Visitors flock to Oppara in the days leading up to the Grand Day of Exaltation. The populace of the city doubles during this time, making Oppara larger than any other city in the Inner Sea region, save Absalom. The self-importance of the already prideful Taldan people swells in equal measure. Street vendors sell traditional Taldan foods—anchovy skewers, anglebobs, canal crossings, clamguards, jubilee pie, honeyflake, long wine, yonder tarts, and more—including regional delicacies from separated provinces such as Andoran mince and Chelish raven cake. Family banners and provincial flags drape the sides of most buildings, with merchants hawking heraldry ranging from replica banners of the old Armies of Exploration to wooden swords and handheld Taldan flags for children. Taverns offer themed drink and food, with varying bars adopting well-known nobles from the long history of the empire as their mascot or self-declared patron.
Alongside all the pomp and circumstance filling Oppara is a noteworthy moment in history: the imperial senate is poised to hold a historic vote to end primogeniture. The potential end of the millennia-standing law of succession is the talk of the town. Streets and taverns are abuzz with conversations; some wish to see the law thrown down to pave a way for Princess Eutropia to ascend to the throne, while hardliners (especially elder nobles) believe the vote to be another wound in the great history of the empire, allowing not only the rabble-rousing Eutropia to inherit family power, but every ill-deserving woman. Regardless of the outcome, both sides of the debate agree that life will go on, and despite the serious ramifications of primogeniture’s potential end, the streets of Oppara hold no signs of unrest during the jubilant celebrations of the Grand Day of Exaltation.
You have cause for additional anticipation: you’ve been engaged by Lady Martella Lotheed, the illegitimate daughter of the prestigious Lotheed noble family and a burgeoning spymaster. She's asked you to function as a covert agent to help ensure the vote "goes the right way." In return, she’s promised you each a payment of 150 gp upon successful completion of your (as yet undisclosed) tasks, in addition to the extraordinary access and prestige granted by attending one of Taldor’s most exclusive and high-profile political events. To assist in your preparation, she’s also offered a 30-gp line of credit at her favorite tailor, Thread Rare, and to loan you enough high-quality costume jewelry to complete your outfit.
It is two days before the Grand Day of Exaltation, and you have been instructed to find your way to an old, charming, but relatively quiet tavern near the Oppara Arena in the bustling Grandbridge district. It is there you will meet with Martell and your peers to learn more about what specifically is being asked of you and meet the rest of the crew.
The tavern is easily found, and upon entering, you spot Martella immediately. As the first party member enters, she looks up from the thick book in front of her and smiles widely, gesturing towards the open chairs at her table.
Hello and welcome to the game! I'm excited to get started with all of you. Take some time to get to know one another here in the discussion thread, before we move to the game.
Please complete you character using the information below. Let me know when that's done.
Character Creation:
1. All characters begin at level one.
2. 20-point ability buy.
3. Good or neutral alignments only.
4. All Paizo-created races are acceptable, but core races are preferred. No custom or third-party races are allowed.
5. Paizo-created classes and archetypes only.
6. Two traits. One must be a campaign trait. Try to pick traits that align with your backstory, not just add to your character's stats (or figure out how to add stat-boosting traits into your backstory). I'm fine with flavor tweaks to make traits align better with your character's story, but please let me know that you're making the tweak before you assume I'm ok with it (I probably will be).
8. Average gold for buying starting gear for your class.
9. Max HP at level one, roll or 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter.
10. We'll be playing with the Background Skills variant (thanks for pointing me to that, Amadine!). Please add two background skills to your character, and adjust your current skill selections as needed.
A Couple of Things:
1. Please put the following in the Class area of your profile. Obviously replace the numbers with your information.
Init +3 | Perc +10 | AC 15 / T 15 / FF 11 | HP 11/11 | Saves F +5/R +3/W +6
2. We'll be using Roll20 for combat and maybe sharing some information about the campaign (though most of that can live here on the boards). Please let me know if you have any issues/concerns about that.
3. When doing a skill check, please roll the dice - even if you don't know if your check is valid or needed. I might ignore your roll if it is unnecessary (or if you do a good enough job roleplaying that the dice check is replaced by your creativity), but it speeds thing up if I don't have to ask for it.
4. This is a big one: I'm not really a rules-heavy guy. I believe the rules are in place to give boundaries to the narrative, create tension, and provide an agreed-upon framework. As such, I won't be checking your character sheets for accuracy. I'm assuming we'll all be honest with stats and abilities. Please don't make an ass out of you and me. ;)
Thanks, everyone - we'll get the game started once everyone's characters are good to go!
Visitors flock to Oppara in the days leading up to the Grand Day of Exaltation. The populace of the city doubles during this time, making Oppara larger than any other city in the Inner Sea region, save Absalom. The self-importance of the already prideful Taldan people swells in equal measure. Street vendors sell traditional Taldan foods—anchovy skewers, anglebobs, canal crossings, clamguards, jubilee pie, honeyflake, long wine, yonder tarts, and more—including regional delicacies from separated provinces such as Andoran mince and Chelish raven cake. Family banners and provincial flags drape the sides of most buildings, with merchants hawking heraldry ranging from replica banners of the old Armies of Exploration to wooden swords and handheld Taldan flags for children. Taverns offer themed drink and food, with varying bars adopting well-known nobles from the long history of the empire as their mascot or self-declared patron.
