PLAY-BY-POST GAMEDAY VII: SFS 1-99 The Scoured Stars Invasion (subtier 1-2) (Inactive)

Game Master FiddlersGreen

Ship's condition:

Bow (Front):
Port (Left):
Starboard (Right):
Stern (Back):


Combat map and handouts

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Scoured Stars Map

Opening for dots

And so it begins!

First Seeker Elsebo Luwazi clears her throat and makes an announcement to all of the gathered Starfinders as they slowly trickle in. “Starfinders, we stand at the precipice of momentous history, and I want to thank you all for making it possible for us to be here today. The Starfinder Society has spent the last year recovering from the Scoured Stars incident, our greatest defeat in recent history. We are finally ready to return to the Scoured Stars, find out what happened to our missing colleagues and friends, and rescue any survivors we can find. Report to your stations and lend your assistance to our fleet by performing the final preparatory tasks. More instructions will come shortly.”

Table GM's. You are good to go on the introductions and preparation.


Male CG Human Spacefarer Envoy 5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4 (darkvision), SM: +8 (+1d6+1 Expertise) | SP 40 (-0) HP 34 (-0) | RP 7/7 | EAC 20; KAC 20| F/R/W +3/+7/+4 (+6 vs. Radiation w/ Armor, Toughness) | Speed 30ft | Active Conditions: None

Alejandro is a male human with light brown skin, bright white hair and matching close cut beard. Like most humans he is from Absalom Station, or at least that is what he calls home. He carries a variety of gear for many different situations but is not overly armed or armored. A set of pistols are holstered at his waist, mainly for intimidation purposes. Slipped into a shoulder holster is another non-lethal pistol with a well worn grip.

With the chirp of his comm unit, he reads through the message. Looking for his specific assignment he heads to the designated meeting spot. His thoughts running at 120%. Wow, it's really happening. This is a massive activation of our forces! I only hope to do my part... and not run afoul of what happened to all those who went before.

Boons Slotted:
Faction (Wayfinder Champion): This Faction boon allows the character to gain Reputation with the Wayfinders faction. A character with this boon slotted at the end of a successfully completed scenario gains Reputation as detailed in the primary and secondary success conditions of that scenario.

Starship (Solar Powerered Weapon System): The files you retrieved from Brilliance also included blueprints for experimental innovations by the Arch Energy Consortium. When you slot this starship boon, select a single weapon on your starship with the word “laser” in its title; you gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. A gunner can spend a Resolve Point prior to firing the selected weapon to increase the bonus to 4 for 1 round. A starship weapon can be improved only by a single copy of this boon, but copies of this boon can be applied to different weapons.

Ally (Envar’s Attention): During your mission to the space station Brilliance, you managed to impress Arch Energy’s notorious chief procurement officer, Envar Tamm. How this influence will play out in the future is not yet clear, but you have nevertheless ingratiated yourself with Envar Tamm - for good or for ill. You will be told if this boon is important to a future scenario prior to slotting your boons.


SP 7/7 HP 12/12 RP 5/5 | EAC:12 KAC:13 | F:1 R:1 W:6 | Init:1 Perc:8 | Speed:30ft | Active conditions:None Make NG Shirren Priest Mystic 1

A medium sized shirren walks in. The sound of his exoskeleton gently touching the floor can barely be heard. His pistol hangs at his side. The metal almost polished as if it’s never been used. His three claws wrap tightly around his battlestaff. Two shock grenades hang from his waist. Big green eyes scan the room and antennae flow with the air trying to pick up vibrations.

As he gently walks in his mouth parts begin to chatter, ”Hello. I am Z’han Zeelvil. It is a great honor to accompany you on this mission. You may call me Zeth. “

Zeth turns slightly to look at Alejandro.


”Hello there. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Zeth then turns to First Seeker Elsebo and his mouth parts start to chatter.
”You said survivors. They could be hurt or sick. I must help them at once. When can we depart?”

Zeth begins to look over his gear. He appears as though he is enjoying looking over every square inch of his entire body making sure everything is in its rightful place.

Scoured Stars Map


After a long voyage through the Drift, the bulk of the Starfinder fleet has arrived at the outer reaches of the Scoured Stars system. Several immense carriers form the core of the fleet and contain docked transport ships, fighter craft, and scout vessels. Each of the stored ships contains armor, weapons, provisions, and other equipment. There is an almost palpable feeling of tension and excitement as hundreds of Starfinders aboard the central carriers prepare themselves for the mission. Ahead, a shimmering veil of golden energy conceals the three stars known to be within.

Venture-Captain Naiaj, a no-nonsense bleachling gnome, approaches with a datapad in hand. “Do you have all your gear? Are you ready? Good. Now let’s help our fleet get ready for the final journey into the Scoured Stars. But first, tell me your names and what special training you have so we can assign an appropriate task for you to assist with.”

Now is a good time for introductions and any last minute purchases. Also take this moment to slot your Boons. It is recommended to slot the First Skirmish Boon from Starfinder Society: On the Trail of History if you have it.

