Darius Finch

FiddlersGreen's page

**** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 2,894 posts (6,570 including aliases). 1 review. 1 list. No wishlists. 60 Organized Play characters. 22 aliases.

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Are you your own ally for the purposes of those reactions? I've seen the question asked in some other threads, but have not been able to find a firm answer. The opinions I've seen go either way (as tends to be the case in most rule questions).

Does anyone if this has been answered somewhere?

Scoured Stars Map

Discuss your tactics and cheese here. =D

Scoured Stars Map

Glorious Absalom has stood strong against attackers for nearly 5,000 years, and the land around it remains littered with the siege castles of failed invaders. However, centuries have passed since Absalom last repelled a siege in earnest, and a new warlord has gathered a supernatural army and ghastly allies that will test the city—and perhaps be the first to conquer the so-called City at the Center of the World. When chaos erupts in the streets, the Pathfinder Society and its factions rally to the defense of their home, uncover the identity of the would-be conquerers, and seek a way to break the siege.


Hey guys, I've been granted the privilege of running this PFS special as part of PBP Gameday 7. The subtier has not been assigned as of the making of this thread, but due to the sign-up process, if you are here, you should know what level your character should be.

Please keep in mind that this is a time-sensitive special, so I will need to request that you endeavour to make at least 1 post per weekday or weekend during the game.

Hope you guys are as excited as I am! =D

Scoured Stars Map

Discuss tactics, cheese and life aspirations!

Balancing time against the lives of the myriad trapped Starfinders, nominated First Seeker Luwazi Elsebo authorizes a dangerous mission to return to the fated region of space known as the Scoured Stars. The might of the resurgent Society is finally poised to breach the formerly impenetrable barrier surrounding the trinary system. The galaxy pauses to watch if a new generation of Starfinders can save those once lost. A mission of exploration and a mission of mercy, this return to the Scoured Stars will undoubtedly shape the future of the Starfinder Society.

Content in The Scoured Stars Invasion also contributes to the ongoing goals of the Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) faction. Content in this scenario also contributes to the ongoing year of the Scoured Stars storyline.

This game will run from August 13th, 2018-September 30, 2018.


Hey guys, I've been granted the privilege of running this SFS special as part of PBP Gameday 7. I will be running one of the subtier 1-2 tables.

To sign up, please follow this link (click here) to my sign-up sheet and fill in your info, and then make a post here.

Priority will be given to those who have posted here, not to the names on the sign-up sheet.

Please keep in mind that this is a time-sensitive special, so I will need to request that you endeavour to make at least 1 post per weekday or weekend during the game.

Hope you guys are as excited as I am! =D

Scoured Stars Map

Opening for dots

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Carnivorous wrote:
Your mouth expands to twice its normal size,and fills with rows of razor-sharp teeth, giving you a bite attack. This attack is treated as an attack with a basic melee weapon with the operative special quality for purposes of proficiency and Weapon Specialization and for other abilities that function with basic melee operative weapons. You can make this attack without using any limbs and when pinned.

The tricky bit is the "for purposes of proficiency and Weapon Specialization and for other abilities that function with basic melee operative weapons" clause.

If it had just said 'This attack is treated as an attack with a basic melee weapon with the operative special quality" and ended it with a full stop, I would not be having this headache. Instead it goes on to say "for purposes of proficiency and Weapon Specialization and for other abilities that function with basic melee operative weapons." which seems to limit it as being a basic operative melee weapon for three specific purposes:
1. proficiency
2. Weapon Specialization
3. other abilities that function with basic melee operative weapons

Is the intention of that clause to prevent or enable the caster to apply his dex instead of str to his attack roll?

Are we missing a large fiery/fiendish bear mini?

I've noticed in my games that the floating computer bonus(es) usually either get under-utilised (because everyone's too polite to ask to use it) or players spend about a minute each turn discussing who needs it.

And I've also noticed some complaints that the captain/engineer/science officer role can get a little boring.

I think it would help gameplay go quicker to have the allocation of the bonus be in the hands of a single player, specifically either the captain, engineer or science officer. This broadens their role and keeps them interested because their task outside of their turn becomes to keep an eye on the overall flow of combat (which they probably should be doing anyway so that when their phase comes about they already have an idea of which of their actions would most benefit the ship).

I would suggest that in general it should be put in the hands of the most experienced non-pilot/gunner who is willing to take responsibility for it, but in the event that all of them are familiar with the rules, it should default to the captain to reflect his in-character role of keeping the ship together and coordinating the crew. If the captain's not up to it for any reason, then let it default to the science officer since he's the guy working the computer the most. If it falls to the engineer, let him freely grumble about how he has to keep an eye on both the software and hardware on the ship on his own. For best results, encourage the player to make an in-character quip about his allocation as well.

This should not be a hard-and-fast rule, but I propose it as a loose convention. I'd be much obliged if other GMs and players tried implementing this in their games and gave feedback on whether it had a positive impact on the flow of starship combat.

"If any creatures or objects that were not part of the memory palace when it was created remain inside it, the entrance remains where it first appeared."

What is "where it first appeared" relative to?

