Male Human 3rd Paladin |HP 25/25|AC 15|CMD 16|Fort +7|R: +4|W: +4|Init: +0|Perc: -2|
"We must make haste to the Grail!" Endrian declares. "For surely Eveldine has guided our course thus far. We must be bold friends, let us go to our destination!" Endrian follows Baster, striding with rediscovered purpose.
I played a Witch through this at level 1. I was the only PC affected by the effect. The GM described the feeling as "giving into your animal instincts" and "you feel as though raw flesh would be particularly tasty". So I stopped using hexes and ran headfirst into combat with the front-lining Paladin. It was something that as a player I found to be quite enjoyable and everyone else at the table laughed when the witch ran up to someone with a bite and then followed it up with claw-claw-bite next round. I was very glad that my first feat was toughness, because I don't think I would have been as spirited otherwise.
Onwards to Kelmarane! The group left early in the morning in an attempt to travel as far as possible before the heat of the day set in. Achmed scouted ahead with Dashki, both noticing settlements along the route and advising the caravan to avoid travelling along it. As midday struck, Hakim began assisting Garavel in the assembly of Trade Princess Almah's tent, while the rest of the caravan members began to erect shelters from the suns heat. During the 4 hour break between midday and afternoon, the hottest part of the day, Hakim went into silent prayer. The other slaves thought it might be an idea to antagonise the paladin by trying to knock him over while he prayed. However, it was as though Sarenrae herself was protecting the Paladin from their attempts to push him over. (In three attempts, not a single roll over 5) J'Zargo grew tired of trying to knock him over so instead they all clamboured outside of their shelter and knocked the supports out so it fell down over Hakim. They regretted that choice almost immediately as the sweltering sun bore down on them and fatigued Abu. They then decided that the best idea would be to wait out the worst of the days heat. As they continued their journey in the afternoon, some of the mercenaries hired by Almah approached Abu. They asked some general questions and made a bit of the funny looking J'Zargo ("What's it like, working with a cat, eh?" "Be good for it in the desert, it'll be like a big litter box for it, don't ya reckon?") J'Zargo meanwhile silently seethed, they may have thought they were out of earshot but the catfolk was a little more perceptive than the mercenaries had thought. As they came to a stop for the evening, Hakim was once again instructed to set up Almah's tent with Garavel. The other set up their own, fair less luxurious tents and some of the mercenaries began to cook some food. As they went around serving dinner, one of the mercenaries went to J'Zargo. His serving was clearly smaller than everyone elses and upon serving it, the mercenary said "Just for you mate." Hakim offered to swap meals, in spite of the horrible things that J'Zargo had been a part of while he had prayed earlier in the day. J'Zargo spoke with Achmed and Abu after dinner, hatching what they would soon realise to be a ironic plan, for they had decided that they would set fire to the mercenaries tents. As they settled down for the night, all of a sudden, cries of "FIRE! FIRE!" rang throughout the campsite. The group emerged to see the tent nearest theirs ablaze. They began quickly hustling to try and extinguish the flames and had almost the whole camp helping them. Zastoran was quick to heal anyone who succumbed to the flames. Eventually the fire was put out and the party breathed a sigh of relief. However, Garavel told them to quickly determine what caused the blaze. As they were leaving, someone cried out that one of the goats had gone missing. Garavel asked them to find the goat as well. They did some inspection on the campsite and discovered that something small had been in this tent before the fire had started. Achmed was able to identify the tracks as that of some kind of Gremlin, though he couldn't determine what kind. As they followed the tracks, they discovered that they led to the pen where the goat had been kept. They continued to follow the tracks until they came across a thorny thicket. They realised that it would take time to clear out or move through the thicket, but the bleating of the goat on the other side compelled them to try. As they began clearing it out, they were all filled with a feeling uncertainty, as though luck had abandoned them. They struggled as they tried to clear out the thicket and were jabbed at from within the thorns. Eventually, Abu was able to clamber through the thorns and successfully rescued the poor old goat. Catching a glimpse of their attacker, Achmed realised that it was a Pugwumpi that had been causing them this grief. They resolved to attempt to burn down the thicket with the Pugwumpi inside. The Pugwumpi fled and manged to get away, the group deciding they had successfully rid themselves of their tormentor and rescued the goat.
