Trinia Sabor

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116 posts. Alias of JakeTG.


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@Kwin, yes and no, Merrilin was a GMPC, but it was a friend who played him, he wanted to try and get into pathfinder so I was helping him out, but his schedule got too cluttered so he dropped out. The new person can run whoever they want, I don't want someone to have to run someone else's character, plus they will just be "one of the brawlers" so its an easy transition.

Alright, well I'll give Nimos some time to converse with the guard in what I'll mark as "present time" and for Miyako/Harry I'll go ahead and move into "future time". (Merrilin is dropping out sadly, I'm currently looking to see if anyone wants to join in at the jail as a fellow drunken patron, if not we will have 5 people, if you guys have any friends who might wanna join let me know)

As for Kwin/Kol did you wanna continue in "present time" or would you rather skip a few hours saying you rolled a "Diplomacy: Gather Information on local places to go" check and thus be in "future time".

@Present time
Nimos is conversing with a guard.
Kwin/Kol might be active here (TBA)

@Future time
Miyako and Harry both start to wake up very groggily and weakened. You find it very difficult to move your body, as if all the strength has left you, though you could probable move around if you used all your concentration. (currently strength is at 2 for you guys, increase by 1 every half hour till you reach your normal strength)

A quick scan around the rooms reveals that you guys are in a jail cell with 10 other individuals + each other (12 people total). Though the cell isn't tiny, there isn't very much space to move around with 12 people in the room. Many of the cell mates are unconscious though three have woken up (two of them not looking as drained as you feel).

Well don't do that for my benefit, I'm more then fine with doing a "present time" and a "fast forward time" all at once. If you wanna keep what you just wrote that's fine, but if you don't and your doing it for my benefit go ahead and change it

@Kwin Honestly I can't say for sure, they don't want us up there because they are trying to figure out what belongs to who She pauses for a moment and looks at at the two others conversing. You could go ask the guard over there he could give you a better answer then me

@Kol You do manage to recall seeing her talking to other workings and giving them orders. She also gives off an air of authority as if she is used to being listened to and obeyed. From these various tid-bits you can infer she is the inn keeper.

@Harry/Miyako/Merrilin I can fast forward a bit for you guys. In game time I'd say its a little before sunset, but we can go to a fast forwarded scenario where your back to consciousness, unless your fine waiting for Nimos to get to that point?

Though you don't notice anything particular about the woman, the man's voice is rather striking, and you recognize it as none other then Sgt Jenkins.

The receptionist upon hearing this reaches for something under the table Ah of course, sir. Unfortunately while you were out we had a rather large commotion in our tavern area. Many of our intoxicated patrons thought it would be a good idea to destroy our establishment. She doesn't seem to recognize you

Some of them managed to make it upstairs, hoping to plunder the rooms during the confusion . By this point she has found a paper and pencil she was looking for under the counter and slides it over to you across the counter. For now could you show me your room key and write down anything you need? We can retrieve it for you in a little while but right now they are assessing the damage upstairs and don't want anyone up there

@Kwin As I said always adding to the world, if for some reason you had decided to just "go somewhere else" there wouldn't have been anything to add. However as you decided to go back inside, now I can add so that the NEXT time I run this It will be there :D
(The vast majority of details I post are on the fly what would be appropriate for what I want to happen, very little other then combat specifics (such as the tankard variable) is set in stone)

Another thing is I had "planned" on all of you getting knocked out by gas, however it obviously didn't turn out that way :P Though that mostly comes from my dislike of story-walls (stuff you can't overcome no matter how hard you try just because the GM wants it to happen)

As an additional note (though much hasn't been seen yet) how are you guys enjoying what little there is so far? Any critics of my style of GMing or mostly satisfied?

This hasn't been mentioned b4 (though implied a few time), sometimes I will have you make "knowledge" or "perception" or w/e check if its realy obvious that the character would/should make the check. Other times I will drop hints into things that (if you so choose) you can roll checks for and possible get knowledge.

For this I would prefer you air on the side of rolling more checks when your not sure if a check is needed. Three reasons for this:

1) I can add more detail for you guys specifically and help you out more, role playing is nice but your characters are people, they can think and assess, I don't want to always give them everything if they don't think about it(because not everything is always important). If you notice when you guys add flavor to your dialouge and you mention something which could include a check I have you go ahead and roll it, because your character was thinking about that thing at that point.

2) I will almost always try to make a check not completely worthless, even if the worth is only very minor or simple gives you details that you may not have needed. But I try to incorporate as much as possible.

