![]() Bun crosses the hall to get into position to shoot Green. Eddie chills Green and sends some guidance to Sal’era.
Sal’era slashes Green, almost downing him. Jiggo channels power into Sal’era and then heals the Veiled Lady. Round 2 Bolded may act. Society to identify the tengu.
Eddie Round 3: Veiled Lady
![]() Yellow goes down to Bun’s shot.
Since it will not interfere in any way, I will have Green act while Bun decides how to use their last action. Green feints and then attacks the Veiled Lady. They discover she is very difficult to feint. Critical failure The weapon attack clangs off her shield.
It decides to see if Sal’era is any easier to hit. Unfortunately that doesn’t work any better.
“Weeding isn’t supposed to be this difficult!” Round 2 Bolded may act. Society to identify the tengu.
Round 3: Veiled Lady 24 damage
![]() Having satisfied her curiosity for now, Lileone bids you goodbye and leaves. As you would expect from a scout, her directions were accurate. You have no trouble finding Zahra’s house within the air-district of Vialesk. Meeting Zahra, it is obvious that the recent events have upset her greatly as she has difficulty keeping her thoughts organized and keeping signs of anger off her face. She wishes you to investigate the failure of her last expedition. All the on-site evidence has been lost to the tides and the algae, but she firmly believes the disaster was due to foul play. Zahra is trying to track down the expedition members who have left the city and is searching for any external forces that could have attacked the caravan. She gives your group a list of the survivors that remain in Vialesk, and she urges you to investigate the people on that list.
She highly recommends you be subtle, in case there was a saboteur among the previous adventurers. Although she does not believe that she is directly responsible for the damage to the reefs, she still wishes to do whatever she can to stop it. She explains, “Many of the expedition suppliers and survivors are associated with larger organizations, and such resources could be pooled together to save the reef. I will warn you not to employ any expedition traitors in this task.” It is clear she also hopes you can recruit this help as you investigate what happened. ![]()
![]() Soddy uses her medicine kit to patch up one of the Veiled Lady’s wounds. The Veiled Lady raises her shield and then gives Yellow a bad headache. Yellow is badly injured but still active.
Yellow grabs the Veiled Lady and pulls her between the two of them.
Then it slashes with its weapon twice, but only the first attempt hits.
wakizashi: 1d20 + 10 - 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 - 10 = 9
The log rapidly fires seeds at Sal’era. It should aim before firing.
seed, MAP: 1d20 + 10 - 5 ⇒ (2) + 10 - 5 = 7
seed: 1d20 + 10 - 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 - 10 = 7
Round 2 Bolded may act. Society to identify the tengu.
Yellow 22 damage
Round 3: Veiled Lady 24 damage
![]() Spoiler:
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 Eddie knows that the log is actually an elder trunk. Similar to a leshy, it is created by housing a nature spirit into a tree that was recently hit by lightning. They are highly resistant to electricity and heal in sunlight. He then shocks the two tengu. They both evade the worst of it.
Round 1 Bolded may act. Society to identify the tengu.
Yellow 19 damage, off-guard to Veiled Lady until end of it’s next turn
Round 2: Veiled Lady 16 damage
![]() Eddie 'Bo' Leetus wrote:
So it looks like she knows Tanglefoot formula. That doesn’t splash. She has the longspear which has reach or her sling. The other thing is when people get hurt she has Battle Medicine. Those are the things I see. She could also attempt the Nature check for the log and might be able to Aid if someone is attempting something that matches her skill set. Those are the ideas that I can come up with quickly. ![]()
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1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 Jiggo is certain these Tengu are mixed up with the Golden League. Their combat style is that of a Golden League low level smuggler. He also sees various trinkets on them making him expect that they are able to ‘eat fortune’ such as curses. He expects that they will pull the sort of dirty tricks he has seen other rogues use to make the most of every strike against a distracted opponent.