Venture-Captain Naiaj, Venture-Captain Arvin, and the faction leaders Fitch, Historia-7, Radaszam “The Dealmaker”, and Zigvigix can be seen gathering groups around the ship, assigning tasks to help with the preparations.

You may each visit with each of the leaders if you wish. You can split up or focus on one or two with aid another checks. Don’t roll just yet. This is just to give an idea what skill checks will be helpful.


  • Historia-7 (Diagnostics on the Bridge)- Computers, Engineering, Perception or Profession (Electrician)
  • Venture Captain Naiaj (Engine Check in the Hangar Bay)- Engineering, Piloting, or Profession (Electrician or Maintenance worker)
  • Radaszam (Equipment Check in the Cargo Bay)- Engineering, Medicine, Perception, Survival)
  • Zigvigix (Missile Tube Cleanup in the MIssile Bay)- Acrobatics, Athletics, Profession (Maintenance worker)
  • Venture-Captain Arvin (Morale Boost just outside of the Bridge)- Bluff, Diplomacy, Profession- relevant skill, Sense Motive
  • Fitch (Threat Analysis in the Science Lab)- Engineering, Life Science, Mysticism
  • Let's do a final roll-call first. =) Hello Zeth and Alejandro!

    Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

    M Android | SP 7/7 HP 10/10 | RP 4/4 | EAC 15; KAC 16 | F +3 R +5 W +0 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4, SM -2 Mechanic 1

    A newly minted android steps up.

    Rig Datarunner, pilot and engineer reporting as requested.

    Rig can help with piloting. (+11) engineering and computers (+8) and physical sciences(+7). Average with perception. Do not look for much from him in social skills.


    Android Technomancer (2) | HP 14/14 SP 10/10, RP 4/5 | EAC 16 KAC 17 | CMD 25 | F: +0, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +1, SM: -3 | Speed 30ft | Lvl1 3/3 Active conditions: None

    A tall, overly mechanical, android approaches the team. His exposed skin is a blueish steel covered in tiny circuitry and electrical currents. Prominent on his forehead is a glowing and pulsating purple gem/orb that changes brightness and hue based on his emotion and situation- it is the only part of his face that appears capable of significant emoting. Slung on his back is an analogue rifle to complement the laser longarm held in his hands.

    "I understand that you have been chosen as my tactical companions for this task. While I am a capable pilot, it is probable that others posses superior skill. I am also able to function as a gunner, engineer, or science officer if that provides the organization more flexibility."

    "I believe it would be advantageous of me to interact with Historia prior to our departure from this location."


    M Vesk 5 | Solarion
    LG | SP 40 HP 41 RP 4 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort +5*; Ref +3*; Will +4* | Init +2, Perc +5 | -- | Speed 30ft | Conditions: None

    Arching over the rest of the crowd, you see an olive skinned vesk who approaches the group. He looks very lean and sternly observes the group of starfinders in front of him. He reaches behind him to adjust the large tactical pike adorned with memorabilia on his back.

    "Is this crew which I have been assigned to? Good. This will do. You're not like the toughs from Vesk V, but stay behind me, follow my lead - and I promise you - victory shall be ours on this day! I am Captain Rahdokama of the 74th V-battalion. I have been sent as an ambassador from the empire to find our missing soldiers who succumbed to the Scoured Stars Incident. Surely they are still inside and alive. I have been tasked with finding out."

    The solarion turns and see's Zigvigix in the missile bay. He shakes his head in disapproval.

    "Looks like they need some help over there figuring out which end of the missile goes into the pods. Grrggg, gives me a chance to see what munition we are working with." Will make an althelitcs check to help clean up the missile bay.

    ...If we are allowed to do two, I will do the Ziggy, followed by Arvin. If we are only allowed one, I will just do Arvin...

    The solarian see's Venture Captin Arvin giving a speach to some vesk soldiers who aren't all that riled up by his Golarion manarisms. He would come over and ask to say a few words to his brethren.

    " Soldiers of the Emperium! Our family are trapped somewhere beyond that shield - by our enemies! We will tare each and every one of them to pieces untill we find our families and bring them home. We will not rest untill our mission here is complete. You know the drill - 'a Vesk is not a Vesk without his brother in arms.' Complete your missions! Make your Emperium proud! Gggrrrrrrggggggg!" - Rahdokama stomps his foot loudly to the croud. Will make a proffession soldier check to rally some of the troups to boost morale.


    SP 7/7 HP 12/12 RP 5/5 | EAC:12 KAC:13 | F:1 R:1 W:6 | Init:1 Perc:8 | Speed:30ft | Active conditions:None Make NG Shirren Priest Mystic 1

    Life Science +5, Medicine +5, Mysticism +9, Perception +8, Piloting +2 (1 rank); (reduce the DCs of Culture and Mysticism checks by 5 when recalling knowledge about religious traditions, religious symbols, and famous religious leaders) piloting obviously not a strong suit.