3) This campaign is mostly to BUILD the world. Yes its for role playing and I want you guys to have fun, but much of this is world building for myself as well, so the more things that you "notice" the more I can add to the world.

You reenter the main entrance. At the front desk you see a guard with his back turned talking to a large-bellied kitsune woman in the hallway. She is holding a long smokestick with which she pulls in a breath of smoke every once in a while. The guard is holding his helmet under his arm and a tough of green lace can be seen dangling down.

Things have settled down, though not mentioned there was probably about a 10 minute interval between now and the last time you were in this room

When you walk inside the receptionist from earlier is still there and says to you, Oh sorry sir the inn is closed at the moment, you'll have to come back another time The guard and the woman keep talking.

I'm assuming Kol/Kwin go inside yes? (No guards outside blocking the way)

Yes it is interesting that a certain dwarf isn't present *wink*

The guard jumps upon being addressed by Nimos (apparently lost in his own thoughts). He doesn't look at Nimos, but looks forward while answering back Y-your buddy will be out f-for a while *cough*. An hour or two probably, and it will take him a while to recover. This stuff makes you go real weak in the knees, I'd guess by tomorrow mourning he'll have most of his Strength back He pauses for a second then looks down at the ground and looks up again this time at Nimos Not sure if I should've told you that. I'm still pretty new here.

The guards bind Nimos's and Harry's hands and escort Nimos/carry Harry to an area with some other bound patrons and a group of guards. As soon as you the half-orc with a mustache steps up to the group on and addresses them from atop a wooden crate.
All right then, you RRRRRuffians will need to be brought in to spend a night in the brig to teach you lot a lesson. Once the damage has been assessed you will each charged a fine for your time here. Guardsmen! Advant Front! A large portion of the guards surround the group and start escorting them down the street. About a forth of the guards are carrying unconscious and bound patrons. Two of the guards can be seen holding a familiar young human girl and a gnome. Miyako and Merrilin By this point the tavern/inn is well under control and any remaining guards are simple moving the crowd of onlookers out of the way.

I have this thing for my work today/tomorrow and will thus be unable to post, (sorry my posting has been a bit shotty) and we will start again on Wednesday. If anyone's characters have objections/reactions to the current situation go ahead and post them and I'll see them when I get back.

Sorry back

The Guard looks back behind him and jumps. Then looks back at you and straightens his posture. Sir, I must insist you let me tie you up, its for safty reasons

Hmmmmm Roll Diplomacy for me if you would, I need a dice roll to determine his response as I'm torn

Pretty much xD

I Imagine there isn't much more to see, from this scene. Finish up with Harry/Nimos and then we can move onto the next one

The same guard hesitates at Nimo's boldness and stammers Uuuuuuuh, N-now l-let us tie you up so we can bring you in for questioning He presents a rope.

Summary of situation:

Kol/Kwin: Successfully Negotiated their way out of the side door building. You guys can see both Harry and Nimos in the front

Miyako: Unconscious in Kitchen.

Harry: Outside front window, being tied up, 1 more fort roll for you, if you fail you'll be tied up without help.

Merrilin: Staying put enjoying a pipe.

Nimos: Outside front door, in the middle of a mishmash of choking patrons and guards tying people up. At this point two guards come up to you (about 2/3 your size) holding up swords LAY DOWN YOUR WEAPONS!!! one of them says

Shit happens *shrug*

Though I think the real problem came from the fact that you didn't bother holding your breath lol, That helps alot :P

@Nimos Harry was already outside, just trying to shake off the gas's effect. Miyako is not visible from your position. Let me know if you need a building layout

Since this an person-by-person escape thing, go ahead and roll fort save with a -2 penalty if you want to make your next actions, if you fail another d4 of STR damage.

You already had two chat dialogues with higher ranking guards, so long as you give the full list of events Its all good (unless you wanted to leave some stuff out? Then I might go through a dialogue.

Pretty much yes

GM Arbitrary roll: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 Hmmm alright

Guard #2 easily dodges the kick and upon seeing the young girl try to escape, attempts to Grapple her. Guard #1 is too slow to respond and fumbles, dropping his sword on the ground Now we know why he is stationed at the window lol Grapple: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 However he is too slow and narrowly misses the girl's legs as she jumps back into the building.

Too bad for the girl as the gas takes effect dealing 1d4 ⇒ 2 STR damage and leaving her Dazzed

@Kwin Just being honest, No bluff check needed for me ^.^

@Miyako I don't know, kicking in the nuts is a pretty sound strategy

OH GAWD!! Harry turned into a lizard thing O.O

@Harry 1d4 ⇒ 3 STR damage Try try again!