Alongside all the pomp and circumstance filling Oppara is a noteworthy moment in history: the imperial senate is poised to hold a historic vote to end primogeniture. The potential end of the millennia-standing law of succession is the talk of the town. Streets and taverns are abuzz with conversations; some wish to see the law thrown down to pave a way for Princess Eutropia to ascend to the throne, while hardliners (especially elder nobles) believe the vote to be another wound in the great history of the empire, allowing not only the rabble-rousing Eutropia to inherit family power, but every ill-deserving woman. Regardless of the outcome, both sides of the debate agree that life will go on, and despite the serious ramifications of primogeniture’s potential end, the streets of Oppara hold no signs of unrest during the jubilant celebrations of the Grand Day of Exaltation.
You have cause for additional anticipation: you’ve been engaged by Lady Martella Lotheed, the illegitimate daughter of the prestigious Lotheed noble family and a burgeoning spymaster. She's asked you to function as a covert agent to help ensure the vote "goes the right way." In return, she’s promised you each a payment of 150 gp upon successful completion of your (as yet undisclosed) tasks, in addition to the extraordinary access and prestige granted by attending one of Taldor’s most exclusive and high-profile political events. To assist in your preparation, she’s also offered a 30-gp line of credit at her favorite tailor, Thread Rare, and to loan you enough high-quality costume jewelry to complete your outfit.
It is two days before the Grand Day of Exaltation, and you have been instructed to find your way to an old, charming, but relatively quiet tavern near the Oppara Arena in the bustling Grandbridge district. It is there you will meet with Martell and your peers to learn more about what specifically is being asked of you and meet the rest of the crew.
The tavern is easily found, and upon entering, you spot Martella immediately. As the first party member enters, she looks up from the thick book in front of her and smiles widely, gesturing towards the open chairs at her table.
Hello and welcome to the game! I'm excited to get started with all of you. Take some time to get to know one another here in the discussion thread, before we move to the game.
If you haven't already, finish up your character using the criteria below.
Character Creation:
1. All characters begin at level one.
2. 20-point ability buy.
3. Good or neutral alignments only.
4. All Paizo-created races are acceptable, but core races are preferred. No custom or third-party races are allowed.
5. Paizo-created classes and archetypes only.
6. Two traits. One must be a campaign trait. Try to pick traits that align with your backstory, not just add to your character's stats (or figure out how to add stat-boosting traits into your backstory). I'm fine with flavor tweaks to make traits align better with your character's story, but please let me know that you're making the tweak before you assume I'm ok with it (I probably will be).
8. Average gold for buying starting gear for your class.
9. Max HP at level one, roll or 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter.
10. We'll be playing with the Background Skills variant (thanks for pointing me to that, Amadine!). Please add two background skills to your character, and adjust your current skill selections as needed.
A Couple of Things:
1. Please put the following in the Class area of your profile. Obviously replace the numbers with your information.
Init +3 | Perc +10 | AC 15 / T 15 / FF 11 | HP 11/11 | Saves F +5/R +3/W +6
2. We'll be using Roll20 for combat and maybe sharing some information about the campaign (though most of that can live here on the boards). Please let me know if you have any issues/concerns about that. Please PM me with your email address so I can invite you to the game.
3. When doing a skill check, please roll the dice - even if you don't know if your check is valid or needed. I might ignore your roll if it is unnecessary (or if you do a good enough job roleplaying that the dice check is replaced by your creativity), but it speeds thing up if I don't have to ask for it.
4. This is a big one: I'm not really a rules-heavy guy. I believe the rules are in place to give boundaries to the narrative, create tension, and provide an agreed-upon framework. As such, I won't be checking your character sheets for accuracy. I'm assuming we'll all be honest with stats and abilities. Please don't make an ass out of you and me. ;)
Thanks, everyone - we'll get the game started once everyone's characters are good to go!
Hello brave, beautiful and talented adventurers! After years sojourning away to explore other lands ( systems), I've returned to the Paizo boards eager to launch one - and only one - PbP campaign.
As the title states, I'll be running War For The Crown - the first adventure module I've read in a while that has me positively salivating with excitement and possibility. I’ll be recruiting 6 players (more than I’d like, but being familiar with - and guilty of - PbP attrition, it seems prudent).
Player Application
To apply, please complete the (hopefully minimal) steps below.
0. Download and read the Player's Guide.
1. Develop a character concept using the criteria/questions below. You don’t need to totally complete the crunch (unless you want to) - that’s just there for your information and to let you know what you’re signing up for (though it’s all fairly standard).
2. Share how often you can post/contribute to the game. I don't want to put unrealistic expectations on the group, but I'd like to shoot for one post per day on weekdays. If we go faster, I'm down with that.
3. Share how many other PBPs you're currently playing.
Character Concept:
I don't really want people to spend time building a full character (unless you want to or already have one in the oven), so I'm just asking for a general concept. I've posted the character creation guidelines just so you know what you're signing up for, but don't feel pressured to go through all the rigamarole of creating a complete character until you're selected.
As for your background, put as much or as little effort into fleshing that out as you want. I prefer characters with deep backgrounds, but also understand the effort associated with building something creative/interesting. If you have one you'd like to share, great! If not, no worries.
1. Pick a Class. All Paizo-created classes are acceptable.
2. How long has your character lived or been in Oppara? If they’re not from Oppara, where in Taldor do they live?
3. How does your character make a living?
4. What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle?
5. Mechanically where do you foresee your character going in the future? If you don't have a plan, that's ok, too!
6. (Optional) What is your character's backstory?
Character Creation Guidelines:
The following is for information only - you don’t need to completely build a character to apply.
1. All characters begin at level one.
2. 20-point ability buy.
3. Good or neutral alignments only.
4. All Paizo-created races are acceptable, but core races are preferred. No custom or third-party races are allowed.
5. Paizo-created classes and archetypes only.
6. Two traits. One must be a campaign trait. Try to pick traits that align with your backstory, not just add to your character's stats (or figure out how to add stat-boosting traits into your backstory). I'm fine with flavor tweaks to make traits align better with your character's story, but please let me know that you're making the tweak before you assume I'm ok with it (I probably will be).