I assume it would be at least relative to a planet if you used the ability on a planet (otherwise it would be unusable since planets are really spinning at incredible speeds), but what if, say, you opened the door whilst on a starship? Would you need to use it only on a stationary starship to avoid being stranded in space when you exit the palace?

3/5 5/5

Benefit: If you brought a new player—a player without a
Starfinder Society character or playing their first Starfinder Society
session—you earn 1 additional Fame and 1 additional Reputation
with the Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) faction.
Special: You can benefit from this boon only a number of times
equal to your current Reputation Tier with the Second Seekers
(Luwazi Elsebo) faction. Each time you fulfill the requirements of
this boon, mark it on your Chronicle sheet along with the associated
Reputation Tier. Have the GM sign beside this notation.

When I first get access to the boon, I'll likely be level 2 (in fact my current character with the boon is level 2) - no problem there. However, by the time he gets to tier 2, he'll likely be level 4, which I suppose is still within the realm of possiblity for bringing a new player's character to the same table. The problem comes with the next 2 tiers. At reputation 25, I'll probably be at level 5 at least, and level 8 at tier 4. Odds are it will difficult for me to bring a new player to a subtier 7-8 table, and even if I did, it would probably be a bad idea since a new player in a 7-8 table will be completely lost. But if I bring a new player to a commencement table (a good table to get him started), I will not be able to bring my tier 4 reputation second seeker.

Can we get a ruling that if you bring a new character to any table, you can get a check on this boon even if you are not playing at that table using the character that has this boon slotted? I presume you will still need to include a copy of the chronicle with the records for the character with this boon.

Otherwise the only way to get the 3rd and 4th benefit of this boon would be to do something very un-shepherd-like and give the new player a very difficult introduction to the game.

One complaint I've heard rather often so far is that starship combat takes too long. I personally enjoy its depth, and I get that some of the time spent is due to players working out the new rules, but even taking those into account it seems to take a disproportionate amount of time relative to the rest of the scenario, making it sometimes difficult to fit into a 5 or 6 hour timeslot. At least one player I've played with has expressed the opinion that he finds it tedious and would rather not play scenarios with them.

I have two suggestions that might make starship combat work better for the SFS Roleplaying Guild.

Firstly, make it a point to mention when a scenario features starship combat. It will help players and GMs set time expectations.

Secondly, consider making a houserule for SFS whereby if the GM proposes and all the players agree, the gunnery phase will occur twice each turn. Between the first and second gunnery phase, each science officer can make one attempt to balance the shields or aid another's science officer's attempt to balance the shields.

Scoured Stars Map

Please ensure that the info on the sign-up sheet is up to date.

Link here

Scoured Stars Map

The rowdy town of Port Eclipse stretches out in all directions and soars overhead, its buildings clinging to the inside of a hollow sphere of rock. Gaps in the sphere open to boundless blue skies. Docks protrude from the gaps, extending into the endless expanse of the Plane of Air. From these, airships of all shapes and sizes dock and depart in a regular stream. Many of the bustling port’s inhabitants soar freely through the open air.

The circular front door to a dome-shaped building swings open. Venture Captain Norden Balentiir stands in the doorway.

“Thank you all for journeying here,” he says, “Come inside, and watch your step.”

As the venture-captain backs into the room, he points to its oddly sloping floor. The dome-shaped building’s interior is roughly spherical, with chairs bolted to all of its walls and a cylindrical dais floating in its center. A tall and handsome suli man with pale blue eyes that glow with electric radiance hovers in the air by the dais. A wispy dust cloud slowly circles the suli’s head, making whooshing noises as it moves. Balentiir speaks, “I hope those of you unfamiliar with planar transit don’t find the process unsettling. I, myself, try not to eat for a few hours before crossing a planar boundary.” He smiles cordially. “If any of you haven’t met him before now, permit me to present our friend, ally,” his voice takes on a wry tone, “and host, as this building belongs to his organization. Ashasar, Liaison to the Seat of Balance of the Concordance of Elements.”

The suli inclines his head with a welcoming smile. Balentiir goes on, “In case you aren’t familiar with recent events, let me catch you up. After some initial misunderstandings between our groups,” Ashasar looks aside at Balentiir and shrugs, “We have come to terms and are working toward the same goal: releasing the captive elemental lord, Ranginori, from his imprisoning artifact— the Untouchable Opal. This goal has attracted the attention of the other Lord of Air, Hshurha, who does not want to see her rival freed. Accordingly, she has begun mobilizing her forces against both our organizations.”

“Which has only furthered our cooperation.” Ashasar finishes, and then takes over. “So, we are trying to limit her available resources. One of our agents informs me Grasping Storm, a belker lieutenant of hers, is hiring mercenary groups to increase its strength. One of those mercenary groups is traveling to Grasping Storms base via airship in a few days.” As if he were petting a cat, Ashasar traces a finger along the shape of his cloud satellite, which reshapes itself into an airship with a dragon’s head for a mast. Its draconic face takes on a contented expression. “We would have you take their place aboard, and gain entrance to Purest Air, Grasping Storm’s cloud fortress. Infiltrate it, find Grasping Storm, and take one of Hshurha’s lieutenants off the board before she has a chance to send it at us.”

