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![]() So I'm running a game where all the PCs (and one NPC who helps and points out what's evil) are reincarnated dead gods. The game so far is much more political and intrigue based, with a bit of combat here and there as they regain bits of their divine powers (in the form of mythic trials) Now being reincarnated gods leads me to a minor problem. My hubby's character is Curchanus' reincarnation. This means that Lamashtu has a portion of his divine power. So the party's going to have to gank her at some point to regain their full power. (well this one PC's full power). Any suggestions on how to go about it. I don't need her statted out, I'm just trying to figure out how to handle this. I am going to be sending her lesser minions at him, starting with an Incubus with class levels, the Nightripper, her herald, and other demons, demon lords that are loyal to her or want to get in her good books, demon lords who hate her and want to steal the PCs divinty... lots of demons. But as for the Queen of Demons herself, how should I handle that?
![]() So, I'm really bad at keeping track of what pawn his who is massive fights. I also really like chocolate and so do my friends. So last game I decided to use chocolate kisses as pawns.
has anyone else done things like this with pawns? ![]()
![]() I know Carnival of Tears came out ages ago. So I don't blame them for the wintery setting. However looking at the area it seems that a southern-France like setting makes more sense. Somewhat like Provance. So not getting all snowy and blowy.
The fauna and surrounding area in general just seems more like the temperature would be a lot warmer year-round than the still-3.5 Carnival of Tears lets on. Not to mention local fauna, like firefoot fennecs (who have the ears of an animal from a hotter climate), are extremely incongruous with a thick snowy winter that would be better in England or the Prairies. ![]()
![]() So one of my players has a Learning Disability. It's his first game and he's been slowly gaining traction. However, it seems that each time we play he has completely forgotten what AC is, what his bonuses are and such. And despite being fascinated with playing front liners (and I'm not sure that a caster would be something that would be a good idea unless I want to tear all my hair out) he constantly is rather put out if his character takes damage. Are there any guides out there? I've made him a basic quick-sheet and it still doesn't seem to help. So please help me help him? I mean at least he's starting to understand character-building, so there is that. He's running a Urban Barbarian, and we're level 5. All his mods are static and he's using a weapon with a very basic (only on a 20) crit range. ![]()
![]() I'm playing in strange Aeons, and my character is a 16-year-old kitsune telekinetic.
She developed her powers at the tender age of 10 and was taken as a slave by the time she was 11. She's never been taken out by a foe, and only fallen unconscious once due to using burn (and this saved the whole party). What overall impact would this have on her ego? I mean combine this with the fact that teenagers often do think they're immortal and underestimate their own mortality. ![]()
![]() So my party found a litter of pups after killing the mamas. (to be fair they didn't know the b*@&$es were nursing). One of the PCs has a rather soft spot for all critters and in his spare time runs what is pretty much a wildlife rehabilitation sanctuary. The father was a Mythic Worg. I'm writing them as Advanced Dire Wolves. One of them (Rumper) I've decided is convinced she is a lapdog, and doesn't realize that she is the size of a large draft horse. Now, do you think this is a good idea? Soon the party will be given these pups, once they're full grown, as traveling mounts. Also, what would it look like a draft horse sized tail-less dire wolf try to climb into someone's lap look? (Aside from adorable/really funny) ![]()
![]() So, what is the dumbest PC (or NPC) death you've witnessed? As in, the character did something extremely stupid and then died. We had a character antagonize an evil intelligent construct, get blasted and then attempt fisticuffs with a dragon. He would have survived dragon fisticuffs if he hadn't gotten hurt in such a dumb manner. The healer said he wasn't going to waste resources on stupid. ![]()
![]() So I just started a game.
We have to put our beloved cat down today, I am going to continue running a game because being busy will be the best for my mind during this time. Does anyone have any other advice? I've GMed through grief before, but not such a sudden and unexpected loss. ![]()
![]() I've experienced skunks. I have friends who have had canine companions who do not understand that if they mess with that thing they'll get sprayed.
I was utterly shocked at how low the DC was. DC 11? That has wolves beating it over 50% of the time.
*Grumbles* ![]()
![]() Yes, I know that it is a "questionable archetype". This isn't for me, it is for a friend who needs less options, so removing burn from the equation seemed like the best choice. It is going to be an Aasimar, and Hydro (Cold). These parts are not changing. What I need is things to suggest that will mean less stuff overall for my scatterbrained friend to keep track of. (it's at the point where he's pretty much banned from playing anything with a spell list larger than 1 spell) ![]()
![]() So I know that you can animate your facial hair and even EYEBROWS if you are bald up top. I'm guessing other sorts of hair work too (mental image my mind gave me I did NOT need thank you very much) What about races that don't have a single hair on their bodies? Because they've got scales, or are a plant, or don't have any external features at all or are made completely out of stone. The list goes on. Can they use said hex? This isn't for any game it's just something that's been confusing me for a long-donkey time. ![]()
![]() So this is purely from a "oh that is NOT right" or any other non-crunch reasons. This is not about what is mechanically the worst obedience. What do you think is the worst obedience to have to do every single day. For me some of the demon (okay some of the evil ones) were just... well my stomach turned a little. Any that involve eating things that ought not be consumed. What about you lot? ![]()
![]() So I'm running an Oracle in a Pirate game that my Husband is running and I am going for the Exalted Prestige Class (I know it's not "optimal" I couldn't care less). What would be some good physical manifestations of Besmara's favour. He has a birthmark of her holy symbol, and should this game go mythic he will become her mortal herald. (and it is very likely to go mythic) ![]()
![]() I know this sounds weird, but what do you think a non-evil deity of fear would be like?
