
Fiendish Dire Weasel's page

Organized Play Member. 647 posts (650 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.

The Exchange

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OK, so one of my PCs has thrown a wrench in the gears of my campaign, but in a good way. But now I would appreciate some help on what to do next.

We have a guy who is playing a Fetchling Rogue, working his way towards the Assassin PrC, and he showed his potential in that field last night, by solo sneaking into the Stag Lord's fortress and murdering him in his sleep.

The original intent was just to scout around and get a feel for the defenses, but he got lucky with his stealth rolls, and I had rough luck with my Perception rolls. I use the weather table every day to add some realism to the game, and it was a dark, rainy night, so he was tough to spot, and has good stealth checks anyway.

Then, by luck, he wandered right into the Stag Lord's bedroom, and did a successful coup de grace. Then he stole the Stag Lord's helmet and bow, and walked out. At that point his luck finally ran out (sort of), and he was spotted. But since he was wearing the helm, he was able to bluff his way out of it by grunting and acting drunk, and waving the guards away. He then walked right out the front door and back to the rest of the group. Best. Scouting Mission. Ever.

I could have just used some kind of DM fiat to make somebody spot him or something, but I didn't feel that was reasonable. The guy made the rolls and did it right - he deserved to win the day really.

My problem now, is trying to figure out what happens next in the fortress. I assume there will be some combination of defection, power struggle, and infighting, but I'd love to hear input from the hive mind here as to how to make that all shake out. I also want to know how you all would try to give Akiros his chance to properly show his possible future loyalty to the PCs, because I really like his story, and would like him to become an important NPC down the road if possible. If the PCs don't bite, they don't bite, but I at least want a believable way to give them that chance.

Safe to assume Dovan and Auchs try to take charge, but then what?

One idea that did cross my mind - tell me if you think this is crazy - I thought about doing a one-off weird adventure next week, where my PC's take the role of 5 of the key bandits in the camp next week, and let THEM sort it out. Good idea? Bad idea? I can say without doubt they're grown up enough not to meta-game it, such that they just sabotage themselves to make their main PCs lives easier.

Any and all input is welcome, you guys have always helped with this sort of thing in the past. So thanks in advance!

The Exchange

The events listings for Gen Con have gone live, and it seems that there are far fewer Pathfinder events than there have been in the past. My children, in particular, love to come with me on Sundays, and in the past there has typically been a "Pathfinder for Kids" series of events, which I am not finding at all. Are those coming and will be available for signup later, or are they not being done this year, or...?

I very much hope that you do them again, they always seem to have been pretty well attended. We've never had anything other than a full table in a full room, so hopefully it can be done again.

Thank you!

The Exchange

I bought some stuff at GenCon at above order #, and didn't really look in the bag until I had gotten home.

I'm pretty sure I was supposed to get some kind of extra promotional stuff for an order over $50, and maybe even more since I went over $100, but I didn't get it.

If there's any way to get that promotional stuff, that'd be awesome.


The Exchange

I just purchased a kickstarter for a computer game, and in it, I won the ability to name a city in their game.

Well, I want to name it after a Pathfinder character I had recently, and her name is Lady Doloura Rasivrein. As you are no doubt aware, both of those names are derivative of the names of Drow Noble houses from Pathfinder.

So what I'm wondering is, would it be a problem with you guys if I used one or the other of those for the game's city name? Would it be better or worse if I changed the spelling on it? Like would you prefer that I change it to "Razivrane" or some such?

I don't know if those names are copywritten, and I don't want to break any rules. That's why I figured it best to be upfront about all of this. But if possible I'd love to pay homage to my character and have her immortalized in a computer game as a Dark Elven city. If that causes issues with you all, then obviously I won't do it. But I figured I'd ask! :)

Either way, no offense taken, love your game and products and will be a PF fan forever. :)

Thanks for listening.

The Exchange

I have an urban ranger, and despite playing D&D and PFRPG for years, I don't have a ton of experience using animal companions. It's just not a class feature I've had many characters with in the past.

Anyway, I have an elven urban ranger with a hawk companion. I'm playing in the Crimson Throne Adventure Path.

