Keeper Myre

Four Skulls's page

415 posts. Alias of Merck.


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Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Four Skulls rolls his eyes.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Yea, I dont see why not. Four Skulls nods to Holgur and grabs the remaining flasks of alchemist fire. Turning to Mesdoram.
Dont you worry Mes, once I open shop I will save the first spot in line for you.

Jokes aside the shoanti asks the ghouls. Where can I find drinking water in this island?

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

This site is definatly not workplace friendly but they do have some funny stuff.


Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Four Skulls is my first necromancer but one of my friends in my RL game always rolls this type of character. They have a lot in commom with the paladin in the sense that they can be very powerfull but have a lot of RP limitations. You cant walk your undead army into the city for exemple, or even inside a tavern.

And any humanoid you raise as undead comes back as a regular zombie, it does not matter that he used to be a lvl 12 hellknight... The only way to get powerfull undeads under your command is raising giants or other large/huge monsters as fast/bloody zombies and those cant be disguised as anything else. You can control the intelligent ones you find on your way, like vampires, shadows and wights but in the long run they are a trap. Everyday they get a new save to resist you and if they create new undeads during a fight those are not under your control.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

I got as many as I can hold, this one we need to kill. Four Skulls says stepping back and stabbing the one in from of him.

Attk: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Dmg: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Crit Confirm: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Crit Dmg: 2d8 + 10 ⇒ (3, 1) + 10 = 14

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

OMG! Dungeongrid works on mobile! I am in love.

Last I checked you guys were the ones "leading". From what the other one said I think the crew of a sunk ship may be roaming this island as undeads. Which can be... usefull. Let me try to control these too.
Moving forward Four Skulls channels energy to control the undead again.
Stop! And kneel down.

Same deal, will save DC 14 or dominate monster on them.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4
DM Cuc wrote:

Sailors, Infernus wrecked...They got out

My last question refers to the bolded part above.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Where is the Infernus? Are there more undead at this island? And whom got out?

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4
Four Skulls wrote:
Ghouls are intelligent undead. They keep the memories they had alive and can speak. I was hoping to get some info about this place out of it. Can it be done?

Since we posted at the same time I decided to bump my question just in case.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Ghouls are intelligent undead. They keep the memories they had alive and can speak. I was hoping to get some info about this place out of it. Can it be done?

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Turning to the ghoul Four Skulls asks. Who did you used to be before dying? How did you got to this island? How did you became an undead?

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Well nvm that, lets move things forward. I will take the one that is left.

Jasmine, please stop burning my slave. They dont grow on trees you know...

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4
DM Cuc wrote:
The ghoul that is next to Four Skulls is under his command, the one attacking Balthe is not. Would Jasmine's fire cause the undead to not be under your command Four Skulls? As the one that Jasmine is currently targeting is under you command. Jasmine I will allow a recon of your action if you choose because I was not 100% clear about which one was under Four Skulls command.

Nothing can break Four Skulls control except other necromancer. What I was saying is that the two ghouls that I commanded didnt attack or provoked last round. They just stayed still and retreated.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

DM Cuc I dont think the combat would play like that. Command undead is basically dominate undead, those who fail the save are under the domain of my will. All ghouls that failed it would not attack this round. They are under Four Skulls dominion now. I was waiting to post commands after knowing if any of them had failed the save but they are enslaved since last round. Looking back I probably should have posted everything together, its just one of those things with pbps, sorry :/

Stop and move away now. The oracle commands the undead.
Dont attack those, they are under my domain now. He says to the group.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Four Skulls tries again and channels negative energy to control the undead.

Will DC 14 to resist.
Well I still have 5 of those, if we can get at least one of the ghouls its already an advantage...

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Thx, but if by some reason we cant stay in the green squares please leave J6 for Skulls, he needs it to be in spell range. Lets hope we just got ourselfs some pets.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Four Skulls advances and channels negative energy to control the undead!

Will DC 14 to resist.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Shrugging the shoanti follows the others.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

I think its a 3 to 2 to go straight to the caves.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

How about we go up the mountain to inspect the island? Should give us a good view of the surroundings?

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4
Four Skulls wrote:

Four Skulls says taking it out of his backpack and tying one of the points around his own waist. Then he casts air bubble and tosses the rope to Balthe.

Fish me if needed.

I have my own rope, which is tied around my waist and have air bubble running. As long as you guys can fish me out it should be alright I think.

Four Skulls tosses the free end of his rope to Balthe while trying to stay a float.

Swim: 1d20 + 3 - 7 ⇒ (17) + 3 - 7 = 13

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Grabbing the rope with both hands Four Skulls swings himself to the other side.
Acrob: 1d20 + 1 - 7 ⇒ (11) + 1 - 7 = 5

And splashes in the mud somewhere along the way.
Knew it!

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

I think we only have the tarzan rope DM. Mine is tied to my waist. Just to be sure I understood, my options are an acrobatic dc 10 to swing/jump even with the rope or 2 climbs dc 15?

