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![]() I have decided this will become a book I need to purchase. I will have to pick up a physical copy though as I am teaching my niece to play the game currently. I was about her age when my mom started to teach the game to me. So this will make it easier if she asks questions on how to play a certain class, as it will have the information she can read in a much easier fashion. ![]()
![]() Alright. I looked this over and I am thrilled with this class. I have a character I have been trying to port from another game system for years, but her spell casting never fully meshed with Pathfinder. The system had you store spells in a grimoire, but you could then cast any spell you knew. The catch was it was too dangerous to do that so you had to prepare the spells you wanted on a daily basis. For anyone who wants to know the game is Earthdawn, the original version. I love my elementalist in there and this class will actually allow me to rebuild her almost perfectly with a few adjustments to account for it being a different game and class. I'll finish building her later and go over the class in full as I do. ![]()
![]() I think I mentioned somewhere before what happened when I played and my dad ran the games. We had round robin GMing at the time, but the main GMs were my mom and dad. This came about when my mom revealed the third GM was cheating when he ran. It also pulled in the rule of no GMPCs ever. Anyways I had several things happen, but mainly the only thing I recall is spending every other week making a new character. The only time they lasted longer than two weeks was when my mom GMed. He literally focused on my character every time. Also despite having proven I could run a spellcaster of any type, a paladin, and a thief I was always informed that being a minor I was too inexperienced and incapable of running anything but human fighters. I had also run most of the races in AD&D at some point. His worst offense against me is when I was banned for a few months due to grades. When I returned I found out to my horror he had allowed the guy who dislike women playing in the game to run my character. She had been played as not liking him, arguing with him, and even standing up to him despite him being a troll skyraider. He played as completely pliant, hero worshiping him and even making advances on him. The only reason the rest of what he wanted did not happen is my mom was actually able to rejoin the group after a month and laid claim to the character. That warrior was later killed my dad when he put us in a no win scenario. Either I held the pillars and let the party escape or we all die. Either way my character would die. To my mom he made a dungeon of riddles. To get through a door you had to get the answer correct. My mom and the party rogue had gotten through them all. At the last door to get through you had to open the door while wearing a metal helmet. Neither she nor the rogue was wearing one. She was a wizard with all that entailed and he simply wore leather as most rogues did. She found his notes in the divorce and confirmed her suspicions he had changed the answer to spite her and the rogue. Her character was made insane and transported to another plane of existence. The rogue was turned to stone. ![]()
![]() I actually did that with my group. Only one player has played a cleric before and really they never thought of it though in various scenarios. To get them on the idea I had them making Knowledge (religion) hecks as James suggests. It felt right and worked due to two of them being divine based characters. Three of them until the druid died so I felt they should have an idea of such things. I also made secret rolls for their deities to nudge them into acting. Anything they felt they could not deal with immediately they made a point to deal with once they defeated Jeslyn. They liked it and I was not wholly bothered. My group already embraces the other big theme of the AP and have done so for a long time. They like being able to redeem the enemy or find a way to not kill things when possible. ![]()
![]() My mom tossed in on this one. She got Wave 2 as they are apparently doing the pledge as either $1 and add in the add-ons or $100 for the core plus add-ons. Like before the add-ons cost extra. The pledges are being done in waves. The waves represent when they believe they should be starting shipping for that group of pledgers. So basically the size of your order will not be a factor. The wave you pledged in will be the factor of when you get it. Also they plan to do updates twice a month once it ends even if they have nothing to report. Reaper just shut down for the night and they were at about 949,000 dollars right before I posted this. ![]()
![]() I have had 3 sessions so far. Some of the issue is what my players say. Like Session two was full of innuendos. The funniest one in that session was int the Traitors area. Hosilla fight:
They made enough noise to cause the pair to come out investigating. The group had pretty much no spells left and had gone through the expendable resources. I did not have the NPCs help at all beyond sometimes helpful advice as this group can take down almost anything usually.