    ”If we are to stay behind you then stay close to us. The further away you get and the harder it will be for me to heal you.”

    ”I will be talking to Fitch and Radaszam to make sure anything life science or mysticism related is taken care of properly.”the chattering of Zeths mouth parts can be heard clearly.

    ”I am Zeth. I will be doing the healing and blessings for this trip. Now we must go fast. There could be survivors who are sick or injured.” Zeth continues looking over his gear.

    Scoured Stars Map

    Naiaj nods as you introduce yourselves and describe some of your individual abilities.

    "Good to know that you're all adequately trained and eager to help, because we sure do need all hands on deck here. I've uploaded to each of your comms units a list of who needs what done on this ship, so pick someone and go help him or her."

    Here's the list again. Pick one and read the corresponding spoiler below. Respond as appropriate and make your roll


  • Historia-7 (Diagnostics on the Bridge)- Computers, Engineering, Perception or Profession (Electrician)
  • Venture Captain Naiaj (Engine Check in the Hangar Bay)- Engineering, Piloting, or Profession (Electrician or Maintenance worker)
  • Radaszam (Equipment Check in the Cargo Bay)- Engineering, Medicine, Perception, Survival)
  • Zigvigix (Missile Tube Cleanup in the MIssile Bay)- Acrobatics, Athletics, Profession (Maintenance worker)
  • Venture-Captain Arvin (Morale Boost just outside of the Bridge)- Bluff, Diplomacy, Profession- relevant skill, Sense Motive
  • Fitch (Threat Analysis in the Science Lab)- Engineering, Life Science, Mysticism
  • Historia-7:

    Historia-7, leader of the Dataphiles, shows you the carrier ship’s science station on the bridge. “Thank you for your assistance. Once we jump into the Scoured Stars, we will need to scan the system to locate any survivors from the previous expedition. Please check connections and run tests on the ship’s computers to ensure the sensors, comms, and other critical systems are running without glitches.”

    Venture Captain Naiaj:

    Venture-Captain Naiaj takes you to the hangar bay. “All right, let’s get to work. See all these ships here? Work with the chief engineer to check the engines of these transports, fighters, and scout ships, and help her make any necessary adjustments.”


    Radaszam, leader of the Acquisitives, waits for you in the cargo bay. “As you’ve probably surmised, things might get hairy once we’re in the Scoured Stars. Ain’t no glamor in this task, but it’s important—check these weapons, armor, medical supplies, and survival gear, and replace any faulty gear so we all might just make it back home alive.”


    You meet with Zigvigix, leader of the Exo-Guardians, in the missile bay. “Hey! Thanks for showing up! I’ve got a special mission just for you! See those missile tubes? I need them checked to make sure that there’s nothing obstructing missiles from being launched, so could you climb or crawl in and have a look? I’m pretty sure it’s safe and we won’t accidently fire you into space!”

    Venture-Captain Arvin:

    Venture-Captain Arvin briefs you in the access corridor just outside the bridge. “Many Starfinders, especially newer recruits, fear what might await us in the Scoured Stars. Talk to your colleagues and see if you can lift their spirits. You have my permission to be creative— pep talks, jokes, or playing some music through the comm system are each valid options.”


    Her nose and whiskers twitching, Fitch, leader of the Wayfinders, reads something on a large screen in the science lab while her children operate other consoles and devices. “Hey, can you help me with something? What we have here is a database built from references to creatures in travelers’ logs and fragments of communication signals that were sent from the Scoured Stars before the force field appeared. Sift through the info and take notes on what kind of threats we might face.”

    Fitch then pats one of her nearby children on the shoulder. “See this red guy here, Kirkath? Your notes should be: This is a balor demon, if you see one… RUN!”


    M Vesk 5 | Solarion
    LG | SP 40 HP 41 RP 4 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort +5*; Ref +3*; Will +4* | Init +2, Perc +5 | -- | Speed 30ft | Conditions: None

    Rahdokama nods in confirmation of his next task. "Yes, some words of inspiration never go astray when preparing to go to war. I will do my best, captain."

    As Rahdokama walks onto the bridge, he stands tall over the recruits before him, pushing his chest outward. Before speaking, he takes out his tactical pike, and slams it next to him in an authoritative manor with a loud twwwaaggg which collects the attention of those who were chit chatting away. The green-skinned reptile clears his throat and with a newfound conviction in his expression begins to speak:

    "Soldiers of the Emperium! Our family and friends are trapped somewhere beyond that shield. We will through our enemies until we find our families and bring them home. We will not rest until our mission here is complete - and they are returned to us - safe and sound. I know that for some of you this might be your first mission. But you have all trained for this. Do not hesitate to lean on your comrades for support! We are stronger together. On my home planet - Vesk V, we have a saying. 'a Vesk is not a Vesk without his brother-in-arms.' Do not be afraid of the unknown - embrace it. May your will bolster the will of your allies. Fight for them. Die for them. Complete your missions! Make your Emperium proud! Gggrrrrrrggggggg!" - Rahdokama stomps his foot loudly to the croud. He begins to glow a fluorescent green, his photons creating a light which penetrates the crowds gaze.

