
Felltree Dawnspringer's page

37 posts. Organized Play character for JASON RODARTE.


Silver Crusade


Silver Crusade

Xuan Wu wrote:

To be fair, it was part of the initial briefing. I just assumed that it was part of what we did; when part of the party did it, I figured it was a given that the rest of us did it, as well. I mean, it would be kind of odd if we just watched the others do it...

I was as well

Silver Crusade

She will do what she can to help out the statues back.

Silver Crusade

How very interesting this is! she says looking around.

Silver Crusade

That sounds like it might work. she says.

Silver Crusade

is this scenario easier to run face to face?

Silver Crusade

Perhaps the crouching statue is one that we need? she suggests.

Silver Crusade

1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26 perception

The half elf enters the room and begins to look around.

Silver Crusade

The druid will take a look at what she saw moving.

Silver Crusade

that sounds like a good idea

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

FYI: The Easter Triduum has begun. I may or may not be around that much this weekend.

Silver Crusade

If she can she will cast guidance on the Oread to help

Silver Crusade

Can anyone pick a lock? she asks.

Silver Crusade

The half elf moves up to listen as well 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20

Silver Crusade

[oo] I think that she can cast one per try correct? [/ooc]

Silver Crusade

The druid, seeing that the Oread is trying to pick the locks will kneel down next to him and cast guidance on him as he tries

Let me see if I can aide you she says.

Silver Crusade

This coming year I will be teaching 2 sections of Latin, so I will be preparing that stuff. I am really excited about it though, oh and teaching 2 sections in Summer School.

We don't get 2 week for Easter. We do start in the middle of August and the district wants to add 10 days this coming year so we would start at the end of July.

Silver Crusade

As a teacher this is not something I would know about, lol.

Silver Crusade

Vacation? What are those?

Silver Crusade

I hope everything is okay

Silver Crusade

Diplomacy 1d20 + 1 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 1 + 3 = 11 aide

Silver Crusade

Do we need to do a diplomacy after our story or do we make them at the end?

Silver Crusade

I was recently confirmed as a Pathfinder, oh glorious one. I went to a cave which had the remnants of gods long since gone. In that cave we found gill people and helped to defeat a cabal of undead and their creator, who had been making undead of the gillfolk. We also fought and bested a minotaur. The fight was glorious

Silver Crusade

who calls? 5he druid responds.

Silver Crusade

She shares what she learned with the group.

Silver Crusade

Know Nature 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Silver Crusade

We might get lost so I have a spell which can help us to not get lost she says casting know direction.

Silver Crusade

I have been in bed most if the day with either allergies or a cold that seems to want to settle into my chest.

Silver Crusade

LOl, for having such a high bonus she is not the most observant of things, lol

Silver Crusade

She will look around as well 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13

Silver Crusade

She assists in looking around
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13 perception

Silver Crusade

So many books here she says as she looks through the materials on so many different types of material, canvas, leather, animal skins she says.

Silver Crusade

Yes, I think that this will be a most welcome adventure she says with a smile.

Silver Crusade

The half elven woman enters into the room and looks around. She is lithe and has an easy smile on her lips but the raging inferno of a forest fire seems to percolate beneath the surface.
I am Felltree Dawnspringer, adherent of the Green Faith. she says simply.

Silver Crusade

Yes. I decided to go with my CORE druid.

Silver Crusade

She focuses on spells and summoning.

Silver Crusade

I have this 2nd level druid I could bring.

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