He's got plenty of tricks, but I find I hardly ever use him. I imagined him being very useful as a flying scout, but the opportunities for that seem to be limited. Either that, or I'm just not being creative enough in my application. I keep thinking he should have a telepathic bond so I can "see what he sees" in real time, ala the Crow or something, but of course he doesn't work that way.

I don't really want to use him in combat, as his ability to do damage is minimal, and he doesn't have a lot of hit points anyway. That was never his intended role, which again was mostly mobile airborne scouting.

I kept thinking as I leveled up I'd find more uses for him, but now I'm at lvl9 and still not seeing it. It's not like I forget he's there, I am always TRYING to come up with ways to use him, but I'm apparently not getting it.

The rest of the character is going beautifully. I love his back story, plenty of opportunity for great roleplay, and Urban Ranger was MADE for Crimson Throne so far. Favored enemy - human has been HUGE since that's the vast majority of my opponents. He uses an elven curve blade and does tons of damage with it.

Anyway, any advice on things I can do to get more use out of the hawk? I just feel like it's a part of my character that isn't developed as well as it should be, both tactically and from a storyline perspective. Thanks in advance!

The Exchange

I make liberal use of this website to pathfinderize my RotRL game

http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/fan-conversions/paizo-adventure-paths/pf-0 5-sins-of-the-saviors

It has a conversion of Kazaven's Necromantic Deathtrap in the Gluttony secion of Runeforge, however the only way to dispel it is keyed to the Turn Undead ability, which is now substantially less common than it used to be. You can see it here:

http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/traps-hazards-and-special-terrains/tr aps/necromantic-deathtrap-cr-13

Has anybody come up with a way to alter this so more groups would be able to suppress the ability? I'd be interested in any other ideas anyone else has had on that.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm running Runelords in the Pathfinder RPG, and am having a great time with it. The


site has been super helpful in handling most of the conversions and saving me a ton of grunt work. I tweak them when I feel like it, but often run them right out of that when possible.

The problem is that nobody has created one for the 4 lovely ladies that accompany Delvahine in the Iron Cages of Lust - her alu-demon daughters Eryalla, Lelyrin, Voivod, and Zevashala. Now normally, that's not the end of the world, as I'm capable of making up my own, but in this case those chicks come from 2 listed sourcebooks (Tome of Horrors and Plot and Poison) that I don't own. Now, I know I NEED to get Tome of Horrors, but that's a paycheck or two away still, and we're running this room tomorrow night. So I have no idea how to convert these chicks while still being as true as possible to the concept of the source. I don't know what they get from where.

I could always just run them from the module as written, switching grapple for CMB/CMD and all that, but if somebody has something else that's a more effective use of the source books and captures these lovely ladies better, I'd love to hear about it. Thanks! :)

The Exchange

We finally started RotRL this Tuesday (3/8/11) and are converting it to the Pathfinder RPG rules. We are all veterans of 3.5, but this is our first foray into Pathfinder and we are excited about the prospects. Here is our starting cast of characters:

Aamon Vosh - Human Cleric of the Old Ones (Void and Chaos Domains)
Korisel Spireson - Shoanti (Human) Monk
Constantinos Tsirtsirkis - Cheliaxian (Human) Cavalier - Order of the Cockatrice
Adolphus "Matt" Trymantis - Elf Wizard
Wilhelm Trueblood - Half Elf Bard (going to multiclass w/rogue)
Anisa Iraclido - Human Witch
Dagrora Alekin - Dwarf Fighter

Should be a good group. I worry just a little about their ability to heal since their Cleric is a negative channeler, but the Witch took the heal hex so that will help some, at least early on. The rest of the bases seem to be covered, as you would expect in a large part. :)

What follows is intended to be a chronicle of their adventures and they attempt to make their way in the world. I hope anyone reading this enjoys it. I'm going to start with a post for each of the character's backstories, as well as the character bonuses I presented to each to represent their additional training as a backstory reward.

The Exchange

We are starting a pathfinder game in a week or so, and all of my players have vast previous experience with 3.5 but none with Pathfinder. Is there a website or a pdf or something that summarizes all the differences? Mostly we're talking about skills, feats, CMB/CMD, and so on. Mechanical stuff.

