
FloMo's page

Organized Play Member. 25 posts (80 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Same here, wanted to purchase PDFs.

Checking in...

I'll be creating my character this weekend, but am thinking about bringing either an ysoki investigator operative or an ysoki mystic.

Reporting in... :).

Character wish list (but fine with any character really):
1. Mystic
2. Technomancer
3. Mechanic


great idea! Desperately needed :)

GM Hmm wrote:

So... Lupus did not show.

1d8 Lupus again, let's reroll
1d8 Flo Mo -- EDIT: Oh he's in another Claim to Salvation game

I managed to get a spot at another table, after the first dice rolls :).

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Happy Gaming all :)!

I would be interested in

01-Keskodai (Mystic)
02-Raia (Technomancer)

...but I'm flexible :).

GM Poblano Pepper wrote:

Thank you FloMo. I will check in later. Maybe if rules allow and if everyone would be ok we could do a 7th.

-Posted with Wayfinder

All good, just managed to grab a spot at another table :).

I've deleted my entry on the sign-up sheet.

Happy gaming!

Hi Bugman,

thank you for opening up a table. I would be interested in playing in your game. I have submitted my application through your sign-up sheet :).


GM Poblano Pepper wrote:

Hello FloMo pleasure to meet you.

Looking forward too having you at the table. Have you filled out my sign-up sheet here?

-Posted with Wayfinder

Hi Pepper,

thank you for adding me to the sign-up sheet. I filled out a few additional details. Since I am number 7 on the sign-up sheet, I'll be standing by should a replacement player be needed.


1. Player Name: FloMo

2. Are you new to PBP, Organized Play, or both? I am new to both.

3. What excites you most about playing in this game? I have wanted to try out a PBP for quite a while, so this seemed to be the perfect entry point. I am especially looking forward to the science-fantasy mix.

4. Tell me a little about yourself! What other games have you played? What are your hobbies? I mostly played Call of Cthulhu, D&D 3rd, Shadowrun and DSA (german roleplaying system), but also tried out Numenera. My other big hobby is boardgames (because of course :) )

5. Are you able to post 2 times a day? Yes, although because of the time zone difference it might be around midday to early evening.

6. Are you submitting individually or as a pair? If as a pair, who are you paired with? Individually.

7. I like to keep a game moving. Do you give permission for the party to 'bot' your character as needed in combat or another situation? Yes, no problem.

8. Do you promise to tell me about upcoming vacations, busy times at work, conventions or other absences so we can bot you? Will do :).

Revvy Bitterleaf wrote:

Listing people in order of sign-up:

GM &rew
Great Green God
Dread Delgath
Eric Collins

Which by my count makes 11

Assuming same table sizes as for PFS this means the first 6 listed are in for this game (if they still want to play).

I haven't seen the scenario yet and I know almost next to nothing about Starfinder in general at this point but going by my PFS experience I might run a second table of this - if I enjoy how the first one goes and I can re-use the preparation I had to put in - which will most likely start roughly 2-3 weeks later for the other 5 people if they want.

There's still a possible spot left for a maybe second table, but closing recruitment for now.

Woohoo, ready for take off :).

I would be interested as well :). Fair warning: I am new to PbP and Organized Play. Since I have not read the rules yet, character creation is still up in the air, but I would be potentially interested in a Technomancer or Mechanic.

He had looked at the crowd for a long time, but then decided to turn back to his drink as not to appear too interested. Long way from home, he thought.

When he arrived here it was for study purposes, but somehow he kept hanging around long after the work had already been done.

Now with less and less coins in his pocket, it finally was time to go and look for work. He took a last sip from his drink, then turned and looked at the crowd again.

Opportunities, opportunities, here I come.

"Go to Castamir's" , they said. "Maybe you will find what you're looking for." He adjusted his glasses wondering whether "they" would be right.

He made his way towards the entrance. "Well," he said to himself in a low voice, "might as well give it a shot."

Game Master S wrote:
FloMo wrote:
Hello :)! Some of the sign up sheets seem to have no specific scenario for SFS mentioned. Will they be filled in at a later point?

Likely yes. If they're blank for now it's probably because the scenarios are still up in the air (since we haven't read them and know little beyond blurbs shared for Gen Con.)

Keep your eyes open and post in the game play thread to have the Station show up in your campaigns!

Thank you, will do :).

Hello :)! Some of the sign up sheets seem to have no specific scenario for SFS mentioned. Will they be filled in at a later point?

1. Player Name: FloMo

2. Are you new to PBP, Organized Play, or both? I am new to both.

3. What excites you most about playing in this game? I have wanted to try out a PBP for quite a while, so this seemed to be the perfect entry point. I am especially looking forward to the science-fantasy mix.

4. Tell me a little about yourself! What other games have you played? What are your hobbies? I mostly played Call of Cthulhu, D&D 3rd, Shadowrun and DSA (german roleplaying system), but also tried out Numenera. My other big hobby is boardgames (because of course :) )

5. Are you able to post 2 times a day? Yes, although because of the time zone difference it might be around midday to early evening.

6. Are you submitting individually or as a pair? If as a pair, who are you paired with? No.

7. I like to keep a game moving. Do you give permission for the party to 'bot' your character as needed in combat or another situation? Yes, no problem.

8. Do you promise to tell me about upcoming vacations, busy times at work, conventions or other absences so we can bot you? Will do :).

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Speaking of card layouts, one suggestion for the card text for monsters. Take the Harpy for example. On the card it says:

Before the encounter, all characters must make a Wisdom 8 check; ... etc.

My first question when reading the card was "Why?"
It became clear when looking at the bestiary and the special abilities of the monster.

So the card text could read:

Captivating Song: Before the encounter, all characters must make a Wisdom 8 check;...etc.

Would give the card a little bit of flavor without taking up too much space.

Thazar wrote:
Each character at a location can attempt to temporarily close the location. If ANY player succeeds his location is temporarily closed.

That's what I thought. Thanks everyone for the answers. Might be FAQ worthy.

Thazar wrote:
If two players are at another location one of them gets to try and close it but not both as only one check is allowed per location.

Just a quick question: Where can I find this in the rulebook. I have been looking, but haven't found it yet.

Hmm, that would be very nice for modifying the characters.


Thank you for the answers :). Very excited to hear that. Can't wait!


While I am patiently awaiting the arrival of my PACG copy I was wondering whether scenario progression is covered by the mechanics of the game. For example:

Rise of the Runelords Spoiler:
In Burnt Offerings the Catacombs of Wrath are accessed via the Smuggler's Entrance in the Glassworks Basement. So theoretically it would be a nice touch to have to go through the Glassworks location first before being able to access the Catacombs of Wrath location.

Would something like this be supported by the game system? Either by replacing one location with another or allowing exploration of a location only after the closing of another?

Thanks Sara Marie. I contacted the customer service and told them to change my subscription :).

Same here. Just waiting for an answer to this.