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WWHsmackdown wrote:
Sibelius Eos Owm wrote:
WWHsmackdown wrote:
Holy and unholy is a bit more broad and nebulous compared to the grid system. Heck, nethys followers can CHOOSE what to be. So the champions of vaguely aligned gods is now just a matter of the player choosing if they are selfless or selfish. No need for neutral champions, you choose your neutral diety and sanctify IF you wish. Guardian will provide the completely non religious tanking option.

They certainly won't be called 'Neutral' champions any more, but nothing about sanctification has really changed my need for a neutral champion. A Champion of Nethys could always choose either Redeemer or Desecrator, that hasn't changed. The thing is, what if you want to play a holy defender of magic who doesn't care about whether it's holy or unholy? What if you want to play a Champion of Pharasma, who doesn't take sides in the holy war? What if you want to play a Champion of a deity who only allows unholy sanctification, but don't want to play up the antisocial party member aspect? A Champion of a deity who only allows holy sanctification but want a character who hasn't committed to the cause of virtue (yet or at all?)

Guardian lets you play a non-divine tank. It doesn't let you play a divine warrior who just happens not to have signed up for the holy war--or one who can't.

Sanctification is going to be an extra 5-15 weakness damage towards the other side. If champions of neutral deities can CHOOSE whether or not to sanctify I don't think they'll be missing out on much if they forego the cosmic struggle. They're still certain to have spirit damage in the kit

There's a problem, however. While neutral deities that allow either sanctification are fine as is right now, at the moment there's no way to be a Champion of a neutral deity that does not allow sanctification. The Remaster Compatibility Errata for the CRB and the APG have this to say:

"If the god doesn't allow either sanctification, you can't be a champion of that god. As an exception, if you could follow a certain champion cause before the remaster, you can still choose that cause (along with the related tenets of course) for that specific deity."

So while there were possible Champions of Gozreh or Pharasma before the Remaster, now there can't be unless they introduce a third set of Causes that would allow for non-sanctified Champions to choose from. Or have a class archetype that lets you forgo sanctification for the two current Causes. Either way, it's a niche I hope Paizo considers addressing when Remastering Champions in PC2.

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Elfteiroh wrote:
Kelseus wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
"Go Beyond Legendary!" seems to imply an additional level of proficiency...
I agree. I am interested to see if they do Mythic as a extension of levels after 20 or if it is like a special archetype, with a new bucket of Mythic only feats.
They did say it wasn't "extra levels". I don't remember where, but it was one of the first things said.

Jason Bulmahn said so in the WoI Playtest blog back in September:

Jason Bulmahn wrote:
Mythic rules are categorically NOT an extension of the game past 20th level.

Link to the post found HERE!

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Arutema wrote:
I thought athamaru were ceratioidi renamed due to OGL licensing reasons.

No, they're the Locathah renamed due to OGL licensing reasons.

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Aenigma wrote:

Sigh. I'm still not sure if not doing a playtest for the mythic rules is a good idea.

What is the giant mushroom creature on the cover of Pathfinder Godsrain?

Is Battlecry the name of the book? Have it been announced before? I have never even heard it.

On the cover of Divine Mysteries, are the three deities behind Arazni Sarenrae, Pharasma, and Asmodeus?

I still have no idea when and how Arazni has become a deity. In Tyrant's Grasp, Arazni was not even a demigod, just a powerful mythic character. Now, Tar-Baphon is still a mortal (albeit very powerful), yet Arazni has become a full-fledged deity? Did she touch the Starstone?

Giant "mushroom creature" is Verex-That-Was/Verex the Despoiler. They're an orc god that got too close to Rovagug's prison, and as they crawled away, they were hit with the Godsrain and warped into a new Spawn of Rovagug.

Battlecry! is the first time we've heard about the name, alongside the surprise of the playtest itself. It's possible that the book's name will be Battlecry!, 'cause the name of the other class playtests were the name of their books, too.

Yes, the 3 deities in the stained-glass windows behind Arazni are Sarenrae, Pharasma, and Asmodeus.

And no one knows how Arazni recovered from her previous state to a full god to now a Core 20 god. I'd imagine we'll find out a little about that in Divine Mysteries. Or not. We can only hope.

