![]() I come from a non-D&D background and have been playing the PF rules for about a year and a half. I have instituted some house rules recently and added a few of the variant rules from Paizo. One of the aspects we have been struggling with is the vancian style wizard - the fact that the wizard can only pull from those spells he has memorized that morning. I know there is a bonded object option, but I feel this is very limitted. So I was thinking of trying this house rule. "Wizards must prepare their spells in advance but, if the situation arises, they can substitute a memorized spell for another spell in their spell book. The look-up time for this spell is 1 full round which will open them for an Attack of Opportunity. They can opt to “search their spellbook” defensively (no AOO) which will require a DC15 concentration check. Once found the spell can be cast the next round with typical casting times and such. This spell will eliminate one of the memorized spells of the same casting level (choice of the Wizard)." Of course, while the spellbook is in hand and being scanned it will be subject to possible sundering which could be tragic. Let me know your thoughts. ![]()
Male Human Barbarian 2/Oracle 1
![]() "There were definite religous connotations to the complex. Something infernal or evil. A heaviness to the area. But it looked as though the complex itself was pretty old. The were some dark clouds forming on the mountain top so we did not stick around fearing getting caught up in bad weather." Galstak looks to Egil to see if he missed anything. ![]()
Male Human Barbarian 2/Oracle 1
![]() Galstak looks towards Egil. "I agree, it seems to be an ancient place of worship of some sort. Something infernal by the looks of it. Either way I get no good feeling from this place." To Khalil he says: "I don't recommend we search beyond the barricades or up the stairs alone. The looks of that darkening mist above makes me a bit nervous. I recommend we return to the rest and report what we have seen and make plans from there." ![]()
Male Human Barbarian 2/Oracle 1
![]() Galstak yawns and then realizes how tired he is. Fighting the winter storm has drained him. He stands and says "Then it is agreed, we seek this pumpkin-headed creature and smash its gourd. For now though, we all should get some sleep for the journey tomorrow will be harrowing." Galstak will ask for directions to the tents that have been set up for them and excuse himself. ![]()
Male Human Barbarian 2/Oracle 1
![]() Although the Shaman may think he surprises Galstak with his knowledge of his backgroud, Glastak is not taken aback. Having a similar ability makes him actually understand the Shaman a little bit. He reconsiders his tact and leaves the man to tend to his sick. He is not sure whether to offer his healing powers to the Shaman or not. He heads over to the fire (or whatever heat source is warming the tent) shedding is heavy cloak to allow the warmth to soak into his body. ![]()
Male Human Barbarian 2/Oracle 1
![]() The word of the shaman strike a cord in Galstak and he follows the him over to his patients. "You seem to know of us shaman, yet we know nothing of you. Since you know of us and our journey from the Great Hall, you must also know our mission. Do not play mind games with us, our journey has been long and arduous. We are tired and cold and this wears our patience thin." ![]()
Male Human Barbarian 2/Oracle 1
![]() Galstak looks down at the little goblin still amazed that he actually likes the little guy instead of wanting to lop its head off. "I have lived in northern climbs all of my life and have never felt cold such as this. It cut through me like a knife. Should have brought some brandy to warm me up. So you think it is safe to approach the village to seek shelter?" ![]()
Male Human Barbarian 2/Oracle 1
![]() Just a Galstak begins to envision the warm beach of pure white sand and crystal blue waters, his vision is burst by the mocking words of Spectrum. "Thanks, I was actually enjoying the imagery for a second." He rolls his eyes at Spectrum and hearing Luminarium, wanders next to the elf for a second time and awaits the scouts report. ![]()
Male Human Barbarian 2/Oracle 1
![]() Galstak will wake the next morning and offer anyone still keeping watch the chance to catch a little more shuteye. He looks over the axe he acquired from the Flind. It was a great warrior even though it used magics to enhance its prowess. He promised to try to use it as well as the Flind did and then goes through a series of practice swings and manuevers. ![]()
Male Human Barbarian 2/Oracle 1
![]() I don't mind but there has to be a reason it is silver. Someone should cast an identify or detect magic before going to sleep for the night. Probably a good idea to do so on the bronze torcs we are wearing also. To see if there is a differnce. Galstak is entirely too tired to keep a watch tonight. But promises to keep one the following. He will find a place to sleep in a tent if there is room. If not, he will try to find warmth near the camp fire.