"Now now, we're not all greedy." The tiefling flicks his tail slightly. "I'm more lustful than greedy." He grins slightly, and flicks his eyes over the elf. "But if that is your choice, it's always sad to see handsome fellows leave. If you wish to ever come and see me... you know where to find me." he winks. ![]()
The Tiefling grins, showing elongated canines. His eyes flick quickly over the female. "I will admit, when I see the good Major, even from a distance I can forgive all his flaws. I mean, he's got a very pleasing... face." The word seems to be swapped at the last second. "I wish that I were one of his dalliances." Erkos chuckles softly. "Selling off the country, this is why I've preferred the sea. She's a deadly and harsh mistress. But at least she'll never sell you out for money. I'll continue to serve Arodan, but my home is the sea." ![]()
The Chelaxian(race) looking tiefling tilts his head. "You preach a lot don't you?" He chuckles. "My father, well adoptive father, is out on the seas fighting slavers, and letting them enjoy the accommodations they wished to leave the slaves in... if they're smart they can get out before the ship sinks." He smiles, showing pointed teeth and flexes his wings slightly. He's rather tall, his grand sweeping horns make him seem even taller. "As for your argument. If we become too invested in country. We risk falling into the folly that Cheliax did, for we will do anything for our country, even things that should not be done. We become blinded to her flaws and stop improving her." He sweeps his tail along the floor slightly and tilts his head. "However... if we focus only on self. Then we'll become like the Scarni. They simply wish to look out for themselves, for number one only. They look for the next deal and move on." ![]()
The Tiefling grins disarmingly at the elven woman. "I wish my own sister were so protective of me, instead of assisting those who sold me into slavery." He says, a chuckle emanating from his throat. He flicks his eyes over the young elven woman. "Were you in a fight, Ma'am? Or have cart drivers become far more impolite over the years?" His voice is easy, and it seems he adds the honorific only because he has decided that he thinks she'll like it. ![]()
"Outcast since birth." He says with a broad grin. "Grew up on the ocean, so you may say I am a man of no land..." He chuckles softly. "The man who adopted me as a baby, whisked me away from that salving ship bound for the Godless Empire, was an Andoran Half-Elf who was granted permission by the government to hunt slavers." A cat with a lean build and bright blue eyes clambers up his leg and meows in a demanding manner, the man begins petting her. She doesn't have the intelligent spark that a familiar would have in their eyes, and seems to be a typical cat, though one of proper breeding. "I'm Erkos." He says, adjusting so the cat can climb up to his shoulders and watch the world from there. He extends a hand and smiles. The young man is tall, with the proud looking antlers that top his head he reaches 7"6', though he is extraordinarily thin. Small tendrils hang from his chin, mimicking a beard, and under his robe a pair of hooves can be seen peeking out. His tail hangs limp right now, but it appears to be well muscled and likely capable of being used for tasks. "I was not skulking either, I was appreciating the scenery." he stops and eyes the knight up and down, smiling in a very appreciative manner. "Though I prefer the brawn of a half-orc or well build human you're a very handsome fellow." ![]()
A smile plays on the tiefling's silken cheeked face. His features betray both demonic and Chelaxian heritage. He pushes his spectacles up his nose and smiles, revealing razor sharp fangs. He regards the newcomer with bi-coloured eyes, and slowly looks the paladin up and down, his gaze lingering on the more attractive features of the man. "Very pretty." He says, leaning against a pillar, his wings fanning out, displaying intricate tattoos that weave in and out in patterns on the inside of the wings. Though they appear large enough to carry him, it seems that they don't move with the same strength that they should for powered flight. ![]()
"Of course not, but I know I'm happier if I a handsome gent home at the end of the night. It's a lonely life being a pathfinder. I made sure that at the end of the day, nobody is going to feel left out." He smiles broadly. "I simply aim to please." he bows low. "Not to insult." He smiles blandly at Depeche. "That's nice dear." Erkos rubs his head. "This is a higher class establishment than that. And unless you wish to learn how to fly..." This is how he looks ![]()