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Evan Tarlton wrote:
Rivethun Emissary: Almost certainly an animist class archetype, maybe with spirits only it can take and with more/stricter edicts and anathemas.

Luis Loza has stated that Rivethun Emissary is a regular archetype, not a class archetype, in one of the Discord servers.

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An Android wrote:
pixierose wrote:
I'm very nervous. Because I was a strong believer that Bloodrager could be its own class. I hope the archetype does it justice. Overall I am very excited.
Same, excited to see it come back but I would have expected to see it as an instinct rather than an archetype. Calling it a "barbarian archetype" sounds like it will only be available to barbarians which basically sounds like adding a bunch of barbarian feats with a lot of restrictions.

It will be a class archetype, which usually only applies to a singular class, or a small subset of classes (like prepared spellcasters or spontaneous spellcasters).

If I were to garner a guess, some of the Barbarian's restrictions on Concentrate trait actions while Raging will be removed for Bloodragers, so they can be able to Cast a Spell while Raging. And Bloodragers, like most class archetypes, will get a larger bucket of feats to choose from VS other Instincts.

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sanwah68 wrote:

There has been an announcement at a Con that it is from August to December.

With additional playtest support in early 2025!

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DemonicDem wrote:
Paizo wrote:

First on the list are an adventure and adventure path that have already been announced. In July, we’re releasing Pathfinder Adventure: Prey for Death, a 128-page hardcover adventure for 14th-level characters, written by former Paizo Developer Vanessa Hoskins. In this adventure, you’ll play members of the Red Mantis, the notorious and mysterious assassins guild and cult of the mantis god, Achaekek, who must clear their names when treachery threatens to besmirch their honor. Not only is Prey for Death the first tie-in to the War of Immortals storyline, but it’s also the debut of the new ongoing format of the Pathfinder Adventure product line!

What does this mean

The standalone adventures from now on will be hardcover books and at least 128 pages long. That's the new ongoing format.

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BadLuckGamer yesterday interviewed James Case, who gave us quite a few spoilers from both Howl of the Wild and from Lost Omens: Tian Xia Character Guide. You can find my write-up of all the spoilers I notated in this Reddit post RIGHT HERE!

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MagnusPrime wrote:
I feel like this is where we could or should of gotten ninja and samurai. As an archetype at least

Actually, it was confirmed today in an interview with James Case that there won't be any option, archetype or otherwise, that's meant to be the PF1E's "Samurai" or "Ninja" equivalent. The company feels like you can play those options with the material already provided (and doesn't help that both Samurai and Ninja have several different interpretations in media, so everyone's version might be different). They rather wanted to provide options that couldn't be done with the system right now, like with magical girls and the upcoming Starlit Sentinel archetype.

James also spoiled a good few things for Tian Xia Character Guide and Howl of the Wild, which I detailed in this Reddit post RIGHT HERE!

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Riccardo Olivieri wrote:

Thank you Ravindork. I would like to ask another question. In a Twitter (X) post I've seen the list of the nations. No Shokuro, but there is one called Songbai. Is a new nation, the new name for Shokuro or something else?

Thanks again.

Someone asked this on the Reddit AMA for TXWG, and Shao Han, the writer for the section, answered! I'll copy/paste their answer:

Shao Han wrote:

Hello, I'll answer the second question here; I'm Shao Han, the author for the Songbai section; yes there are reasons for the name change in the book, and Shokuro is still around (both the historical samurai from Minkai which inspired the name, and the living samurai who named himself after Shokuro and founded this Shogunate).

Songbai isn't a person's name, per se; Song is 松 or pine,Bai is 柏 or cypress (which is also pronounced as Bo). There was a poster some time ago who pointed out Songbai sounds like the Mandarin words for pines and cypresses, and observed these trees are both symbols of longevity and vitality in traditional Chinese culture. (Sharp eye there!)

If you look at PF1 lore, Shokuro is the name given by the Minkaian warriors for these provinces which were very fertile in terms of agriculture, after they drove out the oppressors from nearby Lingshen. However, that's a Tian-Min name for this area; Songbai is the Tian-Shu name for these lands, which the local Tian-Shu farmers and settled use to refer to the provinces, a name invoking longevity... Suitable for the fertile loess of the region. There's some degree of cultural tension between the Tian-Shu and Tian-Min members of society, and... That might have some bearing on this name!

