I want to thank you guys for playing and for bearing with me in my first foray into Paizoboards PbP. It was a blast. I'll have Chronicle sheets to you guys tomorrow (no time today). And now for the fun part of what technically qualifies as a mini-con. Boon Rolls: GM: 1d20 ⇒ 2 Aikio: 1d20 ⇒ 8 Kishara: 1d20 ⇒ 7 Brewslee: 1d20 ⇒ 1 Sickly: 1d20 ⇒ 1 Auric: 1d20 ⇒ 10 Ariana: 1d20 ⇒ 12 Boon of players choice on a natural roll of 1 or 20 **Re-Rolls not allowed on boons** CHOICE # 1 Psychic Awakening: You can infuse one of your items with psychic energy, granting it more power and significance over time. Choose one weapon or armor of at least masterwork quality, one wand, or one wondrous item that can be upgraded, such as a cloak of resistance +1. To infuse the item with psychic energy, perform one of the following tasks, as appropriate for the item type. Once per adventure after performing this task, you may check off one of the 10 boxes on this Chronicle sheet. Armor: Wear the armor during at least one combat encounter. Wand: Activate the wand, using at least one charge. Weapon: Make at least one successful attack roll against an opponent during an encounter. Other Item: Proclaim the item’s greatness or significance before attempting a skill check or attack roll. Alternatively, use the item as an additional focus when casting a spell. You must be wearing the item prominently or holding it in your hand in order to infuse it with psychic energy. Once you check off the 10th box on this Chronicle sheet, you have fully infused your item with psychic energy. If the item is not a wand, you may expend this psychic energy to reduce the cost of one future upgrade to the item by 20%. This discount does not stack with other discounts, and it can provide a maximum price reduction of 200 gp per character level. The discount reduces the price you pay for the item, but it does not reduce the market price of the item for the purpose of having enough Fame to qualify for the purchase. If the psychically infused item is a wand, you may expend the psychic energy between scenarios to recharge the wand. You may restore up 5 charges of to a wand of a 4th-level spell, up to 10 charges to a wand of a 3rd-level spell, up to 25 charges to wand of a 2nd-level spell, and up to 50 charges to a wand of a 1st-level spell. A wand cannot hold more than 50 charges, and the number of charges you restore to the wand cannot increase its effective market price by more that 200 gp per character level. Once you recharge the wand once, the remaining psychic energy dissipates. ----------------------------------------------- CHOICE # 2 Elemental Blast: You may harness the energy of an element to attack a target within 30 feet with a kinetic blast, using your character level as your effective kineticist level. You may perform one of the blasts detailed below. Once you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet. Air, Earth, or Water: You may call forth a blast of air, earth, or water as a standard action. This blast is a ranged touch attack that deals an amount of damage equal to 1d6+1 + your Constitution modifier, plus an additional 1d6+1 points of damage for every 2 levels you possess beyond 1st. Its damage type is bludgeoning, unless you select earth, in which case its damage type is bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. Cold, Electricity, or Fire: You may call forth a blast of cold, electricity, or fire. This blast is a ranged touch attack that deals an amount of damage equal to 1d6 + 1/2 your Constitution modifier, plus an additional 1d6 points of damage for every 2 levels you possess beyond 1st. The cold blast deals cold damage, the electricity blast deals electricity damage, and the fire blast deals fire damage. This blast is subject to spell resistance. If you are a kineticist, you can apply metakinesis and infusions to this blast. If you are a kineticist of at least 7th level, you may use this boon to unleash a composite blast with this blast’s element as one of its components. ----------------------------------------------- CHOICE # 3 Emotional Aura: You may channel an aura from the emotional spectrum into your body as a standard action, infusing yourself with its effects. If you do so, your body takes on a subtle color of the aura you channel until the effects end. These auras all count as spell-like abilities with a caster level equal to your character level. Once you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet. Anger (Bright Red): You are overcome with anger. You gain the effects of a rage spell for a number of rounds equal to your character level. Faith (Blue): Your faith envelops you and strengthens your resolve. For one minute, you gain a +1 sacred or profane bonus to AC and on all saving throws. If you have the ability to cast divine spells, you may end the aura’s effects as a free action to increase the saving throw DC to resist one of your divine spells by 2. Flexibility (Emerald Green): You have the skills to handle any situation. For one minute, you can use all skills as if you were trained in them. For the duration of this effect, you can roll checks as if you possessed a number of ranks in the skill equal to 1/2 your character level (minimum 1). Hatred (Black): You can channel your hatred into one of your foes. For one minute, you gain a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against the target creature. You may end the aura’s effects to sicken the target for one minute after you hit it with an attack roll or affect it with a non-harmless spell (Fortitude save DC 12+1/2 your character level negates). Love (Scarlet): Your aura of love makes others hesitate before attacking you. You gain the benefits of a sanctuary spell for a number of rounds equal to your character level (Will save DC 12 + 1/2 your character level negates) Pride (Orange): Your pride augments your persuasive power and defends you against effects that would harm your ego. You gain a +2 bonus on all Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks for 1 minute. Additionally, you gain a +2 bonus on saving throw against charms, compulsions, and fear effects for 1 minute. ![]()
Sickly's attack smashes this Charvion as well as the last one, but as always, another one appears, acting before the party can react. He snaps his fingers, creating a burst similar to the one that confused Kishara. He won initiative. Everyone except Brewslee, kindly roll me a will save against Confusion. DC 17. Then it can be party turn. ![]()