"Of course, you can order anything on the menu fair lady." Erkos says to Saetria. "And yes there are rules. They're quite simple to follow. Oh, and any harassing anyone and you'll be answering to my friends. They give free flying lessons to anyone who breaks my rules, or makes any of my guests feel uncomfortable." He gestures to a dozen or so intimidating looking people who are lounging at strategic places around the bar. "They are versed in magic and physical defense, so keep your nose clean okay?" The bouncers are both male and female, and all attractive as well as imposing. "Of course, ladies... they're also trained in other arts. In case no one who wanders in catches your lovely eyes." ![]()
Erkos grins broadly. "I had some trouble with a half-orc takin' me for a demon." He explains to the pretty blond Galtian woman. His eyes drift to the woman who has offered to pay for drinks. "Well, at least that will stop men from using the cheesy line of buying a woman a drink to get into her bed." He chuckles. "Welcome, I'm the one running this event. Names Erkos, Oracle of the waves and favoured of the Pirate Queen. But don't fret, I'll be keeping my hands out of people's pockets, since anything else is bad for business." ![]()
"Because I can't fly, I'm not strong enough yet and will never be able to anyway. These wings are useless, they don't... work. Cheap booze, good for getting drunk, nothing else. Good for being out at sea. It takes every sort to make the world. I can't help others walk on liquic, just myself. I didn't choose waves, waves, and by extension the Pirate Queen, chose me.I don't know why the waves picked me but I'm glad they did, because if they didn't I would have drowned as a baby." He pauses. "Anything else?" ![]()
The tiefling stands up. "Apparently this idiot is not a full agent, and attacked me because I look like a demon, see he broke my glasses!" He says. "Any other commotion is the fool of a half-orc attacking anyone who even slightly angers him, or people trying to stop him from breaking everything in sight. I cast a sleep spell on him to make him less of a danger but someone" he glares at the gnome in the half-orc's grip. "woke him up before we were able to properly restrain him and really... my glasses! these were not cheap!" ![]()
(there's a little something at the bottom of your text box. it says how to format your text. It has everything you need there.) Erkos dusts off his hands. "There, you may arrest him at your leisure. though... I do wish for him not to be imprisoned. He is stupid, and that is not a crime he can help. He simply needs to be taught how to behave among civilized beings." He pauses and looks at the sleeping half-orc. "He should stay asleep until someone wakes him. And to think, I was raised on a privateer ship, anti-slavers hired by the Andoran government before you get upset at me, and I have better manners than he has." He sighs slightly, then turns to the cleric who seems to have saved his ass. "So, my knight in shining armour. Shall I reward you with a kiss?" ![]()
"Maybe just have someone give him necessary etiquette and anger management courses." He pauses as the half-orc attacks again and sighs. "You see, that I am acting in defense against someone who is attacking and breaking peace." He puts only within the ten foot radius of his ability, then begins to sing. Grol, if failing his save, will likely start to feel sleepy. The he switches and sings more, the song becoming more and more... hard to resist. It's sleep, and only Grol is targeted. He looks at Cor'win and grins in his rather lusty manner. "My Knight in Shining Armour." he says. "I must reward you somehow for coming to my defense." ( a note, if the savea against lullaby is failed, then there is a -2 on the sleep spell afterwards.) ![]()
"Those are not gifts for a BABY! You get a baby plush toys, and clothing, and baby rattle! We can sell these bloodstained weapons and buy the baby some baby things that a baby will enjoy." Erkos says eyeing the axe. He holds up the rattle, which is amazingly unbroken. "See THIS is a baby toy. The baby shakes it, and it makes a rattling sound and the baby is happy because that's how babies are!" ![]()
"Well..." Erkos says slowly. "I'm young, I'm still starting my adventuring career. I've only had one field mission, the rest was desk jockey work. My chest was acting up again. Common healers call it the wheezes, the more skilled clerics seem to call it asthma." "Waves, I'm an oracle of the waves. I can create my own armour. I'm also bard. I don't colourspray. I make weapons better, and can turn water into booze... and create water from thin air. Oh and I can walk on water, or lava... or acid.. or anything that is currently in a liquid state." He eyes Kyros. "Lack of magic isn't a bad thing." He says, keeping a rather lustful gaze on Kyros. "You know... they say I've got... incubus blood in me... and I can say that it shows in places." He licks his lips. ![]()