Guard #1 looks flustered at your sudden change in character, (even if he was told the first act was a fake). However Guard #2 continues to be unphased and says That's all well and good but we'll still need to take you in. Just let my friend here tie your arms so you won't try anything funny and we can get this mess sorted out

It isn't only about "truth of facts" her little display is also a bluff "bluff of character".

Sense Motive: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (12) - 3 = 9
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

After the long-winded speech guard #1 gives a faint chuckle at the unconvincing speech and crocodile tears. While guard #2 simple says We saw you climb out of that window with excellent precision, aside from that you managed to leave the building without feeling the effects of the gas, clearly your no ordinary little girl

Guard #1 looks at his companion with shock at this unexpected revelation and says Uuuuuh yeah! Now don't fight back "little girl" we wouldn't want to hurt you

As Harry stumbles out the window, a pain flares up in his lungs which causes 1d4 ⇒ 3 STR damage. As your body feels itself weakening, colors appear before your eyes and your vision becomes unfocused making it hard to concentrate, leaving you Dazed. A par of guards come up one with a sword while the other attempts to tie you up. Reroll with a -2 penalty to shake off the effect.

Miyako successfully makes it outside without breathing in the fumes...only to come face-to-face with the sword points of 2 guards. One of the guards lets out a loud sigh as you tumble out the window. Seriously? We finaly get to raid a place and we get the runt of the litter to deal with?
The other guard ignores his companion and stares you down. The first guard continues talking Alright, hands behind your back we'll need to take you in little one

Sorry I've been out of commission the last couple days, few things you guys did that need reviewing

#1 Miyako, The crack in the window you tried to go though was not big enough for you to go through, that being said you could have easily OPENED the window, does that sound more to you likeing?

#2 Harry you need to roll a for save as you didnt manage to hold your breath (under 35 is fail to hold breath)

Always remember that their is a Diplomacy skill too :) But usualy I prefer a sound argument anyway so you check out
The man waits politly for Kwin to be done. Then (as if remembering a joke) lets out a hardy laugh
BWAHAHAH Had a rough time did you old boy? Don't fret, we will have this inn working again soon enough. I'll have Guardsman Johneth here escort you over there He turns his back and points to an area with a few other guardsmen and some civilians sitting at the edge of the street talking to each other. He then turns back to you We'll need a full statement from you of these events.

@Miyako The room is a large rectangle room. You came out the west door, and though the smoke you see a window at the north and east positions both smashed open, as well as another door to the south. You also see several cooks on the floor aside two smoke canisters. You have a move action, afterwards roll fort again.

@Kol/Kwin I'm going to give the others a chance first but I'll answer your ooc. The building are situated next to each other, so no sneaking between buildings. a street is bustling with people, several of whom are stopping to watch the scene. Others are watching each of the entrances, specificaly the bar entrance where people are being netted as they exit. (I assume Nimos is there but we will see) As you scan the area 3 guards come up to you, 2 of them with swords at the read. The other one is distinguishable from the rest. He approaches without a helmet between the two other guards. He has a striking curly while mustache and is extremly tall for a half-orc. Unlike the other guards you see a rifle at his back, a large device which he has no reserve showing. He approaches with his hands clapsed behind his back Whats all this then?! Who let you ruffians outside?!

@Miyako Roll a skill you feel would be suitable to know that information

Sense Motive #1: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9
Sense Motive #2: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Sense Motive #3: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6

Wow ok

The guards upon seeing a very frazzled patron rush through the entrance, let out a collective sigh. The middle guard addresses you
Sir, please proceed through the exit. we need to block that entrance encase any of the ruffians come out. One of the guards outside will protect you, just let them know Sgt. Jenkins let you out.

@Nimos As you run to the exit the green-yellow mist envelops you, and the other brawlers make way for the Minotaur who not long ago knocked out a dwarf with a single swipe.
Roll d100 if you roll higher then 35 you successful hold your breath, if not roll a fort saving throw

@Miyako You manage to make your way into the kitchen and see a door, however as you enter the room a walf of the green-yellow smoke envelops you roll fort save

@Kwin and Kol make it to the doors which lead into the main check in station and the stairs, but just as you do this 3 heavily armored guards burst through the main entrance

At the sudden impact of both doors opening at ones the receptionist says in a paniced voice Oh goodness! What is going on!

