
Eindridi's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 99 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 23 Organized Play characters.


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If you are allowed 3PP then I'd have a look at the Hishoken racial paragon class for Tengus from Rite Publishing.

As you level up you become the most Tengu who every Tengued.

Dark Archive 2/5

waltero wrote:
Vanity boons would be fun.

Sadly if they use the (imho terrible) Boon Slotting system from SFS then you're limiting what vanities can be used concurrently.

No more could you have a noble title, a manor house, a seneschal & a merchant caravan all at the same time (as one of my characters does).

Of course you could make them slotless, but then if you have to make lots of things slotless for them so be able to compare well with PFS1, what is the point of slottable boons?

Dark Archive

Ectar wrote:

And more generally, what kinds of abilities can you mash together?

Can a stunning fist also be a perfect strike, while also being a punishing kick?

Can my stunning, punishing, perfect fistkickstrike also target the foe's flat-footed AC via the Spin Kick style strike?

Where does the madness end?

'Stunning Fist' and 'Punishing Kick' are flavour names as there is no restriction what body part the monk uses to attack with. This is opposed to 'Spin Kick' which has to be.

As long as you kick when you stack those abilities together I don't see why they wouldn't work. None of them require specific activations other than the restriction that the Spin Kick has to be as part of a flurry.

It sounds odd but then the attack could also be Power Attacking, Arcane Striking, Judgeing, Baneing Smite.

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Bardarok wrote:
Mage armor gives better TAC, buffing your Dex is good for reflex saves, and heavy armor has some brutal speed and armor check penalties. So heavy armor is an option but not really a better option. Which ultimately I think is good. You can play a heavily armored battle wizard who gets up into the frey and plans to take the fighter archetype to be a battle mage or a more back line wizard. Both seem like good options.

However the thought of me preparing a Mage Armour spell in a level 6+ slot is just crazy. I've so few spells per level now that I simply can't justify using it when I could simply spend money on some armour.

It is even worth a single feat for Fighter Dedication to get the proficiencies.

Dark Archive

GLD wrote:

So I've gone over the book and I feel like this is a pretty glaring issue. Attack bonuses scale up way faster than AC. Your attack bonus is equivalent to your level, for everyone. But AC doesn't seem to go up in any meaningful way outside of runes and proficiency.

Legendary Full plate +5, heavy shield, Legendary Armor Proficiency, 18 Dex gives you an AC of 30. This is, as I understand it, the highest your AC can get (not counting temporary bonuses.) You'd need to be 15th level in order to get Legendary gear.

So a 15th level character, with a +5 legendary weapon, legendary proficiency and strength score of 22, would be swinging with a bonus of +34. And that's without any magic items to boost strength or any other ways to increase attack bonus that I may not have found yet.

So, unless I roll a 1, I will hit a similarly levelled player or NPC character, every single time. And hell, if I use all my actions to attack, I have two all but guaranteed hits and a third that hits on anything about five.

What am I missing here? There is no way that a group of professional game designers didn't notice this? Please tell me I'm just an idiot and missed some crucial bit of information.

Armor Class is a proficiency too so you add your level. The only thing to need to be aware of with AC is how shields interact:

When calculating AC while carrying a shield, apply the lower of your armor proficiency rank or your shield proficiency rank.

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Wave 3 package received and in pristine condition!

Thank you again Steve for your generosity.

Dark Archive

Steve Geddes wrote:

Good luck (especially to those who have put in for each wave and haven't yet won something. I'm not fiddling the numbers but I am rooting for you!)

*crosses fingers extra hard*

Dark Archive

Andrew muscat wrote:


I seem to recall mention of a pathfinder feat similar to intensified spell, but which affects only one selected spell without increasing its level. Can anyone point me in its direction?


What you are probably thinking about is the usage of the traits 'Magical Lineage' and 'Wayang Spellhunter'.

They both have the ability: Pick one spell when you choose this trait. When you apply metamagic feats to this spell that add at least 1 level to the spell, treat its actual level as 1 lower for determining the spell’s final adjusted level.

So the classic build Magus applies Magical Lineage to his Shocking Grasps and then can prepare Intensified Shocking Grasps as a level 1 spell.