8. Average gold for buying starting gear for your class.
9. Max HP at level one, roll or 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter.
A Couple of Notes:
1. I’ll be using Roll20 to manage combat. I’m not really sure how this will play out, but my expectation is that I’ll just screenshot the combat maps and share the link. I’m open to suggestions, though.
2. The reason I’m so excited about this AP is the intrigue and politics and incredible opportunities for roleplaying. Some of the rules in the AP require dice rolls and some lightly complicated crunch - where possible, good, character-driven roleplaying will supersede or enhance die rolls.
I think that’s it! Let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information.
Images of the night's revelry flash in your mind; good loud music, flirty wenches of questionable morals, and numerous (countless?) glasses of rum, ale and wine. The last thing you remember were plates full of sausages and meats being brought out to loud cheers and greedy grabbing.
It was truly a night worthy of the Pirate capital of the Shackles.
Those happy remembrances are immediately replaced by a pounding headache. You must still be drunk, as the floor beneath you is swaying at regular intervals. As you lick your dry lips, the taste of the wine is replaced by an ashy, unpleasant flavor.
Cracking open your eyes, you discover that you are in a ship's interior. You see others around you slowly coming to. You recognize some of the faces from the Formidably Maid the night before, and all of them appear worse for the wear. Looking around, you quickly realize that you've been stripped of all your belongings, with nothing more than the clothes on your back. No weapons. No magical components.
You start with a set of brass knuckles concealed on your person.
Pressing your hand against your chest, you discover that your holy symbol is still in your possession.
Lifting your head, you see a tall, skinny man in a long coat and breeches and boots. He wears a dark beard braided down his chest and his mouth gleams with gold teeth as he snarls cruelly at the lot of you. Six other burly men stand around him, all armed with saps.
His voice rings out in a shout as the whip in his other hand cracks out above your heads. "Still abed with the sun over the yardarm?! On your feet, you filthy swabs! Get up on deck and report for duty before Cap'n Harrigan flays your flesh into sausage skins and has Fishguts fry ye up for breakfast!"
You are on a boat. Against your will. And this man, standing above you, is apparently your new superior.
Your pirate career is off to a dramatically different start than you anticipated.
First to post is the first to wake. Welcome to the high seas!
Tyvain, you are being sent to Magnimar. As you're aware, we've had a significant presence in this city for a number of years, but your predecessor grew complacent and has allowed it to fall into decline. She is no longer in our employ. Or counted among the living, for that matter. We send you with this letter, the chest of coins and the list of names - as you're aware, this list should be destroyed as soon as the names have been committed to memory. These items should be more than adequate for getting you up and running. One bit of advice: Your success hinges upon those you place below you to carry out our missives - the fingers of your hand, so to speak. Choose them wisely. We will be in contact as needed.
Adventure Background
Hello, everyone! I am opening recruitment for a PbP adventure here on the Paizo boards. This will be part of the multi-GM and multi-faction extravaganza, the Loom of Fate. I am serving as the GM for merchants and mercenaries interested in seeking obscene wealth as low-level associates of the Aspis Consortium.
Your character will start the campaign as a hired "gun" for a specific task. You won't know that it is the Aspis behind your hiring, and are simply looking to fill your pockets with coin. In time, the Consortium's presence and your role in the organization will increase in the game.
I'm looking for 4-5 players who are able to post at least once a day to keep things moving.
About The Aspis Consortium:
Most people believe the Aspis Consortium to be just another trade syndicate — albeit possibly the largest — and one neither controlled by a specific entity or bound within any single nation’s borders. Their "official" headquarters are in Westcrown, but they have established a powerful center of influence in Magnimar.
Employing a vast pool of hired mercenaries and local labor eager to earn coin (such as your character), their business unquestionably enriches many. But their clients and employees alike are merely puppets for the Consortium’s top-tier agents and merchant lords. Morals, laws, and national loyalties are sacrificed in the name of wealth. The Consortium acts superficially like many other merchant and trade guilds, but unlike them, it actively manipulates the market and its patrons to achieve its vast riches.
To apply, please complete the (hopefully minimal) steps below.
1. Build a character using the crunch below. You don't have to create an alias yet (unless you want to). I mostly just want to get a sense of what you're thinking.
2. Share how often you can post/contribute to the game. I don't want to put unrealistic expectations on the group, but I'd like to shoot for one post per day on weekdays. If we go faster, I'm down with that.
3. Share why your character is in Magnimar — is he/she a newcomer to the city or a lifer? What is his/her "day job?" Why would he/she be looking for taking on less-than-reputable work? What is her/her longterm aspirations for advancement in the Consortium (it's possible that he/she wouldn't even know that they are initially being hired by the AC, so it's ok if they're just looking for an immediate payout to start). This is also known as your back story.
Character Creation Crunch
1. All characters begin at level one.
2. 20-point ability buy.
3. No Lawful Good or Chaotic Evil alignments. I don't care too much about alignment. I really only care that you're able to play well with others.
4. All Paizo-created races are acceptable, but core races are preferred. No custom or third-party races are allowed.
5. Paizo-created classes and archetypes only. No paladins or summoners, please. We're playing with emerging guns in this campaign.
6. Two traits and one flaw (giving you three traits total). Try to pick traits that align with your backstory, not just add to your character's stats (or figure out how to add stat-boosting traits into your backstory). I'm fine with flavor tweaks to make traits align better with your character's story, but please let me know that you're making the tweak before you assume I'm ok with it (I probably will be).
8. Max gold for buying starting gear for your class.
9. Max HP at level one, roll or 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter. I'm fine with your rolling and then taking the better option for your level 2 roll.