Male Human 3rd Paladin |HP 25/25|AC 15|CMD 16|Fort +7|R: +4|W: +4|Init: +0|Perc: -2|
Survival to assist: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (14) - 2 = 12 Should Endrian break 10, he will add 2 to the next survival check someone makes Endrian begins looking at the sky,watching the movement of the sun and marking the route they are taking by scratching trees with an arrow tip, realising he may not be the best at following a trail but making sure he is doing his bit to help out.
Male Human 3rd Paladin |HP 25/25|AC 15|CMD 16|Fort +7|R: +4|W: +4|Init: +0|Perc: -2|
Sense Motive on Leon: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1 I'll sense your motive! Oh wait, no I won't... "Well this is turning out to be an interesting trip, wouldn't you say Leon?" Endrian says to Leon, as if trying to lighten the mood from the previous night and mornings happenings.
Male Human 3rd Paladin |HP 25/25|AC 15|CMD 16|Fort +7|R: +4|W: +4|Init: +0|Perc: -2|
Endrian walks among the graves, reciting the funeral rites he knows so well "Eveldine grant unto our fallen brethren eternal rest. May they find themselves in your embrace. Welcome them into life eternal with peace and forgiveness, knowing that they lived their lives to honor you." He then turns back to the group, "We may leave now."
Male Human 3rd Paladin |HP 25/25|AC 15|CMD 16|Fort +7|R: +4|W: +4|Init: +0|Perc: -2|
Endrian spends an hour of the night in prayer before going to sleep. Sorry guys, been trying to think of something to say and nothing was coming to me. In the morning, Endrian seeks out the more wounded Seekers, working with Ithriel under Leon's instruction. Heal check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 Anyone looking particularly injured, Endrian uses Lay on Hands on. "Be restored by Eveldine's grace." Endrian can do this four times per day. With the Greater Mercy Feat, these add an extra d6 if the person being healed isn't fatigued. Lay on Hands: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 6) = 10
Running Count: 26 points of Healing
Male Human 3rd Paladin |HP 25/25|AC 15|CMD 16|Fort +7|R: +4|W: +4|Init: +0|Perc: -2|
Endrian tenses at Leon's words. He grips Sera a little more tightly. He looks out trying to make out the shapes Leon seems to have spotted in the distance. Perception: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (11) - 2 = 9 "I can't quite tell..." Endrian says, struggling to see in the fading light.
First Session Last night: Abu: Human Sandman Bard, follower of Norgorber
Achmed Jabul-al-Hakim: Human Desert Druid, follower of Gozreh and Nethys(with plans to go Druid/Wizard/Mystic Theurge)
Hakim Mysun: Suli Paladin of Sarenrae
J'Zargo Raja: Catfolk Rogue, follower of Nethys
Male Human 3rd Paladin |HP 25/25|AC 15|CMD 16|Fort +7|R: +4|W: +4|Init: +0|Perc: -2|
"I'm still alive, aren't I?" Endrian jests as he pulls himself up off the ground. "So does anyone have any idea what this thing is?" As Ithriel inspects him, "You think I could have been tainted by this abomination?"
Matthew Morris wrote:
A full round action is resolved on the characters turn. It is not the same as a spell with a casting time of one round.
Male Human 3rd Paladin |HP 25/25|AC 15|CMD 16|Fort +7|R: +4|W: +4|Init: +0|Perc: -2|
Ignore the last post, that channel changes everything (well not everything). After being walloped by the bear, Endrian crumples. Microseconds later, a healing wave of energy rouses him. Round 2
"May Eveldine Judge you!"
Swinging from the ground, Endrian attempts to take out the bear in front of him. Attack Roll (Power Attack): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
If they are evil this attack becomes a 23 to hit and the damage becomes 17. If they are evil and undead, this attack becomes a 23 to hit and the damage becomes 19.
Male Human 3rd Paladin |HP 25/25|AC 15|CMD 16|Fort +7|R: +4|W: +4|Init: +0|Perc: -2|
Reactive Knowledge Check! Knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 I forgot Endrian had Knowledge of the Religious sort. Also, Endrian falls over. Stabilisation Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Endrian bleeds a little.