"See, that hurts. Doesn't it? Benign mistaken for a pure blooded Orc. How much do you think it hurts for me being called a demon? Yes, I am a pitborn. My hetrocheomia and these wings speak to that. But I'm no more a demon myself than an aasimar is an Angel. I've seen fallen Assimar and tieflings who are paladins. Your blood doesn't choose who you are. You choose. You can have a Paladin scan me. And I didn't surrender because I am not a coward. I've taken worse beatings at the hands of unhappy slavers. And I'm not weak. I'm an oracle. All gifts come at a coat. " he pauses and frown. "And to think I was working up to ask you out for a drink." He shakes his head. "I may not have surrendered, bit you boyo... You broke society law by attacking me." ![]()
Erkos eyes the half-orc, his tail lashing. "Gods help me Kyros... That half-orc is a menace to the society." He looks at his body, he still seems to be very badly, hurt, more so than would be normal for the beating he too. "I'm not weak either..." He slowly lowers himself into a chair, grabs the largest container he can and mutters over it, filling it with water. Then he mutters again, and the water shimmers. He begins to gulp it down. "Gods..." He whimpers. "What did I do to deserve this." He stops and looks at the little gnome. "It's Erkos, please use my proper name. I just got my ass beaten for no reason whatsoever." He dabs his brow, trying to stop blood from flowing. He stops. "And don't attack him. We can't sink to his level. As much as it pains me, we have to leave this to the decemverate." He plucks a shard of glass out of his arm and glares at the Orc. ![]()
Erkos looks at his glasses again, still looking very shaken and upset. "Keep that savage away from me. I did nothing to him and he attacked me, violating the very core of pathfinder laws. We don't attack one another." He frowns deeply. "And I'm one who usually ignores laws when they get inconvenient. Just... not that one." He makes sure to keep Kyros between him and the fool of an orc. ![]()
Erkos mutters something and put his hand on himself, using healing magic. He adjusts his clothing and then picks up his glasses and looks crestfallen due to them being broken. "Godsdammned savage..." He looks forlornely at Kyros. "Sadly... I'm used to that... Though it comes with it's advantages, the fiend blood. Some are fools and should be prosecuted. I'm not one for law, but you don't attack your mates, ever." He looks at his glasses again, and frowns more deeply. "Godsdammit, the mending is going to take forever, and this blood will NEVER come out." he gestures to his robes. ![]()
Erkos whimpers. "STOP! For the sake of all the gods stop. I'm no threat to the baby, I'm not a demon you savage!" He lets out a scream of pain, but makes no move to defend himself, due to the fact that a fellow pathfinder is attack him him. "I'm not your enemy, I'm not a danger to anyone here. YOU ARE!" ![]()
Erkos grabs the drapes and holds on for dear life. "By Besmara's breasts, you're a NUTTER! Not only did you attack a fellow Pathfinder, you hit a guy who wears glasses!"He says, hanging on. He trembles a bit then begins coughing rather terribly, anyone with any medical training can recognize it as a asthmatic attack. However the tiefling hangs on for dear life, refusing to come down to where the insane orc is. ![]()
Erkos moves back quickly. "Whoa there... easy..." He says holding his hands up. "I'm NOT a demon. I'm a Tiefling and I'm NOT bad. I'm a fellow Pathfinder, and a tiefling. I just happen to have fiendish ansestory. I can't help that any more than YOU can help being a half orc. He dives behind a table. "As I've said, I am a member of the Pathfinder Society and thefefore it is VERY VERY VERY wrong to attack me." ![]()
"Excelent." Erkos says, with a grin. "And hello handsome." He stops and eyes the Half-Orc up and down, then licks his lips slightly. "I'll help where I can, but I'm not a physically powerful person, unlike yourself." He eyes the half-orc some more. He saunters towards the cart. "You adopted too?" he finally asks, his voice gentle. "I mean, half-orc raised by dwarves is nearly as odd as a Chelaxian tiefling raised by a crew of slaver hunting Andorans." He smiles broadly at Grol. "I'm Erkos." He says, holding out a hand.