"Speaking of cooperation," Balentir interjects, "seeing as you lot are going to be working together on this mission, perhaps we should start with some introductions, as well as any questions you may have for us?"

Shield Companion(linked)

Familiar melding(linked)

If I cast shield companion on a familiar before casting familiar melding (which projects my psyche into my familiar), would half the damage I take whilst in my familiar's body still transfer to my real body?

3/5 5/5

5 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

When the FAQ (linked) for improved familiars item slots first came out, Mike Brock discussed it heavily with the community. One of the things that came from it was a statement that he would add a line to the faq that "familiars may trade their normal feats for Extra Item Slot on a one-for-one basis."(linked)

I checked the faq and noticed that for whatever reason, this update was never made. Was this an oversight or was the decision reversed? Is that option available in PFS?

If not, is there any other way to get the extra item slot feat for familiars in PFS?

Merge with familiar

Merge with familiar wrote:
While merged, your familiar can't be targeted or affected by any means (including ongoing effects).

If the familiar cannot be "affected by any means (including ongoing effects)", how does that interact with the durations of ongoing effects?

For example:
Round 1: Familiar is hasted for 7 rounds and hit with an acid arrow that will burn for 3 more rounds.
Round 2 and round 3: Familiar's master merges the familiar with himself.

When the familiar emerges in round 4, is he:
1. Still hasted for 7 rounds and due to take 3 rounds of acid arrow damage?
2. Hasted for 5 rounds and due to take 1 more round of acid arrow damage?
3. No more haste or acid damage at all?

Scoured Stars Map

Hey guys, recent direction from Online Play leadership is that I need to gather some additional information from you guys. Please post the following information here to aid me in preparing your chronicle sheets:

Player name:
Character name:
PFS Number:
Chronicle number:
Starting fame:
Starting prestige:
Starting XP:
Starting gold:

Please also note which, if any, Season 6 Tier 5-9 scenarios you have played with this character.

Scoured Stars Map

Sign your name on the dotted line.

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 3–7.

The legendary sorceress Hao Jin transferred many abandoned historical sites to her museum demiplane, though even her magic had limits, forcing her to transport only part of an architectural treasure. The half of a temple she left behind in the jungles of Dtang Ma has developed a haunted reputation in the centuries since. Now an unlikely ally has approached the Society with tales of unspoiled historical secrets and hidden treasure left within the shattered sanctuary of Yamatsumi, the mountain god.


This is a recruitment thread for The Sky Key Solution for the 5th PbP Gameday. The game will run from August 27th to October 11th.

I will need to impose a minimum of one post per day. Also to speed things up, I will roll all initiatives. Maps will be done via google drawings unless everyone at the table agrees to and prefers roll20.

To sign up, please post the following information:

Player Name:
Character name:
Any special tricks I should know about your character:

I will also need you to have in your profile either a link to your character sheet or have all your character details entered in your profile.

Scoured Stars Map

Please Post your PFS character's info here (for my ease of reference).

Character Name:
PFS Number:
Special notes (if any):
Favourite Colour:
Airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow:

Scoured Stars Map

The Pathfinder Society’s Master of Blades, Marcos Farabellus, rarely assigns missions himself. Rarer still do those orders come directly from the Decemvirate.

“You bold few are in for a journey,” the towering wall of a man states. He rubs his beard for a few moments, as if physically searching it for the right words. “There’s a problem in Ustalav. An embarrassing one. Most of you have probably met Vonran Vilk, the old man who used to work in the library. He was the Master of Blades well before my time; the man lived more stories than you or I have even read. A few months back he returned to his homeland of Ustalav to write his memoirs for the Society. Something happened along the way. Now, a serial killer stalks Vilk’s hometown of Ardis, killing off all his old enemies. Under the full moon. I think you get the drift."

“Look. I’m not going to blow you a lot of smoke. Vilk defined what it meant to be a good man in his day. More importantly, he’s still got secrets buried up in that geriatric head of his that the Decemvirate doesn’t want spilled on the cobblestones by some superstitious Ardisian’s silver ax. Even worse, Ustalav sees the Pathfinder Society as a band of mercenaries and grave robbers. If anyone finds out that as prominent a Pathfinder as Vilk stalks their streets and murders their nobles as the man they’re calling the ‘Midnight Mauler,’ that might be enough excuse to have the entire Society expelled from Ardis’s borders without any debate."

“Our man in Ardis, Ryado Erudyta, will meet you at the docks. Remember Pathfinders, this is going to be a very delicate mission. Ideally, you are to stop the murders without killing Vilk. But if push comes to shove, access to all the history of Ustalav outweighs any one man. Stop Vilk, whatever it takes, and do not allow his involvement in the murders to be discovered. Exercise discretion and be as diplomatic as possible in your dealings with the Ardisian authorities, but act quickly before things come to a head!"

3/5 5/5

Hey guys, I'm currently GMing PFS for a group of mostly-new players (5 out of 6 of them have only ever played 1 scenario so far with their -1 characters - The Confirmation), and am thinking of what scenario to run next. We used roll20 the last time they took to the interface rather well.