Well, I suppose that's all I'll say for now!! I hope you'll enjoy finding out more from reading the book, when you get it!"

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The keynote text reads "PaizoCon 2021 Keynote (Twitch)". Pretty sure we don't need a recap of what happened 3 years ago, lmao!

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Berselius wrote:
Looks like the POWER of prophecy has returned to Golarion if Omen Dragons are on the planet. Could this coinside with the upcoming War of Immortals?

Might want to read the blog again.

Paizo Blog wrote:
Omen dragons are tied to the occult tradition, granting them strange powers. In the case of omen dragons, those powers are connected to prophecy and fortune-telling. Although proper prophecy no longer works in the world, short-term fortunes like those explored via augury still function. Beyond that, fortunes become less accurate, but might still have nuggets of truth within them. It’s these short- to medium-length fortunes in which an omen dragon dabbles.

So no, the power of prophecy has not returned. Just short-term fortunes and predictions.

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Nintendogeek01 wrote:
scary harpy wrote:
I hope Monster Core 2...
I'm skeptical that there will be a Monster Core 2. Before the OGL nonsense necessitated a change in priorities for Paizo they'd moved away from generalized bestiaries in favor of more thematic books that include a bestiary for that theme.

From the Remaster Project's FAQ page:

Pathfinder 2nd Edition Remaster FAQ wrote:

"Will there be more Remastered Core books to come? What about Monster Core 2 or Player Core 3?"

It’s very likely that we will continue to update and remaster the Bestiaries in the future, but for now we are focusing on the four announced books as well as Paizo’s regular schedule of Pathfinder releases. Publishing 100% new material remains Paizo’s primary focus, and we look forward to upcoming releases like Pathfinder Rage of Elements, Lost Omens Tian Xia World Guide and Character Guide, our monthly Adventure Path installments, and other exciting projects we have yet to announce.

So a Monster Core 2 is likely to happen eventually, but that hypothetical book won't be interrupting the production workflow in the same way the other 4 Core books did. We're probably over a year or two off from ever seeing a MC2.

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An image shown off at one of the recent convention appearances details the playtest running from August 2024 to December 2024. Image is HERE.

They also say there'll be more Playtest support in early 2025 (and Thurston on Discord clarified that means stuff beyond the adventures that have been announced. Both "Cosmic Birthday" and "Empires Devoured" are slated for release in 2024). Product announcements will happen at this year's GenCon, and there'll be a new Organized Play program in 2025!

Finally, the most important question was answered by Thurston on Discord as well... The rad-looking skittermander in the image is called Prisma!

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CorvusMask wrote:

I now want to know context of it, what art was accidentally which art? :O

But yeah in general I'm curious of why lot of monsters have 1e art, even ones that already had 2e art. I mean, its good 1e art, but I didn't expect it

The new Redcap art in Monster Core was eerily close to the Redcap art found in D&D 5E's Monster Manual. Same shape, same eyes, clothes. There's even an emblem on the Redcap's cap that was copied. A few people pointed it out, so thankfully it's been caught and changed for the .PDF.

That's gotta be a HUGE headache for the physical releases, though.

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Thundertome wrote:
For those who've been able to download the pdf, how is the image quality of the art in this one?

Much better than "Rage of Elements", if that's what you're worried about. Images are pretty crystal clear, no sign of obvious pixelation.

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LordeAlvenaharr wrote:
keftiu wrote:
LordeAlvenaharr wrote:
I don't understand, it says she died, but she didn't? This sounds like a meme phrase here in Brazil: "she died but is doing well..."
The Godsrain Prophecies are a collection of false predictions for how the Core 20 gods might die, and what would come after.
Oh I see, so everything that was said could be "false"? Even those who are "safe"?

The Gods marked SAFE are, in fact, safe. Those images have nothing to do with the false prophesies or Yvali's commentary. It's Paizo's way of telling us, the readers, which of the Core 20 gods are not going to die in the War of Immortals event.

The prophesies themselves are just fun "What If?" scenarios, detailing a possibility of that god dying, and what might happen afterwards. Yvali, the nosoi doing commentary on these prophesies and will be the narrator for the "Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries" book, is doing a thesis to report to Pharasma about the events of the WoI and the god dying.

