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Located in the Taldan Capitol city of Oppara, Venture-Captain Muesello’s lodge hides behind the facade of a simple bait and tackle shop, which Muesello dutifully maintains to provide Pathfinders a local base of operations that doesn’t invite much scrutiny. His pockmarked face breaks into a smile as bell on the door jingles, and he motions for everyone to gather in the building’s back room before locking up the shop and propping a sign in the window that reads “Gone fishing.”
Lady Glorianna Morilla sits at a table by a small fireplace and Muesello introduces her with the full formalities as a guest of the Society.
Venture-Captain Muesello quietly closes the door behind him before speaking. “The Pathfinder Society does not have a sterling reputation in Taldor, despite my and others’ efforts to impress the local moves and shakers. As a result, the most prestigious universities and colleges often deny our agents access to the best libraries in Oppara, thinking we are meddling good-for-nothings. As one of the oldest intact civilizations near the Inner Sea, these libraries no doubt house some very precious volumes. Recently we received a most wonderful opportunity—an invitation, really, from a very powerful patron,” he adds as he withdraws a scroll tube with a broken wax seal from his apron. “This patron will secure us a couple hours in the rare books collection at the Kitharodian Academy, during which we may peruse for whatever we wish so long as we also retrieve several documents of interest for our friend. That,” he punctuates by tapping the scroll tube on the table, . “is where things get interesting. Apparently there is an even more precious archive hidden beneath the academy’s library, and our patron believes it to contain numerous original records and undoctored historical accounts otherwise unknown to the world! Our contact knows how to get into the archive and has shared the secret with us. Two hours is little time, so you must make the most of your time. I know it will be tempting to research other interests, but it would be selfish for the Society to think of itself when the Worldwound’s borders threaten to envelop Mendev and beyond. I am sending you in with the express purpose of uncovering more information about the Shining Crusade, the sustained war against the Whispering Tyrant a millennium ago.”
Lady Morilla snaps open a fan to fend off the room’s growing warmth, adding, “Historically, Taldor is the authority on massive military campaigns, but most texts have undergone extensive revision to serve some political agenda or another. Entering this hidden archive is an excellent opportunity to learn from the real mistakes of the past and apply those lessons to the Mendevian Crusade. Remember that you have permission to be in the academy’s library, but not in this secret archive, so do everything you can to avoid being noticed while exploring. In fact, the fewer clues you leave of your passage, the better. Specifically do not steal or destroy any of the library’s contents. A few slip-ups might alert the authorities that someone has been poking around, and too many with give them enough evidence to trace this act to us.” Muesello opens a drawer in the table and begins pulling out a couple small parcels wrapped in cloth. “Any questions?”

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Outside a small bait and tackle shop, far from the pomp and opulence of Oppara, a tall, broad-shouldered woman looks down at a tiny, crumbled piece of paper, that she then shoves in her pocket. Thank the Goddess, it's the right address. The winding streets of the sprawling Capitol city, which had seemed so exotic and enchanting on that morning, had turned after a few hours into a misleading labyrinth, trapping Erica in its treacherous hugeness. For an agonizing moment, she had thought she never would have made it in time.
Somewhat surprisingly, she is the first one arrived, though she doesn't stay alone for long. The Pathfinders prove to be remarkably effective, and it is only a matter of minutes before the party has been moved to a more secretive back room for a mission briefing.
Retrieving some books in an ancient library doesn't seem too thrilling a task, Erica notices much to her disappointment. She had been itching for a perilous mission, perhaps an epic fight against infernal creatures infesting the Worldwound, but her current inexperience makes that prospect highly unrealistic.
There is still a chance to please her Goddess, though, for the details of the mission strike Erica's interests. Uncovering secrets about the Crusades, helping the Mendevian holy warriors to fight off demons, and finding some precious information about military tactics is all very appealing. This could be a serious asset to the Church. This could be exactly what she was looking for.
There is just one tiny detail. As Muesello and Lady Morilla insist on the undercover side of their mission, Erica glances at the other Pathfinders and fellow travelers with the eye of a soldier gauging the troops,and notices that none of them look like spy or con artists, able to quickly and stealthily get in and out of a guarded building without getting caught. While the two slim and rather frail-looking women have to be spellcasters, the men are much more muscular, and one of them is armour-clad.
It leads her to think that there may be more to this mission than just infiltration -especially since the Kithadorian Academy is in Oppara, and that there is no need for bodyguards against potential dangers on the way. So when Lady Morilla asks if they have any questions, Erica speaks up:
"What's the plan to infiltrate the library? Is there anything we have to be wary of once inside?"

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The 6' 200# varisian looks down at his masterwork banded mail armor and frowns..Not sure how stealthy I can be in this....he then looks up at Venture-Captain Muesello and asks.."Will we be carrying documentation to present to the individual that will be letting us in? Who will that be, by the way?"
Turning to the rest of the group..."I think it would be needless to say but I will anyways...if we have to do all we can not to damage the library, please refrain from area of effect spells and alchemical devises that may do so."

