
Eindridi's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 99 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 23 Organized Play characters.

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Bardarok wrote:
Mage armor gives better TAC, buffing your Dex is good for reflex saves, and heavy armor has some brutal speed and armor check penalties. So heavy armor is an option but not really a better option. Which ultimately I think is good. You can play a heavily armored battle wizard who gets up into the frey and plans to take the fighter archetype to be a battle mage or a more back line wizard. Both seem like good options.

However the thought of me preparing a Mage Armour spell in a level 6+ slot is just crazy. I've so few spells per level now that I simply can't justify using it when I could simply spend money on some armour.

It is even worth a single feat for Fighter Dedication to get the proficiencies.

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Wave 3 package received and in pristine condition!

Thank you again Steve for your generosity.

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Steve Geddes wrote:

Ah, cheers. Can’t believe I didn’t think to look at spells. Somehow I missed it in the tactical rules section.


Not a problem :)

Some of the revelations actually state it more clearly:

Sunbolt (Su) [Photon mode]

As a standard action, you can fire a bolt of concentrated Solar energy at one target within long range (400 feet + 40 feet per solarian level you have) as a ranged attack targeting the foe’s EAC.

For whatever reason Ray of Light doesn't.

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Rite Publishing do a selection of Racial Paragon classes which are 1-20 level progressions which increase as a class would but instead of 'class features' they unlock 'racial features'.

The ones I am aware of are:

Draconic Exemplar

Jotun Paragon

Rakshasa Paragon

Hishoken (Tengu)

Dark Archive 2/5

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Shifty wrote:

I'll be honest - the amount of 2.0 Playtest content I run at cons and public events is directly tied to the table credit/chronicle question.

If running Starfinder counts as table credits towards my Novas and required table count per annum, but 2.0 playtest doesn't count towards anything, then I'm pretty heavily incentivised to not spend the entirety of a con running something that will leave me at a disadvantage. I suspect my VA's have the same reservations.

I ran the preview 2.0 playtest at UK Games Expo this last weekend. I ran somewhere in the region of 20+ tables over the 3 days, none of which I am going to get recognised for in any Rune/Star/Nova sense.

Whilst of course it would be nice to have a digital cookie to acknowledge this time spent, for those who are aware of me as a GM it isn't the volume of games I run that I am remembered of but the quality of my games, including, but not limited to, the depth of characterisation and development of my NPCs. I do love my silly voices.

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Yqatuba wrote:
In Bestiary 4 it says that they are "always chaotic and usually evil" Now some are CN but could there be a CG one somewhere?

Desna is what some of us like to call 'The Great Nice One'.

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Threeshades wrote:

I've played plenty of games with goblins, kobolds, orcs, and a few even wierder things in the party. They work. Yes they generally get into trouble if they don't watch themselves in a majority human town, but that's will only disrupt play if either the player or the GM makes it disrupt play.

I think a big reason why goblins are becoming a player race is because they are an iconic part of Pathfinder's identity and make the roster stand out and differentiate itself from the roots it came from.

However with them as monster races then any PC examples of these become the exception to the rule. Making Goblin a Core player race fundamentally changes the assumption of how the race interacts with others.

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Goblin Player Characters is pandering of the worst kind. Unless you are fundementally changing world canon they just aren't suitable.It is the whole emo drow all over again.

NPC: "Hmmmm...There sure are a lot of lone wolf renegades trying to fight against their upbringing."

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Mark Moreland wrote:
I finally get to cross off the "play a character from Masters of the Universe" item from my bucket list!

Fisto/Teela/Trap Jaw hybrid ahoy!

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Rennaivx wrote:

Playing around with an online anagrammer, I found the following possibilities:

  • Ambrosia Dole
  • Dalio Ambrose
  • Marabis Doole
  • Marse Diabolo
  • Biramose O'dal
  • and probably many, many more!

I linked it so you can play around with it too if you like. :)

And if none of those are suitable then I am sure that Bardy McBardface would be fine ;)

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I was told a story recently by a friend of where his brother was playing a paladin where there was a similar 'goblin babies' situation.

The party were about to enter into a discussion about the moral implications when the paladin cried 'EVIL FROM BIRTH!' and charged.

Cue shock and hilarity from all.

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Have them put on the play 'The King in Yellow'.

Let shenanigans commence.

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FuelDrop wrote:

The stars are right.

R’lyeh rises from the deep, the herald returns, Cthulhu stirs from his eternal slumber. Flee from the madness to come.

Ia! Ia! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.

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Don't forget Nyarlathotep in his form as The Black Pharaoh!

Dark Archive 2/5

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With this specific example I'd say that the Caster starts to cast the spell but doesn't feel that the spell 'latches on' at all ie. he does not have a valid casting target with it being an inanimate object and not a person.

He is aware that the spell has 'failed' although he was unable to target it in the first place.

Dark Archive 2/5

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Well done Dave!

By the way, you can pay me that fiver for favourable review later ;)

Dark Archive 2/5

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The Trade Prince and Pasha Raheem Bahadur Ebrahimi of the Snowmask Clan (Magus 12)has now been elevated to the rank of Seeker to the delight of the Qadiran faction.

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It is nice to see that the Qadiran faction at PaizoCon UK made a difference.

I was the Trade Prince and after chats with the various members of the faction, we all stood behind a single candidate...and there were a lot of us.

The Chelaxians owe us :D

Though money is preferable to invites to that blasted woman's parties.

It costs a lot to replace clothes as you can never get the stains out.

Dark Archive 2/5

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David Harrison wrote:
I'm quite sure there are a few more names to be added to that list. So, Eyes of the Ten at Conception 2013?


By then I think you'll probably have enough people to run 2 tables all the way through.

You weren't wanting to run anything else were you? ;)

Dark Archive

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My level 2 PFS Human Magus is currently running around thusly:

STR 9, DEX 18, CON 12, INT 17, WIS 10 CHA 7

(20 point buy stings)

He has a mithral shirt so he isn't encumbered, and wields his Heirloom Scimitar. Level 1 and 2 have been a little hairy as his ToHit is currently +2 (+1BAB, -1STR, +1Heirloom Weapon Trait, +1MW).
I can get it to a mighty +3 when I trigger my Arcane Pool. Also I'm doing 1d6-1 damage (1d6 using Arcane Pool).
w00p I'm a combat monster.

Things are going to get A LOT easier at level 3 as I'm suddenly on a base ToHit of +8 (+2BAB, +4DEX, +1HWT, +1MW) and doing 1d6+4 damage.

I'm waiting for this epiphany of 'oh, so that's how I do it', after barely hitting things for a while. Needless to say there have been a lot of cantrips cast so I was doing something. And if nothing else, I've been a potential target to draw attacks to. If I go total defensive with Shield up then my AC is 26. Nothing to be sneezed at. I've effectively been dancing on the spot crying 'stop trying to hit me and hit me'.

Despite struggling for combat presence for two levels he has been a lot of fun to play as I'm having to come up with other ways to contribute to the party eg. Boogie Wonderland Tanking.