Mistress Kayltanya

Mirona's page

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I would love to seemore of South East Asian culture incorporated into Golarion. My wife being Javanese, I like when she talk to me about the more mythologic side of her culture.

Or it could come in form of an exploration AP where you discovers islands and islands with a mix of different culture. Just changing half and island in Indonesia mean you have to change the way you say ''Yes'' from Iya (Jakarta) to Iyo (Yogyakarta). And the Linguist Archetype become a most!

Also, as mentioned, more Wayang stuff, my father-in-law as a huge collection of them (And a collection a keris...one forged in 1200's...)

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Hi everyone,

I read the forum often, but don't really take time to post. But this time, I need help.

After reading the books and the forum many time, I know the problem about the foreshadowing of the ''Big boss''. Looking into the problem, I remembered the ''classic horror revisited'' story about the hag.

To sum up : Three good beautiful faerie princesses became vain, bitter and evil. The fey court cursed and banished them to Golarion. After that, the fey courts razed their castle to the ground.

My idea :

- First change : There was five sisters, not three. The older ones had their fey kingdom at each cardinal point : West, North, East, South. The fifth one, the youngest, lived in the middle.
- Second change : Four sisters became vain, bitter and evil. They picked on their youngest sister.
- Third change : The youngest, tried to stop the blight and the conflict between the sisters. She was a good girl helping the other faeries when they tried to flee the blight.
- Fourth Change : When the fey courts saw the corruption of their kingdom, they cursed all the sisters, banished the four kingdom from the first world. The sisters were imprisonned in their own planar kingdom.
- Fifth change : Nyrissa became the green hag (south), Rhoswen became the annis (west), Neithrope became the winter hag (north), Caillea became the blood hag (east).
- Sixth change : Seeing everyhting being cursed, Jurissa, the youngest, ripped appart her eye and tongue, becoming the Mute Hag.

So I modified the tale to fit those details (I won't post it on the forum, since I just copied the text from the book and changed it to fit those change).

Now the original background of the campaign :

Nyrissa want to steal the land to give it to the eternal in hope to be pardon. That's it.

So here my idea :
The four sisters want their beauty back, they want their freedom back, they want their servant back and they want to kill each other.

Beauty :
Caillea : She plan to bath in mortal's blood, a lot of beautiful mortal woman's blood.
Nyrissa : She removed the curse by transfering it to another person: Her youngest sister Jurissa.
Neithrope : Stealing true love. She want to melt her cold heart.
Rhoswen : Before being cursed, she captured her own image through a mirror. She plan to switch her old reflexion with her cursed form.

Kingdom :
Caillea : Taking the place of the queen. By doing that, she hope to be acknowledge by the genius loci, and after that she plan to replace it with her own genius loci.
Nyrissa : She will create dimensional breach slowly transfering her kingdom to the material realm.
Neithrope : Activating the elfgate of Candlemere, she will create an opening to her world, creating a pocket of eternal winter to extend and transfert her kindgom. ( I know about reign of winter)
Rhoswen : Her little gnome helper need to retrieve the mirror of shadow to create a focus. She will blur the limit of her kingdom to the material world with fog.

Now about foreshadowing those events :
Jurissa was cursed by her sister, not by the fey court. She was the one giving refuge to the fleeing fey. She tried to stop her sister peacefuly. She was a good princess. After being curse and becoming the first mute hag, she decided to keep helping the fey. She created the Witchmarket with her own banished plane. The witchmarket can manifest once per year.

Jurissa will be the one to foreshadow each event. By creating the witchmarket, she created a powerful way to gain information or to give information. Each year, she will give a hint to the pc. In the form of fairytale or strange object. The first one I thought was a bottle containing a small light, a glimmer of hope.

Do you have any idea to add? I need more meat around the bone.

* and again, sorry for my english. My main language is french.

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We had a kobold group:

The Iron Xebub : A green Kobold cavalier order of the dragon with a Deinonychus mount.
D'ka, The stone prophet: A brown kobold, oracle of the stone and cursed with haunting stone.
Xani and Xina, The twin assassin: Two black rogue/assassin kobold. They came form the same egg.
Sinitin, The Great Drake: A white kobold summoner with a ''White Dragon Eidolon''.

The group made others think that they were obeying the White Dragon, and the sight of a Large White Dragon is enough to make must villager back off. So they were enjoying human way of live, by intimidation and trickery.

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I was playing Rise of the Runelord a second time with new players. Since I knew the campaign, I decided to go full sin. I was playing a fat human summoner with an animated chair as eidolon (four legged, slam, mount (useless but a chair is a chair), push)

As the campaign progressed, he became bigger, slower and lazier. He couldn't move more than 10 feet before going out of breath for the round. At some point, the chair became a flying throne, so he just sat on it. Glutonny and Sloth were his sins.

He died from a heart attack (weird).

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I'll go with her becoming a haunt, sobbing at the sea.

Every night, listening to her sobbing cause a Terrible Remorse Spell (CL5) to take effect to the people listening her. Or a Castigate spell.


The tower become gloomy and people at a range of x miles suffer a Crushing Despair spell.


The wave from the ocean carry her grudge, every ship attempting to reach Tidewater Rock must take a Profession [sailor] DC X or suffer damage as the wave slam the ship against the rocks.

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Since we have to much players/Gm (10), the way we chained AP is unique.

Our campaign setting isn't Golarion.

We started with ''Kingmaker'', on a new world, without magic, in the Stone/Bronze Age. We created two groups and rather to go ''one king and his councillors'', we gone with every player get a baronny and created a kingdom.