Male Human 3rd Paladin |HP 25/25|AC 15|CMD 16|Fort +7|R: +4|W: +4|Init: +0|Perc: -2|
At the Wreckage Round 1
Endrian runs up next to Leon, drawing Sera as he moves to strike the bear. Charge +2 to hit, -2 to AC Attack Roll: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
Would there be any chance of noticing the runes standing right next to it?
Male Human 3rd Paladin |HP 25/25|AC 15|CMD 16|Fort +7|R: +4|W: +4|Init: +0|Perc: -2|
As Aldus looks back at Endrian with a smile, Endrian smiles back somewhat awkwardly. Leon wrote: "I think I overheard him called Aldus earlier. Don't know who originally got his name." "Oh Aldus is it? Well he seems nice enough. He just mustn't fancy talking... Thanks for that Leon."
Male Human 3rd Paladin |HP 25/25|AC 15|CMD 16|Fort +7|R: +4|W: +4|Init: +0|Perc: -2|
"SWEET EVELDINE!" After jumping quite high, Endrian turns to see Aldus. "Oh... Sorry, I didn't see you there." He notices that his body feels less sore. "Why.. why thank you... I don't think I caught your name earlier... I am Endrian, and you are?"
Male Human 3rd Paladin |HP 25/25|AC 15|CMD 16|Fort +7|R: +4|W: +4|Init: +0|Perc: -2|
Leon the Landless wrote: "I hate to say this, but I think our priority should be to make sure the living are taken care of first. The dead will be patient with us. Gathering them and covering them will be enough for now. Later, we can all bury the fallen together, properly." Endrian leans on the shovel that he had been using, sighing. "You are right friend, the dead can wait." He then moves closer to Leon whispering "Thank you friend. I am more than a little unsettled by these events and have been unable to ground myself."
Male Human 3rd Paladin |HP 25/25|AC 15|CMD 16|Fort +7|R: +4|W: +4|Init: +0|Perc: -2|
"Ithriel, perhaps you and I should see to it that the dead are properly buried," Endrian says with a somber look upon his face. Endrian begins searching the wreckage for the bodies of the dead and making a line. As he comes across Keddemas, he turns the man over before hoisting him onto his shoulders and placing him in the line. He searches around for some cloths to cover the bodies of the deceased to grant them some respect in death. He then begins to assist in digging graves for the deceased.
Male Human 3rd Paladin |HP 25/25|AC 15|CMD 16|Fort +7|R: +4|W: +4|Init: +0|Perc: -2|
"Friends, the best way out of this situation isn't through anger. We must show some semblance of our station." Endrian looks at Tim and says "Surely Tim, this isn't as bad as it could be. I mean, we live do we not? Other matters can wait until we have fully salvaged the craft for both survivors and supplies."
Male Human 3rd Paladin |HP 25/25|AC 15|CMD 16|Fort +7|R: +4|W: +4|Init: +0|Perc: -2|
Endrian does not leave Leylyn's side after finding her. He glances over to Ithriel He knows something beyond what I can, I must be there for her As he looks back to his side, he panics, Leylyn was gone! Again Endrian! He goes looking for her, knowing she can't of gone far. Eventually he finds her talking with Tim, Baster and Koldir. Leylyn wrote: "All that leaves now is Scary... Oh, I'm sure he's fine. He will surely pop up at the most inappropriate time as usual." He breathes a sigh of relief and moves over to the injured dwarf. He raises his hand over Koldir's head, "May Eveldine's grace heal you, friend." He then looks at each of his comrades "Any signs of the other crew members?"
Male Human 3rd Paladin |HP 25/25|AC 15|CMD 16|Fort +7|R: +4|W: +4|Init: +0|Perc: -2|
As he pulls Ithriel's limp form out of the debris with Baster, the elf's eyes suddenly open and he clutches at Endrian's arm. Ithriel wrote: "Do not leave her, my young friend, she needs you more than either of you know." Time seems to stop for Endrian Leylyn! For a split second, it seems as though Endrian was going to let go of Ithriel. Snapping back into the moment, he quickly helps the battered elf out of the wreckage. He lays his hand on some of the elf's more severe wounds "Eveldine's grace be with you." Lay on Hands: 1d6 ⇒ 3 All of Ithriel's wounds appear to close, but Endrian knows that there is more damage than what he was able to heal. He then rushes off in the direction he heard Leylyn's voice coming from, calling out "Leylyn!? Leylyn are you ok!?"