male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Awesome! Thank you Feral. also well done group! Farg basks in the glory of the moment once Osprey makes it to the jungle and offers them a quick and painless extraction. While the Tiefling is no sissy he will think twice about accepting missions to the Mwangi in the future.
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Wil 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27 As Lady Drusilla has their foe pinned Farg does as he is commanded and moves in for the kill and remorcelessly shreads into the fishman priest. So flanking and precise strike are going on Claw Flank PA 1d20 + 17 - 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 17 - 2 + 2 + 2 = 22 Damage 1d4 + 10 + 5 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 10 + 5 + 4 + 2 = 23 Precise Strike 1d6 ⇒ 4
In case the first attack misses I will spirit surge 1d6 ⇒ 3
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
DM Feral wrote:
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Wil1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 Farg is slightly taken aback by negative energy but pushes himself through the water to confront the boss fish man. Run
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
So look like I took 6 damage last round. Also if I was 24 down after the last encounter I'll get some healing in before moving on. 6d8 + 6 ⇒ (1, 7, 1, 4, 3, 2) + 6 = 24. Once combat starts activate Rage and Archaeologists Luck. Should my last attack fail I will use spirit surge to add 1d6 ⇒ 2. Farg will attack one foe till it drops in this order: Yellow, Black, Brown and if need be 5ft. step and attack blue. Farg doesn't like being poúnced on by fish men and thus retaliates in kind. Claw PA 1d20 + 17 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 17 - 2 + 2 = 33 1d4 + 10 + 5 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 10 + 5 + 4 + 2 = 22
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
PFS #37010-2
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Folks I'll be travelling tomorow and thursday. I prolly won't be able to post so please GMPC if needed.
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
DM Feral wrote:
Influence: A Medium can trade out a spirit boon for two extra points of influence. Farg is not benefiting from the 2 free EWP granted by champion spirit. And that is actually noted in my sheet under class abilities. Here's the relevant text from the Archives: During his seance, the medium can choose to channel a weaker spirit to gain its help without incurring as much of its influence. If he does so, he can forgo any number of spirit powers, starting with his most powerful spirit power. For each spirit power he forgoes, the medium can use his spirit surge ability twice without incurring influence. When rereading the Medium I noticed that I may never use spirit surge more than once per round though! Better keep that in mind. Attack modifiers: +4 BAB
=+12 I did miss the fatigue penalty to damage on round 2 despite including it in round 1 and basing my math on my previous round post...
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Farg does not take an influence penalty before aquiring 4 points. But he also only takes a point of influence if he indeed had to roll because he missed his attack. So it would be nice to know if attacks 1 and 4 would have normally hit. Also just noticed when reposting I missed the PA damage on all my attacks so actually all 4 attacks deal 4 more damage... Seeing that he only landed glancing blows on the demon thing and that Drusilla has things well in hand Farg turns to the large beasts that seem to be giving Chaine problems. Where is that g&@ d+$ned Bird man when you need him! The angry Tiefing roars as he moves in on the Skum. Claw PA 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28 Damage 1d4 + 17 ⇒ (1) + 17 = 18
Farg will start with attacking red. Should red drop he 5 ft steps into reds square and goes for blue with his remaining attacks.
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Thanks Drusila. I noticed that when rereading stuff... now I'm throwing a minor fit cause the post monster munched my entire post after I ran all the numbers for all the modifiers I can and can't apply...ugh... Farg is noticeably slowed and noticeably less savage than in the last fight but is still all over the mermaid as she would make for tasty supper. Claw PA 1d20 + 13 - 1 ⇒ (8) + 13 - 1 = 20 Damage 1d4 + 8 + 3 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (1) + 8 + 3 + 2 - 1 = 13
Looks like atacks 1 and 4 will likely miss if so I'll spend a point of spirit surge each to improve my rolls. 1d6 ⇒ 2 1d6 ⇒ 5
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
DM Feral wrote: Are you including your furious amulet in your non-raging stats? I think so yes...that would explain why one is 2 too high and the other 2 too low...
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
I thought the fatigue was removed by CLW as of Drusilla's post above?