Game mechanics:
Eat Fortune [reaction] (concentrate, divine, tengu) Frequency once per day; Trigger A creature within 60 feet uses a fortune or misfortune effect; Effect The tengu negates the attempt to manipulate fate and fortune. Eat Fortune gains the opposing trait, and the triggering effect is disrupted. Sneak Attack Sal’era fails to distract or strike their opponent. Round 1 Bolded may act. Society to identify the tengu.
Yellow 15 damage, off-guard to Veiled Lady until end of it’s next turn
Round 2: Veiled Lady 16 damage
![]() Bun moves forward and fires his boom-wand at Yellow, hitting them. Assuming Soddy continues to delay. Green feints at Sal’era and then attacks. They miss.
They then slash at the Veiled Lady. At least you think that was supposed to be an attack.
Round 1 Bolded may act. Society to identify the tengu.
Yellow 15 damage, off-guard to Veiled Lady until end of it’s next turn
Round 2: Veiled Lady 16 damage
![]() Yellow tries to tumble past the Veiled Lady but can’t find an opening.
Then the log moves, swatting at the Veiled Lady with a root. It only hits because the Veiled Lady did not realize that log could move.
The log thrashes at her twice move, but now that she is aware of the deception neither attack hits.
Realizing his first attempt at deception went badly, Yellow Tengu then says “Would you believe we are florists?” Round 1 Bolded may act. Society to identify the tengu.
Veiled Lady 16 damage
![]() Yellow’s Will save, frightened: 1d20 + 4 - 1 ⇒ (8) + 4 - 1 = 11 Yellow takes the normal effect of the Veiled Lady’s spell. “Next time we find better hiding places!” Does someone want to bot Soddy? Round 1 Bolded may act. Society to identify the tengu. Veiled Lady
![]() Goldur, since you are trying to be friendly and your Take 10 Diplomacy is a 20… Lileone Nods her agreement with the statement about carelessness. She gives a small nod of the head and replies “Nice to meet you as well, Goldur. I do wish you well on your investigation, but fear it is a fool’s errand.” She thinks a moment, then passes three potions of water breathing to distribute amongst the group. “It is likely at some point you will need to go someplace without air while in the city. Here, take these to help you.” With a gesture towards her own wayfinder she acknowledges “Pathfinders don’t have to agree with each other, but we do need to cooperate!” Looking towards Galandir, she says “You should talk to Zahra. She has been looking into that already.” She gives the group directions to Zahra’s abode. Fortunately it is in the part of the city with air. ![]()
![]() “A week ago, Zahra set out on an expedition towards a sea of jellyfish known as the Lambent Bloom. She believed she had made an incredible discovery: the remnants of one of the lost elemental lord Lysianassa's servants, which might still hold a fragment of Lysianassa's power. I was skeptical of her claims, but I joined her. If there was any chance she was correct, I thought it was worth investigating.” With a pained expression, she says “I should have thought better of it.” “Not two days into our journey, Zahra steered our caravan too close to a patch of the Carmine Scourge, a poisonous red algae that drifts through the plane on the tides. They say it blooms in places where the elemental lord Kelizandri has passed, and it certainly shares his hunger. It sprung upon our caravan as if drawn by a magnet, sending everything into chaos and killing most of our precious whale sharks. Several members of our expedition are still violently ill, and I only survived myself because I was scouting when the incident occurred. Worse yet, though we managed to escape, the algae clung to us as we fled back to Vialesk. It broke off and settled among the coral reefs, and now the reefs have begun to die.” Shaking her head, she continues. “Zahra has managed to convince herself some great conspiracy is to blame, rather than her poor navigation decisions and her inability to listen to anyone else. I have no doubt she truly believes she's innocent; she has always been stubborn and arrogant, and it has always led her into trouble. The Society may have overlooked her errors in the past due to her superb mind and her talent for damage control, but this time, I will not allow them to slide. I warned her that the waters ahead didn't seem right to me, but she couldn't be troubled to listen. She has no excuse for the damage she has done and I will see to it that she is held accountable for her negligence.” Looking directly at Salvio, she challenges him. “I look forward to your attempts to prove me wrong.” ![]()