Let me know if you have any questions. I can't wait to see the applications!
Hello and welcome to the game! I'm excited to get started with all of you.
If you haven't already, finish up your character using the criteria below. Please let me know when you're ready for me to review your sheet.
Character Creation:
1. All characters begin at level two.
2. 15-point ability buy.
3. All alignments are allowed, but you must be able to play well with others.
4. All Paizo-created races are acceptable, but core races are preferred. No custom or third-party races are allowed.
5. Paizo-created classes and archetypes only. No paladins or summoners, please.
6. Two traits. One must be a campaign trait. Try to pick traits that align with your backstory, not just add to your character's stats (or figure out how to add stat-boosting traits into your backstory). I'm fine with flavor tweaks to make traits align better with your character's story, but please let me know that you're making the tweak before you assume I'm ok with it (I probably will be).
8. Average gold for buying starting gear for your class.
9. Max HP at level one, roll or 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter. I'm fine with your rolling and then taking the better option for your level 2 roll.
A Couple of Things:
1. Please put the following in the Class area of your profile. Obviously replace the numbers with your information.
Init +3 | Perc +10 | AC 15 / T 15 / FF 11 | HP 11/11 | Saves F +5/R +3/W +6
2. I use Dropbox to host images of maps, NPCs, etc. You don't need an account to view them, but some companies/firewalls block Dropbox. Please let me know if this is an issue for anyone.
3. When doing a skill check, please roll the dice - even if you don't know if your check is valid or needed. I might ignore your roll if it is unnecessary (or if you do a good enough job roleplaying that the dice check is replaced by your creativity), but it speeds thing up if I don't have to ask for it.
4. If any of you use Hero Lab, can you please PM me and send me the .por file for your character?
Hello, everyone! I am opening recruitment for a PbP adventure here on the Paizo boards - the infamous Skulls & Shackles AP.
I'm looking for 4-5 players who are able to post at least once a day to keep things moving.
To apply, please complete the (hopefully minimal) steps below.
0. Download and read the Player's Guide.
1. Build a character using the crunch below. You don't have to create an alias yet (unless you want to). I mostly just want to get a sense of what you're thinking.
2. Share how often you can post/contribute to the game. I don't want to put unrealistic expectations on the group, but I'd like to shoot for one post per day on weekdays. If we go faster, I'm down with that.
3. Share how many other PBPs you're currently playing.
4. Share why your character is in Port Peril — does he/she want to become a pirate? Are they just a merchant there? Were they simply born there? This is also known as your back story.
Character Creation Crunch
1. All characters begin at level two.
2. 15-point ability buy.
3. All alignments are allowed, but you must be able to play well with others.
4. All Paizo-created races are acceptable, but core races are preferred. No custom or third-party races are allowed.
5. Paizo-created classes and archetypes only. No paladins or summoners, please.
6. Two traits. One must be a campaign trait. Try to pick traits that align with your backstory, not just add to your character's stats (or figure out how to add stat-boosting traits into your backstory). I'm fine with flavor tweaks to make traits align better with your character's story, but please let me know that you're making the tweak before you assume I'm ok with it (I probably will be).
8. Average gold for buying starting gear for your class.
9. Max HP at level one, roll or 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter. I'm fine with your rolling and then taking the better option for your level 2 roll.
A Couple of Notes:
I'm in love with the Scarred Witch Doctor archetype from the ARG. If someone wanted to play as that, I'd be fine with allowing a half-orc character to take the archetype or if someone wanted to use the "adopted" trait (and had an interesting backstory), I'm good with almost any race taking it. Just a thought.
There is a lot of menial task-management that goes along with GM'ing this game. I may look to my players to help carry the burden a bit. It won't be bad, but just be prepared to "player-GM" some descriptions. I'll obviously explain more along these lines once the game gets rolling.
I was on the Paizo boards this summer running a couple of games and had to shut them all down because life got hectic. I'm sharing this in the interest of full disclosure, not as a warning for this game. I won't be taking on three GM'ing tasks this time and kid-related drama should be non-existent.
Recruitment will run until Friday, with the final decision hopefully being made by Saturday. So get those apps in quickly.
It is the end of a hot, hot summer day in Turtleback Ferry. Whether you've walked all day to arrive here or just across the street, you're covered in a layer of sweat. A cold drink and a light meal are unquestionably in order.
Your current destination, the local tavern The Turtle's Parlor, features a large common room with several smaller rooms on the second floor for the guests. A large pane window in the front of the establishment offers a beautiful view of Claybottom Lake.
As you walk into The Turtle's Parlor, you see only four other patrons - two old men sitting silently and drinking, a gnome who appears to be studying some large books and a portly gentleman consuming his meal. It appears you've beat the crowd. There is a young, plain-looking woman who appears to be taking orders and a portly cook in the open kitchen (what tavern would be complete without a fat cook?). Two halflings stand in one corner of the room, one tuning a stringed instrument and the other blowing some soft notes in a flute; they're apparently the evening's entertainment.
You have your goals, your objectives, your purpose. But those are on hold for a moment. For now, you just need a drink.
You've been in Turtleback Ferry for three days now, staying in one of The Turtle's Parlor guest rooms. You never really intended to stick around this backwater town - there's certainly little here of interest or value - but your sickness has been a little more potent of late and you've spent most of that time in bed.
You're finally feeling back to your old self and you're eager to get back on the road. Finally feeling like your old self, you decide to head downstairs and mingle with the crowd to see what rumors or information can be gleaned from the town's residents - if any. In any event, a decent meal is certainly in order.
