
GIR, Irken S.I.R. unit's page

28 posts. Alias of Ambrosia Slaad.


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Vanykrye wrote:

Height is the greatest indicator of leadership quality.

Everyone says so.

Clearly, the old woman and Vany are both Irken invaders.

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I'm gunna sing The Doom Song now!
♫♪ Doom doom doom doom doom,
doom doom do DOOM,
DOOOM doom do-doom,
DOOM do-doom doom doooom,
doom doom dooom, do-do-DOOOM!...

Owen KC Stephens wrote:
New post: the neural-network inspired spell song of doom goom

It could even sound like this.

Hitdice wrote:
Don't even recognize the name, but don't hold my age and lack of hipness against me, okay?

If you're in the U.S., you can watch it on Hulu. "Dark Harvest" is the second half of season 1, episode 4. If you like twisted demented cartoons, you'll likely enjoy the whole series.

Torbyne wrote:
Nordom Whistleklik wrote:
{listens intently to crossbows} Does anyone want to build me?
I shall have a whole storage room of stand by units of you.

WAAAAAHOOOOOO! I want to help! I can even sing the Doom Song while you work.

Sharoth wrote:
The Great War

Until I clicked it, I thought it was this.

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Crows vs crows? Where's Tom Servo & Joel when you need them?

The Fiend Fantastic wrote:

I'm at the garage having my yearly maintenance inspection.

They promised me coffee but haven't shown up with any.

I blame Cosmo for it.

You're a robot, android, or replicant?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm dancing like a monkey!

A very well-deserved congrats to you both! YAYYYYYYYYYY!

P.S. The art is adorably awesome.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Liz Courts wrote:
Katina: Define “organic.” Like, I have plentiful organs.

{makes Fry eyes at Katina} Is that you, Zim?

And I'm the Brave Little Toaster! Tacos, woooooooooo!

Tacos?! BLEH!!!

John Kretzer wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:

My indepth, spoiler filled review.

** spoiler omitted **

Aside, do we know which Infinity Gem was in the movie?

I slightly disagree with this review. You forgot...

** spoiler omitted **

Not to quibble with either review, but...

"I am not a gun."

6 people marked this as a favorite.
lucky7 wrote:
I don't want Earth to be destroyed. All my stuff is here.

There’s no point in acting surprised about it. All the planning charts and demolition orders have been on display at your local planning department in Alpha Centauri for 50 of your Earth years, so you’ve had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaint and it’s far too late to start making a fuss about it now.

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But I NEED tacos! I need them or I will explode! That happens to me sometimes!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:

crystal: I'm like 7 thirty-pound babies strapped together

gary: i knew that trenchcoat was suspicious

christopher: Does explain all the fidgiting, though.

{waves excitedly from sekrit hq} HI BABIES!!!

Agent Superball wrote:
*tazes GIR*
Mister Right wrote:
You fool, that will just energize it.

{sparks, dances excitedly} TACOS!!!!!!! {begins to throw tacos into fish bowl}

{mixes powdered Tang into bowl water}

My Favorite Sontaran

My Favorite Marthian

DJ-Bogie is banned for not realizing waste makes haste. For time is fleeting. A rolling stone is worth two in the bush.

Mark Hoover is banned because ninja'ing leads to angry rogues vs. ninjas threads.

Mr. Improper-Amount-of-Suction.

The Hulk: Are you pondering what Hulk pondering?
Banner: <Narf!> I think so Hulk, but Zero Mostel times anything will still give you Zero Mostel.

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Trollthulhu wrote:
Sean, do you admit to killing puppies on Sunday mornings, and cute fuzzy kittens before you start each work week?

My dearest Trollthulhu,

It is a poorly kept secret that Invader SKR, like the rest of his extraterrestrial species, is an obligate telomere-ivore. As such, he must prey on primarily young mammals on a regular basis simply out of dietary necessity. He had been subsisting on baby orang-utans and breakfast cereals and fruit bats and free-range forum trolls, but for Christmas, he received a copy of Mark Bittman's new cookbook, How to Cook Puppies and Kittens.

And now you know... the rest of the story. Good day.

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Please disregard first note. Hulk have Blossom. Come alone to Hulk lair. Do not bring Buttercup or Bubbles. You must come without them! When you arrive, you must not be accompanied by anyone, especially Buttercup and Bubbles; they are to remain uninformed by you by not telling them anything. Remember, Hulk know you no fool, so come alone without Buttercup or Bubbles, by yourself, with no one with you, alone, yourself.


Kavren is banned for not realizing Geistlinger had it coming.

Hulk wish Hulk could spend more time as Banner. Hulk also hate green, and would rather be a mauve or a chartreuse.