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Farg double moves activates Archaeologist luck and rage and while moving gets his Reach weapon out. The luck rage combo grants +5 to WIL and REF and +3 to FORT saves. Also how long were we traveling through the jungle? Nifty trick lady...pretendin to be a mermaid in the jungle! Farg admires as he closes for battle.
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Perc.1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25
Hmmmpfff... Farg smirks as he musters the bird man. Looks like she knows you're lying Fek!
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Farg has a look in the journal and quickly realizes this man likely is not who he proposes to be. The tiefling lets out a grunt and inquires. Eiastor Wyrn? Waiting to gauge the man's reaction before skinning him. Now'd be a good time for a stellar sesnse motive check...
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Okay this will be a lot of rolls. So for starters my tow AoO without Rage or Archaeologists luck. My other attacks will use rage, Archaeologists luck and both of Chaine's buffs. Farg, reacting instantly, is able to spear some boars but takes a blow in the process. AoO vs. Green 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 9 + 1 = 14 Damage 1d10 + 7 + 1 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 7 + 1 + 3 = 15
The Tiefling then tosses aside the pesky spear and shows them stinkin boars what a real animal can do. Is Fek actually threatening? If not I won't be getting any damage from Precise strike or a flanking bonus. So I'll start chewing on green and then moving on to clobber yellow once green is down. and take a 5 foot step if needed. Claw 1d20 + 22 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 22 - 2 + 2 = 34 Damage 1d4 + 15 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 15 + 3 + 4 = 25 Precise strike1d6 ⇒ 6
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
All I'm gonna say on the matter is that the horse isn't actually the cavaliers main class feature. Look at what you can get when you trade it out. IUS and a few combat maneuver boosts is prolly the best trade on offer.
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Farg casts Heroism before entering and applies one more charge of CLW to be full. Farg doesn't like being told what to do but does it anyway while grumbling. Explore, report, cooperate... Perception1d20 + 15 ⇒ (9) + 15 = 24
Well claws and small blades would indicate multiple some humanoids and some animals. Me being both... Farg draws a dagger and demonstrates the difficulty of clawing and stabbing at the same time. can attest that achieving both at the same time is tricky at best...So how do we go about this. The strong men go first to protect the feathered and the females? Is horsey along for the ride? If not are you one of them Cavaliers that's no good without? Farg should likely be front line. He has a spear and combat reflexes and can do some pretty sick damage with his natural attacks. Sadly he's not the most durable. He can also do stealthy with invisibility if needed.
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Demon's ey? Well that will be great fun... Farg remarks sarcastically.
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Linguistics 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 Well I've dealt with primitives like these most of my life...apparently they want to know why we impede on their lands...Farg summarizes what he can grasp of Polyglot. Since I don'thave a Tongues spell I can't actually communicate with them. Do we have any pictures or similar stuff to show them.
Here's a Natural attack based Tiefling Archaeologist who I've been playing in PFS for quite some time now. I only went 5 levels in Bard and have dipped into Barb and Medium to improve combat competency as that was dropping off quickly due to the slow scaling nature of Archaeologist Luck. If you plan on sticking with Bard just focus more on skills (Knowledge is king) or jack up your charisma and get spell focus enchantement and pick up the necessary save or suck spells to contribute to combat encounters. I'd recommend not to go with fencing grace as it will make you feel useless in combat rather quickly.
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Anyone understand them? If not I have a spell that might help...understand but not be understood...
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
This wouldn't be the first time that a PFS scenario defied logic ;)
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
I hate the Mwangi... Farg heaves as he wipes sweat from his matted fur. Farg's survival modifier is -2 so if you really want I'll roll it 6 times but it won't do us any good. Farg's modified Fort save is +3 due to -4 from armor.
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Farg slightly rattled by the teleportation experienceflexes is claws as he studies his surroundings. Farg will aslo purchase a potion of fly for 2PP
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Well looks like you called on the right man! Cause Farg is always ready to go!
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Manners ey? My pleasure melady... Far rises and bows respectfully to the lady. But while we're at it. You have yet to introduce yourself!
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Tall and broad shouldered Farg is rather imposing, his massive tusks and oddly shaped horns as well as the dark sheen of fur that covers his face and body indicate his orcish and fiendish heritage. The experienced tomb robber recently acquired a nasty looking Spirit Oni Mask which gives him an even more gruesome appearance. As self confidence is not exactly one of his weaknesses Farg waltzes into the Saucy Wench making some arrangements with the Sauciest of Wenches before having a seat next to Osprey and greeting him like an old buddy. So I hear you have some mead to shar?