You landed in Riddleport nearly two months ago and have been wandering - somewhat aimlessly - across Varisia ever since. You've heard absolutely nothing about Balthier, which isn't too surprising, the further inland you moved.
You tried raising a crew when you first landed, but your name had lost some of its renown - you were viewed with suspicion and outright disdain among the taverns and guilds of Riddleport. This is, you don't doubt, a result of Balthier's attempts to sully your name.
Currently, your aimless wandering has been replaced with purposeful intent. You are headed to Kaer Maga to find some hopeless souls looking for purpose for your crew. Surely the land-locked residents of that strange city won't harbor the same prejudices of those in Riddleport.
The caravan you've been traveling with for the past four days has arrived at its destination - a small town called Turtleback Ferry. You can rest up here and then figure out how to cover the rest of the distance to Kaer Maga.
Hammas and Alonna:
The past three weeks have been incredibly mundane. The thrill of the open road was quickly replaced by the tedium of travel. Apart from a small skirmish with some impoverished kids who underestimated your battle prowess, the ride was uneventful.
That small seed of excitement is newly blooming though, as you've reached your current destination - Turtle's Ferry. Though you aren't certain what you will find here, the promise of treasure, artifacts and adventure is palpable.
As you ride into town, you realize that your information source didn't really provide much direction other than heading to this area. Hammas wisely suggest heading to the tavern - bartenders are always founts of information.
Ragman and Zora:
The two of you have been traveling together for about 5 weeks now and have developed a deep kinship. Though an odd pair, your individual quirks are quickly overcome in group settings. Ragman's awkwardness (insanity) is replaced by Zora's grace and charm and Zora's inability to speak is remedied by Ragman's capacity.
You joined up with a band of entertainers in Whistledown five days ago. They intended to travel to Kaer Maga - your current destination - and you instantly joined up with the vibrantly dressed crew, which is currently headed to Turtle's Ferry. Their destination is out of your way, but you've come to enjoy their company - and protection when traveling the roads - so much, you decide to stick with them a little longer.
You've learned that your traveling companions are actually joining up with another band of performers and setting up a small three-day carnival in Turtle's Ferry - it should be quite a spectacle.
You arrive in Turtle's Ferry in the early afternoon. Your companions encourage you to go find lodging for yourselves, as the carnival will likely be quite chaotic and noisy; not conducive to a good night's rest.
Hello and welcome to the game! I'm excited to get started with all of you.
If you haven't already, finish up your character using the criteria below. Please let me know when you're ready for me to review your sheet. Also, if you use HeroLab, shoot me a PM with your .por file.
Character Creation::
1. All characters begin at level three.
2. 20-point ability buy. There WILL be penalties for low ability points.
3. Non-evil alignments.
4. All Paizo-created races are acceptable, but core races are preferred. No custom or third-party races are allowed.
5. Paizo-created classes and archetypes only. No samurai, ninjas or summoners.
6. Two traits. You may pick a campaign trait from any of the APs that take place in Varisia (RotRL, CotCT, Second Darkness, Jade Regent and Shattered Star) or the traits in the city guides. Try to pick traits that align with your backstory, not just add to your character's stats (or figure out how to add stat-boosting traits into your backstory).
8. Level 3 starting gold. If you take a crafting profession, you may craft at 1/3 of the items' prices, but only if you've taken three skill points in that profession.
9. Max HP at level one, roll or 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter.
10. A super-secret bonus/penalty to be applied if your character is selected. (I'll post these shortly.)
In addition to this crunch, please PM me with the following information:
- What is your character's short-term goal (i.e. making a delivery, visiting family, getting a haircut, etc.)?
- What is your character's long-term motivation (i.e. revenge, falling in love, writing a sonnet, etc.)
- Where is your character currently coming from and where are they heading to?
Also, are any of you connected to one another? Or are you open to being connected? I'm fine with having all six of you being brought together by fate, but connected backstories are always fun.
Finally, as this is a sandbox-y, non-AP game, I'm going to have to ask for you to play nicely a bit. You all have your individual motivations and purposes, but I'm going to do my best to find ways to get you all to work together for common purposes - including fulfilling your individual goals. Please don't resist joining forces TOO much.
I'm sure there will be more, but this should get us started.
Hello, everyone! I am opening recruitment for another PbP adventure here on the Paizo boards. This will be a little different than my other games, as it will be a player-driven sandbox adventure in the rich Varisian region (that's pretty fun to say out loud).
I'm looking for 4-5 players, but I'm open to more if there are some great applications.
To apply, please complete the steps below.
1. Build a character using the crunch below.
2. Share how often you can post/contribute to the game. I don't want to put unrealistic expectations on the group, but I'd like to shoot for one post per day on weekdays. If we go faster, I'm down with that.
3. Share how many other PBPs you're currently playing.
4. Share why your character is in Varisia and one great example of his/her adventuring past (aka your backstory - more on this below).
Character Creation Crunch:
CRITICAL NOTE: This game isn't designed for uber-optimized characters and I'm not looking for the best min-maxers; I'm looking for the most interesting group.
1. All characters begin at level three.
2. 20-point ability buy. There WILL be penalties for low ability points.
3. Non-evil alignments.
4. All Paizo-created races are acceptable, but core races are preferred. No custom or third-party races are allowed.
5. Paizo-created classes and archetypes only. No samurai, ninjas or summoners.
6. Two traits. You may pick a campaign trait from any of the APs that take place in Varisia (RotRL, CotCT, Second Darkness, Jade Regent and Shattered Star) or the traits in the city guides. Try to pick traits that align with your backstory, not just add to your character's stats (or figure out how to add stat-boosting traits into your backstory).
8. Level 3 starting gold. If you take a crafting profession, you may craft at 1/3 of the items' prices, but only if you've taken three skill points in that profession.
