Drazmorg the Damned

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I come from a non-D&D background and have been playing the PF rules for about a year and a half. I have instituted some house rules recently and added a few of the variant rules from Paizo.

One of the aspects we have been struggling with is the vancian style wizard - the fact that the wizard can only pull from those spells he has memorized that morning.

I know there is a bonded object option, but I feel this is very limitted. So I was thinking of trying this house rule.

"Wizards must prepare their spells in advance but, if the situation arises, they can substitute a memorized spell for another spell in their spell book. The look-up time for this spell is 1 full round which will open them for an Attack of Opportunity. They can opt to “search their spellbook” defensively (no AOO) which will require a DC15 concentration check. Once found the spell can be cast the next round with typical casting times and such. This spell will eliminate one of the memorized spells of the same casting level (choice of the Wizard)."

Of course, while the spellbook is in hand and being scanned it will be subject to possible sundering which could be tragic.

Let me know your thoughts.

Hi All,

I am completely new to PF having been playing a completely different system from D&D for the last 25+ years (geez - that long?).

Having been blown away by the quality of the Paizo products I am forcing the switch for my group by the end of the year. We will be kicking off RotRLs AP then.

Until then I am reading and re-reading the Core Rules, AP Guide and GM guide in preparation. The change should be interesting for all and we are looking forward to the challenge.

I do have lots of questions though. Most are answered by finding the right area in the books, sort of like treasure hunting. Another post said the authors assumed everyone played D&D 3.5 and I tend to concur with that statement.

I do have two question right now that I could use expertise in.

1.) pgs 178-179 of the core rules covers the Attack Roll. It says the basic attack roll = Base attack bonus + Strength modifier + size modifier. Next to that a Table shows the Size modifiers and lists the sizes going from Colassal to Fine with modifiers going from -8 to +8. My question is is the Size Mod added to the attack roll based on the character's size or the opponents size? The way it is written I asssume it is the PCs size. But this would result in a Halfing having a high attack roll than a human based on his size which does not seem right. Can anyone clarify?

2.) One of my players is willing to take on an MU but having been a fighter for the last 20+ years is concerned with the lack of armor that the MU is subject to. Especially at lower levels. So not really understanding the thoughts behind why no armor for MUs, I delved into the books looking for an answer. I figuered it would be because metal armors affect the magical energies or something to that effect. The only thing I came up with is that armor affects the somatic component of spells hindering free movement. I also read that if an MU is pinned or tied up he cannot cast spells with somantic components. OK - I get it. But then I stumble on this Paragraph on page 213 in the Core Rules:

Somatic (S): A somatic component is a measured and
precise movement of the hand. You must have at least one
hand free to provide a somatic component.

So i am now wondering how, if you can cast a spell with a somantic component having only one hand free, how does Armor prohibit your ability to cast spells? Seems kind of odd.

Any help on these two items would be very appreicated.