![]() So long story. Well not that long. I'm playing in a game that started as Skulls and Shackles (first book only) that my husband is running. My character is a Tiefling Oracle called Erkos who was raised by a famous free captain drow. This means that the young tiefling enjoys drow food greatly (his father is CN so never served, people). This, of course, means that he enjoys things like roasted bugs, snails and the topic of this question. Mushrooms. Now we're on a pirate ship, and this means that space is at a premium and "waste" is dumped overboard. Is there a way using both magical and mundane options to grow expensive mushrooms onboard to satisfy my tiefing's great love of the fungi? Also, any tips on rearing snails on board a ship? ![]()
![]() So I know that certain religions are illegal in certain places. Such as any Chaotic deity in Cheliax, though followers of Cayden Caliean get it the worst. Also Serenere in Taldor. I'm sure most cults of some of the nastier gods and demi-gods is also illegal, though how much of that comes from the worship itself and how much comes from some of the actions the gods want you to take is debatable. Have there ever been canonical executions of followers of religions such as Cayden Calien (in Cheliax). Because it is stated that this is a risk the Lucky Drunk's followers face in the Devil held country. ![]()
![]() So it seems that Pathfinder is a system that doesn't shy away from the fact that sex is not only a thing, but something that people do (and enjoy doing).
![]() So I'm playing in a Skulls and Shackles game that my Fiance is running he is only gonna use the first book (we just finished it). Anyway, I'm running a Besmaran Oracle of Bones who was raised on a pirate ship. Needless to say, he fell horns over tail for Sandara. Also he might have ended up knocking her up (hard to get Night Tea after being a captive for 2-3 days and in a storm before that). What have been your experiences with this fiery redhead, as players? I can say I didn't expect Erkos to fall for her as hard as he did, he mostly goes for guys. Also have you ever had a character pull something like that on you that made you stop and go WHOAH! you're MY character... where the flip did that come from? ![]()
![]() So I have two players, they're good friends. But I'm not quite sure they (esp one of them) quite get the concept of them being Lawful Good. They're coming over tomorrow to level up their characters, so I want to figure out how I can put it in simple terms.
![]() Bag of endless glitter Functions by all means, like a bag of holding. However any item put into said bag, when retrieved will be covered in glitter. Said glitter will stick to everything. The bag never runs out of glitter. However it cannot be used to summon handfuls of glitter, it simply coats items in glitter, and constantly sheds small amounts of glitter everywhere all the time. Can someone help me make this look more official? ![]()
![]() I like true crime and was watching a true crime show. But then they insinuated that a murder was connected to the killer playing D&D and other such games and even suggested (in a clumsy way) LARPING as being a factor. I really thought that we'd moved past this. Wasn't that b%*+~@@@ supposed to happen back, well back before I was born. The whole D&D makes you evil/a killer/whatever.
![]() So I have a guy who sometimes shows up to my table, They are nice and I'm good friends with both them and their fiance. Both of them are going to be playing in my upcoming Carrion Crown game. I'm limiting classes to classes that fit the horror theme, and they gravitated right towards the Mad Scientist. The problem is that this player is notorious for not learning his classes, and Alchemists are rather complex classes. He's agreed to play something different if the class is too complex.
![]() I'm always very interested in how animals act in so many tabletop games. That is, a healthy animal or even a hungry one will keep attacking a creature who is a very bad food source, when most animals (outside some more bull-headed species) will hightail it after getting smacked once, or maybe twice. Why does this end up happening so often? ![]()
![]() So the horror rule-book states that if you get smacked with the vampire corruption and you feed off an innocent sentient creature, you gain corruption. It also states that you have to feed on sentient creature or risk loosing control. I've noticed a massive loophole here. Do you just not risk any corruption if you feed off of low-lifes, scumbags, crooks, criminals and the general gaggle of baddies that adventurers generally go about beating the ever-loving crap out of anyway? ![]()
![]() So I'm running Reign of Winter, and low and behold... I have someone playing a kenetisist. He's the group's healer, but also has telekenetic haul. I went to the trouble of calculating out the weight of the dragon's hoard, and read the note commenting about how they wouldn't be able to get the hoard fast enough. They have a bag of holding that the group pulled together and bought, and all the heavy random gold items fit in with ease, plus telekentic haul means it will take a matter of a short amount of time to just empty the dragon's hoard and sort through it when they are safe. What I'm saying is, wow they are about to become very lucky indeed. ![]()
![]() So I'm going to be running Carrion Crown, and I've noted that a lot of the monsters are replaceable with newer ones that fit the themes better. Like the Skrum can be replaced with Deep Ones. The final update will be added when the horror adventures book comes out. Luckily I have a while. However does anyone have any suggestions on anything else that has better monsters in new books that better suit the setting and the like.