Mistress Kayltanya

Eowithe Mourngrym's page

138 posts. Alias of Spazmodeus.


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Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe crosses her arms and watches the drama with Timeon unfold, with a look on her face as if to say, Are we really doing this right now?

Then seeing how intent both Morthos and Demian are, she gazes intently at the boy and allows her aura of fear to wash over him, trying to give her two companions a silent assist.

DC 9 Will vs fear ; fail => frightenend; save => shaken

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe raises a hand , as if in a benediction, stating forcefully, "The power of Hell is nigh, your destruction assured!"

Swift action, Destruction judgement, +1 sacred to her damage vs Sir Balin!

She then brings her falchion to bear upon the besieged man, after taking a quick moment to study her foe

Move action , Study target, +1 att/damage

Attack: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 7 + 1 = 12
Damage: 2d4 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 4) + 6 + 1 = 15

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

"I am always prepared..." Eowithe responds to Sophia's advice drily, giving the boy Timeon a sideways glance, then moving forward behind the zombies, alert for whatever may present itself.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe hesitates before attacking that last un-controlled draugr, waiting to see if her comrade's magicks are sufficient...

Delayed attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Damage: 2d4 + 6 ⇒ (4, 1) + 6 = 11

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe starts to feel her gorge rising, coughing she tries to push down the sudden feeling of nausea...

Fortitude, DC 12: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

She spits to the side and clears her throat, confident that the worst had passed.

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

That attack hit....do I have to make a save?

Eowithe winces as the Draugr's blow connects, but steels her resolve and counter-attacks!

Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Damage: 2d4 + 6 ⇒ (4, 3) + 6 = 13

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Religion, +3 from Monster Lore: 1d20 + 6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 6 + 3 = 13

Eowithe nods, "Indeed, they are called Draugr...beware their touch, it may make you nauseated..."

She turns to face off against the red-eyed creature...

Attack, falchion, power attack: 1d20 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (16) + 7 - 1 = 22
Damage: 2d6 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (1, 4) + 4 + 2 = 11

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe joins the others, looking at the new inscription, nodding at Morthos' observation.

She looks up as the conversation turn to the boy's predicament, "Oh, the boy has a name? Why isn't he dead? A plaything for you , perhaps?" she asks Demian.

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe watches as the spiked ball obliterates the goblin, then opens the way forward.

"That's one way to do it..." she comment drily, then crouches by the goblins remains, check if it possesses anything of use.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe ignores Morthos' opinion about her current state of dress, and steps into the room, looking about, also ignoring the jabbering goblin.

"I believe it would be stupid of us to believe anything this fool has to say to us... she opines as she give the room a look over.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

In the wild chase through the moors, Eowithe was separated from her fellow ex-prisoners. Finding some of the pursuers coming uncomfortably close, she covered herself with mud and laid herself in the lee of a small hillock. Several of the guards passed quite close to her, but did not notice her.

As the pursuit moved away, Eowithe remained where she was for some time, to ensure she was undiscovered.

When she could not hear or see the lights of the posse, she extricated herself and slowly made her way towards the manor.

When Tiadora opened the door to reveal the mud encrusted Inquisitor, the smug look of victory on Eowithe's face was wiped away by Tiador's sneer , "You're late...inside, now!"

Hurrying in, Eowithe was informed that the other survivors were currently being tested and that Eowithe was to join them....after she took the Oath to the Cardinal, of course.

That matter attended to, asked for and recieved water, food and some healing....in that order.

Not bothering to clean herself up , she descended into the basement, to try and catch up with her 'friends'.

As she progressed through the various tests, she nods to herself at each inscribed homily, noting familiar tenets contained therein.

Eventually , she enters a room and sees her companions, noting the destroyed metal snakes and the now moving stone snake.

Pausing in the doorway, she raises her hand in greeting, "Haloo, my friends. Pardon my tardiness, the warden's men made getting here quite the ordeal. You've made excellent progress! Tiadora and the Cardinal bid me join you..."

All can see the dried mud from the moors caking her from head to toe...

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

So I caught myself up on the gameplay and see that you guys are currently dealing with the iron snake guys.