9. Max HP at level one, roll or 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter.
10. A super-secret bonus/penalty to be applied if your character is selected.
About Your Character
As this isn't a traditional AP, your background can be wide open, but here some things to keep in mind:
- Your character needs to have some interest in adventuring. They can be a shopkeeper or banker, but they need to also crave leaving their shop and home to do epic things.
- Your character, being level 3, has done some epic - or at least interesting - things already. I don't need their entire life history documented in recruitment, but include at least one example of an amazing feat or challenge they've accomplished or overcome.
- This is a player-driven campaign, which means I'll be looking to your characters for motivation on where to take the story and adventure. Your character should have a reason to be in Varisia and some purpose, goal or destination in mind. What is it? (Let me know if you have any questions about this piece).
- The adventure will begin in a small roadside tavern (surprise!) in Turtleback Ferry called The Turtle's Parlor.
Recruitment will run until I have enough applicants to choose a full party. So get those apps in quickly.
Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the office of Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further then thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg's Trading post. The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this 24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne.
It's been a week since you received word that you had been chosen to be an agent of the Swordlords of Restov and sent to explore and chart the so-called "Stolen Land" - specifically the region referred to as The Greenbelt. Apart from the Charter, you received an ancient and, according to the Steward you spoke with, completely unreliable map of the Greenbelt. Your task is to update the map, accurately charting the terrain and recording any locations of interest. Additionally, you were informed that bandit activity was on the rise in the area and that you should work to eliminate their operations.
Over the past week, you have made your way to the southern edge of rural Rostland to a remote trading post called Oleg's. You will meet the rest of your group there and begin work once everyone - there are five of you total - has arrived.
First to post is first to have arrived. Let the adventure begin!
Hello and welcome to the game! I'm excited to get started with all of you.
If you haven't already, finish up your character using the criteria below. Please let me know when you're ready for me to review your sheet.
Character Creation:
1. All characters begin at level one.
2. 20-point ability buy.
3. Non-evil alignments.
4. All Paizo-created races are acceptable, but core races are preferred. No custom or third-party races are allowed.
5. Paizo-created classes and archetypes only. No gunslingers, samurai, ninjas or summoners.
6. Two traits. One must be a campaign trait. Try to pick traits that align with your backstory, not just add to your character's stats (or figure out how to add stat-boosting traits into your backstory).
8. Average gold for your class.
9. Max HP at level one, roll or 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter.
A Couple of Things:
1. Please put the following in the Class area of your profile. Obviously replace the numbers with your information.
Init +3 | Perc +10 | AC 15 / T 15 / FF 11 | HP 11/11 | Saves F +5/R +3/W +6
2. I use Dropbox to host images of maps, NPCs, etc. You don't need an account to view them, but some companies/firewalls block Dropbox. Please let me know if this is an issue for anyone.
3. When doing a skill check, please roll the dice - even if you don't know if your check is valid or needed. I might ignore your roll if it is unnecessary (or if you do a good enough job roleplaying that the dice check is replaced by your creativity), but it speeds thing up if I don't have to ask for it.
4. If any of you use Hero Lab, can you please PM me and send me the .por file for your character?
Hello, everyone! I am opening recruitment for my final PbP adventure here on the Paizo boards - Kingmaker.
I'm looking for 4-5 players, but I'm open to 6 if there are some great applications.
To apply, please complete the (hopefully minimal) steps below.
0. Download and read the Player's Guide.
1. Build a character using the crunch below.
2. Share how often you can post/contribute to the game. I don't want to put unrealistic expectations on the group, but I'd like to shoot for one post per day on weekdays. If we go faster, I'm down with that.
3. Share how many other PBPs you're currently playing.
4. Share why your character is in Brevoy and how he/she became a part of a chartered group to explore and settle the Stolen Lands (aka your backstory).
Character Creation Crunch
1. All characters begin at level one.
2. 20-point ability buy.
3. Non-evil alignments.
4. All Paizo-created races are acceptable, but core races are preferred. No custom or third-party races are allowed.
5. Paizo-created classes and archetypes only. No gunslingers, samurai, ninjas or summoners.
6. Two traits. One must be a campaign trait. Try to pick traits that align with your backstory, not just add to your character's stats (or figure out how to add stat-boosting traits into your backstory).
8. Average gold for your class.
9. Max HP at level one, roll or 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter.
Recruitment will run until I have enough applicants to choose a full party. So get those apps in quickly.
Place: Heldren Time: Early Evening, 13th of Erastus
The sleepy village of Heldren has rarely seen so much excitement or concern. Even though it is the height of summer, hunters from the nearby Border Wood speak of unnaturally cold weather that descended on the forest just days ago. Heavy snow followed, and those who returned spoke of an uneasy presence in the woods, as well as new, dangerous predators. No one knows what this event means, but the town’s soothsayer, Old Mother Theodora, claims dark times lie ahead.
As if in proof of that dire prophecy, the story of a badly wounded mercenary arriving in town yesterday is on the lips of every villager. Apparently, he claimed to be a bodyguard of Lady Argentea Malassene and told the village council that the noblewoman’s escort came under attack. But not just by bandits - they were accompanied by strange, wintry creatures.
He alone escaped, and Lady Argentea was dragged away into the forest. Many of the townsfolk cast fearful eyes toward the Border Wood, worried what else might emerge to threaten their peaceful village.
Hello and welcome to the game! I'm excited to get started with all of you.
If you haven't already, finish up your character using the criteria below. Please let me know when you're ready for me to review your sheet.
Character Creation:
1. All characters begin at level one.
2. 20-point ability buy.