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Just to head off any queries - yes, this *IS* a CORE PC, created due to a scenario chronicle sheet boon, which is specifically allowed in the CORE campaign.
A creature that looks like a humanoid-shaped boulder, clad in a simple robe, with a pair of wire-rimmed spectacles perched incongruously upon its nose, gets to its feet, and rumbles:
"This One expresses delight at the task laid out before it. This One enquires whether there will be time to make some discrete purchases prior to the infiltration...?"
It then turns to the others.
"This One is known as Xuan Wu, and is a disciple of the Master of Masters, seeking purity of body and mind to achieve enlightenment."
He is also a Professional Librarian, which is why I wanted to bring him along ;-)

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As Venture-Captain Muesello holds the scroll tube, you can try to identify the scroll.
@Erica "Well you HAVE permission to enter, the way to the secret part falls up to you."
@Xuan Wu "Of course you can buy something first!"
@Bacleive "You just present this scroll to the officials and they will let you into the open area."

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Xuan nods in satisfaction.
"In that case, this one humbly suggests that the entire party purchases multiple Potions of Pass Without Trace, do limit the impact of our passage..."
It then turns and gazes at the Druid, thoughtfully.
"Or possibly some scrolls, instead..."

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A white haired Young woman-not even in her twenties- quickly enters the room, her cheeks red, her breath short. She probably was running. She piks up her tricorn hat, which has Fallen on the ground, and sweeps it on her thight.
Oooops, sorry, I got a little lost on my way. My sincerest apologies.I hope I'm not TOO late? My name is Desynthia. err… Sorry for asking: this is a Paffies meeting, right? Heard there was a mission to book, or about books, I'm not sure.

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As the most experienced members of the group start discussing strategy, the conversation is momentarily interrupted by a newcomer.
Admittedly, it's one of the best dramatic entrance that Erica has ever seen.
So she's probably not a spy either.
As her own armour rattles and creaks when she turns around to nod politely at the young woman, Erica comes to hope that the more experienced Pathfinders have dealt with stealth missions in the past.
"I answer to 'Bobbie' when I'm on duty," she explains. After so many years spent in the Order and leaving her former life behind, being addressed by her civil name no longer feels natural and comfortable. Being referred to as 'Erica' by colleagues always sounded like complete strangers calling her by a childhood nickname. "You're here for the Kithadorian library?" she asks the white-haired woman.
Although Erica is fully in favor of Xuan Wu's idea, buying potions and scrolls seem... Awfully expensive, and certainly not something her meagre purse could afford.
"How much would it be for those things? I don't have much."

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Lady Morilla speaks first. “Tomorrow evening, the Kitharodian Academy will host an extravagant orchestral performance in celebration of the Grand Prince’s birthday. Such an event should last several hours, and if rumors are to be believed, the Kitharodian’s finest intend to play a complex medley of Taldor’s greatest songs. Several of these are rather dramatic at times, and the sound should drown out any noise you make. With any luck, the performance will also draw away most of the guards.”
Muesello then slides the clothwrapped parcels toward you. “This one,” he says, tapping the first parcel, “contains a deck of illusions that I am in the process of modifying; instead of each card creating a random creature, each one creates a copy of one of you. The illusions won’t interact with anyone, but they can pretend to be reading and deceive the casual observer. Each only lasts for two hours, though. Stick a card to the bottom of a chair to create the illusion, and don’t forget to remove the card when you’re done. The other package contains several potions in case of emergency.”
Muesello’s second package contains a potion of invisibility and a potion of pass without trace.

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yes! that's it, a Library!I'll try to be of any help, I promise,but I'm not much a fighter.
Desynthia listens to the informations given
So we got only two hours to do whatever needs to be done? And what will happen if we are late? Could we be trapped Inside the Library?

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The Kitharodian Academy sits atop the northern cliffs of Oppara and has an impressive view of the Porthmos River valley. The school boasts rchitecture as lovely as its music, and elegant domes, towers, and columns adorn the principle music hall. On the night of the performance, mirror-focused lanterns and dancing lights illuminate the structure, making the academy a radiant beacon of Taldor’s greatness.
You walk just outside the Kitharodian Academy, where crowds of commoners and nobility alike jostle to enter the music hall. You have no difficulty pushing their way into the increasingly crowded building, but convincing an usher or other member of the Kitharodian staff to show you to the library requires effort—even if the PCs show their letter from Arch-Exarch Gregorian. If anyone succeeds at a DC 20 Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check can convince an usher to step away for a few minutes to escort you to the library.