At the end of this campaing, magic appeared (only with the Word of Power). And started ''Second Darkness'' 2 century after ''Kingmaker'' in the bronze age. We played heir of our baronny/house.

Then, we did a modified ''Rise of the Runelord'' where one of the player's Baronny became the enemies, 2 century after the preceding campaign. The campaign began the Bronze/Iron Age and spell of level 1-2 could be chosen without the need of Words of Power.

And now we are playing ''Legacy of Fire''. After the rebellion of the Treasurer Baronny, an invading army attacked the kingdom. We're a playing 1 century after the rebellion, in the age of iron, spell form level 4-5 are available.

I think the next campaign will ''Curse of the Crimson Throne'' followed by an inverted ''Jade Regent''... to begin the Age of Darkness.

The link between campaign is that we play heir or member of the first house. Each house has a speciality and power. Every action of the past affect the futur campaign.

We play ''2 groups, 1 campaign'' since we are now 9 players. The whole groups meet once each month to discuss politic and development of the kingdom. But, for the other session, the two groups play the ''same campaign'' but in different way.

Exemple 1:

Group 1: The usual ''Rise of the Runelord''.
Group 2: A modified military ''Rise of the Runelord'' where they defend the kingdom against army of giant

Exemple 2:

Group 1: A modified military ''Legacy of Fire'' where they defend the kingdom against invader.
Group 2: The usual ''Legacy of Fire''

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Ok, I'll be honest...

This thread has become a childish and bashing debate on rules or guidelines.

The rules are ok (shallowsoul will disagree), but if you want to change them, propose something, discuss about the problem...and try to not insult, bash, troll someone who disagree with you.

For my part, I suggest you start a new thread in the suggestion forum, with an open mind and without the ''I'm god, so everyone should agree'' attitude. If you need help to being polite, I can create the thread. But for now, this conversation is going nowhere, just lock the thread...

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Wow! A polite, respectful and wise pirate!

Shallowsoul, as Pirate said, you can continue to talk about how you would change the magic item creation in the suggestion section. But Sean K Reynolds said:

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
* We are not going to change the crafting rules from how they work in the Core Rulebook, so please don't ask us to.

Since they won't make any change, your thread was moved where it belong. We all know your crusade against the ''bad magic item creation rules'', but you need to calm down and start diplomacy. You sound a little to much aggressive and annoying. Give and take, with the help of everyone and little change to the existing rules, maybe you'll come with a better crafting system.

*Again, sorry for my bad english. I'm a French speaker.

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Let him burn the village but switch his alignement to whatever you want,but make him a heretic.

Since he is now a heretic, have Lastwall dispatch a group of inquisitor to hunt him. Have a fair and just trial, if he can justify his actions, good. If he can't, I'm sure that the Knight of Ozem will finish this corrupted soul.

Or have the ghost of the burned villagers haunt him.

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What I do for regular AP:

1.Planning the Big Boss (no stat):
- What are his goals?
- How can he achieve them?
- Why do he want this?
- Who is he?

2. Planning the generals (no stat):
- Why do they follow the big boss?
- What can they do for him?
- How can they help him?

3. Story
- What his the background? The history?
- Where does it begin?
- Where does it finish?
- Are there any other important places?
- Why would the PC try to stop him?
- How can they stop him?

- Why are the PC here?
- Who is living here?
- What will find the PC?

5.Encounter design, stat and map

Again, I tried my best to express myself. I hate the language barrier.

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Put the dwarf into situation where he shine.

- The group becomes lost into a really dark underground labyrinth full of secret door. (Stonecunning and Darkvision)

- The group needs to kill a Stone Giant's Encampment. (Defensive Training)

- The group are attacked by a group of Orc or Goblinoid (Hatred)

- Each characters need to move something through the whole dungeon, something really heavy (Slow and Steady)

- The characters need to stand grounds against a group of bull rushing monsters (Stability)

The dwarf can't use magic as well as those elf, but he will shine in that kind of situation.

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Diego Rossi wrote:
Klangark wrote:

Total : 4 328 650
With the 1:9 ratio : 8 224 435

Thanks for the work, but I think you have lost a 3 before the last number and it is 38 millions, not 8, and a total population of about 42 millions people.

Sorry, I lost a 3. That's right : 38 millions.

I only took the notable settlement. The population of Belken,Druma, The Mwangi Expense and Varissia are in majority nomadic.

So, we change the black Death, for Aroden's Death.

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Here the population of every region of Golarion (Taken only from the notable settlements has seen in the Inner Sea World Guide):

Absalom : 320 450
Andoran : 190 453
Belken : 50550
Brevoy : 90298
Cheliax : 367 515
Darkland : 234 533
Druma : 44250
Five Kings : 88 861
Galt : 88 999
Geb : 170 780
Irrisen : 56 490
Isger : 23 427
Jalmeray : 25 380
Katapesh : 239 294
Kyonin : 74 310
Lastwall : 25 515
Land L.K. : 131 090
Mammoth L. : 23 600
Mana Wastes : 65 800
Mediogalti : 20 920
Mendev : 116 660
Molthune : 65 740
Mwangi : 112 201
Nex : 93 610
Nidal : 57 082
Nirmathas : 23 392
Numeria : 111 448
Osirion : 258 239
Qadira : 268 780
Rahadoum : 124 090
Razmiran : 28 250
River Kind. : 107 600
Sargava : 26 020
Shackles : 88 720
Sodden Lands: 3 640
Steaming Sea: 8 420
Taldor : 228 455
Thuvia : 106 620
Ustalav : 75 979
Varisia : 91 189
Worldwound : None
Total : 4 328 650
With the 1:9 ratio : 8 224 435