3. Non-evil alignments.
4. All Paizo-created races are acceptable. No custom or third-party races are allowed.
5. All Paizo-created classes and archetypes are acceptable.
6. Two traits. One must be a campaign trait. Try to pick traits that align with your backstory, not just add to your character's stats (or figure out how to add stat-boosting traits into your backstory).
8. Max gold for your class.
9. Max HP at level one, roll or 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter.
10. Firearms are commonplace.
A Couple of Things:
1. Please put the following in the Class area of your profile. Obviously replace the numbers with your information.
Init +3 | Perc +10 | AC 15 / T 15 / FF 11 | HP 11/11 | Saves F +5/R +3/W +6
2. I use Dropbox to host images of maps, NPCs, etc. You don't need an account to view them, but some companies/firewalls block Dropbox. Please let me know if this is an issue for anyone.
3. When doing a skill check, please roll the dice - even if you don't know if your check is valid or needed. I might ignore your roll if it is unnecessary (or if you do a good enough job roleplaying that the dice check is replaced by your creativity), but it speeds thing up if I don't have to ask for it.
4. If any of you use Hero Lab, can you please PM me and send me the .por file for your character?
Thanks, everyone!
Excitable Nosh:
Hello! You mentioned in recruitment that you'd be willing to rework Nosh as a Rogue. I hope that's still ok. While having two gnomes in one party seems like a lot, you're welcome to remain gnomish or rethink your character from scratch. Let me know what you're thinking.
Hello, everyone! I picked up the first book in the Reign of Winter AP last night and read through all of it in one setting - I love the vibe of this chilly scenario. As such, I've decided to give it a go here as a PBP and I'd like to invite you, the Paizo-gaming community, to join me.
To apply, please complete the (hopefully minimal) steps below.
0. Download and read the Player's Guide.
1. Build a character using the crunch below.
2. Share how often you can post/contribute to the game. I don't want to put unrealistic expectations on the group, but I'd like to shoot for one post per day on weekdays. If we go faster, I'm down with that.
3. Share how many other PBPs you're currently playing.
4. Interact with the other applicants (this will serve as a writing sample, introduction to your character, barometer of how well you play with others and a sample of your character's personality):
It is evening in Heldren. There is a chill in the air as you make your way toward The Silver Stoat, Heldren's only tavern. Whether you've lived in Heldren your entire life or are newly arrived, you know that this is a fixture of village life and that the tavern fills with patrons as they gather to share gossip, hear news and reward themselves with a mug of Three Devil Ale for their hard day's work. As you cross the threshold, you are greeted by a crackling fire, the smell of delicious steaks, and the sounds of hearty conversation.
Character Creation Crunch
1. All characters begin at level one.
2. 20-point ability buy.
3. Non-evil alignments.
4. All Paizo-created races are acceptable. No custom or third-party races are allowed.
5. All Paizo-created classes and archetypes are acceptable.
6. Two traits. One must be a campaign trait. Try to pick traits that align with your backstory, not just add to your character's stats (or figure out how to add stat-boosting traits into your backstory).
8. Max gold for your class.
9. Max HP at level one, roll or 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter.
10. Firearms are commonplace.
Character Concept:
I don't really want people to spend a ton of time time drafting a crazy-long background (unless you want to!), so I'm just asking for a general idea of who your character is and why they are the way they are. Here are some basic questions to consider.
1. The adventure starts in the village of Heldren, a small village in Taldor just north of the Border Wood near Qadira. All characters should be residents of Heldren. Were you born there? Are you newly arrived?
2. If you're playing as a common race, how do you view other, rarer races? If you're playing as an uncommon race, how did you come to live among the common?
3. What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle?
4. What goals/aspirations does your character have? These don't always need to be lofty or noble.
Recruitment will run until I have enough applicants to choose a full party. So get those apps in quickly.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to the applications!
I know this is probably a cardinal Paizo sin, but I have never played Crypt of the Everflame as a player or GM. It's time to remedy that.
As such, I'd like to invite all interested parties to apply for this PbP game of this amazing module.
Recruitment Details
I'm looking for 4 players - maybe 5. I'm not looking for highly optimized characters, merely interesting ones (within reason).
To apply, please complete the (hopefully minimal) steps below.
1. Develop a character concept using the criteria/questions below.
2. Share a brief writing example. This could be your character's backstory, an example from another game you're in or an excerpt from an old term paper (please don't). Just let me see an example of your style.
3. Share how often you can post/contribute to the game. I don't want to put unrealistic expectations on the group, but I'd like to shoot for one post per day on weekdays. If we go faster, I'm down with that.
4. Share how many other PBPs you're currently playing.
Character Concept:
I don't really want people to spend time building a full character (unless you want to!), so I'm just asking for a general concept. I've posted the character creation guidelines just so you know what you're signing up for, but don't feel pressured to go through all the rigamarole of creating a complete character until you're selected.
As for your background, put as much or as little effort into fleshing that out as you want. I prefer characters with deep backgrounds, but also understand the effort associated with building something creative/interesting. If you have one you'd like to share, great! If not, no worries.
1. Pick a Class. All Paizo-created classes are acceptable.
2. The adventure takes place in Kassen. All characters should have some sort of tie to the town and should be living in the town when the quest starts. Were you born there or are you newly arrived?
3. What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle?
4. (Optional) What is your character's backstory?
Character Creation:
As stated above, this is just for information at this point. You aren't required to build the crunch of your character at this point.
1. All characters begin at level one.
2. 20-point ability buy.
3. Non-evil alignments.
4. Core races only. Unless you have a really interesting concept using a Featured race from the ARG. Uncommon and Custom races won't be accepted. Sorry.