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A wise Iomedean once said that the surest way to victory was irreproachable organization.
“And a good axe”, Reverend Mother Breaking Lewd Fingers In Open Spaces And Public Transports used to add -but they didn’t have any.
No one seemed to be familiar with infiltration, but from what Erica had gathered, the mission consisted in mainly three tasks. As they get prepared for the mission, the warrior starts getting to tactics:
”I have a few ideas. From what we already know, we can divide ourselves into three groups. First, the Talkers who’ll convince the staff to let us through...
Erica glances at Desynthia in a not-so-subtle way.
”Or, alternatively, bully them into stepping aside,” she finishes. Judging by the way her stature becomes slightly more imposing, she speaks from experience. ”Though, in that case, we’ll be a lot more convincing if there’s at least two of us. Or if with some magical help.”
”Secondly, some of us have to be Lookers. Anyone who’ll find the books fast.”
”Those who won’t much use finding books -like me-, we'll have to be the Distracters. We take care of the cards while the others are in the library, and we prevent the crowd from paying too much attention to the illusions. Talking with ushers can distract them for a few minutes, if you think of a subject to make conversation without sounding too suspicious...”
She briefly thinks of 1001 Architectural Wonders that you ABSOLUTELY must see in your life!!! waiting for her in her backpack, and winces:
”Point is, maybe it can slow the staff down a little. But it’s just suggestions,” she adds, looking at the rest of the team and waiting for their input.
So this one has all the potential to be a really dumb idea, but since we’re talking about ‘using skills in a creative way’ and Erica doesn’t have that much… Using Knowledge checks chatting up an usher and being really interesting (or an insufferable know-it-all, depending on how hard we fail) could maybe work as a distraction? I don’t know how we’re supposed to leave the library once we’re in, for instance, but if we have to sneak out that would distract the guards, and if they only admit us in the library for a limited amount of time and then let us out again, that could win some extra seconds/minutes.

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Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
As Desynthia is designed as the group spoke-person, the young woman suffers a panic attack, and trips on her own tongue
Errrr..please? Could someone help us? Anyone? We need to see some books...

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A man introducing himself as Tobias brings you to a place and leaves you, locking the door.
A large table stands at the center of this large room, whose walls are lined with rows upon rows of inset shelves. A set of double doors is the only way into the room, and two stone statues depicting bearded scholars with open books are the only other decorations.
Most of the books in this section are workbooks of famous composers, original copies of musical treatises, and withered manuscripts describing various operatic traditions from beyond the Taldan empire.

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I'd like to, but I don't have the budget :/ I can throw in a dozen coins if you want :)
Erica glances at the rows of books, feeling a little disappointed:
"Not really what we're looking for, I'm afraid."

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Desynthia looks at the place quickly, and speaks to the other
We must start to act, remember we have only two hours to find the documents we need. Lets put our magical cards on the chairs first.
The white haired young girl places the card, and a magical illusion starts
I don't really look like that, do I? Doesn't really matter, I know, but it's bothering. I'm sure my nose isn't that big...

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Bacleive places his card on one of the chairs and goes to one of the bookshelves..."This room isn't a secret place. Where we need to go is. Start looking for a secret or concealed door that will let us down there."
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

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Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (3) + 0 = 3
Err.. how do you find a secret door, in fact? Do we get some clues? How many chances do we have? Maybe these huge statues? I mean, they are... quite ominous!

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"Look for hinges, spaces behind bookshelves... Anything that looks out of place."
Or maybe a seemingly innocent book triggering a mechanism? Ooooh, she'd love that!
Perception (Aid Another): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Aid Bacleive

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

aid perception: 1d20 ⇒ 6
Desynthia is as helpful as a blind mouse. Once again.
Then she *might* have a good idea, and cast a spell, speaking in a strange but peaceful, nearly musical tongue
I know this spell worns out after an hour, we'll get an idea how of much time is left when it disappears..
Cast Mage Armor, speaks Celestial

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Good question… I had the idea because I knew the duration is one hour. The description of the spell: "An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of a mage armor spell, providing a +4 armor bonus to AC." So I can't see it, there's no visual evidence of the spell, but it is tangible, so I can touch it. If I poke at myself, I guess I'll feel Something Under my finger, until the spell fades. If you rule otherwise, I'll agree and just use the spell anyway as a protection

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Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Aware that they're losing time, Erica tries once more to find the mechanism- but without success.
Thus, our heroes, unable to get past the first door, never uncovered the secrets of the mysterious Library...

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Taking her time Desynthia finally finds the opening mechanism.
The right arm of the western statue can be rotated up or down by several degrees, allowing one to shift the word that the statue’s stylus points at. To open the secret door, one must shift the statue’s arm so that its stylus points to the words
honor, courage, and glory, in that order. The door has a latch on its interior that allows it to be opened and closed
from the other side. The 15-foot passage beyond leads to a spiral staircase that leads down to area.

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Gotcha! Now be quick, we wasted enough time!
Desynthia tries to hurry up the Paffies team, but she lets the strong fighters first and doesn't lead the way

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I forget if there is a need to roll spell failure check to cast light from a wayfinder. If there is, Bacleive will hand his to Desynthia to keep casting on his helmet, otherwise he will.
Bacleive readies his shield, draws his longsword and leads the way downstairs.

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Xuan raises a questioning hand.
"This One notes that the group was advised to be stealthy. Would the human-and-elf-descended-humanoid known as Felltree mind activating this wand on everyone?"
Specifically, a Wand of Pass Without Trace. I figure we will need to use a total of 12 charges to cover our entire 'trip', right?
He then turns to Desynthia.
"Would you mind activating this wand upon this One, as well? It will provide this One with additional cladding in combat."
Specifically, a Wand of Mage Armor.
He then places his own card, before carefully heading downstairs.
Stealth - 'Take 10' = 12.
We should also close the door behind us...