Auric's first arrow hits a shattered arm bone where Sickly hit him, causing him to fall unconscious. Nearby, a different Charvion notices that you aren't being fought right now, and turns his attention on you. He floats out of Sickly's reach, claws extended. Okay, we're gonna call this a new combat but with same initiative rolls. So order is Kishara->Charvion->party ![]()
Charvion cackles as he rises 30 feet into the air, pointing a finger at Auric and sending transmutation energies into him. I need a fortitude save from Auric, DC 18, and if he fails that I need a Will save. If he fails the first, he turns into a cute little froggy, if he fails the second he loses his mind and hops away. Spellcraft to identify IC that it's Baleful Polymorph. Turn order neatly breaks down into Charvion first, then party, then top of the order. ![]()
I mostly meant from the way you were flavoring your posts it sounded like you were all trying to work on different triggers to shut it down in one round. Also no, you cannot roll it untrained. If you can think of something else creative to help feel free to give it a try. This time the tendrils lash out far more accurately, catching Sickly, Auric and Kishara square in the face. Those I named, take 9 damage, fortitude for half. ![]()
I totally meant deactivate it :x Auric manages to get to the cage, and finds some kind of trigger on the side of the cage. He activates it, and there cage makes some kind of noise, but it doesn't stop. Based on Aikio's keen eye and knowledge of magic, she deduces that there are two more triggers to find and activate, that they need time to operate before the next one can be activated, and that a screwup could be bad. In the course of their work, both Aikio and Auric are narrowly missed by tendrils of energy. Need actions from the other four, then y'all can carry on. In plain english, what Aikio figured out is that you can only get one successful disable device check per round. If multiple people attempt, then I'll consider the highest number your total and everything else an Aid Another. Unless of course there's a natural 1. Mwahaha. ![]()
What should be a decisive blow against the spirit from Brewslee seems to do far less than it normally should. Casual reminder that incorporeal creatures can't be crit. Sickly's attack does significantly more damage than Brewslee's strikes, though it too seems to simply pass through her. Auric's first arrow fells the goblin, but his second missed, and now they're on their guard. Goblins have joined the initiative order. For simplicity's sake, I'm resetting the initiative. Order is now Brewslee->Kishara->Sickly->spooky ghost lady->Ariana->Auric->goblins->Aikio The spirit takes another swing at Brewslee, this time her hand passing chillingly through her chest. Brewslee takes 6 damage and gains two negative levels. Ariana and Auric's turns. ![]()
What Kishara sees.
Three goblins hide in this room, seemingly preparing for an ambush. What Breweslee sees.
Wandering inside this room is the pearlescent white visage of a half-orc woman. It turns when Brewslee opens the door and lets out a piercing shriek. We are in initiative. Aikio and Auric, please position yourselves. Initiative order is Brewslee->Kishara->ghosty->Party. ![]()
I'll say Heroism has run out yes. Unseeable and unheard, Sickly reaches the door easily without being noticed. With Auric right behind him, he also makes no sound as his hammer smashes the door off of its hinges. However, not all of the party is quite stealthy enough, and the dragon's head rears towards the party. Just before they can sneak through the doors, the dragon's tail swings into an overhang over the roof, sending rubble scattering down on them. 15 damage from the rubble, DC 18 reflex to halve ![]()
Map has been updated. I'm a roll20 subscriber so dynamic lighting is also now in play, so don't be wigged out when you get inside and the lighting does wiggy things. There is a door, it does seem to be barred. And I'll consider 4/5 a sufficient number for sneaking. Apply your assorted buffs and then make stealth checks, everyone. I'll apply buff modifiers retroactively, so don't feel like you need to wait for the silence and the invisibility. ![]()
It has not, so Ariana is fine. The goblins, however... Aikio's fireball incinerates most of the goblins, leaving only one of the mooks, face scorched, and both leaders, barely on their feet. The rest, there's no trace left. The two leaders stop, look at each other, then take off in different directions, screaming obscenities in Goblin as they run. Aaaaand combat over. “Come quickly!” a voice from the shadows calls out. Wedged into one of Skyreach’s darkened doorways is the enigmatic Pathfinder, Osprey. He’s paler than usual, several arrows pierce his skin, and his hands are smeared with blood. “I have little time to speak; however, I must now burden you with a suspicion that is now a reality.” Lowering his voice to a soft hiss he whispers, “The Shadow Lodge is real.” ![]()
Defending Skyreach, a valiant group of Pathfinders line the towers and stations along the fortress’s exterior. On the grounds in front, a large black dragon lies in a crumpled heap, its corpse riddled with arrows and leaking acid and ichor. As you pass by Skyreach, you come across a group of goblins literally stumbling over each other, trying to get out of here as quickly as they can. When they see you, though, they panic and go into an attack. The leaders are slower to react, but their underlings quickly pull out shortbows and fire a barrage of arrows, mostly targeted at Brewslee but one errant one striking Ariana. Brewslee takes 10 damage, Ariana takes 3. Turn order is goblins->Aikio->Ariana->goblin leaders->Kishara->Brewslee->Auric->Sickly ![]()
Both goblins fall to Auric's arrows, and the woman raises her hands in surrender. "Alright, alright, fine, I surrender. I'll tell you what you want to know in exchange for my life." Now that combat is over, Knowledge (religion) to identify her holy symbol. "I am working with the Eater of Bones, yes. He's after some scrolls in the Masoleum at the Grand Lodge. My assignment was just to cause a distraction, not this... slaughter. Charvion's gone too far, in my opinion, and operated without the consent of our allies." ![]()
Both goblin dogs and the goblin are knocked out cold by Brewslee's strikes. One of the goblins, however, runs over to where the other one was knocked out and pulls a lever, dropping a large pile of rubble onto Brewslee's head. 5 damage to Brewslee, DC 20 reflex to halve The other remaining goblin shoots Ariana. 3 damage to Ariana. Everyone except Brewslee can go.