Not sure how to re-introduce myself. I personally hate the whole 'you were always there' trope. Perhaps, she was separated from the group crossing the moors and only just arrived at the manor? Was allowed to clean up , get a bit of healing and was told to assist in your endeavors down in the basement?

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Hey guys....and I'm back!

I'll catch up on the gameplay...

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Hells! I thought I had posted....Sorry about that!

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Knowledge(religion): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18 3 to determine weaknesses

Eowithe nods sagely, "Ah, they've found some Draugrs, the unliving remains of sailors lost at sea. If necessary, I suggest using piercing weapons and avoid their touch, it may cause nausea. "

Initiative: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe sneaks through the odd room with the others, nodding to Sarela as she sensibly closes the door behind her.

"Or, Eowith opines, " the inscription means beware those that were slain that are called back to serve after death....otherwise known as the undead. "

She reaches out and pulls or pushes the door opens slowly...

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Sorry , long day. Next post tomorrow.

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

not to be too meta, but a while back Araton reminded us about 'shriekers' and I had Eowithe make some rolls to Identify: here, but DM you didn't respond. Ok if she doesn't know...but might be important if she does :)

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe watches the execution of the fool without expression. Then, she moves over and searches it's headless body, "Let's see if in death the fool has anything to aid us...."

Percption: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe grunts at what she sees in the stair way and turns back, "The stairs are trapped, at least the first step is....big rolling stone I think."

She takes a few steps into the room, "Perhaps another lesson waits for us at the top of the stairs....with the amulet of course." she suggests.

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

yup good to go!

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

From the doorway, Eowtith drawls, "The fool lies...and we the greater fool to believe it! Plus it seems quite deranged, more reason to discount it's tale."

She moves into the room, "My guess is it serves to distract us from that, " she says, pointing at the stairs, "no doubt picking up the jewel will set off whatever trap lies here."

She transits the room to stand before the stairs, taking a look up...

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe observed from the doorway, arms crossed , waiting for Sarela's questioning to run it's course; waiting until the moment was right to subject the 'fool' to her fearful presence.

As she does her piercing gaze settles on the foolish goblin, intuiting the truthfulness of it's responses.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe nods as Araton reminds all of what the squire had to say about the dangers beyond the door, "Shrieker....shrieker..." she mutters to herself, trying to remember aught about such a creature.

Knowledge(???): 1d20 ⇒ 5 Not sure what subject, she's go +6 to geography, local, planes and religion...and +3 to determining a monster's weakness

She watches intently as Araton opens the door, anticipating anything.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

I'd be ok with this plan!

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Welcome back!

I know first hand how a short absence can turn into a long one!

I'd be willing to continue, should enough of the others return as well

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Hey there,

I'm back as well after a prolonged absence from the boards...Covid, plus online school, plus work ....exhaustion!

Sorry to hear about your situation GM, just checking if I'm still welcome! :)


Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Apologies for my absence this week.....my family joined the covid statistics. Nothing serious, just a really bad flu-like thing. Feeling better, will get a post in soon.

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe smiles as Tawg avoids her, but turns as Ceres approaches, "A most complete set of implements , don't you think. Look at this blade, " she says, holding up a painfully thin, curved blade with tapered handle, "This one , I believe, is for flaying the skin from behind the ear...most exquisite."

She places the blade, reluctantly, back on the table, then crosses her arms and turns to watch Sarela with the boy. Cruelty is a tool not a pastime. Be ruthless to thy enemy but reward those who serve thee well. she thinks to herself, nodding at the wisdom contained in those words.

But, too bad her skills were not in the persuasion of those beneath her...she'll leave that to the seductress, Sarela.

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe raises her eyebrows when Sarela tells the boy to ignore her words, a sharp retort on her lips. But then she smiles, knowing well the game that Sarela was playing.

Her eyes close to slits as she feels the boy's fear pouring from him. Satisfied that her work was done, she turns and returns to the implements of torture, occasionally bringing one up into the light, ensuring she was within the boy's sight at all times.

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowtihe nods as Sarela's observation, "Indeed! It lacks those delicously deadly areas I so love! But it bleeds! " she crows, slicing at the creature once again.

Attack, falchion, flanking, studied target: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 7 + 1 = 25
Damage: 2d4 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (1, 2) + 6 + 1 = 10

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Glad to be hear!
Thanks, GM , for the opportunity!