Anybody that has access to anything like that and could share it would be appreciated. Thanks! :)

The Exchange

The Improved Natural Attack feat from the Bestiary increases the size of your natural attack by one step, just like in 3.5. It has an additional line that it can't be applied to an unarmed strike.

The monk's improved unarmed strike says that it counts as a manufactured weapon or a natural weapon. So feats/spells that normally can only go on manufactured weapons or natural weapons can be used with their unarmed strike.

My understanding is that the generic unarmed strike every humanoid possesses does not qualify for the feat. My question is whether the monk improved unarmed strike overrides it being a generic unarmed strike.

The Exchange

I know I've read this in the material somewhere before, but we're doing character creation and one of my players wants to know the starting year in order to write up his back story, and I can't remember what it was or where I originally saw it. Anybody recall either?

Thanks in advance.

The Exchange

I know I saw this somewhere once before, but can't remember where and can't seem to find it now...

Which XP progression is the one that's assumed to be in use when determining the "proper" level gain to keep up with the Adventure Paths? I remember there was one suggested but can't remember which. I'll be running Runelords as soon as my friend finishes up his turn as GM doing Age of Worms, our last 3.5 campaign, and need to know.

Thanks. :)

The Exchange

Fiendish Dire Weasel wrote:

What I'd like to know is this: is there somewhere I can go that has a short summary or synopsis of each of the 4 Pathfinder APs so I can get a good idea of what they're "about"?

Or each of the 5. That would be even better. =P

The Exchange

I play 3.5 presently with a group of guys, one of which is currently running us through Age of Worms, after I ran them through Savage Tide. We like Paizo and their products, so that should help. :)

Anyway, I have read through the PFRPG and love it, but was wondering if there existed a simple pdf or similar document that outlined all the basic changes between PF and 3.5. I mean I have been able to work a lot of it out on my own, stuff different with all the races, the core classes, the skills of course, some of the spells, and so on. Is there one document I can give them that would start as a good discussion point with them so I can help "convert" them to wanting to make the switch?

I've explained to them that all our 3.5 stuff is still applicable and that's been a big selling point with them, and as I mentioned, we're big fans of Paizo and all they do anyway, so that helps too. But there IS some conversion involved, albeit minimal, and obviously some of the stuff in the 3.5 books will need some adjusting to be kept level with PF. Mostly monsters made tougher, NPCs in published adventures adjusted, and so on. Nothing huge, but not zero either.

Anybody have ideas? If not, I guess I could put something like that together myself, but if it's already been done, it would be silly of me to replicate it (poorly most likely, I'm sure I'll miss something)

The Exchange

Hey all, I have a minor issue. I'm making a Drow PC, a prospect I'm relatively excited about because it's something I've never done in any edition of D&D despite having played for a LONG time. I always felt it too cliche after the whole Drizz't thing and didn't want to be like that. But I'm making a character story that's different enough that I don't feel like that's an issue in this case. Cleric of Sehanine Moonbow (alignment CN) and the whole bit.

Anyway, my dilemma is this: My DM is running the campaign in Greyhawk. I'm used to DMing in the Realms and that's the world I know better, but I can adjust. The one issue I have is that he's forbidden the use of all FR source material.

The issue is that I would very much like to take the Daylight Adaptation Feat. It fits with my character's concept and would negate the rather harsh penalties associated with being a drow on the surface world. The most recent version in Drow of the Underdark is blinded for the 1st round, and -1 to attack rolls, saves, and checks thereafter when in bright light. The problem is that the only place I've been able to find the feat in 3 or 3.5 material is in the Player's Guide to Faerun, which is not a usable source for this game.

Does anybody know of another source for this feat? Alternatively, does anybody know a good workaround for it? For now, all I've been able to come up with is darkness, but that's only usable once a day. Now there is a great feat in Drow of the Underdark called "Blend into Shadows" that gives me another use of darkness AND lets me make hide checks in it even when being observed, and that would raise it to 2x/day. But that's still far inferior to daylight adaptation, AND I likely hamper the abilities of the rest of my party, which is not what I have in mind.