    Profession Soldier roll: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

    "Make the Starfinders proud!" - the Vesk waits for the final hoorah before exiting stage left.


    SP 7/7 HP 12/12 RP 5/5 | EAC:12 KAC:13 | F:1 R:1 W:6 | Init:1 Perc:8 | Speed:30ft | Active conditions:None Make NG Shirren Priest Mystic 1

    Mysticism: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

    Zeth heads to the science lab to see what can be done. His three claws firmly gripped on his battlestaff, he gently walks clicking it on the ground. His antennae move still picking up vibrations in the air.

    ”Hello Fitch. I am Zeth and I’m here to help. “
    Zeth immediately begins to sift through the signals.
    ”At least I will have a better understanding of what types of threats we may face. This way I will have a better understanding of what types of injuries or sicknesses we will face.”

    Zeth turns towards Kirkath


    ”Yes child. You should run from those, but do not worry. No harm shall come to you.”


    Android Technomancer (2) | HP 14/14 SP 10/10, RP 4/5 | EAC 16 KAC 17 | CMD 25 | F: +0, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +1, SM: -3 | Speed 30ft | Lvl1 3/3 Active conditions: None

    Astrator listens to Historia's briefly silently and intently, analyzing her instructions.

    He responds flatly and stiffly- "Thank you for adding clarity to my purpose, Historia-9. I will commence with these activities immediately."

    Turning, he pulls up a chair and begins to check the modular pulsation rates on the outboard scanners.

    Computers: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21


    Male CG Human Spacefarer Envoy 5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4 (darkvision), SM: +8 (+1d6+1 Expertise) | SP 40 (-0) HP 34 (-0) | RP 7/7 | EAC 20; KAC 20| F/R/W +3/+7/+4 (+6 vs. Radiation w/ Armor, Toughness) | Speed 30ft | Active Conditions: None

    As the bug broadcasts a message into his mind, Alejandro simpy turns to him with a smile and mouths howdy!

    Watching as his allies flit about on various tasks he thinks for a second and then heads over to help Zigvigix with the missile cleanup. When he gets there he offers his services, "I may not be the strongest or biggest guy here, but it looks like you don't need that anyway."

    He pokes his head up to look into the tubes, "yeh, I should be able to squeeze in there. Gimme a sec." He drops his pack and pistol belt to the floor to prevent anything from snagging and pulls himself up and in.

    Acrobatics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

    As he looks around inside his comments echo out, "it isn't the first time I've been jammed up inside something like this and probably not the last."

    Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

    M Android | SP 7/7 HP 10/10 | RP 4/4 | EAC 15; KAC 16 | F +3 R +5 W +0 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4, SM -2 Mechanic 1

    Rig leaves to speak with Venture Captain Naiaj. Yes Venture Captain, I move to help. Rig set to work calling upon what little experience he has and a vast amount of book learning, and sim time.

    Piloting: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17

    Scoured Stars Map

    The five of you head in different directions to cover more ground. Rather remarkably, you prove yourselves to be highly competent and are able to make substantial contributions to the crew.

    Gonna wait for the results of Shaan's roll before I reveal the results, but suffice to say that you are all doing quite well. So far the only one who has not been visited by your group is Radasvam, so Shaan can choose to go to him, or to aid one of the others in their roll.


    Medium Male Neutral Vesk Soldier 4 | SP 36/36 HP 34/34 RP 6/6 | EAC 18 KAC 20 | F +6, R +3, W +5 (+2 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +0 | Speed 30' | Active Conditions: None | Constant:

    A Vesk fellow comes rushing in, huffing and puffing. "Sorry to be late! What did I miss? I hope the fleet hasn't left yet! Shaan Poloo's the name and adventure's me game! All the better if it's PAID adventure! I can't miss my chance to get out there with the rest of the Starfinders and see what we can find! Oh - heading to the Scoured Stars?!? Well alright then - what could possibly go wrong?"

    Shaan decides to go his own way and visit Radasvam, though he quickly realizes that his rather meager skill set is not well suited to checking equipment.

    Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (15) + 0 = 15

    Still, he doesn't do too badly, he thinks to himself. "Well, sir, I've checked it all over and other than some burnt out spark plugs over here, I think the equipment is in pretty good shape."

    Suddenly, every screen aboard the Starfinder fleet switches to show nominated First Seeker Luwazi Elsebo standing next to a golden obelisk about two feet in height. Behind her, a large observatory window showcases the Godshield, a shimmering force field surrounding the Scoured Stars system. Luwazi Elsebo slowly lifts her eyes from the artifact and addresses the Society.

    “Starfinders, this is the Tear, an ancient artifact some of our most skilled agents recovered during a recent mission. The Tear is our key back to the Scoured Stars—our key to liberating those who were lost a year ago. We are ready, so let’s not waste any more time.”