![]() Purchases like the above are fine as well. The carriage ride is uneventful. You had plenty of time to exchange greetings along the way. A broad coral structure dozens of stories tall emerges from the boundless sea. A steady stream of submersibles dock and depart, while dockworkers unload goods and carry them to carefully protected glass tunnels. Water mephits swim and flit about, surveying the new arrivals. The turtle-drawn carriage swims up to one of the tunnels. As the carriage's bubble of air meets the tunnel's mouth, fresh air flows into the carriage, carrying with it the smell of fish. Within the glass passage, an elf with teal hair, webbed fingers, and gills stares out at the sea. As the turtles come to a stop, she raises her pale blue hands in an unfamiliar greeting. A golden wayfinder is secured tightly to her wrist, and a pair of long coral daggers is strapped to her back. “So, she actually did it,” the elf comments, tilting her head and giving a small smirk. “I had heard Zahra was threatening to summon agents to investigate what happened, but I thought it might merely be bluster to save face. Still, whatever cause has brought you here, you are welcome in our city.” “I am Lileone Blacktide, and I wish you luck, but I warn you that there is no culprit for you to find beyond Zahra herself.” You haven’t even been told what you are to investigate and already someone is saying there is nothing to investigate? So much for a straightforward mission. ![]()
![]() Sounds like we have a plan. I can certainly understand wanting to get to the next level on a character. The GM credit from this will finally get my character to 7th where they can enter the prestige class they have been working towards since 1st level. @Radagast, hope you find a game soon. Thank you for being accommodating to Galandir. Please update the RPGChronicles sign in when you have a chance. ![]()
![]() I have five signed up in RPGChronicles. Salvio Perovsky, Wizard Lvl: 4
24/5 =4.8 rounds to 5. If the result of the Average Party Level calculation ends with 0.5, the players should decide whether to round up or down. Starting with Season 4, scenarios were designed for six characters and contained methods to adjust for tables with four players. When the APL of a table is between two subtiers (like APL 3 for a Tier 1–5 scenario), a party of four characters must play the lower tier without any adjustments for party size. A party of five to seven characters whose APL falls between two subtiers must play the higher tier with the four-character adjustments found throughout the scenario. @Galandir, are you alright with high tier and four player adjustment? If not, @Radagast would you consider playing your lower level character? If we had a total of 22 levels, it would still be low tier. ![]()
![]() Initiative:
Bun Helsing's Initiative Using One Shot One Kill: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 Soddy-Daisy's Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20 Jiggo Maeleranti's Initiative: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21 Krinolyn Veiled Lady Styncorn's Initiative: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29 Eddie's Initiative: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13 Brown Log: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15 Yellow Tengu: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15 Green Tengu: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13 Round 1
The two sneaks did such a poor job of hiding that everyone can see them. Veiled Lady
![]() Spoiler:
Eddie's Perception (E): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20
Yellow: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11Red: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 Opening the sliding door built into the wall, you look into the room to the south. Two plain wooden desks are crammed into this office. There is a log (about three foot long) resting against the wall in the north west corner. There are two tengu, each crouching beneath one of the desks. Either it is an earthquake drill or they are trying to hide. Another post incoming soon… ![]()
![]() Spoiler:
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19 The halfling and tengu here are passed out drunk. There is a pail near one of the beds that shows at least one of them drank until they were sick. He doesn’t think either of them are likely to wake up unless vigorously shaken or smelling salts are used on them. Looking around, Jiggo spots some unusual coins scattered on the floor. They had spilled out of a coin purse someone had dropped on the floor. Looking at them, Jiggo is able to recognize them as Golden League coins. He knows that the Golden League is a criminal organization and these type of coins are used within the organization. They have no legitimate use in commerce. Seeing no threat, the rest of the group follows Jiggo into the room. Looking to the south, Jiggo sees a closed door. Are you going to look in C4? It wasn’t clear to me if you were willing to open the door. ![]()
![]() The Red Reverend is given a location where there is a planar gate to the plane of water. He is told that his passage through the gate and to the city of Vialesk is being provided for by a Pathfinder agent named Zahra who wants a team to investigate suspected sabotage. Each of the rest of you also get a message or a short briefing saying much the same thing. You first meet each other for this mission on the plane of water. When you get to the other side of the planar gate, you are greeted by a gillman coachman who shows you the way to the carriage. This carriage is drawn by a giant turtle and has a bubble of magically replenishing air encases the carriage, allowing your group to survive the journey through the boundless sea. Red Reverend is the first in the carriage. ![]()
![]() Messages sent. It is likely we will not get started in the actual adventure until tomorrow evening or the next afternoon as I will be spending most of the day tomorrow on the road driving home. Please do get your tokens placed on Slide 2 of the Maos and Handouts. ![]()
![]() So we only have four people signed into RPGChronicles. Salvio Perovsky, 4th level
I will check with qstor and SodiumTelluride, see if they still plan to play. If they do, that would be 28/6 ~= 4.7 which is still low tier. As is mentioned above, if it just the four signed in it is also low tier. You can start introducing yourselves. The Red Reverend did meet with a venture captain, who told him he was going to the plane of water. The group meet each other at a planar gate as the last of you are boarding a giant turtle-drawn carriage which has been commissioned to take you to the city of Vialesk. A bubble of magically replenishing air encases the carriage, allowing your group to survive the journey through the boundless sea. Now to go send messages to a couple of MIA players… ![]()
![]() Jiggo avoids the worst of the blast of sake. He then munches some more veggies, causing him to heal all the damage the sake did. Sal’era gets her revenge on this pot. The first attack puts a crack in the vessel. The follow up with the tail does just enough to bust it. Combat over Still need Reflex save from Veiled Lady. Still have two veggies on the lamb. ![]()
![]() Although the lamb fails to accomplish anything with their attack, Eddie does manage to do some damage with the spout of water. The Red pot is moved back, the sake is diluted, and the vessel is slightly damaged. I have adjusted Sal’era’s position based on Red being moved by the Hydraulic Push. I think you took one too many actions, Jiggo, but no need to rewind. Sal’era finished getting out of the yellow container as Jiggo comes down the stairs. Jiggo breaks off and eats a stalk of broccoli, healing the two of them. Sal’era rushes to the other side of the vessel. Although the attack is accurate, she needed more power behind the strike. It does no damage. Red spits sake at the Veiled Lady and Jiggo.
Then it bites at Sal’era. It had a lot of power behind that bite, fortunately it missed.
Round 3
Red pot 14 damage
Round 4 Jiggo 24 damage DC 19 Basic Reflex vs 12 damage
![]() Unfortunately the Veiled Lady does not manage to hit the Red Vessel. Round 3
![]() Soddy pokes at the remains of the sake container and gets most of the sticky parts off Sal’era. Round 3
![]() Bun destroys the yellow sake container. Selera is still stuck in the remaining pieces. If the monster dies, a swallowed creature can be freed by creatures adjacent to the corpse if they spend a combined total of 3 actions cutting the monster open with a weapon or unarmed attack that deals piercing or slashing damage.
The shot at Red missed by a large amount. Round 2
![]() The Veiled Ldy pokes at the crack in the vessel, causing considerable damage to it. Crit! One more hit should break it! Red Pot forces its way forward and then bites at Eddie. It gets a mouth full of leshy.
One more hit on Yellow, current AC17:
Yellow will die.