Ideas anyone? Thanks in advance!

The Exchange

I saw in your blurb about the release of Anubis Murders that Gary Gygax will be signing copies at the Paizo booth. Is there a list of times somewhere saying when he'll be available? I doubt he'll just be hanging out at the booth from open to close all four days, right? :)

Looking forward to getting my copy, and getting it signed by the guy who started it all. :)

The Exchange

Our party begins Sea Wyvern's Wake tonight, although I don't expect us to get terribly far tonight because we're starting with some much-needed downtime. Then, after that, I can pretty much guarantee that my PC's (one or two particularly) will take a very keen interest in the exact nature and specs of the ship's cargo. So, while we might set sail tonight, I don't expect them to get too far.

Anyway, the reason I am writing this is that I have a couple of semi-unique problems that I forsee with the adventure as written, and I'd like some input and advice on them.

I should state before hand that, as I have mentioned in other threads, I have a relatively unusual party in a number of relevant ways. One is that it is a large party, consisting of no less than 8 PC's. Also, I have converted the campaign to run in the Forgotten Realms, in case that matters to anyone's advice. The other is that they're all good sailors, with all of them having at least 3 or 4 ranks in Prof(Sailor), many much more than that.

The reason that's a problem is that I feel like it's going to be rather obvious when I railroad them into a shipwreck at the end of SWW. I understand that it's a near-hurricane storm they're facing, and that the ship is rolling and turning, but these old salts have been through some rough storms at sea and know how to manage themselves.

Even if I made the modified Prof(Sailor) DC about 40 for them to stay off the reef, they'd have a pretty solid shot of making it, especially a few levels from now. Any more than that and you're talking Epic difficulties, which is also not especially believable. I know that the adventure doesn't even CALL for a Prof(Sailor) check, as I said, I feel I need something to prevent the feeling that they're being railroaded, which I know most gamers hate when they know that the storyline dictates a given outcome no matter what the PC's do to stop it.

The good news is that this particular issue won't be a problem until the end of the journey, which is several sessions away. But I'd like some input on that one from you all.

The next issue I have is that it's been made relatively clear that the adventure encourages romantic interactions with the NPC's, including Lavinia. I've been really trying to play up Lavinia's character as being cute but somewhat damaged by recent events (death of parents, brother's betrayal, etc etc) and in need of some caring companionship. So far, nobody has really taken the bait (There haven't been many opportunities, the PC's have acted pretty independently for long stretches of the AP), and now they're going to go 3 months with VERY limited interaction with her, since she's going to be on the Nixie.

Now, I don't want to split up the PC's between the two boats, it would cause a ton of logistical problems. And I know Lavinia needs to reach Farshore for the adventure after HTBM (the name of which has left me) before the PC's, for storyline reasons.

I could see lots of great roleplaying interaction with Lavinia and the PC's over the course of the 3 months' sailing adventure that would REALLY do some wonders for getting her hooked up with one of our fine eligible bachelors, but she's going to be on the "other" ship. I can very much imagine the guys being very happy to teach her soem tips about sailing and sea voyages, where to tie off the ropes and what not. Wouldn't there be any way for us to have her on board for long stretches, maybe 2 or 3 days on one ship and then 2 or 3 days on the other? Or would that be too much hassle for boats to keep swapping passengers all the time? Is that something they'd ever really do? If so, I could just have her row over to the Wyvern for a few days at a time, and then conveniently be on the Nixie when the Wyvern hits the saragasso, and the 2nd storm and so on. Is there any reason I couldn't / shouldn't do that?

Related...since all of my guys are good sailors, Amella is going to seem and feel like a third wheel. To be honest, she'd probably make more sense on the other boat. But then I'd just be trading one single female for another, I'd rather keep her on the Wyvern but I'm not sure what to do with her. As I said, I'm really interested in trying to begin to play up the romantic interactions in the campaign. What's a good pirate movie without some play with the fair damsels?