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe watches a the others assail and are assailed by the crimson creature. Not having a readily available source of fire, she opts to what she does best...attack!

Fear Aura, DC 9 Will save....if it applies to this creature!

She pauses for a moment to study the creature's movements, then moves to surround the creature.

Studied Target, swift action, then move to square to the north of the creature

Attack, falchion, flanking, studied target: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 7 + 1 = 25
Damage: 2d4 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (1, 1) + 6 + 1 = 9
Precision Damage, if applicable: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Hi guys, thanks for having me along.
Going to finish up updating my profile, then I'll join the action!

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

I totally understand your desire to manage your games in a way that makes sense to you

While I do wish to see where Eowithe goes in life, first come first served. I yield the extra spot in the other game to Sarela!

Happy gaming!

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Sorry about my lack of posts, RL and work's been hitting me hard. Heading out to the cottage this coming week, after that my posting should improve.

That said, I understand if you want to merge the two groups without me!

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

knowledge ( geography): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Though she revived training in 6je uses of cartographic drawings and devices, she's too preoccupied with evading the prison guys to be of any use.

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe keeps pace with the others, "Yes, straight through the moor, hopefully the Warden and his men are too wary to follow..."

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe walks with Sarella, a smirk on her face, as she adds "And you won't be the last we kill as well....if you don't run home to mommy.". She also moves her hands oddly as she recites the profane words of a spell.

Cause Fear DC 14. So that's three saves they have to make vs fear !!

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Hmm, seem to have lost a post ...

Eowithe keeps an arrow knocked, but waits for the reaction to Morthos' words. She edges closer to allow her fear aura to do it's work.

Fear aura , 15 ft DC 10 Will save

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Sorry, thought I'd posted my climb roll...nice roll Morthos!

Eowithe takes the arrow strike stoically , running with the others to freedom!


Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe moves close to Demian, "Can you keep up your trick while you descend the rope?" she asks, looking down, seeing the others waiting below.

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe, with escape at hand, agrees, "Yes, though I'd like to kill each of these guards and burn this place to the ground, I like living! "

Will: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

She blinks and can see the wall and guards through the cripple's phantasm.

She moves forward and grasps Barnabas' arm, "This way..." and leads him to where the rope is tied.

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Round 2

Eowithe moves to engage the nearest guard!

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

But the strain of the climb had sapped the strength from her arms, her swing was ineffectual

GM don't forget about Eowithe's fear aura, DC 10

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Sorry for my absence, got really 'lucky' with a bunch of new work that really threw me for a loop time/schuduling-wise.

Think I have it sorted out, I'll get a post in this evening.

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe catches Sarela's eye and smiles her agreement, fixing her gaze on the guard on the right; in an instant evaluating his capabilities. Holding her breath for a beat, she releases her arrow at her target. As she does, she pronounces Asmodeus' judgement on the unfortunate fellow!

Attack Longbow , studied target: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 4 + 1 = 11
Damage, studied target, destruction judgement: 1d8 + 4 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 1 + 1 = 7

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe winces as one of the following escapees reveals themselves. SHe nods to Sarela and joins her in sprinting up the stairs...

Will preserve a movement to go through the trapdoor, so she can attack...

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Eowithe covered the others retreat back into the building, keeping an arrow ready incase the guards attacked.

She nods at the suggested course of action, "Hopefully, on the wall we'll encounter the guards only a few at a time..."

Stealth: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Round 3

Eowithe changes her focus to the remaining guard, drawing and firing an arrow with smooth , economical movement.

Attack, judgement, studied target: 1d20 + 5 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 5 + 1 + 1 = 14
1d8 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 1 = 7

Human Inquisitor of Asmodeus 3/slayer 3 HP:26/33 AC:19/10/11 Perception: +9 Initiative: +11 F:+5 R:+5 W:+7 ; +1 vs divine spells

Round 2

Eowithe studies the guard on the right for a moment and then fires her arrow at him!

Attack: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 5 + 1 = 26
Crit confirm : 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 5 + 1 = 13
Damage: 1d8 + 4 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 1 + 1 = 8
Damage, if crit confirmed: 1d8 ⇒ 2

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