5. All Paizo-created classes are acceptable.
6. Two traits.
8. Average gold for your class.
9. Max HP at level one, roll or 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter.
Recruitment will run until I have enough applicants to choose a full party. So get those apps in quickly!
In the kingdom of Talingarde, many crimes may send you to Branderscar Prison, but the sentence has but one meaning. You are wicked and irredeemable. Each of you received the same greeting when you arrived. You were held down by rough hands and branded upon the arm with a runic "F." The mark signifies ‘forsaken’ and the painful scar is proof that each of you has betrayed the great and eternal love of Mitra and his chosen mortal vassals.
Condemned, you face at best a life of shackles and servitude in the nearby salt mines. Others might await the “gentle” ministrations of the inquisitors so that co-conspirators may be revealed and confessions extracted. Perhaps, some of you will be spared this ordeal. Perhaps instead you have come to Branderscar to face the final judgment. In three days, the executioner arrives and the axe falls or the pyre will be lit. Through fire or steel, your crimes will be answered.
You have all been chained together in the same communal cell dressed in nothing but filthy, tattered rags. Manhandled and mistreated, any finery you once possessed is either ruined or long lost. No special treatment has been given any prisoner – male or female, commoner or noble – all of the forsaken are bound and imprisoned together. Your feet are secured by iron cuffs tethered by one long chain. Your arms are secured to the wall above by manacles. A guard is posted right outside the cell day and night.
Little thought is given to long term accommodations. At Branderscar, justice comes swift and sure. Escape seems hopeless. You have all been well searched and every attempt to conceal anything on your person has failed. And if you could somehow slip your bonds and fly out of this prison, where would you go? Who from your former life would want anything to do with the forsaken? Despised, alone and shackled – all that you can do now is await your doom.
For each of you, your old life is over. For each of you, hope is a fading memory. For each of you, justice will be fairly meted. And who can blame fair Talingarde after what each of you has done?
Take some time to introduce yourselves to your new...friends.
Hello and welcome to the game! I'm excited to get started with all of you.
If you haven't already, finish up your character using the criteria below. Please let me know when you're ready for me to review your sheet.
Character Creation:
1. All characters begin at level one.
2. We will be using the Focus/Foible ability method.
3. Alignment must be LE or NE.
4. Core races only. Unless you have a really interesting concept using a Featured race from the ARG. Uncommon and Custom races won't be accepted. Sorry.
5. All Paizo-created classes are acceptable, excluding the Paladin.
6. +2 Skill Points per level
7. Two traits. One MUST be your crime.
8. You begin with no gold or equipment.
9. Max HP at level one, roll or 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter.
A couple of questions before we begin:
1. How do you prefer to handle initiative? I like using individual initiative if we can, but if we find it's slowing us down too much, we can adjust. Anybody else have a good method for PbP initiative?
2. I've noticed in some other games that players have stats like HP, Perception, Saves, etc. under their character name. I'm not really sure how to do that, but I'd appreciate it if all of you could do that. Does anyone know how to make that happen?
Hello, Paizo boards! GM Tallgrass here. I'm new to the Paizo boards and excited to connect with the community here. I've spent most of my online gaming life over at RPOL, but I've found a distinct lack of Paizo-based games and a transient (i.e. non-posting) user-base for every game I've ever participated in or GM'ed. While I'm sure the board here has its share of non-posters, there is, at the least, an overabundance of Paizo gaming opportunities and players!
But enough about me. On to the gaming.
Recruitment Details
The game up for recruitment is Fire Mountain Game's phenomenal Way of the Wicked. I'm sure most players here are familiar with it, but just in case you're not, you can download the Player's Guide here.
I'm looking for 4 players - maybe 5. And, as I'm a little old-school, it's important to me that all roles are filled - Martial, Arcane, Skilled and Divine. So keep that in mind as you apply.
To apply, please complete the (hopefully minimal) steps below.
0. Download and read the Player's Guide.
1. Develop a character concept using the criteria/questions below.
2. Share a brief writing example. This could be your character's backstory, an example from another game you're in or an excerpt from an old term paper (please don't). Just let me see an example of your style.
3. Share how often you can post/contribute to the game. I don't want to put unrealistic expectations on the group, but I'd like to shoot for one post per day on weekdays. If we go faster, I'm down with that.
4. Share how many other PBPs you're currently playing.
Character Concept:
I don't really want people to spend time building a full character (unless you want to!), so I'm just asking for a general concept. I've posted the character creation guidelines just so you know what you're signing up for, but don't feel pressured to go through all the rigamarole of creating a complete character until you're selected.
As for your background, put as much or as little effort into fleshing that out as you want. I prefer characters with deep backgrounds, but also understand the effort associated with building something creative/interesting. If you have one you'd like to share, great! If not, no worries.
1. Pick a Class. All Paizo-created classes are acceptable, excluding Paladins. Anti-Paladins and Barbarians can choose LE or NE as their alignment.
2. What crime did you commit to land you in prison?
3. What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle?
4. Mechanically where do you foresee your character going in the future? If you don't have a plan, that's ok, too!
5. (Optional) What is your character's backstory?
Character Creation Guidelines:
As stated above, this is just for information at this point. You aren't required to build the crunch of your character at this point.
1. All characters begin at level one.
2. We will be using the Focus/Foible ability method.
3. Alignment must be LE or NE.
4. Core races only. Unless you have a really interesting concept using a Featured race from the ARG. Uncommon and Custom races won't be accepted. Sorry.
5. All Paizo-created classes are acceptable, excluding the Paladin.
6. +2 Skill Points per level
7. Two traits. One MUST be your crime.
8. You begin with no gold or equipment.
9. Max HP at level one, roll or 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter.
Recruitment will run until next Friday, March 29 or until we have enough applicants to flesh out the party.