Full Name

Xakroo the Arrow Shooter




Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)




2' 10", 29 lbs








Common, Draconic

Strength 12
Dexterity 23
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 16
Charisma 10

About Xakroo the Arrow Shooter

male kobold ranger 14
LG Small humanoid (reptilian)
Init +6 (+12 in underground terrain, +8 in forest terrain, +8 in mountain terrain); Senses low-light vision; Perception +17 (+23 in underground terrain, +19 in forest terrain, +19 in mountain terrain)
AC 24, touch 18, ff 18 (+5 armor, +6 Dex, +1 deflect, +1 natural, +1 size); AC 26, touch 18, ff 20 (+5 armor, +6 Dex, +1 deflect, +1 natural, +2 shield, +1 size) when using ring of force
hp 119 (14d10 (10 [1st level] + 6 [2nd level] + 6 [3rd level] + 6 [4th level] + 6 [5th level] + 9 [6th level] + 6 [7th level) + 6 [8th level] + 8 [9th level] + 5 [10th level] + 3 [11th level] + 8 [12th level] + 6 [13th level] + 9 [14th level] + 14 (Con) + 11 (favored class bonus))
Fort +10, Ref +15, Will +8; +2 vs fear effects
Defensive evasion
Speed 30 ft
Melee masterwork short sword + 17 (1d4 + 2/19-20)
Ranged +2 holy composite longbow (+2) + 24 (1d6 + 2/x3)
*w/ goblinoid bane arrow +2 composite longbow (+2) + 28 (1d6 + 6/x3 plus 2d6) vs goblinoids
*w/ Point-Blank Shot +2 holy composite longbow (+2) + 25 (1d6 + 3/x3)
*w/ Point-Blank Shot & goblinoid bane arrow +2 holy composite longbow (+2) + 29 (1d6 + 7/x3 plus 2d6) vs goblinoids
*w/ favored enemy +2 holy composite longbow (+2) + 28 (1d6 + 8/x3) vs goblinoids, + 24 (1d6 + 4/x3) vs magical beasts, + 24 (1d6 + 4/x3) vs monstrous humanoids
*w/ favored enemy and goblinoid bane arrow +2 holy composite longbow (+2) + 32 (1d6 + 10/x3 plus 2d6) vs goblinoids
*w/ favored enemy & Point-Blank Shot +2 holy composite longbow (+2) + 31 (1d6 + 9/x3) vs goblinoids, + 27 (1d6 + 5/x3) vs magical beasts, + 27 (1d6 + 5/x3) vs monstrous humanoids
*w/ favored enemy, Point-Blank Shot and goblinoid bane arrow +1 holy composite longbow (+2) + 32 (1d6 + 11/x3 plus 2d6) vs goblinoids
*w/ Rapid Shot 2x +2 holy composite longbow (+2) + 22 (1d6 + 2/x3)
*w/ Rapid Shot and goblinoid bane arrow 2x+2 holy composite longbow (+2) + 26 (1d6 + 6/x3 plus 2d6) vs goblinoids
*w/ Rapid Shot and Point-Blank Shot 2x +2 holy composite longbow (+2) + 23 (1d6 + 3/x3)
*w/ Rapid Shot, Point-Blank Shot and goblinoid bane arrow 2x +2 holy composite longbow (+2) + 27 (1d6 + 7/x3 plus 2d6) vs goblinoids
*w/ Rapid Shot and favored enemy 2x +2 holy composite longbow (+1) + 28 (1d6 + 8/x3) vs goblinoids, + 24 (1d6 + 4/x3) vs magical beasts, + 24 (1d6 + 4/x3) vs monstrous humanoids
*w/ Rapid Shot, favored enemy and goblinoid bane arrow 2x +2 holy composite longbow (+2) + 30 (1d6 + 10/x3 plus 2d6) vs goblinoids
*w/ Rapid Shot, Point-Blank Shot and favored enemy 2x +2 holy composite longbow (+2) + 29 (1d6 + 9/x3) vs goblinoids, + 24 (1d6 + 5/x3) vs magical beasts, + 24 (1d6 + 5/x3) vs monstrous humanoids
*w/ Rapid Shot, Point-Blank Shot, favored enemy and goblinoid bane arrow 2x +2 holy composite longbow (+2) + 31 (1d6 + 12/x3 plus 2d6) vs goblinoids
Special Attacks favored enemy (goblinoids +6, magical beasts +2, monstrous humanoids +2), combat style (archery), quarry
Ranger Spells per Day (Caster Level 11th)
4th (2/day)-summon nature's ally IV
3rd (2/day)-greater magic fang, [/i]summon nature's ally III[/i]
2nd (2/day)-barkskin, protection from energy[/i]
1st (4/day)-charm animal (DC 14), resist energy
Str 12, Dex 23, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base ATK +14; CMB +14; CMD 30
Feats Deadly Aim (-2 attack & +4 damage), Endurance [bonus], Improved Precise Shot (ranged attacks ignore AC bonuses and miss chance to targets by anything less then total concealment), Manyshot, Mobility (+4 dodge bonus vs attacks of opportunity), Pinpoint Targeting (As a standard action, make a single ranged attack. The target does not gain any armor, natural armor, or shield bonuses to its Armor Class. You do not gain the benefit of this feat if you move this round) Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run (As a full-round action, you can move up to your speed and make a single ranged attack at any point during your movement), Weapon Focus (composite longbow)
Skills (Total Ranks per level: 7)
Adventuring Skills
Heal +21 (11 [rank] + 3 [Wis modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 1 [trait] + 2 [healer's kit] + 1 [surgeon's tools]); +23 (11 [rank] + 3 [Wis modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 1 [trait] + 2 [healer's kit] + 1 [surgeon's tools] + 2 [leeching kit]) to treat poisons
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +15 (11 [rank] + 1 [Int modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus])