Dark Archive

Michael Dupler wrote:

I want to play a Dhampir bard and I am looking for a fig that looks like the Crow from the movies.

anyone got a recommendation?


THIS might be suitable. I've used him myself for a Chelaxian Gunslinger/Inquisitor of a nice blood red coat of course.

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Steve Geddes wrote:

Ah, cheers. Can’t believe I didn’t think to look at spells. Somehow I missed it in the tactical rules section.


Not a problem :)

Some of the revelations actually state it more clearly:

Sunbolt (Su) [Photon mode]

As a standard action, you can fire a bolt of concentrated Solar energy at one target within long range (400 feet + 40 feet per solarian level you have) as a ranged attack targeting the foe’s EAC.

For whatever reason Ray of Light doesn't.

Dark Archive

Steve Geddes wrote:

It says “ any space you can see within long range.”

But I can’t find a general definition of long range.

I read it as 'Long Range' as per the spell descriptors:


The spell reaches as far as 400 feet + 40 feet per caster level.

Dark Archive

An Asmodean Advocate Cleric can get pretty silly.

You can max Wis as a Cleric and use Profession (barrister) skill for Bluff and Diplomacy checks. You also get 1/2 your level as an insight bonus to this too.

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Rite Publishing do a selection of Racial Paragon classes which are 1-20 level progressions which increase as a class would but instead of 'class features' they unlock 'racial features'.

The ones I am aware of are:

Draconic Exemplar

Jotun Paragon

Rakshasa Paragon

Hishoken (Tengu)

Dark Archive

slade867 wrote:

I'd like a phone. Just a way for 2 characters to instantly contact each other and speak no matter distance. In a world with people who turn into dragons and the ability to see anyone, anywhere, I feel like this should be possible. Is it?

Bonus points if it's in the form of something that anyone can use, i.e. two Fighters could use it to talk to each other.

Custom Wondrous Item based on the Sending spell.

You'd need to use it in 25 word increments, one of which would, of course, have to be 'Over'.

Dark Archive

Use the Worf Effect.

Dark Archive 2/5

Or do what I did and spend 400 creds on replacement prosthetic limbs for my arms and legs for background reasons and then wonder where all my money went.

Dark Archive

MrCharisma wrote:
I wanted the Staff Magus and Kensai archetypes to stack so I could pose as an unarmoured wizard holding a staff. When someone tries to beat the wizard in melee he busts out some sweet magus moves.

Black Blade and Staff Magus for me.

Dark Archive 2/5

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Shifty wrote:

I'll be honest - the amount of 2.0 Playtest content I run at cons and public events is directly tied to the table credit/chronicle question.

If running Starfinder counts as table credits towards my Novas and required table count per annum, but 2.0 playtest doesn't count towards anything, then I'm pretty heavily incentivised to not spend the entirety of a con running something that will leave me at a disadvantage. I suspect my VA's have the same reservations.

I ran the preview 2.0 playtest at UK Games Expo this last weekend. I ran somewhere in the region of 20+ tables over the 3 days, none of which I am going to get recognised for in any Rune/Star/Nova sense.

Whilst of course it would be nice to have a digital cookie to acknowledge this time spent, for those who are aware of me as a GM it isn't the volume of games I run that I am remembered of but the quality of my games, including, but not limited to, the depth of characterisation and development of my NPCs. I do love my silly voices.

Dark Archive

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Yqatuba wrote:
In Bestiary 4 it says that they are "always chaotic and usually evil" Now some are CN but could there be a CG one somewhere?

Desna is what some of us like to call 'The Great Nice One'.

Dark Archive

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Threeshades wrote:

I've played plenty of games with goblins, kobolds, orcs, and a few even wierder things in the party. They work. Yes they generally get into trouble if they don't watch themselves in a majority human town, but that's will only disrupt play if either the player or the GM makes it disrupt play.

I think a big reason why goblins are becoming a player race is because they are an iconic part of Pathfinder's identity and make the roster stand out and differentiate itself from the roots it came from.

However with them as monster races then any PC examples of these become the exception to the rule. Making Goblin a Core player race fundamentally changes the assumption of how the race interacts with others.