The paladin does detect evil and of course the pair come up as evil. So she charges them. She gets lucky and almost downs Hosilla in one hit. Almost, but not quite. So the Battle Oracle charges in next and attacks Hosilla as well. Uziel moved into flank with Hosilla on the oracle. Dropped him with one blow. Then the paladin after taking more damge drops Hosilla. She then drops to the paladin. Then the Druid and Sorcerer move up to flank the tiefling. Anevia trained her bow on him so she could drop him if there was too much of an issue. Then we spent five minutes of me rolling openly. All three us preceeded to continually miss until the kobold finally struck and struck hard enough to drop Uziel. Session 3 was just last night. It was a random encounter of 2 tiefling looters. One came up evil so they were attacked. I rolled and both were oblivious. One was oblivious to his partner being killed. The tiefling sorceress used mage hand to slap the tiefling. I had him react by profusely apologizing for accidentally grabbing the "invisible" woman in an inappropriate place. So the Half-Orc inquisitor of Torag offered the man redemption. The tiefling asked what happened to his friend and the inquisitor, Davor, expalined his friend was irredeemable. He made a successful diplomacy check so the tiefling shrugged it off. The tiefling then decided to try and get a night out with the sorceress, Mediea, who promptly use mage hand once more to slap him. He asked who he was offending so the druid raised his hand and was annoyed when the tiefling said "Kobolds don't count for this." The tiefling then decided to mention how cute the inquisitor was. It was met with "Find an inn that is still open and safe. Then come get us. Buy Medeia and I a drink." The tiefling asked if he should rent a room as well and the inquisitor said he should go ahead and rent a room for them. The tiefling went off to find a nice safe place and the party now wants the tiefling to be a heavily recurring character. ![]()
![]() Sadly I do not get to play in this as a player. Instead I get all the NPCs and monsters. As I tell my players I am all the NPCs and monsters. When they call me mean I say I am any alignment I wish whenever I wish. That usually makes them laugh and relax. Anyways the party is mostly built. Only one is iffy as the player is wavering. I have:
The paladin may be dropping though. She has a tentative job offer pending and that is far more important. The magus I am waiting for friday for confirmation ![]()
![]() I have bribed a GM, my mother. When she was in an especially horrible mood and was planning an encounter for us in Earthdawn. I heard the creatures and knew them and since I knew how horrible the week had been I went out and bought her dark chocolate and a case of pepsi (some for myself as well).It worked, but we still fought for our character's lives. It simply went from nearly impossible to just highly difficult. My table jokes about bribing the GM (which is me now), but I don't reward them at all for it. Mostly they reference any food or drink purchases as only fair. I fed them and provided their preferred beverages for almost two years before money got too tight. So now they want to return the favor to me. For the OP I would never undo a the draw from a deck and I have put it in. I heavily modified it so the penalties were light, but not game breaking. But I would not allow it to be undone except via a special quest. I also would not grant anyone access to half cost on any item. If they can't afford to purchase it, then can't have it. ![]()
![]() This is starting to look like a must have. Every time an option to own a business pops up one of my players jumps all over it. He loves sorting out inventory and how he is going to run it. He also enjoys sorting out keeping it running when he goes out to do something. This will make it easy to finally give him costs for all off that and also the ability to expand without me having to tinker with it to make it work. ![]()
![]() I don't know Bill. The fact you chose it grants you something nice. If you have the background its nice, but otherwise they have to die and be raised. Which costs money the party might not be willing to put out at a low-level. Plus in order to get the better benefit will require roleplay as this one show you have to meet and basically speak with your deity or their herald. I think that would encourage roleplay as that means they have to quest to get that and you as the GM can make them earn it. Like many I might allow it as a bonus feat at first level to help some of my players who never have a clear idea or goal for their characters. This could provide that goal. ![]()
![]() I had a fort for my players to break into. They could not figure out out how to break into it. The paladin then in character decides to offer his plan. Simply walk up to the fort full of undead and demons, knock on the door and wait for the respond. When the door opens he simply greets them with "Hi! I'm the local Paladin of Fatin! I wanted to know if you have hear the good word of Fatin? Perhaps we could discuss her in depth in your living room? Or even better I see you have a great area for me to give a wonderful sermon to everyone!" We all blinked at it and then we all busted up laughing at the idea. I still wish they had let him do it. I so wanted to see if he could manage to fast talk them into the fort for the battle. Or even do conversions as Fatin is a goddess of redemption form my world, ![]()
![]() On the other hand at DA he posted a really neat Christmas tiefling. She is now sitting on my desktop so I can let some of my friends enjoy the picture as well. I just have to share her as she is incredibly cute. In case anyone wants to see her here is the link to it: Merry Christmas 2012 ![]()
![]() This will settle in perfectly into my campaign as I intend for them to face a powerful Lich and then a Dracolich. Currently they are trying to break a curse on a race that was placed by a god and trying to uncover the phylactery of the Dracolich by finding the pieces of an ancient heroes broken sword. And yes my group is very story and RP focused with lots of character development. Lots of storytelling. My basic look over tells me that this will help enhance those stories immensely! ![]()
![]() Something to take into account. paizo released the feat Deadly Dealer. It requires Arcane Strike and was released in the Varisa book Deadly Dealer: d20pfsrd wrote:
![]() Depends on what type of catering is expected. I will never hand an easy win, but I do allow for multiple solutions to a situation. They even managed to talk themselves into allies. If my group builds all casters I do point out they have a major flaw if I can get in close and eventually I will get in close. Usually 2-3 of my players take turns sacrificing a concept in order to ensure the group survives. I only once had to prove my creatures could potentially get in close to the casters. My players tend to ask for building advice to help their concepts. I am always happy to oblige on that (it also helps me plan the adventures better). I rather enjoy watching them slaughter my creatures when battle happens. ![]()
![]() I do both actually. Usually I sit down with a concept and plan it out to level 20, but then something happens in game that tosses curveball at me and I build around it as well. I'm always flexible enough to adjust my build to what is happening in the campaign or what happens to my character in the campaign. ![]()
![]() I ban Guns. Mostly because I don't like them. I have other classes I'm restricting where they come from, but I'm just not letting guns in at all. I ban level dipping. I hate when people taking one or two levels of a class so they can get 1 or two abilities and then they never take it again. I banned Masterwork Transformation due to a bard's constant whining when he got reminded he had to spend money to make things masterwork. He kept wanting it to make him a ton of money with no expenditure of money on his part. So I finally banned it flat out from my table. |