    Luwazi Elsebo speaks a few words in an alien language and the artifact start humming softly. She then traces her finger along the artifact’s surface, and a set of glowing runes appear around the obelisk. The golden field surrounding the Scoured Stars starts twisting upon itself, and massive gashes appear as the force field starts tearing itself apart. As the final shreds of the shimmering field evaporate, Elsebo speaks: “It is time. Good luck, Starfinders. Fleet—activate Drift engines! Go!”

    One by one, the ships of the fleet pierce the veil between the Material Plane and others, splashing through space like it was water, and then vanish into the swirling depths of the Drift.


    Whisked away through the Drift, the Starfinder Society fleet spreads across the three solar systems that form the Scoured Stars. The ships begin scanning the planets, asteroids, and other objects orbiting the three distinct stars. The fleet’s long-range sensors soon start picking up communication signals, energy signatures, and signs of life. After a quick analysis, the Society has identified a few locations where information on the lost Starfinders is most likely to be found. After nearly a year of waiting, the search for survivors can begin!

    Table GM’s conclude your preparation phase and you are now set to start Part 1.

    Scoured Stars Map

    In order of appearance.


    Your speech is well-received by recruits, and they remember you and your words. Once during the adventure, when you use an aid token, you can gain 2 different benefits instead of just 1.

    You are able to catalogue and analyse the data very efficiently, and have some extra time to commit them to memory and note where they might be encountered. Once during the adventure, you can either choose to reroll a check to identify an enemy creature, or you can instead at the start of a battle give your entire party a +4 to initiative!

    You are able to make yourself incredibly useful to Historia-7, and as thanks she shares with you a priority code that allows you to divert CPU power from a carrier to your starship. Once during the adventure, when making a computers check, you can roll twice and take the higher result, and then add a +4 to the result. You are considered trained.

    Zigvigix thanks you for your aid and allows you to take with you a special consignment of extra ammunition for your ship. Once during the adventure, you can grant your ship a +2 on all attack rolls, and limited fire weapons do not consume ammunition for that round.

    You perform your task well enough that the chief engineer gives you a special power pack for your ship to give you an extra boost of power at a critical time. You can use it to give your ship a +4 bonus to all engineering and piloting checks for 1 round.

    Your discovery of the burnt out spark plugs prevents vital equipment from potentially malfunctioning at a critical juncture.
    As thanks, Radaszam grants you and your party permission to each requisition a single weapon and a single consumable item of item level equal to your character level. The weapon will come fully charged/loaded, but you will only have it during the phase in which you requisition it. There will be 4 phases to this scenario and you cannot make a requisition during the 4th phase.

    Scoured Stars Map

    You may choose one of 5 locations to conduct reconnaissance at. They are listed in the handout at the combat map link at the top of the page. Choose one of the planets to go to. We'll go with the majority vote.


    Male CG Human Spacefarer Envoy 5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4 (darkvision), SM: +8 (+1d6+1 Expertise) | SP 40 (-0) HP 34 (-0) | RP 7/7 | EAC 20; KAC 20| F/R/W +3/+7/+4 (+6 vs. Radiation w/ Armor, Toughness) | Speed 30ft | Active Conditions: None

    Working his way to the assigned ship, Alejandro muses over the tactical briefing.

    Once they clear docking he pipes up, "so my vote is to head over to the City of the Ancients. I'm betting we might run across something really interesting and alien. That's probably where most of my faction headed, I expect we will find something at least."


    M Vesk 5 | Solarion
    LG | SP 40 HP 41 RP 4 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort +5*; Ref +3*; Will +4* | Init +2, Perc +5 | -- | Speed 30ft | Conditions: None

    Rahdokama takes some time to look over the data files for the different locations. He briefly skims his eyes over the deck of the ship and the starfinders around him.

    "It seems we did a really good job on assisting our leaders with their tasks. Good work everyone. I am very proud to be working with each and every one of you."

    The olive-skinned Vesk turns to Carlos and awaits further instructions.

    "Gggrrrggg, yes. I agree - that would be the tactical decision. The City of the Ancients is a perfect location for a tactical retreat in case things went south for those we are here to rescue. There is a high chance we can meet up with the survivors there. I will follow your lead - captain Alejandro."


    Android Technomancer (2) | HP 14/14 SP 10/10, RP 4/5 | EAC 16 KAC 17 | CMD 25 | F: +0, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +1, SM: -3 | Speed 30ft | Lvl1 3/3 Active conditions: None

    "The highest probability of finding objective answers rests in the remains of the starship graveyard. However, there is a higher likelihood that survivors have found their way to locations of abundant resources and established infrastructure. Under those assumptions City of the Ancients should be the priority for the rescue component of this mission."

    "Captain Alejandro. You have lead me well in the past, I trust your intuition in these matters."