Dark Archive

Rysky wrote:
Eindridi wrote:
NPC: "Hmmmm...There sure are a lot of lone wolf renegades trying to fight against their upbringing."
The Iconic Goblin is an Alchemist that is literally making bombs that go boom.

And yet I'm pretty sure he isn't also a dog killing, baby eating, Neutral Evil psychopath.

Dark Archive

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Goblin Player Characters is pandering of the worst kind. Unless you are fundementally changing world canon they just aren't suitable.It is the whole emo drow all over again.

NPC: "Hmmmm...There sure are a lot of lone wolf renegades trying to fight against their upbringing."

Dark Archive 2/5

BretI wrote:

So given the no PvP rules of SFS, how should the Arc critical (such as from the Static Arc Pistol, a Level 2 Item) work?

Starfinder CRB, pg. 182 wrote:


The attack's energy leaps to a second creature. This secondary target must be within 10 feet of your original target and must be the creature closest to the original target (you choose if multiple creatures are equidistant). Roll the amount of damage listed in the weapon's arc—the secondary target takes this damage (not multiplied by the critical hit), of whatever type the weapon deals.

If the other players are all surrounding a target, are you still allowed to fire on it even through you might crit? Does the special of the crit just not activate if it would have hit a player’s character?

As a player, I’ve started putting the Ominous fusion on the static arc pistol so I can substitute a different critical effect. I usually play at least one session without it though because of the additional cost.

We had a look at the mechanical effect in this thread.

As I see it the no PVP rule does not preclude you using an arc weapon against an enemy, regardless of ally positioning.

Should you critical an enemy (A) and there is both another enemy (B) and an ally within the 10ft of the critted enemy, you would, of course, direct the crit to the secondary enemy (B).

However, if there was ONLY the ally adjacent to the enemy (A) then sadly the ally would be the one taking the arc. In this case, you as a player did not choose a secondary target, the weapon simply discharged into the only available option.

Now I say this as someone who plays a melee Solarian and has been on the receiving end of over half a dozen Arc crits. If you want to be good to us melee Solarians (Gods know, we need it) then either put a fusion on your weapon to give you another critical option or instead stay away from Arc weapons.

Arc weapons. Just say no. - brought to you by the Society for the Abolition of Solarian Strife (S.A.S.S.)

Dark Archive

Cainus wrote:

If you score a critical with a weapon with the Arc critical, do you have to use it?

The text says you can choose who the weapon arcs to, but what if there's only PC's nearby? Can you waive off the crit?

Because the people in my party are getting tired of taking damage from my good rolls.

I'd like to know too, for as the melee Solarian, I'm the one who keeps getting hit!

Dark Archive

Otyughs are by far my favourite but I have had a couple of very memorable encounters with my players using Chokers.

Dark Archive 2/5

I reckon I'll be votin' for Tamrin, an' before you say anyfin it isn't coz he's a Halflin' like me. As much as I've enjoyed them parties Zarta throws, havin' someone who has worked the other side isn't a bad idea.
Plus if he starts playin silly buggers I can just Teleport him into the Sun or summat.

Knight Captain Sir Hobb Tosscobble,
Venture Captain of the Pathfinder Society

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Mark Moreland wrote:
I finally get to cross off the "play a character from Masters of the Universe" item from my bucket list!

Fisto/Teela/Trap Jaw hybrid ahoy!

Dark Archive

steven lawson wrote:
HWalsh wrote:

Though it would have been interesting if Charisma controlled Solar Weapon instead of Strength.

That would mean a Solar Weapon Solarian would only need Charisma and Dex, leaving them able to boost Charisma, Dex, Con, and Wis at every level.

Just like every other class in the game, and that solves your reflex save "problem" and makes it apparent that they are a Charisma class, and the increase in that with Senderal Influence means they compete equally with Envoys on Charisma Skills so no more complaint that you don't get to sit in the captains seat when flying a ship.

Except that unlike the skill bonuses that are inbuilt in the other classes, Sidereal Influences TURNS OFF when in combat. So feel free to sit in the Captain's chair but when things start to get interesting say goodbye to your 1d6.

Dark Archive 2/5

IfritSlasher wrote:
It's can be awesome, but really difficult for a melee guy out there. Stay safe, my fellow frontliners.

Amen brother.