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

You guys misunderstood me, I can breath underwater, or quicksand for the matter. What I meant was for you guys to literally drag me with a rope to the other side. By the way, I have my own rope Four Skulls says taking it out of his backpack and tying one of the points around his own waist. Then he casts air bubble and tosses the rope to Balthe.
Fish me if needed.

Easiest option to get to the other side, is it acrobatics? No mods included: 1d20 ⇒ 9

No rope? What kind of adventurers are you people?! Man, I am exploring the cursed island of gruesome death with 5th graders! :P

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Whatever we do I think you guys will have to tie a rope on me and pull me to the otherside. No way I can jump across this thing with my armor. Four Skulls says almost cursing.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Four Skulls looks for avaible paths or trails.
Do you people see any trails?

Take 20 for perception 24.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4


Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

I worry that the squids will attack us again while we are in this small boat, water is their element. Maybe going by land is safer.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

If I die before killing those two #%$@ I am going to be so pissed at you guys. Four Skulls mumbles while looking at one of the nearby fetish. Lets head for the beach.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Four Skulls is not sure what is being said but he gets the overall meaning and starts to crack his knuckles.
Aid Another Intimidate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

DM, you are not helping 4 Skulls case here... He is not trying to make sense, he wants blood!

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

HP: 1d8 ⇒ 6

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Well, you just redid your character, maybe DM will let you twink it a bit. He said he would allow a full makeover by the end of the book anyway. Also if you want slashing consider the feral mutagen discovery.

Extra discovery feat is always nice. Save some money for when we hit the magic shop (I wish...) to buy high level potions Mez. Alchemical Allocation extract can do some pretty crazy things like potion of barkskin +4 natural armor or elixir of perception +10 (forgot the real name).

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

How big is it and how close are we to it?

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Which island are you guys talking about? I could not find a post about it.

Can we kill them now... please? There aint going to be a boat when we come back, its a trap, they will sail without us fools and I not planning on dying before those #%$@&. Four Skulls whispers exasperated as the group moves to the rowboat.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

I am a big fan of the vanilla bard but arcane trickster is fun also. I would not go the sorcerer route thou. Wizard have much much more synergy between the classes and being a 6th lvl character with only 1st level spells is not fun. Believe me, I have made that mistake once already.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Sweet, thx.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Yea, sorry about that. Work has not been kind to me latetly and the stress finally caught up to me. I got the mother of all sinusitis, feels like my head is going to explode.

Four Skulls also cast a heal at their fallen comrade.
Combat Casting: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
CLW: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4
MiniGM wrote:
Shoot. I can repost it is 3 xp and 4 prestige oops

No need, its fine. I can correct it on my sheet with a pen. I am more worried with the "event" and "event code" fields. Dont the sheet needs those filled to be valid?

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Got the sheet, thx DM Cuc and MiniGM.
Since I have never GMed PFS I have a question. Does the "event" and "event code" fields need to be filled? Mine are blank.

Also the "XP" field says +4XP but the guide in the page before mentions that each book only grants +3XP.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

ATTACK!!! Four Skulls yells as loud as he can trying to pass the warning despite the storm winds. He casts shield of faith on himself and draws his magical spear.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Reflex: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Four Skulls awakens face fist on the floor cursing all creation.

Yea but the best day at the botton of the ocean is still worse than the worst day at land. He mumbles making his way to the deck to help with rope work.

Ancestors, I am starting to hate this boat already!

Prof Sailor: 1d20 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 + 4 = 27

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

And here I was thinking when I saw the +30 posts, "Oh my, they must have finished book one already!" ;P

If you guys have finished courting each other I am going to bed. Wake me up if something needs killing. Four Skulls slowly moves to his hammock.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

What do you guys want to do?

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

To keep themselfs fresh maybe. And because they dont trust us to keep watch at night.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

PFS# 35561-7

Our numbers are very close DM Cuc, we probably registered in the same year. Holgur you would need combat expertise, improved trip, improved disarm and combat reflexes for a flail trip build to work. Ends up better to dip in fighter.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Mini GM are you going to do the PFS credit thing? I need to know if I can play my witch or if I should leave her in the back burner for a while.

EDIT: That sounded a little bossy, it was not the intention. I just have a few games coming and need to plan for them.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

Fair enough.

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

I will probably change 4skulls to shaman but unfortunatly I will only have access to the ACG in a couple of weeks so I am planning on sticking with oracle until the end of book 1 of the AP and then consider my options. Would that be alright DM Cuc?

I was a little sad they didnt use the druid list for shaman. On a side note, yes clerics rule. I just have played so many of them...

Bones Oracle 3, HP 26/26, CMD 16, AC 18 T11 F17, F +2 R +2 W +3, Init +3, Perc +4

I may change Skulls to shaman. Havent got the book yet.

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