Knowledge (nature) +17 (12 [rank] + 1 [Int modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 1 [trait])
Perception +18 (12 [rank] + 3 [Wis modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus]); +22 (12 [rank] + 3 [Wis modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 4 [favored terrain]) while underground; +20 (12 [rank] + 3 [Wis modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 2 [favored terrain]) while in a forest; +20 (12 [rank] + 3 [Wis modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 2 [favored terrain]) while in mountains
Spellcraft +16 (12 [rank] + 1 [Int modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus])
Stealth +25 (12 [rank] + 6 [Dex modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 4 [size modifier]); + 29 (12 [rank] + 6 [Dex modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 4 [size modifier] + 4 [favored terrain]) while underground; +27 (12 [rank] + 6 [Dex modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 4 [size modifier] + 2 [favored terrain]) while in a forest; +27 (12 [rank] + 6 [Dex modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 4 [size modifier] + 2 [favored terrain]) while in mountains
Survival +18 (12 [rank] + 3 [Wis modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus]); +25 (12 [rank] + 3 [Wis modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 7 [half ranger level]) to follow or identify tracks; +21 (12 [rank] + 3 [Wis modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 4 [favored terrain]) while underground; +29 (12 [rank] + 3 [Wis modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 7 [half ranger level] + 4 [favored terrain]) while following or identifying tracks underground; +22 (12 [rank] + 3 [Wis modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 2 [favored terrain]) while in a forest; +27 (12 [rank] + 3 [Wis modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 7 [half ranger level] + 2 [favored terrain]) while following tracks in a forest; +22 (12 [rank] + 3 [Wis modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 2 [favored terrain]) while in mountains; +27 (12 [rank] + 3 [Wis modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 7 [half ranger level] + 2 [favored terrain]) while following tracks in mountains
Background Skills
Handle Animal +23 (12 [rank] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 2 [racial modifier])
Knowledge (geography) +16 (12 [rank] + 1 [Int modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus]); +20 (12 [rank] + 1 [Int modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 4 [favored terrain]) while underground; +18 (12 [rank] + 1 [Int modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 2 [favored terrain]) while in a forest
Racial Modifiers +2 Handle Animal, +2 Ride
Languages Common, Draconic
SQ track +7, beast bond, armor, dayrunner, wild empathy +14, favored terrain (underground +6, forest +2, mountains +2), hunter's bond (Zavak the raptor), woodland stride
Gear 185,000 gp - 100 gp (masterwork composite longbow) = 179,900 gp - 310 gp (mwk short sword) = 179,590 gp = 1 gp (20 bows) = 179,589 gp - 10 gp (leather armor) = 179,579 gp - 1 gp (flint & steel) = 179,578 gp - 5 cp (5 torches) = 179,577 gp, 99 sp, 95 cp - 50 gp (masterwork backpack) = 179,527 gp, 99 sp, 95 cp - 1 gp (belt pouch) = 179,526 gp, 99 sp, 95 cp - 181 gp (20 arrows) = 179,345 gp, 99 sp, 95 cp (total arrows: 50, plus 20 +1 goblinoid bane arrows) - 50 gp (healer's kit; 9 uses) = 179,295 gp, 99 sp, 95 cp - 5 gp (leeching kit) = 179,290 gp, 99 sp, 95 cp - 20 gp (surgeon's tools) = 179,270 gp, 99 sp, 95 cp - 250 gp (mwk chain shirt armor) = 179,020 gp, 99 sp, 95 cp - 2,000 gp (magic item to composite longbow) = 177,020 gp, 99 sp, 95 cp - 1,000 (cloak of resistance +1) = 176,020 gp, 99 sp, 95 cp - 2,000 (ring of protection +1) = 174,020 gp, 99 sp, 95 cp - 2,000 gp (magic item [bane magical quality] to composite longbow arrows) = 172,020 gp, 99 sp, 95 cp - 8,000 gp (holy weapon quality) = 164,020 gp, 99 sp, 95 cp - 1,000 (magic item to chain shirt) = 163,020 gp, 99 sp, 95 cp - 8,500 gp (ring of force shield) = 154,520 gp, 99 sp, 95 cp - 4,000 (belt of incredible dexterity +2) = 150,520 gp, 99 sp, 95 cp - 1,010 gp (+1 leather armor) = 149,510 gp, 99 sp, 95 cp - 0 gp (small tent, 1 week worth of rations, bedroll, 2 blankets, waterskin) = 149,510 gp, 99 sp, 95 cp - 2,000 gp (magic item to composite longbow) = 147,510 gp, 99 sp, 95 cp
Campaign-Frontier Healer: +1 Heal and Knowledge (nature); any time he restores hit points with Heal checks or a cure spell (but not with channeled energy, lay of hands, or magic items like potions or wands), you restore 1 additional hp, plus 1 additional hp for every 2 class levels you possess.
Combat-Courageous: +2 on saves vs fear effects


