulate a, uh, bandit kings worth, he will check to see if a Giant Falcon can pick up that much weight and still fly. He attempts to recruit a few of the village children into the task, but it quickly turns into a session of "keep away" with not a lot of experimentation but plenty of giggles.

A giant falcon has STR 17 DEX 17, but per beast shape II, that would change Garethane's STR to 20 and DEX to 16. Should that be viable for air transport, he and the bag of bones will head out the next morning and track down the explorers.

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M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Will Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Visibly shaken, the elf adds in "I have no great desire to fight this specter. I also wouldn't want to abandon Godwin. As much as I don't which to miss out on the exploration, perhaps I could provide him an escort home and retrieve the stag lord's body. Hopefully the headless corpse will be easy to identify." After the saying his peace, he shudders.

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M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Sounds good to me. We can always hit the tile SE of the Sootscales on the way back.

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

The elf nods approvingly and says to the baroness "I'm sure our artisans could find uses for those."

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

A wide smile opens on the elf's face. "Let us hunt! Following your lead, Lady."

Survival (aid): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16

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M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Newspaper Drop was a reference to this comment about Old Beldame:

"I think I should find reason to occasionally drop off a nice sweetbread wrapped in the latest broadsheet out of Brevoy to let her know she remains in our thoughts and otherwise give her wide berth."

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M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Garethane will make good on that first newspaper drop and do a literal flying patrol over the outlying settlements.

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M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Sounds like we're all in agreement. After we've checked for information on the old lady and re-provisioned, how about we take the boat up near the Sootscales, check in with them, and then explore the hex southeast of them. That's the last unexplored hex within 2 hexes of Elkmark.

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M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

"I suspect some would call her evil, based on her appearance and demeanor. But she is a little dot of order in these wild lands. Unless we find out she is an actual threat, I like the idea of her being out here. I suspect that some troubles will... cease to be troubles while she is around.

I think I should find reason to occasionally drop off a nice sweetbread wrapped in the latest broadsheet out of Brevoy to let her know she remains in our thoughts and otherwise give her wide berth."

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

The hunter bows before backing away from the cantankerous old creature. "Well met Beldame. Send your black winged messenger should you need anything and I shall be happy to fly back and speak with you."

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Garathane bows politely to the old crone when his name is mentioned, but lets the people with diplomacy do the diplomacy.

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

"I suppose we should check it out in the morning light. And check to see if there was any more predator activity near those wolf bodies."

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M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

"There are dangers to be had wandering around in the dark. There are dangers to be had from the corpses attracting other scavengers."

Knowledge (nature): 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 7 + 1 = 12

Survival: 1d20 + 13 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 13 + 1 = 22

After considering for a moment, the elf replies, "I think it might be best to drag the carcasses away from the camp a ways and harvest a pelt off of the big one at that location. That should both create a lot of scent away from the camp and provide plenty of provisions for whatever is attracted to it. And besides, someone deserves a nice rug out of the evening."

After the harvest / setting the bait, Garethane will cast a "Keep Watch" on himself and Rhiannon should she be agreeable to staying up the rest of the night.

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Garethane continues to hack away at the large wolf.

MW Longsword + FF + Prayer + Flank: 1d20 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 9 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 251d8 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 3 + 1 + 1 = 10

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Despite (or maybe because of) his wound, the elven hunter continues to press his attack against his wolf while Rhiannon distracts it from behind.

MW Longsword + FF + Prayer + Flank: 1d20 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 9 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 251d8 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 1 + 1 = 6

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Strong as a bull, the elf rises, his cold iron blade coming up with him. He flicks the scabbard at the wolf in front of him in an attempt to distract the creature from his true strike.

MW Longsword + FF+ Prayer: 1d20 + 9 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 9 + 1 + 1 = 251d8 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 3 + 1 + 1 = 10

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

1st and 3rd watches, please.

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M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Garethane will take 1st and 3rd so that there is low light vision on all watches.

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M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

"I'm going to have to start training some birds to run all this mail back and forth."

Says the guy who picked the *one* hunter class which gives no pets.

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

"Should we leave a note? Perhaps an invitation to visit?"

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M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

"Methinks we shouldn't enter into that yard without permission. Do we have any hospitality gifts?"

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M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Garethane spends the morning flying, acting as both scout and messenger.

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Garethane will approach the Human fighter and give her a sincere bow. "You stood tall against that abomination when we were struck low. You bled to shelter us with your steel. Hail, warrior. "

If Rhiannon still needs healing, Garathane will contribute a CLW as well.

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

The elf continues inching closer to the ghastly thing, firing as he comes.

Longbow+1, PB, Prayer, Rapid Shot 1: 1d20 + 9 + 1 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 9 + 1 + 1 - 2 = 121d8 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 3 + 1 + 1 = 13

Longbow+2, PB, Prayer, Rapid Shot 1: 1d20 + 9 + 1 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 9 + 1 + 1 - 2 = 281d8 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 1 + 1 = 6

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

"THAT SUCKED." Garethane angrily mutters under his breath as he fires off two arrows at the beast and slowly (5' step) closes the distance. FF still boosting con in case of more saves

Longbow+1, PB, Prayer, Rapid Shot 1: 1d20 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 9 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 261d8 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 3 + 1 + 1 = 13

Longbow+1, PB, Prayer, Rapid Shot 2: 1d20 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 9 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 281d8 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 1 + 1 = 11

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Fortitude, FF(Bear), Prayer, Rage: 1d20 + 6 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 6 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 15

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Any rolls to recover from the stench, or are those who are nauseous going to stay that way for the duration?

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

The hunter attempts to summon the aspect of the Bear to help get over his nausea, but is otherwise unable to act.

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M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

The hunter moves as far away from the Tendriculos as he can and continues to vomit in Elven.

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Fort save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

The elf does not do well this new experience. "I think I'm going to be sick."

Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Whatever it is that he thinks he knows does not comfort him.

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M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

"The Elf whispers, don't sneak in there yourself. Let's head back and share what we've found out."

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M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

"I'll go with you Celebeth. I'll try to keep us out of the worst of the thickets."

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M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Maybe Garethane's flight around the island is just a little further out then it would have been before hearing Kressik's words.

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP 39/45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Once he hears what Krezzik has to say, Garathane will volunteer to take a quick flight and reconnoiter the island.

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