I played 1-01, 1-02 and 1-03 this weekend as a melee Solarian.

Meeting Ziggy.
Having to explain to the rest of the party that me looking for an young apprentice to train did not mean driving round slum districts asking for children to get in my van.
Realising that if everyone throws themselves to the ground prone in a firefight, they're going to be sad when the melee character wanders up.

Being unconscious most of the time.
Realising that everyone was better at me at everything as they had twice the skill points and attribute points that helped those skills.

Dark Archive

baggageboy wrote:
I know that this has been widely assumed to be one of the advantages of the solar weapon as opposed to a standard one... if a solar weapon CAN be disarmed it is at best a very common misconception/misinterpretation of the text.

I don't think that we can say it has been a 'misconception/misinterpretation of the text'. It flat out says it can't be disarmed. Even squinting at it from afar in the half light I don't see how anyone could read it any other way.

Dark Archive 2/5

Graham Wilson wrote:
Sandra Wilkinson wrote:

If they are going for a cantina feel, it would be nice to see race boons that players can access.

That said....bring on the Catfolk

First we need green rabbit people.....*prays someone gets the reference*

And now I have the song from the opening credits stuck in my head.

Dark Archive

Ithnaar wrote:
Brew Bird wrote:

I'm not arguing that morale bonuses aren't "effects", but a morale bonus does not target things by type.

I see what you mean : Unless the spell, ability or weapon specifically mentions having an effect on a Humanoid or Construct, it doesn't matter.

So the android would be affected by:

"Mystic Cure" (target: one living creature)
"Hold Person" (target: one humanoid creature) [humanoid is worse than construct]
A Construct Bane weapon [construct is worse than humanoid]

But would not be affected by:

"Rapid Repair" (target: one construct or weapon) [humanoid is worse than construct]

Makes sense !

However Raise Dead won't work as it specifically states it doesn't work on constructs. This is in direct opposition to Owen Stephen's comment here #97

When should we pay attention to the restrictions?

Dark Archive

A proper Shifter?! Woooooot! This is what I was hoping for from the Mooncursed Barbarian which sadly, whilst incredibly cool, was just a terrible option for several reason.

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Rennaivx wrote:

Playing around with an online anagrammer, I found the following possibilities:

  • Ambrosia Dole
  • Dalio Ambrose
  • Marabis Doole
  • Marse Diabolo
  • Biramose O'dal
  • and probably many, many more!

I linked it so you can play around with it too if you like. :)

And if none of those are suitable then I am sure that Bardy McBardface would be fine ;)

Dark Archive 2/5

Dorothy Lindman wrote:
MisterSlanky wrote:
Ghostbane dirge does not have a miss chance (though there is a save). I don't believe it allows criticals and sneak attack to function as it "coalesces into a semi-physical form" and still only takes half damage from non-magical weapons. Is there a FAQ stating otherwise?
We looked this one up. Please reference where Ghostbane Dirge does not have the 50% miss chance. The incorporeal type gives a 50% on all spells, so it should have the same penalty as anything. I'll try to dig out the rules route we followed.

The target for Ghostbane Dirge is "one incorporeal creature": to me, that indicates that it should effect incorporeal subtypes.

I see how you might read it like that but the description of the target within the spell description should in no way invalidate existing type/subtype effects or other restrictions.

For example, the target for the spell Suggestion is 'one living creature'.

The language dependent requirement does not cease to exist because the target is indeed 'one living creature'.

Dark Archive

rectulo_Fr wrote:

Yes, you are right. It is in the advanced race guide !

But what about critical ?

If a weapon critical lists just x2 or x3 etc then the threat range is just 20.

Dark Archive

There is the Dawnflower Sash which takes the Head OR Belt slot.

Dark Archive

powerdemon wrote:

I have a paladin character that will be taking the Monstrous Mount feat to get a griffon.

Is there any way to get him to be able to take mythic feats? I'd really like to give him Mythic Death From Above.

Thank you for any assistance.

Rather than Monstrous mount you could instead take Leadership which would allow you to recruit a monstrous mount as per Knights of the Inner Sea.

"Some knights garner the aid of particularly powerful, intelligent, or magical creatures to serve as their mounts.