EVERYBODY CALM DOWN! One of the Guards yells quiet manically I WANT YOU ALL TO LIE DOWN ON THE GROUND NOW!
Map for Kwin/Kol

All at once something crashes through each of the windows. As it lands it starts spraying a yellow-green mist. None land near the group but the mist spreads from where it landed quickly. The brawlers start to go down as the mist encloses them. Some of the brawlers escape through the main entrance.
Actions go! No need to worry about order.

In retrospect I don't think a perception check will be needed. I think everyone is ready so I'll post it about 20 mins.

any objections for rolling this along?

Nimo and Kwin's sweep of the crowd shows him the same signs of battle as before. Groups of ruffians have sectioned off and are duking it out amoungst themselves. There is one noticeable change, movement can be seen outside the front windows.

End of 6 round time? Or are you guys just exploiting the "talking is a free action" thing lol

I'm going to be a little busy today guys so I think ima wait till tomorrow to post the next part of the scenario.

The bar provides quiet an amusing experience, in one section a group of goblins are grapped onto a very unhappy orc as he spins around (blind-folded by the little devils). In another area an Elf and Human go at each other with their fists, with people placing bets. Behind the bar a minotaur can be seen carrying loads of booze out of the Inn, all while the opening act (unaffected by the turn of events) continues to play.

@Nimos, because before you didn't get a +2 mod, now you do.

@Kol you make me laugh every time. No more actions? 1 more round until perception check

Ill just give the numbers so you can know if you get hit

1-2 Something bad (no longer possible)
3-5 Tankard (reflex, if you fail you become staggered untill end of your next turn)
6-9 Nothing
10-12 Something Good

Hidden Roll: 1d20 + 8 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 8 + 10 = 28

You see no sign of the mysteries waitress. Begin the retcon! :D

With a feat of stunning Acrobatics Merry manages to make his way to Miyako, who as it turns out wasn't being attacked, but was simple lost in the crowd. He quickly pulls her out to regroup with their allies
By this point no one is directly targeting you guys to attack, though alot of fighting is still going on, and for the most part your surrounded by the action.

At the end of round 6 I will have you roll perception checks (it is currently the start of round 5 for all intents and purposes, since it seems like you guys regrouped). That gives you 2 rounds of actions before the perception roll. At the end of round 4 actions you guys will roll another d10 to avoid tankards, this time with a +2 bonus (I think you guys have come to expect tankards by now).

Any questions let me know

Oh and one last think, Kwin, Kol and Nimos, make perception checks (this may Retcon some of your conversation)

AH gotcha

What do you mean by fluffy? O.o

The humans are still in a partial daze and seem oblivious to Kol's words, as they continue to remain on the floor.

In the moment of confusion given to him by the flying tankard, the Dwarf makes a quick look around him and tries to think of a way he can escape the ferocious.

GM roll: 1d10 ⇒ 3
Wisdom Check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Reflex from GM Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 2

He thinks of a brilliant idea! Just as a tankard his him upside the head and staggers him, he makes an attempt to run away, Staggered away, trying to focus his thoughts

Nimos you get an AoO

Make either a diplomacy or intimidate check of your choice

Oh sorry I missed it completely lol, I will use the 1st one, but you may save that 14 for the next roll if you wish

Edited the previous post, Staggered will end at conclusion of your 4th turn

With a mighty swing Kol takes down the second Warforged cutting him down in his tracks. (Warforged #2 was already down so I assume you ment Warforged #1)

Miyako you are Staggered, good prediction of what would happen.

The humans' attention starts to become focused on the environment, but they still don't seem to want to get up for any particular reason.

As Nimos rushes toward the dwarf the crowd veers out of his way, and their attention is quickly drawn to Nimos as he rushes past them. With his terrifying charge he manages to cut in front of the Dwarf, halting him in his tracts. Nimos gives a yells at the Dwarf with notable rage in his voice, and then a tankard hits the raging brute right on his head, making him Staggered

Merrilin go ahead and make a turn before I give the Dwarf's actions

1 Kwin (done)
2 Kol (Still have a move action since warforged #1 was in front of you)
3 Harry (have a move action if you so wish)
4 Warforged #1
5 Warforged #2
6 Miyako (done, halted half way to dwarf)
7 Human #2
8 The Waitress
9 Merrilin
10 Human #5
11 Nimos
12 Dwarf

Shouldn't effect much, I'll let you know as your turn rolls around

Ah darn, forgot some flying tankards from last round, w/e Merrilin will need to roll a d10 as well

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