    SP 7/7 HP 12/12 RP 5/5 | EAC:12 KAC:13 | F:1 R:1 W:6 | Init:1 Perc:8 | Speed:30ft | Active conditions:None Make NG Shirren Priest Mystic 1

    ”Captain Alejandro I will trust your judgement. Take us where you think is best.”
    Zeths mouth parts chatter as he speaks. He looks over his gear as if enjoying checking every stitch.


    ”I will trust your judgement in that you will take us to survivors. We must go. There is no time to waste.”

    Scoured Stars Map

    City of the Ancients it is, then.

    The imposing vesk Radaszam, leader of the Acquisitives, stands near a large screen that displays a tidally locked planet labeled as Callion-2.

    “Starfinders,” he greets, in his pleasantly low voice, “I’m sure you’ll find this mission interesting. Our sensors have detected numerous communication signals broadcast from Callion-2. Because one side of the planet is always facing the sun, only a narrow habitable zone exists, but here’s the interesting part: the entire habitable area is covered in one big, technologically advanced megacity. Finding survivors, or at least useful information in the city, seems likely. I’ll upload mission data on your ship’s computer. Good luck and come back safely!”

    Following the Radaszam’s instructions, you board your vessel and head to the planet Callion-2. You easily find the right location in the sprawling megacity to take your landing craft, and locate a suitable landing place on a rooftop. As you approach the destination, you realise the only living things in the city are plants and small insectile invertebrates.

    A quick scan of the area reveals that there are a few locations you can investigate within proximity of your landing zone, one of which is the shopping mall that you have landed on top of. You also notice that you can hear strange alien music (akin to distorted modern elevator
    music) playing in the background through loudspeakers integrated into the city’s buildings and infrastructure...

    You locate a door leading down into the main shopping area and are surprised to find that the entire place seems fully automated - Robots mill around the place putting useless and deteriorated products on display, but no one is around to buy anything...

    You move through the shopping mall into the surrounding residential area, and still you see only robots making repairs and cleaning the residences, but no signs of sentient life...

    Culture, Perception, or Survival DC15:

    It appears the city was abandoned long ago—likely millennia ago—and the original inhabitants left the machines to take care of the city.

    What do you wish to do here?

    There are also three other locations you can move on to:
    1. a factory
    2. a library
    3. a military base


    Male CG Human Spacefarer Envoy 5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4 (darkvision), SM: +8 (+1d6+1 Expertise) | SP 40 (-0) HP 34 (-0) | RP 7/7 | EAC 20; KAC 20| F/R/W +3/+7/+4 (+6 vs. Radiation w/ Armor, Toughness) | Speed 30ft | Active Conditions: None

    Alejandro puts his hands up quickly, "woah! I'm no captain. Just a simple explorer, please no titles. Not to say I don't like to be center of attention and the captain chair is usually the comfiest, but I'm certainly not..."

    He thinks for a moment and then continues, "...anyway our goal is to find survivors and figure out what happened. Let's be on our way!"

    Replying to Zeth:
    Alejandro replies with a thought, thank you, I will do my best to uphold that goal.

    Culture DC 15: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

    Alejandro looks over the sensors as they close on the megacity. "it looks like the city was abandoned by its prior owners a long time ago, though there are a lot of automated systems still in place."

    He muses over a few nearby locations and adds, "if I were trapped here, I'd probably end up at the military base. That seems to be the most likely place for safe long term survival, though I guess we could run afoul of some automated combat systems so there is definitely some risk. What say you all?"


    M Vesk 5 | Solarion
    LG | SP 40 HP 41 RP 4 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort +5*; Ref +3*; Will +4* | Init +2, Perc +5 | -- | Speed 30ft | Conditions: None

    Rahdokama walks wearily past these machines, alert for any sign of danger. He nods in agreement - "You took the words right out of my mouth, Captain. A military installation would be the perfect place to use as a hideout from these machines - in case of hostility. It would house ample resources too. Stay vigilant team. We must move quickly - don't provoke these machines. Like Alejandro said, if their automated combat systems go online, we might be in for a skirmish. Stay behind me. Astrator, do you think you could map us a quick and direct route to the military base?"

    The vesk notions for everyone to follow him as he swiftly moves through the crowd of machines on this strange planet. He thinks to himself - "This reminds me of that series I watched once, Stargate, where the team landed on a planet controlled by Replicator robots. I hope this isn't like that series..."

    Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

    M Android | SP 7/7 HP 10/10 | RP 4/4 | EAC 15; KAC 16 | F +3 R +5 W +0 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4, SM -2 Mechanic 1

    Rig, as an engiineer, would have voted for the starship graveyard but the powers of the great Paizo server prevented it. Destiny.

    Lets see if we can find a terminal where I can hack in and see what the system can tell us about both what happened here and if there have been any people about. Maybe triggered motion sensors and video.

    Rig begins looking about for a place to log in.

    Scoured Stars Map

    As you make your way towards the military base, you catch glimpses of an androgynous human watching you from afar at semi-regular intervals, though it makes no moves to approach. At least, not until you come to the gates of the military station, where you find the figure standing behind the gates.