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
DM Feral wrote:
Farg is ready, willing and able...
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Chronicle looks good Zoomba! Thank you for running this and great job!
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
The only way of praying! Farg remarks with a broad smile in the direction of Thomas! So tell me Tanbaru! What do you have planned for the future?
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Wow! Gotta say I'm impressed with how we wheezed through what seemed like a non-trivial scenario. Some pretty strong characters involved all around and everyone had some time to shine! Well played! Also thank you Zoomba for awesome GMing and keeping up such a good pace over the holidays! Day Job1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Well as Fendel will not need the rope to climb down he can hold it for the others... Farg proposes. Take 10 for 21 on my climb check
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Zoomba...what ever happened to Farg's spirit Oni friend. see post above...
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
CSW3d8 + 5 ⇒ (7, 3, 6) + 5 = 21
Farg tapers with the wamd to seal his wounds and can then be seen washing his mouth out with soap. Oh boy... if ye ever thought Goblin tasted bad ye never tried durergar... Farg having earlier witnessed the odd sensation of the spirit Oni disaapearing wonders if the fiendish enhancement to his vision is still around...
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Claw/Claw/Bite/Gore +12 1d4+10 (20/x2)
5 ft. step full attack with haste. I'll accept Baloo's Rage for 28 extra HPs. My AC drops by 3 points... Farg has had enough of this pesky Dueregar. He steps forward and tosses aside his Fauchard and tries to bite his way through his foes iron defense. Claw 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35 Damage 1d4 + 19 ⇒ (3) + 19 = 22
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Out of curiosity how does the raging song interact with Farg's savage technologist rage? Can I get the bonus to DEX and CON?
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Ref1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18
-27 HP... Now at 26/53 Peppered with viciuos spikes and fiery magics Farg was feeling rather s+@*ty. But giving up was never an option for one who had come so far and thus Farg swings his Fauchard as hard as he can but he is still somewhat distracted from the pain. MW Fauchard 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (5) + 16 = 21 Damage 1d10 + 22 ⇒ (8) + 22 = 30
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
As Farg pulls his polearm out of the eyeof the Xorn he turns to his companions with a bright smile on his face! Ha! Well thought Pathfinders! That little one! Farg points at Milo... He's one hell of a pleasure to work with! Did ye see that? He just nuked the whole room in one big kaboom and I didn't even have to get my claws bloody...
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Enjoying destruction as much as any man Farg surges forward, a gleeful smile on his face, as he plunges his Fauchard into the Xorn. Attack PA1d20 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23 Damage 1d10 + 22 ⇒ (10) + 22 = 32
Activate Rage and Archaeologists Luck. Spend Spirit surge if attack misses
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Assuming my 50 minute Heroism has expired by now...recast Heroism and Mirror Image. Illusionary doubles1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 Alright so here comes mister big tough ey? Farg remarks as he snorts another nose of glitter dust. Feeling all heroed up he also makes two more Fargs. Very happy with himself and his illusory doubles he remarks. The only thing more awesome than having Farg along for a party is having three of us!
male Tiefling Tomb Raider 7 Init +2 Perception +13, Darkvision, Speed 40ft HP: 54 AC: 21 (FF 21/T 13) (23 while raging) CMD: 21 HP: 48 AC: 20 (FF 20/T 12) CMD: 21 CMB: +9 BAB: +4 FORT: +7 REF +7 (+2 during rage) WIL: +5 (+2 during rage)
Yeah that would be awesome! Gotta say my sorry mortal eyes are infernally charged though... but there's no improvement like self improvement my old man Irori always says... Farg responds to the real Spirit Oni. Then he has a look around at the pictograms and the not so bright Tiefling has one of his bright moments. Hey I remeber these...Back in the days when we would pillage... em I mean do sophisticated research erm in Dtang Ma I came across em. Met some local smart ass. After roastin him on a spit he told me all about em... Use Lore master to take 20 and cast guidance. With bonus from heroism I meet 30. Farg will share the onformation with everyone...