Evra's page
17 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
If you're all planning to play witches and you're worried about blasting, why not consider the havoker archetype? Losing hexes hurts but you've already got a lot of hexes being thrown around.
That and for RP purposes there can be some friendly ribbing directed towards the witch who 'keeps doing it wrong'.
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Secret Wizard wrote: I'm here for the unarmored Samurai! Now I can make a dex-based katan wielder without reflavoring the curve blade or jumping through hoops. Paizo did well here.
Based on the criteria, an Opportunist Fighter or Ranger (Guide archetype or base) would be my first thoughts. Versatile in and out of combat, and the guide can help with your parties terrible stealth
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Isabelle Lee wrote: Benjamin Medrano wrote: As an aside, Isabelle? Do you mind if I ask if you were involved in writing the Skirmisher Fighter Archetype, or the Flamewarden or Stormwalker Ranger Archetypes? Because I have to say, of the character options to come out of this book they are my absolute favorites.
There are a ton of rules that I like, too, but those are standouts for me.
I wasn't, I'm afraid. ^_^ My only contributions were the cavalier archetypes (green knight and saurian champion) and the following feats:
** spoiler omitted ** I think the green knight is definitely one of the best things in the book, and definitely one of the coolest cavalier archetypes. Though I do wonder, couldn't Order of the Blossom fit well with the archetype as well?
Now strictly for house-ruling purposes, how would you deal with the missing info from the shifter's major forms (ie. owl has no flight speed, bear no natural attacks listed etc.)?
Seems the most logical thing is to fill in the gaps with the regular list for beast shape II.
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Anyone else noticed that the hybrid form of the weretouched basically lets you play a bunch of races you're normally not allowed?
Catfolk+ falcon= griffin
Human+bull= minotaur
Grippli+bull= bullfrog
Ragebred+bear= ManBearPig
Tiefling+bat= gargoyle
I'd have to agree with graystone. "For the purposes of this ability" suggests that the monk counts as a shifter when, and only when factoring in shifter's claws.
As an aside though, the menhir guardian would be great fun as a dip for FCB training to give flurry on one of the single attack forms. Flurrying bulls, flurrying wolves, or even though it's got two attacks, a tongue flurrying giant frog
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Owls that can't fly, bears that can't hug (no grab), elemental damage for the elemental shifter that's unlisted. The were-touched has a capstone it can't use. Does anyone else feel like they accidentally printed the rough draft of the shifter instead of the finished product?
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You know, if the Kitsune change shape works, it could be a lot of fun to RP as a character who was robbed of their true form. Could be anything from being experimented on, to a witch's curse, or even divine punishment. Wouldn't even need to multiclass if you didn't want to (though a CHA based monk could be fun)
PossibleCabbage wrote: Is there a range on "Weapon of the Mind"?
If there weren't, this wouldn't replace Etheric Tether because that gets you your weapon as a swift action versus a full round action plus additional actions.
I could see a case for "your phantom blade doesn't like being at the bottom of the ocean so will allow you to harbor it from anywhere."
I like the logic. What sentient weapon wants to be at the bottom of the ocean? Those are suboptimal conditions for your wielder to stab other guys in the face

Rysky wrote: Dirk Greenlees wrote: Rysky wrote: First level ability:Weapon of the Mind (Ex) wrote: The phantom blade can harbor her phantom weapon in her consciousness or manifest it in its ectoplasmic form. The phantom blade can manifest the weapon through a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. Harboring the phantom weapon requires a full-round action. I'd say it stays out unless you harbor it. Makes sense, but there doesn't seem to be any information on what to do if you lose the weapon entirely, like how the Black Blade Magus can forge a new weapon, or classes with animal companions can eventually find a new companion after a set period That's because there's no way to lose it. There's no maximum distance for harboring the Blade. And there's this as well:
Weapon of the Mind (Ex) wrote: The phantom weapon also recovers a number of hit points equal to its ego score every hour that it is harbored. So outside of GM fiat there's no way to ever lose your Blade. Oh. I got it into my head that the blade needed to be close at hand to harbor it, but there's nothing to support that conclusion. That wraps covers my queries rather neatly. Thanks a bunch
Rysky wrote: First level ability:Weapon of the Mind (Ex) wrote: The phantom blade can harbor her phantom weapon in her consciousness or manifest it in its ectoplasmic form. The phantom blade can manifest the weapon through a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. Harboring the phantom weapon requires a full-round action. I'd say it stays out unless you harbor it. Makes sense, but there doesn't seem to be any information on what to do if you lose the weapon entirely, like how the Black Blade Magus can forge a new weapon, or classes with animal companions can eventually find a new companion after a set period
Just as the title says, what happens when a spiritualist loses their phantom blade entirely? Like being dropped in the ocean for example? A black blade magus can forge a new blade, but how does the process work for a spiritualist?
And while we're at it, since it's not considered a phantom does that mean it retains its form when you're unconscious?
Must say, that was a pleasant surprise for my first time posting on the forum. You guys rock
Mark Seifter wrote: Dirk Greenlees wrote: Chess Pwn wrote: they draw rock from the elemental plane of rock, just like fire is pulling from the plane of fire. AKA, they effectively create their element and their creation exists just long enough to do the thing. Cool, thanks for the quick reply. Do you have the source for that by chance? I'll probably be asked at some point How about me? Hopefully that carries enough weight for you. ;) Also you can use Material Plane rock from nearby if you visually prefer to do so, your choice.
For context in case it's necessary, I designed the class. No, that's perfect, I was reading your FAQ answers earlier haha. Thanks a ton.
Chess Pwn wrote: they draw rock from the elemental plane of rock, just like fire is pulling from the plane of fire. AKA, they effectively create their element and their creation exists just long enough to do the thing. Cool, thanks for the quick reply. Do you have the source for that by chance? I'll probably be asked at some point
One thing that's been bugging me; what happens to the kineticist when their element isn't present? It mentions drawing power from the Elemental Plane, but what does a geokineticist do when there's no earth?