We've gotten 8 false prophesies so far, and we'll be getting 2 more before the god that IS dying will be revealed, alongside news of all the products relating to the WoI event, on stream on April 16th.

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Et cetera et cetera wrote:
This effects if I'm going to buy this book. How many of the monsters in monster core are brand new and how many are reprints?

The VAST majority of the monsters are from the first Bestiary book, with the remainder having entries from Bestiary 2 and 3, a few from a couple Adventure Paths, and finally there'll be a few new monsters. The new Dragons are the majority of the new monsters (being 8 Dragons with 3 statblocks each). And then there's a few full-on newcomers for 2nd Edition, like the Bogwid and the Con Rit.

Thankfully, some of the old monsters (Ghouls, Hags, Archons, Oni, Naga, and so forth) got completely re-imagined in order to divorce them from the OGL versions. But if you're looking for a ton of new monsters to add to your game, you'd be better to wait and check out the monsters when they're added to AoN in a few weeks.

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Graylight wrote:

Just got my PDF, and I stumbled over a minor error/oversight on page 28.

As printed, the Aesra currently has a weakness to "Evil", rather than "Unholy".

In addition to that, I found a few errors as well. The Athamaru Hunter (previously the Locathah Hunter) has an ability called "Fan Bolt". The last sentence of the ability reads "A creature can Interact to attempt a DC Athletics check, removing the bolt on a success." So the last sentence is lacking the actual DC number.

The Pukwudgie's Defensive Quills reaction ability calls for a basic Reflex save, but doesn't give the DC of the Reflex save at all. Both this and the Athamaru/Locathah Hunter's abilities seem to be errors carried over from their original Bestiary 3 statblocks, neither of which got errata posted.

Hopefully these errors will be correctly much more quickly than before.

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The only thing I've heard about Barbarians for the Remaster is 2 things. 1, Barbarians being in PC2 was partially decided due to the changes to dragons, and so they needed to be delayed until Monster Core is out.

2, Luis Loza said this on Discord back in January:

Luis Loza wrote:
Rage is going to be better.

No details on how it'll be better, of course. But that has been said.

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pixierose wrote:

So I have my pdf of monster core Onis have the humanoid and giant tags. Some of them have other tags. Only one of them has the unholy tag.

Edit: I forget how much people are allowed to say. I don't think any of this is too specific. But if it is I'll take it down.

Second edit: and their is a distinct Oni tag if I am remembering correctly.

People elsewhere on the forums are blasting out spoilers like no tomorrow, so there's no worries. Just don't exactly copy/paste entire statblocks or lore drops, and you'll be fine.

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Yeah, I'm just gonna listen to what the designers have continuously been stating, and assume that books like Secrets of Magic, Guns & Gears, etc. are just gonna be errata'd to bring them up to the Remaster'd standards. We MIGHT get a Monster Core 2 (or possibly 3) much later on to get the rest of the Bestiary books Remaster'd, but those hypothetical books won't be interrupting any of the future planned books like PC1/GMC/MC/PC2 did.

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Ezekieru wrote:

Michael Sayre is currently on stream right now with TheBadLuckGamer, and just spoiled a really cool thing from Player Core 2, and will also be in conjunction with the errata with Guns & Gears: The Dual Weapon Warrior's Dual Weapon Reload is changing from a bespoke action to a rider effect, where whenever you would Interact to Reload, you can Reload 2 weapons (one in each hand). And the rider will apply to all of the cool special Gunslinger reloads.

This is gonna be SO good for Pistolero Gunslingers! Cannot wait!

Mike Sayre on Discord corrected himself, and I'll copy/paste what he said exactly.

"To clarify, I misspoke in the way I described that. DWR doesn't add additional action compression, it's just no longer a bespoke action. So when you're using two weapons you can do all your cool reload stuff including reloading a weapon in either hand with your gunslinger reloads, but you're not reloading both weapons with a single action on all your other reload abilities."

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Cthulhusquatch wrote:
Great job to the team for fixing it.

Still not fixed on my end, and no email update yet. Gonna chalk it up as not being 100% fixed for everyone just yet.