Does anyone have a table prepped for a newb-friendly scenario, probably from season 0 or season 1, since I think those scenarios tended to be simpler?

If you can hook me up with a scenario, do drop me a PM. Your aid is much appreciated. =)

Soulswitch wrote:
You may only cast this spell if you currently have a familiar. You place your soul into the body of your familiar, and your familiar's soul is placed in your body. This functions as if you possessed your familiar using magic jar; your familiar simultaneously possesses your body in the same manner. You can't freely transfer your soul between your body and your familiar's—if you choose to return to your body as a standard action, the spell ends. If either body is killed, both spirits return to their original bodies, the spell ends, and the original owner of the slain body dies.

This spell

When your familiar is in your body, does it still count as your familiar? For instance, will your familiar in your original body be a valid target for shield companion and does it keep its share spells ability?

Moreover, after switching souls, does your familiar still use its own item slots (as determined by its original form) or does it use the item slots that you had when you were in your own body? Do you use your own item slots or item slots of your familiar?

3/5 5/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Ok, let's be honest. At least half the people upset with the recent errata are upset about the nerf to the Jingasa. Thing is, it was long overdue.

Crit-negation is a very powerful effect, and every other item that grants it comes with a substantial price tag. The helm Greater Thremyr's Beard costs 42,250, and amongst other things allows the wearer to once per day force a reroll (not an auto-negation) of a critical confirmation roll. The Khepresh of Refuge is an amazing item that pulls double duty as crit-negation or save reroll three times a day, but costs a whopping 63,000. Even the basic crit-negation ability, fortification, will cost you at least 35,000gp for a 75% chance to negate a crit (alot more if you want more than a +1 enhancement on your armour, up to 75,000gp if you upgrade it fully).

Using those as benchmarks, the jingasa was ostensibly severely underpriced. Every PFS character I had either had it or planned to have it. In a PFS game I'm GMing for a level 12 party, it's already helped a character avoid death twice in as many in-game days. Add to that the fact that it's the only item that grants a persistent luck bonus to AC AND gets boosted by one of the best traits in the game (still one of the best traits even without the jingasa), it's little wonder it got nerfed.

The loss of such a powerful item hurt many of my characters, but when I saw the nerf, my reaction wasn't "OMG WTF ARE THE DEVELOPERS DOING", but rather "yeah that's fair, it was good while it lasted - what else can I do with that gold". When the loss of a 5000gp item is seen as a major nerf to your character, it's probably because you can't get anything similar for a comparative price, even after you've been permitted to re-sell the item at cost. That itself is an indication that the item was under-priced to begin with.

On a side note, I have more sympathy for those who argue that the jingasa should have been re-priced rather than nerfed. Way I see it, there are two ways to re-balance an under-priced item. You either revise the price or revise the properties. Either method is equally valid, they chose one over the other, that's their prerogative. Maybe they'll reintroduce the original jingasa as a Greater Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier in a later book. If we use the talismans as a rough benchmark for converting a one-use item into a once-per-day item, we'd be looking at around maybe 35,000gp approx (far more in line with Thremyr's beard and possibly making the Khepresh of Refuge a little under-priced). Personally, I'd still consider that item at that price, but I'd bet that alot of people used to having the "luck bonus once per day jingasa" at 5000gp would still complain about it anyway.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ooooh baby do you know what that's worth?

3/5 5/5

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Ok, firstly, I've read the FAQ on familiars and items. Barding slot and neck slot only, unless I take the extra item slot feat. This is a PFS campaign-specific rule that varies the animal item slots optional rule from animal archive.

Does this restriction still apply when I am melded with my familiar through a spell or ability? If I am melded with my familiar would I be able to put on, say, a tiny ring of protection or wear a tiny helmet of waterbreathing, seeing as it's me - the player character - putting it on rather than the familiar (albeit in a temporarily borrowed body)? Do I keep my item slots when melded with my familiar, assuming my new body has the anatomy for it?

And whilst I'm at it, am I free to use use-activated items such as a hand of glory?

Scoured Stars Map


The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Your journey to Minkai is uneventful. Despite its current troubles, Minkai is still a sizeable and powerful nation that attracts many foreign visitors - though you have been advised to avoid publicly revealing your association with the Pathfinder Society whilst here.

Following directions the directions you were given, you make your way to the hidden fortress of Seinaru Heikiko, where you are ushred to a meeting room and met by one of the Society's most recently-promoted Venture Captains - a charismatic young man who simply goes by the name of Exiel (who may be a familiar face to some of you). With him are two warriors of native descent - a tan, heavily armored male with a commanding presence and a female warrior sporting monastic trappings. It is the Venture Captain who addresses you first in Common. As he speaks, you notice that the armored warrior follows the briefing and nods at intervals, but the monastic female appears to look bored and a little irritated, as if irritated at not understanding a word that the Venture Captain is speaking.

"Greetings, Seekers. Ah, I see a few familiar faces here! Well met, Alden and 42! Welcome to Minkai, all of you. I am glad to see you all made it here safely. Allow me to introduce to you Hirabashi Jiro, the commander of this fortress, and his lieutanent Habesuta Hatsue."