    It calls out to you in a soft, rasping, metallic voice as its form flickers every so often.

    "Hello. I am Aone. You appear to be looking for something. Who are you and what are you looking for?"


    Male CG Human Spacefarer Envoy 5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4 (darkvision), SM: +8 (+1d6+1 Expertise) | SP 40 (-0) HP 34 (-0) | RP 7/7 | EAC 20; KAC 20| F/R/W +3/+7/+4 (+6 vs. Radiation w/ Armor, Toughness) | Speed 30ft | Active Conditions: None

    Alejandro speaks up from the middle of the group, "hello there Ah-onay. I am Alejandro and we are looking for some friends of ours. Can you help us? They have been missing for a while."

    Diplomacy + Skill Expertise: 1d20 + 7 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 7 + (3) = 11


    M Vesk 5 | Solarion
    LG | SP 40 HP 41 RP 4 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort +5*; Ref +3*; Will +4* | Init +2, Perc +5 | -- | Speed 30ft | Conditions: None

    Rahdokhama eyes this individual wearily. Something feels odd about this one.

    ”We think there might be survivors here, from a war long fought. Our science officer detected some interesting life signatures coming from this direction - we were hopeful. Maybe you have seen them. We come in peace - what is this place and where are all the biological life forms?”

    Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 The vesk looks around for anything suspicious.
    Diplomacy Assist: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

    Scoured Stars Map

    Any other rolls for diplomacy?


    Android Technomancer (2) | HP 14/14 SP 10/10, RP 4/5 | EAC 16 KAC 17 | CMD 25 | F: +0, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +1, SM: -3 | Speed 30ft | Lvl1 3/3 Active conditions: None

    "It would be a pleasure to ensure efficient travel to our chosen destination. Though it seems like it is not our current choice, I believe that it would be remiss not to proceed to a center of higher education and storage of knowledge. The opportunities for understanding based on the technology level of this long forgotten empire may be incredibly valuable to the pathfinders."

    As the figure appears, Astrator leaves the speaking to those who are more elegant in diplomatic pursuits. Instead, he reaches out with his mind and prepares to engage the threat, if determined hostile.

    Readied Action: Cast Grease if the lone figure attacks a member of the party

    Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

    M Android | SP 7/7 HP 10/10 | RP 4/4 | EAC 15; KAC 16 | F +3 R +5 W +0 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4, SM -2 Mechanic 1

    You are a projection? Or are being projected. We look for lost friends. Perhaps you can help/

    Diplo Assist: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2


    Medium Male Neutral Vesk Soldier 4 | SP 36/36 HP 34/34 RP 6/6 | EAC 18 KAC 20 | F +6, R +3, W +5 (+2 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +0 | Speed 30' | Active Conditions: None | Constant:

    Shaan stares about him in wonder at all the sights of the robot city. "Greetings, Ah-Ohnay! Is this your home? Where is everyone else? I hope you can help us find our friends - have you seen them? They look a bit like us..."

    Diplomacy, assist: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10

    Scoured Stars Map

    "About your survivors of a war, I do not believe there is anything of the sort to be found here. A biological species once inhabited this planet, yes, but that was a long time ago. I do not know much about them, only that I am now in charge of the planet. Please do not damage anything during your visit. As for this military facility, I must inform you that it is out of bounds, for the safety of civilians, you understand."


    M Vesk 5 | Solarion
    LG | SP 40 HP 41 RP 4 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort +5*; Ref +3*; Will +4* | Init +2, Perc +5 | -- | Speed 30ft | Conditions: None

    The olive skinned beak pipes up, his scales glowing a dim glow to show he isn’t a threat.

    ”Well if that is the case, maybe you can show us in the right directions. Do you know what or who exists at the library and the factory? We saw similar signatures coming from those locations. We would love your help in discovering them. Also, what civilians are you referring to?” - Rahdokama cocks his head to on side looking perplexed.

    Diplomacy for more informations...: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24


    Medium Male Neutral Vesk Soldier 4 | SP 36/36 HP 34/34 RP 6/6 | EAC 18 KAC 20 | F +6, R +3, W +5 (+2 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +0 | Speed 30' | Active Conditions: None | Constant:

    Shaan shares Rahdokama's perplexity when the creature speaks of civilians. Bristling, he asks, "Do I look like a CIVILIAN to you?!?"

    Wow, looks like maybe it's working again!


    Male CG Human Spacefarer Envoy 5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4 (darkvision), SM: +8 (+1d6+1 Expertise) | SP 40 (-0) HP 34 (-0) | RP 7/7 | EAC 20; KAC 20| F/R/W +3/+7/+4 (+6 vs. Radiation w/ Armor, Toughness) | Speed 30ft | Active Conditions: None

    Alejandro stands back and watches his teammates' tactics closely, waiting to see which direction may bear fruit. I doubt negotiation will get us in, but maybe a nice bluff...? Let's see how this thing reacts.

