HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Awesome! Thank you again for the great challenge! Frag definitely opts for a statue of him posing like the cover of ManOwaR's Triumph of Steel ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Frag eagerly participates. Despite the heart being useless, the northman will take a bite out of it. ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() That was.... seriously intense. Thank you! Everyone, and especially GMAndrewW for stepping up! ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Very ragged, and out of tricks. ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Delaying to see if KULIK gets up first. ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() I am likely not long for this world since I activated Reckless Abandon and Come and Get Me ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() "Gorum if this does not please you, then to HELL WITH YOU!" Frag charges forward, utterly heedless to the likely death it brings. Charge, PA, Come and Get Me, Reckless Abandon, +5 [Good] weapon, all the things. ATK 1: 1d20 + 25 + 4 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 25 + 4 + 4 + 2 = 52 for DMG if hit: 2d4 + 32 ⇒ (1, 3) + 32 = 36
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Ready once the other actions get resolved. ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Ready and waiting! ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() DM: Vaults of Madness (Adventure Path #40) ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() I checked my boon. I have Heal "as a potion" I need to spend a round drinking it. It'll put me back up to 226 HP. If I don't heal first, it's likely a 1 and done attack. With Sir Hendric up, here's to hoping the heal is worth it. My posting schedule sucks right now, so if this isn't going to work, someone can ping me. Frag drinks the waters from the Argental Font from the Vaults of Madness. Healed. ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Dang it. Frag actually has a single casting of Featherfall available. I could use it, but I think in the end it doesn't much change THAT much given the Breath of Life being cast. ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Will actually save the Mythic Power for the moment, simply moving and retrieving the sword. I will more than likely burn it on the next round to use Heal and still charge if his AoO gets used up. ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Yeah missed on the BoF. Was going to wait until getting the results, but will post now: After stabbing furiously, the barbarian looks back for the sword which has been his one true friend. He breaks off the assault to get Widowmaker. Double move. ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Fair. Here goes nothing. I do have a boon that gets me one free casting of Heal left, but I'll need to survive to use it. Frag heeds the call from Sir Hendric. With another cry to Gorum, the Northman drives after the demon! Charge, PA. Gladius 1: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (14) + 26 = 40 for DMG: 1d6 + 20 ⇒ (3) + 20 = 23
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() So without Widowmaker, Frag's charge is going to be less than impressive, if it even doesn't anything at all. I'm somewhat locked in now unless I can somehow get it using Mythic Power. Not sure the action economy there. Tagline is currently correct. ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Acid! Frag is nearly dead, but has ONE ace left up his sleeve... ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() My bad. Sorry about that. Frag puts utter faith in his power and charges down to the remaining Vrock. With gladius and teeth he tries to shred the demon: die: 1d20 + 20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 20 + 2 = 26 for DMG: 1d6 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Let Widowmaker drop. Draw gladius. The two hit rolls are 4 lower, but I only hit images, so if it's okay with you I'll just leave it as is. ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() No it's accurate. Though unless it has Improved Disarm, the attempt should still receive an AoO. Frag will continue this assault with his gladius. For his current turn he'd prefer to retrieve Widowmaker if viable. ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Nevermind. I'm so used to the last spoiler block being DM only, that I never thought to look there. Frag ignores the likely death that approaches, and attacks the nearest Glabrezu ATK 1: 1d20 + 32 ⇒ (15) + 32 = 47 for DMG: 2d4 + 33 ⇒ (1, 2) + 33 = 36 + THREAT
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Do we have the number of images each of the big guys have? It'll affect my target selection. ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Was hoping he might actually target them on purpose, :-) Yes, Blue ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() I did use the mythic ability in the post above. I just didn't update the map as I need Kulik to go ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Posting now. I'm going to post something of a macro. He'll delay until his friend KULIK. IF Kol Vauth himself is NOT mirror-imaged, he'll go big and attack him. If not, he'll go after Blue as mentioned by Sir Hendric. Frag gives a battle cry reaching down into his gut for the mythic power, "GORUM WITNESS ME! WITNESS!" Mythic Power, pounce, Banner, Good Aligned Weapon, (Widowmaker is also +5) ATK 1: 1d20 + 25 + 2 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 25 + 2 + 4 + 1 = 44 DMG: 2d4 + 32 + 1 ⇒ (4, 2) + 32 + 1 = 39
In case it comes up, Reckless Abandon: AoO 1: 1d20 + 25 + 2 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 25 + 2 + 4 + 1 = 44 DMG: 2d4 + 32 + 1 ⇒ (2, 1) + 32 + 1 = 36 AoO 2: 1d20 + 25 + 2 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 25 + 2 + 4 + 1 = 48 DMG: 2d4 + 32 + 1 ⇒ (4, 1) + 32 + 1 = 38 + THREAT AoO Confirm: 1d20 + 25 + 2 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 25 + 2 + 4 + 1 = 50 DMG: 2d4 + 32 + 1 ⇒ (2, 2) + 32 + 1 = 37 AoO 3: 1d20 + 25 + 2 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 25 + 2 + 4 + 1 = 34 DMG: 2d4 + 32 + 1 ⇒ (1, 1) + 32 + 1 = 35 ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Can Frag charge? What was the ruling on climbing altitude at less than 45 degrees? ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() I can make a full attack on a charge, so it's definitely worth it.