"As you are aware, Minkai has been under the rule of the Jade Regent for many years, its Emperor having retreated into seclusion out of fear of assassination. The rule of the Regent has grown steadily more repressive and dark rumours circulate about terrible deeds done in his name. Some believe the Emperor is dead and the Regent merely waits until he has enough strength to declare himself Emperor. However, the Society was able to find the heir to the Throne, in Varisia of all places! An adventurer operating out of the Sandpoint by the name of Ameiko Amatatsu. We have managed to smuggle her into Minkai and make contact with a few loyalists of the royal family and some of the more noble-minded samurai who would see the Jade Regent as a menace to the people of Minkai. As you can see, we have also been able to procure a base of operations, and we are now in the process of recruiting more of the locals to our cause."

"We recently made contact with some of the Ninja clans, who have provided us with an interesting proposition. You see, the local Geisha community is very well-connected and holds sway over both the merchant and noble classes in Minkai. Even the ninjas owe them a debt of gratitude, and we may have been given a way to help the ninjas repay that debt, as well as gain the support of the merchants and nobles through the Geisha community, all in one swoop. Once we have all of that support behind us, we should be able to gather sufficient force to oppose the tyrannical Imperial Governor, Sikutsu-Sennaka, and secure our first province in this movement."

At this point, a servant enters the meeting room bearing tea, and Exiel pauses whilst the tea is served to give you some time to digest the state of the local politics. Once you each have a cup of the fragrant bevarage before you, he continues his briefing.

This module will have a few parts, and the above narrative covers the background and overarching plot. We will now move to the briefing for the first (and longest) part of the module.

"I have already met with O-Kohaku, mistress of the Kiniro Kyomai teahouse in Sakakabe. She is no friend of the Regent and desires the return of the Emperor, but she has her own problems. Her most respected and beloved Geisha, O-Sayumi, has gone missing. O-Sayumi is adored by the local nobility, and is even rumoured to have oracular powers. O-Sayumi recently agreed to visit a local pearl merchant named Yugureda Shosaito at his island home. He has long been obsessed with O-Sayumi and she only recently agreed to visit him for a week. She left a month ago and has not returned. Yugureda claims that she never arrived at his island. O-Kohaku does not know why O-Sayumi finally agreed to the visit and she believes Yugureda is holding her captive. She wants us, which is to say you, to travel to the island and recover O-Sayumi at which time she will lend her support to our cause. "

"Before O-Sayumi left, she gave her apprentice, O-Hakami, a packet containing a poem and a small ivory Inro, as well as a long necked vase carved with a smiling Kappa filled with cucumber scented bath salts. I should mention here that an ancient Kappa is believed to live beneath a great magnolia tree at the mouth of the River Jikko."

"Your mission will be to investigate O-Sayumi's disappearance, find her if you can and bring her back safely. I will be helping with preparations for the next phase of our plan, so I will not be available to assist you in this. But you have a full team of Seekers. I trust you will be more than up to the task."


I must discover
what lies inside of myself
to enter your place
through dark and shadowed gates, but
the reflection is not me.

The Inro:
The inro O-Sayumi left behind is a small ivory box with four segments, held closed with a silk cord, a sliding fastener, and a netsuke (decorative toggle) to hang it from a sash. The segments of the inro are engraved with a depiction of a geisha playing the samisen. The netsuke is carved into the likeness of strange turtle-like humanoid holding a vase in its webbed hands, and a six-petaled magnolia flower is carved on the bottom of the netsuke. O-Hakami thinks that the geisha on the inro represents O-Sayumi herself.

The turtle creature on the netsuke is a kappa. O-Hakami believes that the kappa might represent Numataro-sama, a figure O-Sayumi often joked about and referred to as her “uncle.”

The segments of the inro actually form three small compartments. Inside the compartments, the inro contains three odd items: an empty silkworm cocoon in the lower compartment; two interlocking stone rings, one of yellow calcite and one of blue lapis lazuli, in the middle compartment; and three camphorwood beads on a cord ring in the upper compartment.

Hirabashi Jiro

Habesuta Hatsue

The Inro

3/5 5/5

You are sent to Minkai - an empire currently on its knees. The Jade Regent has twisted the ruling government to cater to his despotic whims, and throughout the realm the people suffer. An uprising is being planned to attempt to stand against the tyrant and liberate Minkai, but first the people behind the uprising must earn the trust of the people of Minkai and recruit aid from across the beleaguered empire—all the while dodging murderous oni and deadly ninjas controlled by the Five Storms.

The Pathfinder Society sees in this an opporunity - the current regime has little interest in the Pathfinder Society and disinclined to tolerate the presence of Pathfinder agents within its borders. If the Society can aid the uprising in removing the despot from power and establishing a new regime sympathetic to the Society, Minkai could become a valuable staging point for many expeditions throughout Tian Xia with valuable support from the ruling government. However, this will need to be done in secret, for if the uprising should fail, the Society must be able to deny any association with the uprising, lest it face repercussions from an entire nation.

To that end, the society is seeking a team comprised of its most experienced agents and its newest Seekers (levels 11 to 13) to handle this delicate mission. Who will answer the call?

Link to Recruitment Thread.