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Ezekieru wrote:

Michael Sayre is currently on stream right now with TheBadLuckGamer, and just spoiled a really cool thing from Player Core 2, and will also be in conjunction with the errata with Guns & Gears: The Dual Weapon Warrior's Dual Weapon Reload is changing from a bespoke action to a rider effect, where whenever you would Interact to Reload, you can Reload 2 weapons (one in each hand). And the rider will apply to all of the cool special Gunslinger reloads.

This is gonna be SO good for Pistolero Gunslingers! Cannot wait!

And now Mike Sayre spoiled something else! A new 20th level capstone feat for Monks! Focused for grappling builds. And it's called "God Breaker"!


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Michael Sayre is currently on stream right now with TheBadLuckGamer, and just spoiled a really cool thing from Player Core 2, and will also be in conjunction with the errata with Guns & Gears: The Dual Weapon Warrior's Dual Weapon Reload is changing from a bespoke action to a rider effect, where whenever you would Interact to Reload, you can Reload 2 weapons (one in each hand). And the rider will apply to all of the cool special Gunslinger reloads.

This is gonna be SO good for Pistolero Gunslingers! Cannot wait!

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Magus Black wrote:
The 'Beast" sounds like Nyarlathotep, the outer god with a thousand forms would most certainly have something matching this story's disciption. Plus his whole theme is spreading chaos from the shadows...and well Chaos is what certainly following in the "Beasts" wake.

From Luis Loza on Twitter:

"There isn't any art for the monster described in this prophecy, since it's meant to be a brand new terror. I'd love to see the community's takes on what it looks like! It could be a fun way to come together and expand on the prophecy a bit!"

And then he posted a funny little picture! :V

So whatever this beast is, it is brand new. Not Nyarlathotep, not Rovagug. Some kind of new thing. Maybe we'll see them as one of the new mythic rule threats in "War of Immortals"!

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I did get an email back, stating that the webstore team are aware of the issue and are working on fixing it on their end. I'm to get an email update when it is fixed, but that might not happen until after this weekend.

It sucks, 'cause I really want to see the new pawn art. But at least it is being looked at, thank god.

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Vorsk, Follower or Erastil wrote:
The important qestion is what kind of dragon do we meet at the end now?

Given the blog post about the Horned Dragon being the Remaster version of the Green Dragon, I can imagine the Wyrmling Green Dragon can end up being a Wyrmling Horned Dragon now.

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I mean, we're sitting currently at 36 ancestries and 14 versatile heritages (post-Remaster, when Half-Elf/Half-Orc became the Mixed Ancestry VH and Aasimar/Tielfing/Aphorite/Ganzi fused to become the Nephilim VH). We're getting 6 more ancestries in Howl of the Wild, and 6 more ancestries and 1 more VH in Tian Xia Character Guide. And then there's the new VH in Player Core 2. So after all those books, we're looking at 48 ancestries and 16 VHs.

And then there's Starfinder 2E's playtest right around the corner, and with it being 100% compatible, that's another handful of options you can sprinkle into the mix. We're definitely at the point where there's more options than you can shake a stick at, for sure.

(And as for Grippli, they were confirmed to be the 8th ancestry in Player Core 2 and renamed to the Tripkee. Hopefully they'll get their feats and abilities looked at and expanded!)

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For those who weren't around for the latest Tian Xia livestream, we got a LOT of juicy details for the content in this book. Including all 3 of the remaining new ancestries!

Tian Xia Livestream Spoilers:

Ancestries -
- Sarangay are a water-buffalo-looking ancestry with an origin from Filipino myths. They have close ties to the moon and their heritages reflect that ("Full Moon" and "New Moon" were the given examples). They are NOT Large like minotaurs, but are default Medium (with New Moon Sarangays being Small). They have a soul gem they keep in their forehead, which also gives them magical powers. Original myths had their power come from magical earrings, but in Paizo lore the earrings are meant to be a distraction from the forehead soul gem. One of the feat abilities is "Smoke Through Bamboo", specific to New Moon, which lets them Step through difficult terrain, as they are used to stepping through dense forests and the like.
- Yaksha are an ancestry, based on several IRL myths, who were originally guardians from the First World, and when the FW was abandoned, they swore a vow. Each heritage of the Yaksha is less of a lineage, and more of a vow they swore to uphold and which grants them powers (playing with the Edits and Anathema system in a fun, new way!). The single example given for the heritages was "Deny the Traitor's Rebirth", who are sworn to confront their mortal enemies, Asuras and Rakshasas. This gives them powers and an easier time to see through illusions and shape-changing disguises. An ability for the Yakshas was named, called "Howling Aspect", lets them pull their hair into fire and gives them a unique Fire Hair attack to use in a more fiercesome form. A great piece of lore is that the primordial power of their vows allow Yakshas to love up to 1000 years, but due to how dangerous the vows tend to be, Yakshas typically don't live longer than a century. And in an interesting mechanical aspect, the Yaksha have the Spirit and Yaksha traits, and NOT the Humanoid trait!
- Yaoguai are an ancestry, not far off from the assumptions of Yokai, who are animals, plants and aspects who were born or uplifted into a different form. The heritages are basically what the Yaoguai was born from (the examples of "Born of Vegetation" and "Born of Elements" were given). They possess a Humanoid form, which gives skills relevant from their background (Born of Vegetation gets a bonus to Medicine) and a Yaoguai form which gives them different abilities. One ability is "Morphic Strike", which transforms a part of their body to attack with. If they were born of an animal, they might transform their body part into a claw, or if they were born of nature, they may be some elemental energy.

Versatile Heritage -
- Hungerseed are NOT a part of the Nephelim versatile heritage, but is now its own separate VH. This is due to the fact that Oni are no longer Fiends, but are now Spirits. And since they are now their own VH, they're given more space to give them very Oni-derived abilities. The heritage itself gives you Oni horns, and there's a high-level feat that has you open a third eye that can blast out lightning. Another ability is the "Bloodshook Dash" feat, which gives Hungerseed a +10 status bonus to their Speed whenever they're below half their HP. They kept the Hungerseed name 'cause Oni are still hungry and it still reflects to their Half-Oni offspring.

Archetypes -
- Starlit Sentinel is the defacto Magical Girl archetype. They are empowered by one of the signs of the Tian Xia zodiac. They can transform into this alternate form, and gain the basic stuff: They can shoot little bolts of starlight, they have unique Focus Spells they can ONLY use while transformed, and they can use the hearts of their friends to empower their weapons with special runes. To elaborate the last part, they draw their sword harmlessly through their teammate, and the rune that best describes the partner's personality empowers it!

EDIT: OH! And another Tanuki feat was spoiled. "False Priest Form" is an ability that has you assume a false priest form and act like you're casting divine spells. However, if someone disbelieves your form, you get kicked out of the form, and your sheer embarassment prevents you from using the form for the rest of the day! Further reinforcing that Tanukis are complete and total losers.

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Dragonchess Player wrote:

Out of the 20 Gods of the Inner Sea, I doubt Abadar, Asmodeus, Desna, Gozreh, Irori, Lamashtu, Pharasma, Rovagug, Sarenrae, Shelyn, Torag, or Zon-Kuthon will be killed. They are either too powerful, have portfolios that are unique, or stories that will be completely disrupted if they are gone.

Cayden Cailean, Erastil, and Gorum are slightly less safe (IMO), but I don't see why Arazni would want to take their place. Arazni might have a beef with Urgathoa, but that would mostly remove the "evil necromantic priest BBEG" from many adventures.

I could possibly see Arazni taking over for Calistra (new god of vengeance), Iomedae (not killed, but gives up divinity to Aroden's first herald), Nethys (new god of magic), or Norgorber (new god of conspiracies, plots, and trickery?).

Reminder: Whichever god that dies, Arazni is NOT taking over their spot. She'll be elevated as a Core 20 god, but she will not inherit whatever domains or preferences the slain god had control over.

So yes, Cayden Cailean can keel over from alcohol poisoning in WoI, and Arazni won't have to join a fraternity in order to become a Core 20 god. She can remain a non-drinker. Or whatever her preference is.

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Helvellyn wrote:
It will be interesting to see how heavy they go with the story. Is it just the War of the Immortals book or are there going to be additional books, adventure paths and accessories to cover it?

It's been said previously that it's a major crossover event, with several products to go alongside it. There's the "War of Immortals" rulebook (which will have 2E's mythic rules, as well as the Animist and Exemplar classes), the "Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries" LO book (with Remastered rules on the gods found in "Lost Omens: Gods and Magic", as well as new gods and archetypes/class archetypes), and a novel. There's also adventuring content, but the details on that (and whether it's a full AP, standalone adventures, PFS scenarios, or some combination of the three) has yet to be announced.

