
Dugald Paladinson's page

6 posts. Alias of STR Ranger.


It was an attempt at corruption.

They said if I killed the girl, they'd let everyone go.


I was born the First son of Varric The Just, Paladin of Imodae. As a child I wanted for nothing and while I loved my family and My Heritage, I did not seek to become a Paladin like my father and grandfather. I had all the right physical qualities and my aptitude with a sword was good. I was devoted to Imodae, but was far more interested in the wars she fought and the glory the conflicts brought.

War... glorious. How wrong I was.

17 was my age when I lost my Parents, my whole life. A group of assassins, led by a necromancer out of Geb came to my home and destroyed my family, my servants, my horses and my life. I could have stopped it. I was given a choice. Kill my 4year old sister and save my family. I went so far as to have the knife at her throat, but could not do it.
Then they took everything.

Imodae visited me after. She told me I had done no wrong. That neither option was an acceptable choice. She was angry with the Gebben assassins, motivated by a past slight by my grandfather. She told me she would help me set it right. All I had to do was give myself to the fight against the dark an realise their is no glory in conflict, only the relief form suffering ended.

That was the day I was chosen. I took 2 oaths that night. I swore myself to Imodae's cause and an OATH OF VENGEANCE. I would start with the Gebben Assassins and the Necromancer. No evil would go unpunished. Evil should be eradicated and while quarter is given, it is not first offered. Creatures beyond redemption will be destroyed. Innocents will be protected.

(OOC- now how is being LG hard to play!!)

As stated earlier,any class that can pass the wuss screening test outlined earlier is welcome among us Martials. They are NOT required, but foolish is the warrior who turns down a capable ally.

We simply prefer our casters with some (figureatively speaking) BALLS!! They certainly have thier uses: Band-aid, Taxi cab, Fixing all the gear AM BARBARIAN constantly breaks. But until you show us you can hold your own in close, you're relegated to the grandstands.

Some of my BEST Friends are Casters- The Arcane Duelist, Dervish Dancer, Magus and Inquisitor are all VERY capable with a sword and so I count them as brothers. The Magus actually has the MOST value to us, since he gets the Majority of Beneficial Arcane Spells we care about: Fly, Teleport, Haste, Enlarge Person, Invisibility, Displacement, GTR Magic Weapon AND he can do it while Fighting.

Makes the Wizard look like a real slacker actually...

Case in Point. I cannot defeat AM BARBARIAN in a fair fight.
He's not evil. So he cannot be smited. Whilst I'd put in a mighty effort if it came to blows (my mount has a flying saddle, and I have mounted skirmisher), good sense says I'd have best chance by attacking his bat

Either way, Witnesses would remember such a contest.

Won't happen though. We're far more likely to take out a Great Wyrm in an epic ariel battle of Good (me) and Crazy (AM BARBARIAN) vs evil.

Atarlost wrote:

1. Biggest (only) nonlethal martial weapon is the sap. 1d6. Add 4 for strength. 20s in starting stats are a sure sign of munchkins. Full attack is one hit. You are starting your party at level one, yes?
Max first hitdie. Add 2 for a reasonable 14 con. Add one for favored class bonus. 1d6+4<9 2/3 of the time. 2/3 arcanists and full divine casters with 14 con have 11 HP and can't fail.

2. So witches are out. That's short sighted since they're more compatible with the relentless encounters the martial mob prefers, but it's your standard. Wizards can bond a ring.

3. I'd estimate that's not more than 14 strength. Bench pressing should be about as hard as doing pull ups and a reasonably in shape adult can do a few of those, though perhaps not 10. Most partial casters and many divine casters are likely to do that. Small characters weigh a lot less and could probably pull it off at 10 strength.

4. Technically any caster can pass this by taking a five foot step to cast.

5. Why all the hate on female casters?

1. Any worshipper of Sarenrae has the trait which let's you use lethal weapons for non-lethal at no penalty. Therefore I will (non-lethal) Greatsword full attack your face. If you are 1. Still Conscious, 2. Are not crying, you pass this one.

2. Dude Witches are out. Hot chick witches bypass this test if they satisfy no 5.

3. You're right that Magai, Inquisitors, Bards and Clerics will be able to do this. We have no problem with them. They wear armor and don't wet themselves when a goblins surround them.

4. Step awaymeans you're a wuss, so you fail. A REAL HERO can take an uppercut and not spill his drink.

5. WE have no hate on female casters. Kyra and Leoni can hang out with me anytime.

Dude casters, must meet all selection criteria, before joining the party (and pay for thier joining keg).
We're confident these tests can only.be good for adventures at large.
We'll no longer need to constantly save their bony a$$ when an enemy gets adjacent, thus we can focus on important warrior stuff, like who can get the biggest kill count.

Those nerdy, weakling, wet their pants types will have to either hit the gym and get their braces off OR stay in school, studying and gaining no XP.

The Boundry is set. We melee classes will no longer tolerate the annoying whining of classes who require CONSTANT protection to survive the smallest tussle, let alone large scale battle.

From now on all martials will be screening any prospective party members before allowing any caster into the party.

The test will be simple. Applicants will be given no prep time.

1. You must be able to take a (non-lethal) full attack to the face, without going unconscious.
2. Any animal friends must at least be medium size furballs of death.
3. You must be able to Bench Press your own Bodyweight (minimum 10 times)
4. You may be a magic user, however you must be able to successfully cast while AM BARBARIAN readies an action to give you 1 uppercut.
5. Any (female) full casters may bypass steps 1-4, IF you:
have an affinity for Men with STR scores higher than thier IQ,
Big Sharp Metal Objects,
are hot,
and are looking for a (usually) faithful partner, nothing too exclusive though.