Minkai is an empire currently on its knees. The Jade Regent has twisted the ruling government to cater to his despotic whims, and throughout the realm the people suffer. An uprising is being planned to make a stand against the tyrant and liberate Minkai, but first the people behind the uprising must earn the trust of the people of Minkai and recruit aid from across the beleaguered empire—all the while dodging murderous oni and deadly ninjas controlled by the Five Storms.

The Pathfinder Society sees in this an opporunity - the current regime has little interest in the Pathfinder Society and is dis-inclined to tolerate the presence of Pathfinder agents within its borders. If the Society can aid the uprising in removing the despot from power and establishing a new regime sympathetic to the Society, Minkai could become a valuable staging point for many expeditions throughout Tian Xia with valuable support flowing from the ruling government. However, this will need to be done in secret, for if the uprising should fail, the Society must be able to deny any association with the uprising, lest it face repercussions from an entire nation.

To that end, the society is seeking a team comprised of its most experienced agents and its newest Seekers (levels 11 to 13) to handle this delicate mission. Who will answer the call?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------

Current Roster:
1. Subject 42 - Magus 12
2. Alden Helpinghand - Fighter/Cavalier/Golden Legionnaire 12

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------

Maps will be hosted via google slides, since that seems to be a fuss-free way to do it.

To sign up, please post the following information:

Player Name
Character Name
PFS Number
Class, race, level

3/5 5/5

I will be running the sanctioned portion of Tide of Honor for a couple of level 12 characters. Naturally, I will need to recruit at least 2 more players for the game.

Since the level range for the sanctioned part of Tide of Honor is 11 to 13, I could well find myself with a mix of seekers and non-seekers signing up.

Is there any rule against Seekers (level 12+) and agents (in this case, level 11) being in the same game?

Empty Quiver Style wrote:
In addition, you ignore the elf prerequisite for the Stabbing Shot feat. If you have the Stabbing Shot feat, you can use it with a crossbow or firearm, substituting a loaded bolt or firearm ammunition for an arrow.
Stabbing SHot wrote:
When adjacent to an opponent and making a full-attack action with a longbow or shortbow (including composite bows), you may choose to make a melee attack against that opponent with a drawn arrow rather than firing it. If the attack hits—whether or not it does damage—your target is pushed back 5 feet away from you. You can then fire arrows from your bow normally, at the original target, or at another target within range. This melee attack replaces the extra attack from Rapid Shot, and all of your attack rolls for the round (the melee attack and the ranged attacks) take a –2 penalty. If your initial attack leaves you with no enemies threatening you, you can make the subsequent ranged attack or attacks without provoking attacks of opportunity.

Ok... just how does all this work in general, and with a technological firearm in particular?

1. Since the ammunition for a technological firearm is a charge...am I hitting someone with a battery charge? What damage would I be dealing with a battery charge?
2. Does stabbing shot usually consume the ammunition used? If not...then the same would apply if I used the feat with a tech-firearm charge, right?
3. Do I deal the damage of the firearm or do I treat the firearm charge as an improvised weapon when I use stabbing shot?

Charge Recycling (Ex) At 11th level, by spending 1 grit point, a techslinger can grant 1 temporary charge to a technological firearm, even if the firearm normally can no longer be recharged. This charge must be used within 1 hour or it fades. The techslinger can grant temporary charges to multiple firearms as long as she has enough grit, but temporary charges do not stack with themselves in the same firearm. At 15th level, the techslinger can grant 2 temporary charges when she uses this deed, and at 19th level, she can grant 3 temporary charges. This deed replaces expert loading.

Nifty ability, allows a Techslinger to shoot his tech firearms alot more regularly.

But what action is required to use this deed? Unlike most deeds, no action is specified for the use of this deed apart from the expenditure of the grit.

Interestingly, the deed that it replaces, expert loading, also does not specify any action for its use.

My PFS character is going to complete Eyes of the Ten this weekend. With that milestone in sight, I have started to think about the road to getting him to level 20.

He has played through the sanctioned portions of books 1-4 of Reign of Winter, and I will likely want to play through parts 5 and 6 with him. In keeping with that theme, I am also hoping to do the Witchwar Legacy.

For those of you who have played/run both WQR and WWL, without giving any spoilers, which would you recommend I play first?
- Do either of them lead naturally to the other?
- Would playing either enhance the roleplay options I would have in the other (in particular Baba Yaga, who I am guessing I will finally meet in WQR)?
- Most importantly, will there be any plot inconsistencies if I play one before the other?

My thanks if you are able and willing to help. =)

Long story short:
I've starting rolling a techslinger for a crack at this AP.
A mate of mine is on the fence about GMing, but he'll give me an answer this weekend.
It was suggested to me that I should make an interest check thread (this one).

So then, any punters here keen for an Iron Gods run-through as player or GM?