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Project: J-ko wrote:

Oh my God...all 20 of 'em. So week by week is how we're gonna find o-WAIT NO!!

There's only 10 weeks until April 16th. They're only gonna clear half the names by the time that stream goes live, if I'm doing my math right (which is questionable).

** spoiler omitted **

That, or they can reveal two gods are safe at a time going forward, saving the final reveal for the livestream.

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JJGYET wrote:
So uhhhh, what all ancestry are we looking at for this glorious event?

For the playtest? It'll be the 9 ancestries featured in Field Test #3's survey (Android, Barathu, Human, Kasatha, Lashunta, Pahtra, Shirren, Vesk and Ysoki) as well as Skittermanders. This was stated in the Field Test #3's opening page.

There'll also be 2 versatile heritages, the Borai and the Prismeni (them being the Geniekin/Nephilim equivalent for the Drift).

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CorvusMask wrote:
Is Aucturn finally being born or is it another one of world ending threats in this solar system? :D

Well, Thurston just confirmed on Twitter that it's Aucturn. So I guess we solved the case, gang!

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MiraculousWaterBottle wrote:
There appears to be something wrong with the image. As far as I can tell there's no technomancer character on it

Nothing wrong with it, actually. The 6 classes that'll be playtested for Starfinder Second Edition's Playtest Rulebook will be the Soldier, Mystic, Envoy, Solarion, Operative, and the Witchwarper. First Edition's Technomancer and Mechanic are not slated yet to be playtested at this time.

Mayhaps they'll show up later in a different book? Only time will tell.

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Breaking news! Part 2 of the module comes out on the 14th! HERE'S the trailer showing off some of the new maps and sheets for the module!

And remember, the discount for the module ends after the 2nd part comes out!

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Elfteiroh wrote:

On discord, there was some talk about some things we found. Nothing big really. All usernames are based on the Discord ones.

Sang wrote:
Remaster Merisiel is missing "low-light vision" from "Ancestry Abilities". It is listed in Senses, though. (Both Lini and Harsk have their vision abilities listed separately.)
EzeDoesIt wrote:

For Feiya, Schooled in Secrets is missing from the skill feats section in Feats and Abilities

Enfeeble in the Feiya pregen has the attack trait. That was removed from the Day 1 errata.
Harsk: Dwarven Weapon Familiarity ends with a comma.
pre-Remaster had the same error
Sling is lacking the Propulsive trait on the weapon's traits and in the traits section for Kyra

Also, from me: I see that Ezren doesn't have any mention of the special way he can use Drain Bonded Item becasue of school of Universal theory, but yeah, at lvl 1 it affect nothing, so not including it makes it one things less to grok for new players. But make sure to have it for higher level versions!

Overall, this definitely looks like the most solid set of pregens we have gotten yet. Congrats!

Hey, one of those guys is me!

And I got a few more errors I noted on Discord, and will reproduce here.

Bless gained the Aura trait due to the Day 1 Errata, so it needs to be added to Kyra's Bless spell.
Figment gained the Subtle trait due to the Day 1 Errata, so that needs to be added to Lem's Figment spell.
The issue with Kyra's Sling lacking the Propulsive trait is present in Lini's Sling, as well. So add Propulsive both to the weapon's traits, and add Propulsive's text in the Equipment trait section.
Droogami is missing the MAP-adjusted modifiers to their claws and jaws Strikes.
Droogami's senses are listed twice, once in Senses on the top left, and also under Support Benefit and Abilities on the middle-right.
And Merisiel probably needs something akin to Lem's and Harsk's note for her "Forlorn" ability under Defenses, noting she has a bonus against emotion effects.

And that's everything I could note to change for these pre-gens! Overall, not bad!

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DomHeroEllis wrote:
Foundry said they will have a list of changes, also, so I'm guessing Paizo must have one to hand to gift us...

HERE is the list of changes from Foundry's wiki page. And the above Reddit post from AquelePedro has grown to cover most of the changes, from ancestries, feats, skills, classes, and spells. Only backgrounds aren't covered, and that's caused they're 100% unchanged from the CRB.

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olimar92 wrote:

Missed the Ki Form for Monk, but it would obviously work like Ki Strike.