Final thing, I'm planning on playing up the actual day-to-day events of the sea voyage more than the module. My group was made for this, and I want to make use of some of the Stormwrack stuff more than it is assumed in the module. I am going to roll for the weather and wind at least once a day, maybe twice, I haven't decided yet. I'm also going to have random encouters at semi-regular intervals. I want this to FEEL like a long, arduous journey to the players and the PC's, so that they really feel the enhanced sense of gratitude when they arrive (which will be about the time the T-Rex shows up). Do you think 2x per day weather is too much?

I have a lot of PC's with a lot of aquatic abilities, and many/most of them were largely wasted in the first two adventures. I understand this, and so do they...you need time in a town with people to build up a proper storyline. But now that they're setting out, I/we really want to play up this part of the campaign to meet the abilities and expectations of the party. Also, I have some of my own of course, but can anyone recommend any particular places I could/should look for some extra side plot ideas? I have a neat idea for a deserted "volcanic" island with a smoking volcano, for example, which, as it turns out, is actually just a sleeping red dragon in an extinct volcano, who happens to be guarding the one fresh water spring on the island. And the PC's need it to replenish their suddenly fouled water supply. I also have a plan with sahaugin and an evil druid, and some other goodies. But more ideas are ALWAYS welcome. :)

Sorry, I know this is a hugely long post, but you guys have always been good with very quick and good input, and I'm counting on some more of that again. Thanks!

The Exchange

OK, for PCs that haven't gone thru Bullywug yet, this may have some spoiler info, so be warned.

My question is that when Vanthus sets off the Shadow Pearl at Kraken's Cove, does that affect the marine wildlife in the area as well as the above-water wildlife? I would assume it does, but the module doesn't seem to make any mention of it. I haven't read the following modules well enough to know if it's covered specifically in future issues either, more or less I've just read the summaries and skimmed the rest.

The reason I ask is that our Water Genasi Ranger in the party is likely to "talk" to some of the sea life on the voyage over, and I would like them to have a sense of dread if he says where their boat is going, due to some unspecified "scary news" coming out of that area, but I don't know if it would be something that the underwater creatures would be affected by or not. In other words, are there any "Savage Starfish" in the harbor and so on?

On the other hand, the events in the harbor are only supposed to occur a few hours before the PC's arrive, so news would have to spread really fast, and he'd have to talk to something right before arriving at the destination for it to really matter. But still I think it's an interesting Q just for its own sake anyway.


The Exchange

At the beginning of "Bullywug's Gambit", the PC's are charged with finding their way to Kraken's Cove, and the module lists a number of ways in which they could do it...rowboat (eeek!), pinnace, cog, caravel, etc...

It begs the question of why Lavinia wouldn't simply allow them use of the Blue Nixie, which they rescued for her in the previous adventure, "There is no Honor". I'm sure my PC's will ask about it, they already have designs on that boat for their own uses anyway, as they say "Lavinia doesn't seem the sailor type, what use would she have for it?" They, of course, lack the foresight that is involved in knowing where the story's going as I do. :)

At any rate, I could easily make up an excuse as to why the Nixie is unavailable for the trip, the one that springs immediately to mind is that she's undergoing cleanup and repair following her recovery from Vark and his cronies, but if there is an actual answer in the materials, I missed it.

Is there any actual reason the PC's can't take the Nixie? I know in the metagame sense, we want the PC's to really want to bring the Sea Wyvern back from the Cove, because both will be needed for the trip to the Isle of Dread, but is that in fact the only reason? Honestly, I don't think I'll have the least bit of difficulty convincing my PC's to "appropriate" the abadonded Wyvern, and they all have several ranks in Prof: Sailor, and my party consists of 8 PCs, so I would think they could actually get 2 boats back without terrible difficulty.

What say you all?

The Exchange

I am running STAP in FR, and I have the players guide, the conversion notes, and all the online extras from Dungeon (as well as the subscription to the mag itself, of course). The only piece of the puzzle I'm missing is Dragon #348 with it's "Savage Tidings" article.

In all honesty, do those of you who do have it think it's worth the $8 for me to get it, or is there not much there that I don't already have somewhere else, or could easily do without?

Opinions please!