Xakroo (Draconic for "hunter") the Arrow Shooter was once part of a small but merciless group of kobolds that lived not to far from the Lost Mines. When his skills in archery and tracking were known by the elders, he was soon put into training as an expert hunter; however he soon began to lose his trust in the group the more he aged. He found that the slightest of mistakes can be held against you for months, if not years; and repeated mistakes, no matter how small, would result in a death penalty. As his philosophy on life grew to be more forgiving and respectful towards others, his thoughts on abandoning the tribe grew bigger. It escalated to where he questioned the elders' judgement on all mistakes, claiming that making mistakes is the greatest way to learn; this obviously appalled the entire group, and thus he was given the punishment of exile. It was a punishment he took with pride.

Now he lives in the outskirts of the Southern Fangwood forest, rather close to the town of Phaendar; he never truly visits the town, but he has been close enough to know of the livelihood of the townsfolk. He will usually reward good hearted people by hunting boars, cutting up the meat, and delivering it to their homes in secret. This has happened to a small number of people, yet none of them truly know that this mysterious butcher is in fact an exiled kobold with a heart of pure gold.


Xakroo is a true hearted individual; he believes in the philosophy of only killing whenever it is the only resort (like killing murderers, killing when one will not surrender, killing animals only for food, etc). He also believes that making small mistakes is necessary for learning how to live life to the fullest, and thus will usually be kind but stern to any who make mistakes-as long as it does not result in the end of a person's life. However, he does have an ego, which can make him clash with those who oppose or mock his philosophy or the fact that he is a kobold. Due to dwarves and gnomes having a hatred for kobolds, he holds them with suspicion, but he knows better than to react to their negative reactions with more negativity. The only race that he holds no mercy towards is the entirety of goblinoids-he believes that the majority of them are too cruel hearted for lessons in his philosophy. He does secretly wish, though, that he met at least one goblinoid with a kind heart-even if he believes it is quite unlikely to meet one.

Zarvak the Raptor:

female dromaeosaur (Deinonychus statistics) animal companion
N Medium animal
Init +4 (+10 in underground terrain, +8 in forest terrain, +8 in mountain); Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8 (+14 in underground terrain, +10 in forest terrain, +10 in mountain terrain)
AC 25, touch 13, ff 22 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, +9 natural)
hp 76 (9d8 (40) + 36 (Con)
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +4; +4 vs enchantment spells and effects
Defensive Abilities devotion, evasion
Speed 60 ft
Melee 2 talons + 11 (2d6 + 5), bite + 12 (1d6 + 5), 2 claws + 11 (1d4 + 5)
Special Attacks favored enemy (+6 goblinoids, +2 magical beasts, +2 monstrous humanoids), multiattack, pounce
Str 21, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base ATK +5; CMB +10; CMD 23
Feats Improved Natural Attack (talons), Light Armor Proficiency, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (talons), Weapon Focus (bite)
Perception +8 (4 [rank] + 1 [Wis modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus]); +12 [4 [rank] + 1 [Wis modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 4 [favored terrain bonus]) if underground; +10 (4 [rank] + 1 [Wis modifier] + 3 (class skill bonus) + 2 [favored terrain]) while in a forest, +10 (4 [rank] + 1 [Wis modifier] + 3 (class skill bonus) + 2 [favored terrain]) while in mountain terrain
Stealth +11 (4 [rank] + 4 [Dex modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus]); +15 (4 [rank] + 4 [Dex modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 4 [favored terrain bonus]) if underground; +13 (4 [rank] + 4 [Dex modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 2 [favored terrain]) while in a forest, +13 (4 [rank] + 4 [Dex modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] + 2 [favored terrain]) while in mountain terrain
SQ link, share spells, tricks (attack, hunt), favored terrain (+6 underground, +2 in forest, +2 in mountain)