If the monster dies, a swallowed creature can be freed by creatures adjacent to the corpse if they spend a combined total of 3 actions cutting the monster open with a weapon or unarmed attack that deals piercing or slashing damage. Round 2
Yellow pot 44 damage 1 persistent fire cracked
![]() Krinolyn ”Veiled Lady” Styncorn wrote: I will be unavailable as I will be out of town for a vacation from February 21 (Friday) to February 25 (Tuesday). Kindly bot me if necessary. Botting instructions can be found spoilered in my character's profile. Veiled Lady is still out of town today. We can either have someone bot her or wait for the player to post tomorrow. ![]()
![]() Jiggo Maeleranti wrote: I also learned you can control up to 4 minions at once, although I'm curious how you could pull that off. It would have to be a mixture of minions. Several different high level casters could use Effortless Concentration at 16th level to sustain a spell as a free action once a round. That would allow them to be able to cast a second Summoning spell (since most of them are three actions) and still sustain one they previously cast. Be easy for them to also have an animal companion that they command. That would give three minions at once. Take the Beastmaster dedication and you could have two animal companions thus getting to four minions. Note you could not do this in Soceity play because of the limit of tokens on the board. There probably are other ways to do it as well. ![]()
![]() I would phrase is slightly differently. You must sustain the spell in order to continue it the next round. If the spell's duration is “sustained,” it lasts until the end of your next turn unless you use the Sustain action (page 419) on that turn to extend the duration of that spell. Sustaining it is what gives the creature actions. Summoning them also immediately gives them two actions. What this means is if you are willing to allow the summon to end, you could use three actions without sustaining but the summons goes away at the end of that turn. ![]()
![]() Eddie calls for help and gets a lamb from the plane of wood. The creature bumps heads against the yellow vessel, only managing to damage it with the first attempt. There are lots of plants on the lambs back and Eddie assures you eating them is alright. Round 2
Yellow pot 36 damage 1 persistent fire cracked
![]() Selera stays trapped in the ceramic vessel. Jiggo heals some of the wounds that he and Selera have taken. Unfortunately, staying inside the ceramic vessel isn’t good for the health.
Round 2
Yellow pot 33 damage 1 persistent fire cracked
![]() Soddy tries to catch the other pot on fire, but hits the ceiling instead of her target. With Selera standing right next to it, Yellow opens wide and tries again to eat her. This time it manages to swallow her.
Swallow Whole vs Reflex DC, MAP: 1d20 + 17 - 5 ⇒ (11) + 17 - 5 = 23
Yellow takes some fire and cold persistent damage, The fire is still going.
Swallowed creature:
A swallowed creature is grabbed, is slowed 1, and has to hold its breath or start suffocating. The swallowed creature takes the listed amount of damage when first swallowed and at the end of each of its turns while it's swallowed. If the victim Escapes this ability's grabbed condition, it exits through the monster's mouth. This frees any other creature captured in the monster's mouth or jaws. A swallowed creature can attack the monster that has swallowed it, but only with unarmed attacks or with weapons of light Bulk or less. The swallowing creature is off-guard against the attack. If the monster takes piercing or slashing damage equaling or exceeding the listed Rupture value from a single attack or spell, the swallowed creature cuts itself free. A creature that gets free by either Escaping or cutting itself free can immediately breathe and exits the swallowing monster's space. Round 2
Yellow pot 33 damage 1 persistent fire cracked
![]() My fault, I should have just looked up the spell. I had counted the 27 attack roll as a crit hit.
Bun attacks with a special round in his gun, expanding the crack even further. Round 2
Yellow pot 31 damage 1 persistent fire 1 persistent cold, cracked
![]() Eddie nearly sidesteps the stream of hot sake. Then they hit Yellow with cold, right on the cracked portion of the container. The extreme temperature change is not good for it. Then they send some divine guidance to the Veiled Lady. Round 2
Yellow pot 24 damage 1 persistent fire, cracked
![]() The Veiled Lady avoids the worst of the sake splash. She then attacks the container, doing full damage. That crack made things much easier! She then steps back beside Eddie and raises her shield. I have moved you diagonally back from the creature Jiggo recalls Selera, who finds herself back beside one of those big jugs of sake. Round 2
Yellow pot 12 damage 1 persistent fire, cracked
![]() Soddy’s bomb hits yellow and causes a crack in the container. It doesn’t do full damage, but now that there is a crack it should be easier to hurt it. Yellow decides to spit first, then advance. It spits at the Veiled Lady and Eddie.
Persistent Fire: 1d20 ⇒ 13 Round 2
Yellow pot 3 damage 1 persistent fire, cracked