Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() 1) Are robots a valid target? If yes, then,
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Belafon wrote: You can raise a new army unit as an Improvement Edict (Table 4-4 on page 209, footnote 1). Well, that tells me where in the kingdom phase it happens, so thanks for that. Still doesn't say how much it costs, or how long it takes, to train a new unit. Or if the consumption cost of a mercenary unit equals its hiring cost. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Can't believe I didn't notice this before, but the spell Transport Passengers from the COM has a target of a vehicle or a Tiny starship. However, the text of the spell states that it can only be used on a target that can carry more than one passenger. Guess what? There are no Tiny starships that can carry more than one passenger. A Fighter frame has the possibility of carrying exactly one passenger. There are also no Tiny starships with expansion bays. (In case anyone thinks to mention it, a starship must be at least of Small size to equip an external expansion bay.) Given the above, is the spell Transport Passengers supposed to:
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() So I'm pretty sure I must be missing something. I can find the rules for how many BP it takes a kingdom to support an army per week (or per month if they reserves), and the rules for costs for additional resources like magic weapons, but I can not seem to find rules for how much it costs to initially train and equip an army. Am I blind, or do the rules really expect that there will always be an army available to hire on a moments notice? PS: Are there any rules on armies gaining experience and levels via combat? ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Does anyone know where official maps of these can be found? All the maps I've found on my own via google have been wildly inconsistent, and don't site a source (leading me to think many of them are labors of love by fans, rather than official material). Any help on this is appreciated. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Does anyone know where official maps of these can be found? All the maps I've found on my own via google have been wildly inconsistent, and don't site a source (leading me to think many of them are labors of love by fans, rather than official material). Any help on this is appreciated. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Does anyone know where official maps of these can be found? All the maps I've found on my own via google have been wildly inconsistent, and don't site a source (leading me to think many of them are labors of love by fans, rather than official material). Any help on this is appreciated. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() So the main point of this question came up when I was discussing with my friend things that affect someone’s overall leadership score. Obviously, no character should be allowed to get two totals for minions and cohorts, yet each persona could have different modifiers for things like fame, treatment, etc. Therefore, would it make more sense to have the base score, use that for both personas, and then apply situational modifiers separately, or to apply the feat to only one persona? In the case of the feat being applied to one persona, would it make sense to allow the character to take Leadership or similar feats more than once total, one for each persona? These questions are especially pertinent to someone like a vigilante with a class feature that innately grants a dual life nature. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() So my housemate got his copy of Clockwork Demons in, and in the player options in the back, on a weapons table, is the Collapsible Battle Ladder. We are very intrigued. Under the Special column for the weapon are the Analog property, and the words "see description." Sadly, there is no description of this weapon anywhere in the book. Will there be an errata or FAQ on this? ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() JonDemand wrote:
Left click on image in pdf. Right click on now highlighted image. Select copy. After creating a separate image file, you now have importable maps and NPC tokens. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() So the wording of Toilsome Chant seems to imply that the bard could start the Inspire Competence performance, cast the spell with it, and then end the performance, with the target of the spell gaining the bonus to the check they are looking to make a few hours later (doing research or the like), while only a single round of performance being expended by the bard. Would this be correct? Is there somewhere this is clarified? ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() I know I'm engaging in thread necromancy, but in case someone winds up here while trying to find the answer to this same question, like I did, here it is; Scoundrel's Finesse allows anyone to treat unarmed strikes, glove like weapons, and whip like weapons as if they had the operative quality. However, while trick attacks can be made, and status effects applied by that means, trick attack damage can't be dealt this way. It is worth noting that this feat is not SFS legal, and it is not classified as a combat feat, so a Soldier (like a Aesthetic Warrior Qi Adept) can't take it as a bonus feat. Death Strike is an Operative exploit that allows an Operative to make their unarmed strikes operative weapons, and properly make trick attacks with them. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Driftbourne wrote: Would shapeshifing for an astrazoan include basic clothing as well? So the Gold Standard for gear for shapeshifters, whether they be astrozoans, or those who play with polymorph extensively, is the Light Experimental Neural Interface Suit from The Penumbra Protocol (Signal of Screams part 2). You won't find it in the AoN because the AP version of the suits comes with some upgrades already installed that are tailored for the needs of the plot. However, it is well worth wearing even after you've reached higher tiers due to the fact that it will match whatever form you find yourself in. Easier access, and available from a much lower level, is the Operative's Armor Optimizer exploit, which can be grabbed with a two level dip, which is low enough to be manageable, if still painful if your build goes a different direction. Unfortunately, the rules don't say how long it takes to adjust your armor. Our table adjudication was that the character has built in a number of discreet fasteners and adjusting straps into ous armor (+200C in cost), allowing the exploit to be used in a minute to prep for shifting to another form. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Hey. Crazy idea I just had. What is Hasbro's main area? Toy production. What do they produce most of those toys under? License. How about we start looking up all the companies that license them to make toys, and ask them to threaten to do them as they plan to do to others, should they get it to stick. After all, that is what the business sector has to worry about if this precedent is allowed to stand. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() The Nightgaunt wrote: Now here's the fun question. Multiple lawsuits or a big class-action? Why stop there? I'm in the process of drafting a form letter for people to send to their applicable law maker. If enough US gamers can get the attention of congress, we could potentially get a congressional investigation on the basis of enforcement of contract law and anti-monopoly laws. I'm not even close to a lawyer, just an angry nerd, so if one of you guys beat me to putting together a legal letter to bombard congress critters with, or put together a better one than mine after I finish, I'll get on every Discord forum, FB page, etc. that I can and push it. Keep in mind, the implication of this as a precedent for contract law and licensing agreements is huge, and affects huge swaths of western business. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Temperans wrote: Did you not read my post? I did read your post. I also read the full description of the class ability Disciple of Pain, and also all the other class abilities. For the purpose of this discussion, please note Masochism in particular, which allows a character the option of applying 2 points of lethal damage to themselves for attack and damage bonuses. Disciple of Pain does not have any wording like that, and therefore it does not do any damage to the character using it, by RAW. Did you not read my original post? Did you not see how I specifically called out the fact that the ability does not state that it does damage to a character using it? You need to keep in mind that if you and your GM adjudicate this ability to deal damage, that is a house rule, and not a rule supplied by the class or the ability. This is specifically why I called out the fact that Disciple of Pain not dealing any form of damage in the description of the ability as being strange. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Temperans wrote: Note that you do take damage from Disciple of Pain. RAW, the only damage Disciple of Pain does is to your wallet when you change which daily routine you are using. Unless you're looking at a source outside of the AoN that does include damage. If you are, please share the amount of damage done. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() As part of building a BBEG, I'm looking at the Pain Taster PrC, and I've noticed a problem. The Pain Mastery ability at level 5 states that the Pain Taster can use two of the routines from Masochism at the cost of accepting the damage for both of them.
About 15 minutes with Google has turned up no FAQs on the class, and there isn't an Errata document for the Occult Adventures book that the class is from, so is there an answer out there to this, or should I be hitting the FAQ button on this? If the latter is the case, what would seem like a reasonable house ruling for people in the interim? The following options are what have occurred to me so far:
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Nearyn wrote:
Engaging in some thread necromancy to point out that if you are pulling in one of these things, making a wondrous item imbued with Righteous Might should be quite achievable. That spell is not bound by creature type. Also, the Contract Devil deserves special note on this list, given the infernal slave option for its internal contracts ability. Since that allows you to gain the service of a devil so long as you live, with a CR less than or equal to the character level of the person making the bargain, this allows for some truly powerful hench-beings. The especially ironic twist to this is that lawful evil characters typically have the easiest time arranging these contracts. Guess where their soul is likely going when they inevitably die? Now we look at the ways to escape this fate. What’s this? If someone else agrees, and the Contract Devil approves it, their soul can be on the hook instead, and we still get to keep the devil? Woot! Which, yes, a Contract Devil would jump at the chance to nab a good soul this way, given that the caster’s soul is most likely going to end up in hell eventually anyhow. Just make sure you have excellent security on your copy of the scroll, and you take precautions against the forces of good coming after you for your truly vile shenanigans. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Diego Rossi wrote: No, the ability isn't activated when you touch someone. OK, so go track down the base spell for this, which is, ultimately, Charm Person. Now, since you felt the need to share the rules for exactly how SLAs work, go look at your own post. Guess what? Charm spells have a range of Close (25+5/2CLs), rather than a range of touch. Therefore, it is not a touch spell for which you can hold the charge. Therefore, the ability is activated when you touch your target, in accordance with the ability. Hence my comments and questions. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() OK, I’m fully aware of the ability to hold a charge for a touch spell. However, the thing just about everyone that has commented has apparently forgotten is that specific trumps general, and if you had fully. Read. The. Ability. you’d know that this particular ability is triggered when you touch the target. (It’s in the Manipulator sub-school at the bottom of the page) Also, if you’d read the follow on posts I’d made, it would become clear that the thread question should have been how obvious is the use of this ability(is it automatically detected, or should there be a roll?), and whether or not it would be possible to hide its use with Sleight of Hand, or distract from its use with Bluff. Given that particular ability is activated when you touch the intended target, in order for it to do its job, I would have to imagine that it is at least somewhat subtle. My follow on questions are then about where the first check would be required, base. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() First, read the description of the ability. I provided the link to AoN in my previous post. It can't be cast before, it is used as you touch the target. Second, if that is true, we come to the follow on question I already asked; does the person affected remember after the effect has worn off that the Manipulator used magic right before interacting with them? The whole reason I ask is that if the use of this ability is blatantly obvious, it is not able to perform its primary function. Yet that it is completely discrete sounds a bit much. Yet, there is nothing given on whether a bystander or the target can roll Perception to notice (presumably against the save DC of the ability), or if a Sleight of Hand or Bluff check can be made to hide or distract from the use of the ability. I'm of the opinion that some sort of check would be required to notice the use of the ability, and that use of Bluff or Sleight of Hand could make the base check harder. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() OK then, if this can be detected, what's the point of the ability? If someone can tell you are using magic on them when you use this ability, it becomes essentially pointless. Unless this falls under an instance of the later stated special abilities, which, given the description of the ability, is almost what I have to assume. Link to look at the ability yourselves. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Beguiling Touch from the Manipulator sub-school of Enchantment says that it requires touching. Now, since it is a spell-like ability, it is activated mentally, so no incantations, hand waving, etc., so would there be any external indication, other than effects that detect magic/charm, that would give this away, or is it really a matter of shaking someone's hand to say high, and they need to make a Will save to avoid charm? Follow on question: if they make the save, or after they recover from the effect, would they know they've been whammied? ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() So I just recently bought, and am reading through, the Ruins of Azlant AP, and in book 3 there is additional background information on the Azlanti Pantheon. As I was looking over the various deities, and cross checking the domains they offer and their abilities, I was struck by the fact that Ulon has the Memory sub-domain. Given the description of him and his goals, along side the portfolios and domains he has, particularly Knowledge and Trickery, it would seem to me that Espionage would be an extremely obvious choice for a sub-domain, while Memory doesn't seem to fit at all. So, by any random chance, does anyone out there know why he grants the Memory sub-domain rather than Espionage? ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Let us say that we are dealing with something like a stairwell with a wall in the middle. So the spell places lasers in portion with stairs, but not the landing.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() The gloves description clearly states that they only convert additional damage from crits, class features, and feats, and specially denies extra damage from equipment, so no, sicatite damage would not get converted. However, were you to create a homebrew attachment that added the damage to the crit effect, it would be converted. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() 1) Look at the table. For armor types it can be installed in, the only entry is Powered, meaning that is the only type of armor in which that upgrade can be installed.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Important clarification for A: Xenomorphic Android is not a trait, it is exchanging a number of racial traits for an equal value of alternate traits, with several case examples given. Therefore, it is not a trait that could be taken on its own for any effect. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Um, what is the question here?
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Given the lore that was released in Interstellar Species, this one has me confussalled. They now say that Dragonkin lack sexual morphism, which, given the context of the section, implies they lack sexual organs. This begs the question as to just how they reproduce. I would think that the most logical answer would be that they are like dragons, in that the only difference in sexual development in Dragonkin is the organs for reproduction, which as typical for reptilian type creatures, the organs are hidden except when in use. All other traits are identical between the sexes. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Step one would absolutely be getting to the computer. The range limitations of even remote hack and similar abilities have been discussed, the point that has yet to be brought up that those abilities also require line of effect, and this would, at least in my opinion, require someone trying to hack the mech first manage to get on board... somehow? That would take some pretty impressive stealth rolls, athletics checks or the like, and managing to pop the lock on the door so you can get in. All while it is busy trying to kill you and your party in the given scenario. Get access to the computer with out the pilot noticing and activating counter measures (which you just know it has to have; I mean, you install them in your ship don't you? *silence* Um. Don't you?), and you could very well halt all functions, but getting there, as shown, is quite the challenge. Also, to make any situation where hacking a computer is going to have a major impact on the adventure, I'd recommend using the dynamic hacking rules from Tech Revolution so that more than just the hacking character can be involved, and so that a single dice role doesn't decide the outcome of the campaign. (our table has some expansions on the dynamic hacking rules that help us conceptualize the process, if anyone is interested.) ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() So Shrink Object says that it will shrink an item of up to X volume and up to Y mass. Now, is that X volume X 1 foot cubes, or is a cube X feet on a side? On the one hand, being able to shrink an object with a volume not much larger than that occupied by a typical adult human is decidedly underwhelming for a 6th level spell slot, but on the other hand, being able to affect a cube up to 16 feet on a side seems ludicrous, even for a 6th level spell. (On a totally not related topic, how is Feral Frame power armor size Huge, but only weighs *squints at text* 50 bulk, or 250-500 pounds (~113.5-227kg for you sensible folks out there)) ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() I am going to disagree. Let us consider the case of an individual who, for reasons, got another class to level 7 and took the Leadership feat, then multi-classed into Daring General and reaches level 6. Would it make any sense at all for the existing cohort and followers to just up and leave if they don’t meet the requirements set forth by Daring General? No it would not. Instead of what others have suggested, I would put forth that a Daring General with the Leadership feat would attract one cohort as normal for the feat, with the second and third following the rules of the archetype.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Metaphysician wrote:
Given the rules for Combat Maneuvers, I find it highly unlikely that there will ever be a class ability that counts as one. That said, if Paizo proves me wrong, they would need to explicitly state that the given ability is/counts as a CM. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Claxon wrote: (in theory, not sure if we have a race with more than 2) Kasathas are one of the base races, and have four arms. Skittermanders are a fairly popular race, and have six arms. Claxon wrote:
There are in fact feats and class options that make it feasible. (I outlined one path above in my previous post. There are many more.) You do have to accept that you are optimizing for that purpose, but what character build isn't optimized for a purpose or theme? ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Wesrolter wrote: The only mistake is how you state how Multi weapon fighting works. It doesn't reduce the penalty by 1, it sets the penalty to -3. So a Solarian with 2 knives with the operative trait doesn't get to make his attacks at -2, since both his Flashing strike and the Multi weapon set the penalty to -3, rather then reduce the penalty. Incorrect. Page 160 of CRB. Also here: https://www.aonsrd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Multi-Weapon%20Fighting Soldiers and Solarians have the Onslaught class ability that allows them to make three attacks at a base -6 modifier. Operative Triple/Quad attack use the normal -4 for all their attacks, base.LRStahl, for what I think you are trying to do, try 7 levels of Soldier (Pistol Dancer) with feat Multi-Weapon Fighting, the Feat Boost Multi-Weapon Strike, and the Gear Boost Laser Accuracy. Then take 13 levels of Operative. (Triple Attack would come at CL 15, Quad at 20, so has optimization problems, but at level 20 you would be making 4 attacks at -2 with small arms or operative weapons, effective -1 if using laser pistols. Note; it is rules debateable that Multi-Weapon Strike, being an Attack Action instead of a full round action, can be used with Trick Attack.) ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() I have yet to see a class ability that grants a new combat maneuver and calls it such. I have seen several that modify the rules for how a combat maneuver may be used. I would be interested to see any class abilities that you, or anyone else, can recall that grant an all new combat maneuver. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() BigNorseWolf wrote: Sometimes people are looking for an answer but they don't phrase the question correctly. If someone asks "How do I pet the porcupine?" The exact answer is "Front to back, and avoid the ends of the quills, they've got scales that are sort of barbed and will stick to your hand no matter what". The right answer is "don't pet the porcupine they're probably going to gnaw off your finger..." Your justification of your comment is unnecessarily aggressive and confrontational. "I was trying to help" would have been sufficient. My general point is still that had you bothered to read the first three posts in full, you would have found that the OP clarified in full what they were looking for, which is what methods of flight work in a vacuum. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Santobon wrote: First question, when can I use a Nanite Surge? That depends entirely on the ability you are spending a Nanite Surge to activate. Santobon wrote: For example let’s say on my turn I use my Cloud Array. After my turn, in the middle of another PC/NPC’s turn. Can I then use a Nanite Surge to grant my Cloud Array Concealment? Or does that only work when it’s been created? "When you form a cloud array, you may use a Nanite Surge to in crease the cloud's density." Second paragraph of the Cloud Array. Santobon wrote: Second question, for Spreading Swarm: Do I factor in Weapon Specialization Damage or just the rolled damage? Minimum weapon damage would indeed include Weapon Specialization damage, if applicable to the weapon used. Santobon wrote:
First, as with your Cloud Array question, the Nanite Surge gets spent when you form your sheath if you want to use this ability. Didn't spend the surge when formed? Better go re-form it. Second, it lasts as long as you maintain the Sheath Array, as per the rules for the Sheath Array.I get the impression you did not fully read the rules for these abilities, but rather scanned them quickly. I would recommend going and reading the rules thoroughly before attempting to use them. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Then there's the fact that DC says that the Drift has been taking chunks out of the Material Plane, when every other source says the Material Plane was the only one not getting bites ripped out of it (part of why the Drift Rock asteroid is so interesting at the start of Dead Suns), the write up on the Azlanti Empire and what's happening to it say that one of the admirals ordered the self-destruct systems triggered when their ships are supposed to have auto-destruct systems, and others. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Xenocrat wrote:
My reading on this was that it provided the same bonus as the first use, so in the middle of combat, one could attempt a social skill check as if you were out of combat for purposes of the target's bonuses to their check to resist.