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Frag will activate his boots ahead of time. Otherwise, he has no buffs to supply, but will take anything offered. ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Woah, I'm not accustomed to being the slow poster! Yes, Frag will drink. It's in his personality to do so. While the others preen and prep, the barbarian paces. Eager to make up for the shame which covered him in the last fight. ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Once Frag regains his whits, he spends a solid minute in a fury, kicking swearing and spitting. The barbarian is more than ready to take the deal.... ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() I've got nothing. Sorry guys. If I wasn't dazed and fatigued, I could likely muster some serious damage.... but nope. ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() I'm not near my boons, and won't be for another half day. I've got a LOT ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Will do. Yeah, no charge needed now. Not using reroll. ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Okay, but with FLY, I can charge. :-) Frag gives a shout that would wake the dead as he engages his boots. His muscles bulge as he flies into a rage. The barbarian then flies up towards the demon above him, practically DARING the thing to attack. Rage, activating Come and Get Me. I'll eat the AoO. Current stats are HP 266 of 226. DR 6/- and 2/Epic. Preemptive AoOs: Power Attack AoO 1: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (2) + 25 = 27 for DMG if hit: 2d4 + 32 ⇒ (4, 1) + 32 = 37 AoO 2: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (11) + 25 = 36 for DMG if hit: 2d4 + 32 ⇒ (1, 1) + 32 = 34 AoO 3: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (13) + 25 = 38 for DMG if hit: 2d4 + 32 ⇒ (1, 2) + 32 = 35 ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() How far up over us is Red? I can get myself into the air, but at the expense of a charge this round. ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() "Welcome sir. It will be a pleasure spilling demon blood by the barrel with you. My blade yearns for glabrezu. Delay does us little good." ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Frag's rage is the only poison defense he has. Thank you everyone for being on top of this. I'm ready! ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Perfect and thank you! ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() I'm fine with hard mode, but I also wouldn't push the issue. ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Around. Normally I would offer, but I'm at my limit currently. Thank you both for offering! ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Aye. I hope all is well. ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Frag nods to Kulik for healing. "I hate everything about this place. Questions prolong our time here. I want an in, an ale, and a story to tell. Let us go forth." ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Frag lets the more curious agents ask the questions. He simply grunts at his injuries and cleans his blade. Regardless, he listens to the answers that the tiny monster gives. ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() "I know that if they die, I don't call them gods." ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() ...It's been a week. ![]()
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Frag's rage glows brighter in the face of his attacks being negated. With additional fury he continues blade and tooth: Down and Left: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (4) + 25 = 29 for DMG if hit: 2d4 + 32 ⇒ (4, 2) + 32 = 38
HP:187/187 (DR 6/-, vs. Nonlethal 12/-) | Rage: 36/36 Rounds (HP 226/226, DR 6/- or 12/-)
Normal Crunch: 6 Init: +2, (AC: 22, Tch: 13, FF: 20), CMD: 33 | Perception +21 | FORT +15, REF +8, WILL: +6 RAGE Crunch: 6
Init: +2, (AC: 27, Tch: 11, FF: 21), CMD: 36, FORT +17, REF +8, WILL: +9 ![]() Frag's brain knows that the worm-that-walks isn't the kind of foe he likes, but his brain isn't in charge. The barbarian rushes towards the creature and tries to cut it apart anyway. Foreswing: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (15) + 25 = 40 for DMG if hit: 2d4 + 32 ⇒ (1, 1) + 32 = 34