Also, the Errata for Secrets of Magic doesn't have Rune Lord. So I'm going to assume that's going to be more of a project.

And Sacred Ki should probably do spirit damage, with an option for it to have the Holy or Unholy trait.

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pixierose wrote:

Great work! Some things I think were missed.

The Fey eidolon in Secrets of Magic has a f feature that mentions Illusion and Enchantment spells, with the school removals this makes this a mostly dead feature. (illusion is still a trait so its somewhat functions)

In the Player Core, Rogues are listed as getting a "crit success on a success" when they get expert in fortitude. Was this intentional or just something that was missed in the errata pass?

Over-all your work is great, especially given the time constraints. Thank you and the wonderful teams that brought this to life!

+1 to these issues! Hopefully we can get them looked at sometime. Otherwise, great job y'all with the errata so far!

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Laclale♪ wrote:
Elfteiroh wrote:
Where have you heard of "Day Zero" errata?

Ars quota

MadamReshi wrote:
The Fantasy Grounds post in question.

The post you quoted was edited to remove the mention of Day 1 errata coming.

Good thing the Wayback Machine exists, then!

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keftiu wrote:
Are they still wholly off-limits to Monks?

None of the axes in Player Core got the Monk trait added to them, no. They did add the Monk trait to the staff, the spear and the khakkara, though!

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3 Crows Witch wrote:
Any new cantrip spells that help with melee casters?

Ignition (new fire cantrip replacing Product Flame) does 2d6 fire damage in melee, whereas it does 2d4 fire damage at range. Also does 1d4 persistent fire damage on a crit (or 1d6 fire damage in melee).

Gouging Claw now does 2d6 slashing or piercing damage, and 2 persistent bleed damage on a hit. Double damage and double bleed damage on a crit.

Shield now blocks damage any damage from spells or magical effects, not just physical damage.

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calnivo wrote:
Squiggit wrote:
The example of Melodious (Request) + Charm is also a bad combination because the free request happens as part of activating the feat, which means you'd be making it before you cast the spell.

Can someone quote the text of Spellshape as successor of Metamagic trait? I'm asking because Metamagic had the following clause:

Any additional effects added by a metamagic action are part of the spell’s effect, not of the metamagic action itself.


"Many spellcasters can gain access to spellshape actions, typically by selecting spellshape feats. Spellshape actions tweak the properties of your spells. You must use a spellshape action directly before casting the spell you want to alter. If you use any action (including free actions and reactions) other than casting a spell directly after, you waste the benefits of the spellshape action. The benefit is also lost if your turn ends before you cast the spell. Any additional effects added by a spellshape action are part of the spell’s effect, not of the spellshape action itself."

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Yeah, sad to see the Shadow trait (for natives of the Shadow Plane/Netherworld) wasn't on the GM Core's Creature Identification list. Maybe there can be an FAQ establishing which of the Recall Knowledge skills we should use for that?

And also, a minor annoyance for me, can we either 1) Add the Humanoid trait to Trolls in Monster Core, so we can assuredly identify them with Society, or 2) Add an FAQ establishing which skill to use on Trolls or Giants in general for RK? We got 7 different Trolls, and all 7 only have the Troll and Giant traits on their statblocks. And neither are on the Creature Identification list, too.

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theWasp wrote:
Yasha Vienne wrote:
Sorry if i am being silly. What is the difference between Player Core and Player core 2?

Player Core 1

Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Witch, Wizard
Ancestries: Human, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Leshy, Orc
Versatile Heritages: Changling, Nephelim, Mixed Ancestries

Player Core 2
Classes: Alchemist, Barbarian, Champion, Investigator, Monk, Oracle, Sorcerer, Swashbuckler
Ancestries: Catfolk, Hobgoblin, Lizardfolk, Kholo, Kobold, Tengu, Grippli, Ysoki
Versatile Heritages: Dhampir, Duskwalker, Unknown Third Heritage

Side Note: The Grippli have been renamed to the Tripkee now!

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Oh hey! Paizo LIVE showed off the final cover of Player Core 2! Seoni is transformed into a Conspirator Dragon, and being ridden by Fumbus and is carrying with her legs Jirelle! And they're all fighting a big ol' Cyclops!

HERE's the screenshot from the stream of the final cover!