I'm rolling up a techslinger for a prospective Iron Gods campaign. The concept I have in mind is a character with a robotic arm (perhaps with a implanted gun in that arm at later levels) who uses covet charge to fire his tech weapon with the robot arm whilst taking a single level dip in swashbuckler so he can fish for crits with his melee weapon in his other hand to gain panache to use with covet charge. At level 11 he takes signature deed and from level 12 onwards he starts using a railgun with dead shot for massive single-target shots (via heavy weaponry deeds). It's not the biggest baddest build possible, but I reckon it'll be fun! Now I just need to get it to work. That's where I consult the peanut gallery. =)

Race: Half-elf (Kindred-raised)
Stats (20 pt buy):
Str - 8 (-2 points)
Dex - 18 (10 points)
Con - 12 (2 points)
Int - 8 (-2 points)
Wis - 12 (2 points)
Cha - 18 (10 points)

Level progression:
Level 1 - Swashbuckler - Deeds, Panache, Swashbuckler finesse, feat?
Level 2 - Techslinger - Deeds (including covet charge), Grit, Gunsmith
Level 3 - Techslinger - nimble +1, feat: Opening Volley
Level 4 - Techslinger -
Level 5 - Techslinger - feat, bonus feat
Level 6 - Techslinger - technic training
Level 7 - Techslinger - nimble +2, feat
Level 8 - Techslinger -
Level 9 - Techslinger - feat, bonus feat
Level10 - Techslinger - technic training 2
Level11 - Techslinger - nimble +2, Signature Deed - Covet Charge
Level12 - Techslinger - heavy weaponry deeds

So far, I only really have 2 feats decided, which are opening volley at level 3 and signature deed at level 11. That leaves me with 6 feats to play around with. Feats from level 13 onwards will probably be spent on impressive grit.
Essential items are at the moment an adamantine +1 keen agile rapier, a cybernetic arm and the first tech pistol I find.

Keeping in mind that I won't have an issue with reloading (using charges in a tech weapon) what feats and items should I take to maximise my combat effectiveness? What archetype should I pick for my swashbuckler if any? What other classes should I consider for my progression after level 12?

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2 tables set to kick off this weekend and which will run weekly at the same timeslot till the arc is concluded.
The first table needs 1 more player and the other needs 2 more.

Timeslots and roster:
Friday 8pm est/ Saturday 1am GMT/ Saturday 11am Australian est (1 more slot)
Don T - Warpriest12 or Magus12
David Wolfe - Oracle 12
Prethen - Cleric 11/Fighter 1

Saturday 7am EST/ Saturday12noon GMT/ Saturday 10pm Australian est (2 more slots)
Gabriel Tang - Exiel (Pal2/Ora1/Sorc9)
James Vari - Wizard 1/ Eldritch Knight 9 / Arcane Archer 2

Link to sign-up thread.

Are you sure you don't mean Temple of Doom?

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I have a character in a PBP Gameday 4 game, and I'm also GMing a game at Aethercon this weekend. After seeing the chronicles, I've decided that I probably want the chronicles to go to the character in the PBP game.

My reading of the rules leads me to believe the following, which I would like to check with the community (or John Compton if he's seeing this).

1. I can't apply GM Credit to a character being played in a pbp.
2. I CAN choose not to apply GM credit for GMing the scenarios this weekend. I can then choose to run the same scenarios after I finish the pbp game, and give the credit to the character for the second round of GMing.

Guide to PFS, page 39 wrote:

In Pathfinder Society Organized Play, we reward GMs for volunteering their time to run events. Starting with Version 2.2 of this document (and not retroactive to any previous scenarios that were run), any GM who runs a scenario gets full credit for that scenario applied to one of her own characters. “Full credit” means the GM gets the following: 1 XP for the scenario, 100% of the Max Gold for the subtier most appropriate to the GM’s PC, and 2 PP (or, for a slow advancement track character, 1/2 XP, 1 PP, and 50% of the Max Gold for the subtier most appropriate to the GM’s PC).

The GM may select any special boons bestowed by a Chronicle sheet, such as free magical treasure, regional boons, or future bonus die rolls. The GM does not get a Downtime. Additionally, there is limited replay allowed depending on the number of GM stars earned (see page 20). The subtier for which a GM’s character receives credit depends on the character’s level. If a GM with a 1st-level rogue runs a Tier 1–5 scenario using Subtier 1–2, she takes a Subtier 1–2 Chronicle sheet for her 1st-level rogue. If she instead runs a Tier 1–5 scenario using Subtier 4–5, she still takes a Subtier 1–2 Chronicle sheet, as her PC clearly falls within the lower subtier.

If the GM with a low-level character runs any higher tier scenarios that don’t include a subtier for her 1st-level rogue, she takes the lowest subtier Chronicle sheet from that scenario and holds it for her PC. Then, once her PC achieves the appropriate level for that Chronicle sheet, it is immediately applied. For example, if a GM with a 1st-level rogue runs a Tier 5–9 scenario, she would take a Subtier 5–6 Chronicle sheet (the lowest subtier for that tier) for running the scenario and set it aside. Once her rogue reaches 5th level, she can immediately apply the Chronicle sheet to her character. This means that GMs’ characters can potentially level up in bursts.

A GM who receives a Chronicle sheet that indicates her character is between subtiers must always receive the Out-of- Subtier gold value and access to items and boons of the subtier the adventure was played at.