    Lantern Lodge

    SFS 05-99 BftB

    Just jumping in to keep things moving after the sight outage, I'm sure Fidder will be back very soon.

    "If civilians desire return, then your presence on the base may inhibit their ability to do so. Please leave. It may be you will find traces of your friends elsewhere. But not here."

    perception DC 18:
    You notice that the movement of the various robots in the area has subtly changed and over the last few minutes the mix of them seems to have altered to more robust...military... looking units.


    Male CG Human Spacefarer Envoy 5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4 (darkvision), SM: +8 (+1d6+1 Expertise) | SP 40 (-0) HP 34 (-0) | RP 7/7 | EAC 20; KAC 20| F/R/W +3/+7/+4 (+6 vs. Radiation w/ Armor, Toughness) | Speed 30ft | Active Conditions: None

    Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

    Alejandro supports his ally with an attempt to get them through the door, "listen here A-One sauce. You don't get it do you. I hoped more for you really. You don't recognize the general, do you?" He nods towards Shaan, "our commanding officer here won't be taking any crap from anyone, so you better just let us in to complete our secret mission and then forget about it, capisce?"

    Bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

    Whelp I tried!

    Scoured Stars Map

    Thanks Aerondor. I'm here now. Man, that was a long site outage...

    "Error. This personnel is not a recognised authority on this planet. All civilians are again requested to leave this facility."


    Android Technomancer (2) | HP 14/14 SP 10/10, RP 4/5 | EAC 16 KAC 17 | CMD 25 | F: +0, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +1, SM: -3 | Speed 30ft | Lvl1 3/3 Active conditions: None

    Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

    The android stands rigidly alongside his other starfinders, awaiting resolution to the current circumstance


    SP 7/7 HP 12/12 RP 5/5 | EAC:12 KAC:13 | F:1 R:1 W:6 | Init:1 Perc:8 | Speed:30ft | Active conditions:None Make NG Shirren Priest Mystic 1

    Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

    Zeth speaks up about the robots.”Does everyone notice the robots have changed to more military like?” Zeth looks around at the group as his mouth parts chatter with movement.

    ”You either let us in or we go through you!”Zeth steps up trying to appear intimidating. Pulling a shock grenade from his belt, he readies to pull the pin. ”Decide!”


    M Vesk 5 | Solarion
    LG | SP 40 HP 41 RP 4 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort +5*; Ref +3*; Will +4* | Init +2, Perc +5 | -- | Speed 30ft | Conditions: None

    Sorry, but im honestly not sure what is happening...he just told us to leave, why not just leave?

    Scoured Stars Map

    Is anyone going to stop Z'han? If not, Z'han needs to roll an intimidate check.


    M Vesk 5 | Solarion
    LG | SP 40 HP 41 RP 4 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort +5*; Ref +3*; Will +4* | Init +2, Perc +5 | -- | Speed 30ft | Conditions: None

    The vesk swiftly turns around and places his large hand over the grenade covering it up. He looks surprised at Zeth.

    "Arrrggghhh! What are you doing Zeth! We are visitors here, this thing offers us no harm. If it claims he has not seen our friends - then he probably speaks the truth. Put that away - stand down!"

    Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 -- Looks around worryingly.


    SP 7/7 HP 12/12 RP 5/5 | EAC:12 KAC:13 | F:1 R:1 W:6 | Init:1 Perc:8 | Speed:30ft | Active conditions:None Make NG Shirren Priest Mystic 1


    ”My apologies. When I think of people being hurt I sometimes get carried away. “

    Zeth looks around as he puts the grenade away.
    ”Is everyone ready to go now?

    Stop getting so carried away. You can’t help anyone if you’re dead.


    Male CG Human Spacefarer Envoy 5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +4 (darkvision), SM: +8 (+1d6+1 Expertise) | SP 40 (-0) HP 34 (-0) | RP 7/7 | EAC 20; KAC 20| F/R/W +3/+7/+4 (+6 vs. Radiation w/ Armor, Toughness) | Speed 30ft | Active Conditions: None

    Alejandro eyes the Jekyll & Hyde personality of Zeth very warily, "sure, let's uh... go check out some other places."

    He muses as they walk away from the military installation, "I expect if I ran into trouble here I would head towards a factory to hole up and see if I could get some support systems working... but on the other hand if I wasn't in great danger and just searching for information the library would be the first place to check, maybe pick up the trail there?"

    He looks around to the group, "where too?"

    After they get out of earshot (hopefully) of A-One he whispers, "we might have to try to sneak back in later if nothing is found at the other places. That was a bit suspicious."


    Android Technomancer (2) | HP 14/14 SP 10/10, RP 4/5 | EAC 16 KAC 17 | CMD 25 | F: +0, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +1, SM: -3 | Speed 30ft | Lvl1 3/3 Active conditions: None

    "I believe the library would be the most logical location for us to acquire more information relevant to our task"

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