Outsider(native); D'arkvision; Resistance Cold,Fire,Electricity/5; Cast D'arkness as a spell like ability 1/day(Caster level equals Tiefling's Class levels)
Chaotic Neutral (Good tendancies)
Common, Elven, Infernal,
Paid duelist, Combat entertainer, Bouncer, Personal Therapist.
About Crystal D'glaese
Crystal D'glaese:
Appearance: 6'1" tall. 114 lbs. Tall and Lithe, Crystal's pale complexion, elongated ears and fine features often, along with her bluff and diplomacy skills, allow her to pass for one of the fairer folk. It is only when she stands next to an actual Elf that the shape of her ears is noticeably different, the angles of her face shaped to slightly different aesthetics.
Normally she relies upon her innate abilities to weather the elements and hence rarely appears troubled by the surrounding heat or cold. Her armour, clothes and weapons are always crafted to compliment her style and physique.
Currently, other than her skin and features, Crystals other most 'fiendish' legacy of her parents union is her tail. This she currently keeps well concealed and protected within her pants fabric.
Born to a wealthy Cleric within the church of Hamali. Crystal was initially raised with the idea of her becoming another full devotee of the goddess. However her natural inclination for fighting and 'defending' the priestesses (and some of the more effeminate priests) from those patrons who had imbibed more of the holy 'spirits' and/or were more enamored with such clergy than they should be, saw her eventually trained to assist with the subduing of such patrons and defending the trappings and boundaries of the church. Later, in her more formative years, she was also known to defend the churches 'honour' against those outsiders who would disparage the church/religion when he was outside and 'off duty'. Now, with the money earned from her time and experience within the church, an education from said church, Crystal is wandering the realms and seeing what there is to see.
Kelsinko; an elven city full of life from across the world, its foundations and architecture clearly elven in design, though its residents a myriad of races. Elves do dominate much of the city, after all it is their kingdom, but next would be the humans, halflings, gnomes, and few dwarves. Minotaurs travel through on occasion, though not often as they tend to stay closer to sea and even rarer still are the half-breeds. It matters not whether they are half-elven or half-orc they will both experience the same discomfort here.
Some unwanted progeny still survive on these streets often becoming masters of disguise or simply having a strong enough hiding place. Crystal had neither, but what she lacked was made up for in sanctuary. Mother Herillyn, head Priestess of the temple of Hanali, adopted the young creature when she found. Herillyn knew her blood was tainted, but Hanali teaches there can be beauty in all it just needs to be nurtured. And so Herillyn took in this unwanted child and did just as she always preached. Crystal grew up loved and cared for, she still faced a degree of harshness among the city streets, mainly from the elves, but she knew in the end she had a family in the church.
When dignitaries would come from Saldarne Herillyn would most often send Crystal to the port town of Kelsinko; for weeks at a time. She never went alone though; there was always someone there to watch out for her. Mother Herillyn always had hoped these trips to the port would help immerse her in other cultures and show her a bigger world than just Kelsinko. On these port visits she would hear of faraway lands, full of adventure, dwarves, minotaurs, elves, and men. The tales would come in all shapes and sizes, some so alive with fantasy she knew them to be false and some so down to earth she wished them to be false.
After one of these trips, Mother called for Crystal to meet in her private chambers. Crystal arrived as normal not thinking anything of it, after all Mother was more to her than just the Mother of the Temple she was Crystals’ Mother. As Crystal entered the room she saw Herillyn sitting a parchment in her hand, the wax seal was busted, “Please child come and sit with me we,” she paused “Have much to discuss.”
Hanali Celanil
Goddess of Romantic Love and Beauty
Alignment: CG
Domains: Chaos, Good, Magic, Protection, and Charm
Holy Symbol: Heart of Gold
Hanali Celanil is predominantly depicted as feminine, though on rare occasions it is said she has appeared as a male. Hanali influences the spheres of love and beauty, and is widely revered by many of the elves. She owns an immense crystal fountain and pool with which she keeps watch over her followers, as if using a crystal ball. When she bathes herself in the waters of the pool (called the “Evergold”), her charisma increases by 75% allowing her to inspire awe in all who view her. These is only effective against elves and half-elves.
Rapier 1: +2 to hit, Dam: 1d6+2(+5 on Crit) 18-20/x2, Type P,
Rapier 1: +0 to hit, Dam: 1d6+2(+5 on Crit) 18-20/x2, Type P,
Rapier 1: +2 to hit, Dam: 1d6+2(+5 on Crit) 18-20/x2, Type P,
Leaving the second Rapier to be used defensively. (+2 Dex, +6 Scale Mail, +1 Weapon Def)
Dagger: +2 to hit, Dam: 1D4 (+3 on a crit) 19-20/x2, Inc: 10 ft, Type S/P,
Racial Abilities:
Darkvision: Tieflings can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A tiefling is automatically proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, and shields.
Resistance to cold 5, electricity 5, and fire 5.
Spell-Like Ability: 1/day—darkness. Caster level equals the tiefling’s class levels.
+2 racial bonus on Bluff and Hide checks.
Languages Common, Elven, Infernal
Feats First Level: Pass For Human
You’re easily mistaken for a human rather than a member of your own race.
Prerequisite: Half-elf, half-orc, or halfling (see Special).
Benefit: You receive a +10 bonus on Disguise checks to disguise yourself as a human, and do not receive the penalty for disguising yourself as a member of another race when you do so. In areas largely populated or settled by humans, you can take 10 on your Disguise check, meaning most people tend to assume you are human unless given a reason to think otherwise.
Bard Lvl1: Usual Bard stuff. :P
1)Adopted: Calistran Prostitute; Gain a +1 bonus to Gather Information and Sense Motive Checks.
2)Killer: You deal additional damage equal to your weapons crit multiplier when you score a successful critical hit with a weapon.
Adventuring Weight: Chain-Mail Shirt 25, Rapier 2, Dagger(x6) 6, Back-pack(Empty) 2, Rations 5, Water Skins 8, Whet-stone 1, Sack(Empty) 1, Bed Roll 5,
Total: 55. lbs (Medium Load when carrying everything)
Chain-Mail Shirt, 100 Gp
Rapier(X2), 40 Gp
Dagger(x6), 12 Gp
Light X-bow, 35 Gp
Bolts(X100), 10 Gp
Back-pack, 2 Gp
Shielded Jewellery box: 20 Gp
Expensive additional Explorers accoutrements: 20 Gp
Various Belts and Scabbards, ? (Come with most gear?)
Expensive Explorers Outfit, 15 Gp
Expensive Entertainers Outfit, 6 Gp
Expensive Courtiers Outfit, 45 Gp
Water Skin(x2), 2 Gp
Ration packs(x5), 2.5 Gp
Bed-roll, .1 Gp
Sack(x2), .2 Gp
Soap, .5 Gp
Horse (Light,Combat Trained) 110 Gp
Saddle(Military) 60 Gp
Pony(Combat Trained) 45 Gp
Saddle(Pack) 15 Gp