A character must have the Leadership feat in order to enlist such a steed. The following entries note some of the most common monstrous steeds and where the stats for each can be found, as well as the creature's effective cohort level for the purpose of determining a character's requisite Leadership score and character level in order to enlist the aid of the creature. More unusual creatures may serve as a knight's mount at the GM's discretion."

You could then take Mythic Leadership which would make your cohort (or mount in this case) mythic:

"The cohort you gain from the Leadership feat is a mythic character with a mythic tier equal to 1/2 your own mythic tier."

Dark Archive

A high level caster can wander in, cast a few Heightened Greater Contagion spells and then wander off.

If they were a high level Mythic character then Contagion can effect everyone in a 1 mile radius!

Dark Archive

Michael Le wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

As for the rogue's bleeding attack, I'd say that you COULD use it with all weapons. Internal bleeding is just as bad (if not worse) than external bleeding, after all—that's what bruising is, in any event. Bleed damage is lethal, so it makes no sense that you could inflict bleed damage with a nonlethal attack. So, any effect that causes lethal damage that sneak attack can apply that damage to should cause bleed (including touch and ranged touch damaging spell effects).

Super necro!

We've long settled that bleed damage is lethal and it's never been different. But the (newish) Hamatulatsu Master from Inner Sea Combat has the ability to do bleed damage that is nonlethal.

Does this change whether bleed damage from non-Hamatulatsu Masters can be nonlethal or not?

Now that non-lethal bleed is explicitly stated as something that exists, and described as just that, not in some fantastical terms, then it opens up it for others as far as I'm concerned.

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I was told a story recently by a friend of where his brother was playing a paladin where there was a similar 'goblin babies' situation.

The party were about to enter into a discussion about the moral implications when the paladin cried 'EVIL FROM BIRTH!' and charged.

Cue shock and hilarity from all.

Dark Archive

Umbranus wrote:

You can start as large (aasimars and tiefling can be of non-human heritage and then have the size the parent race has). Then you can add enlarge and I think that's it because of the following rule from the polymorph subschool:

** spoiler omitted **
So even if you combine a size increasing polymorph spell with enlarge person the size increase would not stack.

The only chance would be if there was a non personal polymorph spell that increased your size by more than one step.

TL;DR If you start medium: large is the limit and if you start large huge is the limit.

However Aasimar and tieflings are native Outsiders so Enlarge person doesn't work.

You'd have to fanangle something.

Dark Archive 2/5

If the Cyberplasm manages to use its 'Deconstruct' ability on a dead Pathfinder then it turns them into a 'Hungry Flesh' creature, which is an Ooze.

If the party then kill the Ooze do we think that we need a Resurrection or a True Resurrection spell to bring them back?

I initially assumed Resurrection but the fact that they are becoming not only a different creature, but ALSO a different creature type, not even just a different subtype, gives me reason to ask.


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Have them put on the play 'The King in Yellow'.

Let shenanigans commence.

Dark Archive

Well done both of you! Richly deserved.

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FuelDrop wrote:

The stars are right.

R’lyeh rises from the deep, the herald returns, Cthulhu stirs from his eternal slumber. Flee from the madness to come.

Ia! Ia! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.

Dark Archive 2/5

Dread Knight wrote:
Still need a boon to unlock the race but if you get the boon you could use the archetype.

Sadly although you might be able to play a Fetchling if you had a boon, you still can't play the Shadow Caller archetype.

In Additional Resources it states:

Fetchling: all alternate racial traits, favored class options, archetypes except shadow caller, evolutions, equipment, feats, magic items, and spells are legal for play.

Dark Archive

Painlord wrote:
Commissar Kip wrote:

I just received this from the account "Caprain Greg"

"I am Captain Greg Schneider, American soldier I will be glad if you if you can add me.
Capt. Greg Schneider"

Me too. Got a similar message.


As did I.

Dark Archive

brad2411 wrote:
Eindridi wrote:
Don't forget Nyarlathotep in his form as The Black Pharaoh!
He is a great old one not specifically a god of Osirion.

*I* know that :)

However with a Portfolio of 'Conspiracies, Dangerous secrets & Forbidden magic' I'm sure there are plenty of Ancient Osirion cultists!

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Don't forget Nyarlathotep in his form as The Black Pharaoh!