A GM may assign credit for running an adventure in any of the same ways a player can, and must follow the same rules as a player when applying credit to a character. When you choose to take a Chronicle sheet for GM credit, you must decide which of your characters receives the Chronicle sheet when you fill out the tracking sheet for that table. You must apply Chronicle sheets in the order they are received.

Does it work?

Speed wrote:
When making a full-attack action, the wielder of a speed weapon may make one extra attack with it. The attack uses the wielder's full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation. (This benefit is not cumulative with similar effects, such as a haste spell.)
Body Wraps of Mighty Strikes wrote:

Once per round, the wearer may add an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 on one attack and damage roll for an unarmed strike or natural attack (for one specific attack, not all attacks made with an unarmed strike that round). The wearer may use this item an additional time per round when his BAB reaches +6, +11, and +16.

Choosing to enhance an unarmed strike is not an action and may occur when it is not the wearer’s turn (such as when making an attack of opportunity). The wearer must decide to use the item before the attack roll is made, but does not have to expend all uses at the same time. For example, if the wearer can use the item twice per round, he can use it once on his turn when making an attack and save the second for the possibility of making an attack of opportunity.

Additionally, the bodywrap can grant melee weapon special abilities to a creature’s unarmed attacks, so long as those special abilities to be added apply to unarmed attacks. See Table: Melee Weapon Special Abilities for a list of abilities. Special abilities count as additional bonuses for determining the market value of the item, but do not modify attack or damage bonuses. Any special abilities are set at the time of creation. A bodywrap of mighty strikes cannot have a modified bonus (enhancement bonus plus special ability bonus equivalents) higher than +7. Unlike an amulet of mighty fists, a bodywrap needs to have a +1 enhancement bonus to grant a melee weapon special ability.

Would I get the extra attack if I only enhance one of my unarmed strikes with the speed property? Alternatively, would I need to enhance one normal unarmed strike and also apply the property to the extra unarmed strike from the speed property to make it work?

62 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ. 9 people marked this as a favorite.
Psychic Bloodline Bloodline Arcana wrote:
Your sorcerer spells and spell-like abilities count as psychic instead of arcane. You use thought and emotion components instead of verbal and somatic components when casting your spells.

This is possibly the one bloodline arcana that most fundamentally changes the base class. The first three points below are observations and the third is the rules question, but if I'm wrong on the observations I would like to be corrected as well.

1. You are no longer an arcane caster. You don't qualify for feats that arcane casters usually do, and you don't qualify for prestige classes that require you to be able to cast arcane spells either. Heck, if a prestige class says you need to be able to cast "arcane or divine spells", you still don't qualify because you cast neither. No arcane strike, and you can qualify for the Loremaster PRC, but not the Eldritch Knight PRC.

2. You no longer use somatic components, so you no longer need to worry about arcane spell failure. Go for that adamantine full plate if that's what you want (but make sure you shore up your will saves and concentration bonuses).

3. Since you cast psychic spells, you also gain access to psychic skill unlocks.

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4. This one is the big question for the thread. Is the sorcerer class itself still considered as an 'arcane spellcasting class' with this bloodline? Take for instance an alternate racial trait like this one:

Arcane Training wrote:
Half-elves occasionally seek tutoring to help them master the magic in their blood. Half-elves with this racial trait have only one favored class and it must be an arcane spellcasting class. They can use spell trigger and spell completion items for their favored class as if 1 level higher (or as a 1st-level character if they have no levels in that class). This racial trait replaces the multitalented racial trait.

Can a half-elven psychic-bloodline sorcerer pick sorcerer as his favoured class if he has this racial trait?

For that matter, if a cross-blooded arcane/psychic sorcerer takes familiar bond for his 1st level bloodline power, does he count as having a 'arcane spellcaster level" for the purpose of the improved familiar feat? (This is more than hypothetical btw, I am seriously considering taking this precise cross-bloodline combination.)

Basically, is 'arcane spellcaster class' defined independently of the bloodline arcana?

Scoured Stars Map


Scoured Stars Map

Shrouded in thick fog, the shifting Gloomspires north of the Shackles have long frustrated explorers. However, a recent discovery by the Pathfinder Society has revealed a brief opportunity to navigate the columns safely and search for the lost treasure of the legendary pirate Sevenfingers.

Word on the grapevine is that an expedition is currently being organised...

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1-5.

Shrouded in thick fog, the shifting Gloomspires north of the Shackles have long frustrated explorers. However, a recent discovery by the Pathfinder Society has revealed a brief opportunity to navigate the columns safely and search for the lost treasure of the legendary pirate Sevenfingers. The only problem is that the Pathfinders are not the only visitors to the Gloomspires.

The below blurb is shameless stolen from a friend's recruitment page for another scenario, but it works so no need to reinvent the wheel. XD

This scenario will be run as part of the PBP Gameday #3, and will run from 19 September to 20 December 2015.

I will need to impose a minimum of one post per day so we finish on time. I reserve the right to put you in delay to keep things moving. Also to speed things up, I will roll all initiatives. Maps will be done via google drawings unless everyone at the table agrees to and prefers roll20.

To sign up, please post the following information:

Player Name:
Character name:
Any special tricks I should know about your character:

I will also need you to have in your profile either a link to your character sheet or have all your character details entered in your profile.

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