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******* Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 879 posts (1,601 including aliases). 5 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 43 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

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Very cool to see how some of Golarion’s most famous NPCs know each other and read their stories.

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Stick Around for the End


Great balance of combat and exploration. Lots of interesting lore tidbits and a nice buildup for 9-07, which is another great scenario.

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Very Fun


Excellent implementation of including ties to a past scenario, Occult Adventures content, and faction tie-ins, all in a new scenario that has multiple options for dealing with every encounter. Definitely a top 5 scenario for me, though I had also loved Black Waters.

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Interesting Delve, Brutal Tactics


GM'ed for a group of APL 7 playing up with the 4 player adjustment. The scenario is a delve back into a familiar location with some interesting interactions with familiar and new faces. The party composition really matters, as I've seen that most people easily bypass the first encounter, but my table given 2 chances ended up in a fight that could have gone badly. The second combat has the potential to be very nasty and some unclear monster issues at the high tier. The middle of the scenario is a set of mostly trivial exposition scenes. The final fight has very brutal tactics that could easily result in the permanent loss of a PC, if played to the extent of the BBEGs abilities. That said, he does have a lot of cool abilities that are not often seen to give the players a solid challenge.

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Interesting Story, but Weird Season End


GM'ed Tier 10-11 and ended up having everything stomped by the PCs. The ideas behind the scenario are good, though it would be nice to have some additional Knowledge History or Local information included to remind people of what happened in Ustalav in the past, rather than just Basia's mention. The last combat in particular is fairly trivial for a well equipped team of high level pathfinders, though I can imagine groups that would have significantly more trouble with it. One thing that bothered me though was a lack of information about travel times between locations, as it's not really clear and important for 10 minute or minute per level buffs. Finally, this just didn't seem like an end of season scenario. It would have been reasonable during the season, but didn't seem to have any ties with the happenings in season 6 or where season 7 seems to be going.