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Any word on when AON will have the remastered material available?

Once the Player Core goes on sale, will having the Pathfinder CRB be good enough to play a PFS event or will we have to purchase the Player Core?

Saint Bernard

Can druid use a staff of healing?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any word on when this will be available for retail sale? I want to get a copy so my son can GM it.

Saint Bernard

The Green Faith allows followers of NG, can a Redeemer be a follower of the Green Faith? Or is there a rule that mandates that a Champion worship a deity?


Does the Aeon Stone (Pearly White Spindle) require a boon even though the character had both the funds and level for it?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Please cancel all of my subscriptions.


Just curious why my order is still pending. It should have shipped last week.


The tracking link for this order is not working. I need confirmation it was shipped and an estimate of when it will arrive.


My paladin has both Lay on Hands and Weapon Surge. I believe the character should have 2 focus points. Is this correct?

Since a number of cantrips only take one action to cast, usually verbal, can a bard cast both Inspire Courage and Inspire Defense in a single round? Or since they are using the same action type can only one be cast?

How long does weapon surge last? There is not stated duration so I am assuming it last only one round.

Holding your weapon aloft, you fill it with divine energy. On
your next Strike with that weapon before the start of your
next turn, you gain a +1 status bonus to the attack roll and the
weapon deals an additional die of damage. If the weapon has
a striking rune, this instead increases the number of dice from
the striking rune by 1 (to a maximum of 3 extra weapon dice).
If the target weapon leaves your possession, weapon
surge immediately ends


On what page do I find the information on the second ability flaw?


Between Order 7932718 and 7811919, am I set up to receive the Paizo Advantage? If not, what do I need to do?

I do not want my subscription to the Pathfinder Adventure Path to start with Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Druma, Profit and Prophecy, I wanted it to start with Pathfinder Adventure Path: Hellknight Hill (Age of Ashes 1 of 6). I also want my subscription to the Campaign Settiing to start with Pathfinder Lost Omens World Guide.

Can you fix my order? If not then please cancel it and I will reorder in a month.

I am signing up for the rule book subscription and starting with the PF CRB. Will I also get the Bestiary at the same time or the following month? Do I need to pre-order it in addition to starting the subscription?

Is there a way to subscribe to the Adventure Path line starting with the first issue of Ages of Ashes? Or is the only way to wait the subscription to catch up with start with?

Has there any clues on how item quality will work with potency runes. I have trouble with a legendary quality rapier (+8 to hit from the legendary) and having a potency rune 5 (+5 to hit from the potency rune) having a better chance of hitting inside an anti-magic field. I hope, as I voted in the survey, that item quality determines the to hit modifier and the potency runes determines the number of damage dice.

The evoked needs a power granting an ability similar to versatile evocation. This would go a long way in making an evoked more relative.

Is there a way for a bard to get expert proficiency with a weapon, a rapier in this case, other than taking fighter dedication?

I hope rangers have the option of learning druidic if they are members of the correct faith.

Just looked over the 14 page full sized preview of 101 Urban Spells. This is a must buy for me next payday.

I need some advice on whether an elemental master arcanist can make a good substitute for a fire elemental wizard. I actually prefer the spell casting of the arcanist but love the class feature of the elemental wizard. I would appreciate some suggestion about exploits and feats.


I purchased 1000 Spells as a pre-order years ago and got the Hero Labs file with the PDF. The file no longer works with Hero Labs due to it also being a product from them. Is there a way to fix the problem or do I need to purchase the file for Hero Labs?

Saint Bernard

Can Hero Lab be installed on a Microsoft Surface RT? If not, are there any plans to port to it?


Both characters are built to be PFS legal with the Mythic tier added on. The playtest environment is World's Largest Dungeon, which is the most plain vanilla environment I have. Both characters are using rapiers as weapons and leather armor. The magus is a dual path Champion/Archmage and the bard is a arcane duelist with Champion. Both have selected weapon finesse as their first feat. The bard has taken path ability, mythic spells, and the magus has taken competant caster. Both have taken the fleet charge from the champion strike and the magus has taken mage strike from archmage arcana. The bard selected weapon finess (mythic) as his mythic feat.

The first thing I noticed about the two characters is how resource intensive they were. Each character has three finite pools of resources; spells, arcane pool/bard performance, and mythic power points. My solution was to use spell cards and pull out my Iron Heroes tokens for the two pools each character had. I expect this aspect to be the same for any class with some kind of uses per day pool.

In fighting the goblem, the lack of BAB became apparent. It was not so bad for the bard; 0 BAB but a +3 from weapon finesse. Spell combat with the magus was a lot of flurry of misses. Bardic performance was a necessity in combat. Fleet charge is absolutely awesome for closing the distance to an opponent. With the magus, the fleet charge followed by a spell combat using ray of frost killed a hobgoblin chief in one round. Not having to make the concentration roll due to competent caster made the magus much more effective. Weapon finesse (mythic) allowed the bard to be more effective in any round the magus did not use spell combat.

Conclusions: At L1/T1 the characters did not appear to be significantly more powerful that a L2 character. The biggest difference was more options in combat. The next mythic feat for the bard will be arcane strike (mythic), which I can see will negate any need for bladethrist. Arcane strike (mythic) is just better both for power and versatility. I can't see using the ability to expend a mythic power point for anything other than bane, something neither the bard nor magus can do naturally.

Mythic rules make the characters more complex and probably not a good addition for casual players. Next playtest I will jump the characters to L6/T3.

Is there a college in the Inner Sea region that teaches elementalism instead of or in addition to the traditional schools?

Thanks, Saint Bernard

My order has shipped but I do not have the 1001 Spells PDF in my downloads.


Would it be possible to apply the promotional code, holiday12, to this preorder?

The standard Holy Avenger in the PFCRB is a cold iron sword. I am curious if there is a campaign setting version for Sarenrae. A scimitar based Holy Avenger would be more fitting.


I wanted to post this before the magus playtest ends so it will be considered. I have tested the magus at 3 different levels, 3rd, 13th and 20th. Overall this is a good class with the noted problems with spell strike and spell combat both of which I am sure Jason will fix. Even assuming these would get fixed I felt mildly disappointed in the class which strange since I have been one of many wanting such a blended class. So I sat back and tried to dissect why it wasn’t what I was looking for. During most of OD&D, 1e and 3e I mainly played elven fighter-magic users and Jason very much got the feel for how they played in earlier editions down and even threw in one of the bladesinger tricks with spell combat. I finally realized the magus is not a particularly good tactical class. It shares the strength of the wizard of being a good strategic class in being able to prepare spells but that strength is a weakness for the magus as a melee class it needs tactical flexibility. Comparing the magus to its closest counterparts, the arcane duelist and Dreamscarred’s psychic warrior, both have greater tactical flexibility in spell use. If given the opportunity to play one of these 3 classes I would go psychic warrior, arcane duelist then the magus.
My suggestion is to use the hybrid spell casting of the spirit shaman which prepares a number of spells per day and then can cast those spells spontaneously. Effectively combining the strategic strength of the wizard with the tactical strength of the sorcerer and being unique amoung Pathfinder spell casters without adding a new spell casting mechanism like we would for psionics.


In the process of putting to gather a 13th level Magus for a play test and wanted to be sure of the intent of this ability. As I read it my Magus qualifies for Weapon Specialization at 10th level assumming he took Weapon Focus earlier. If that was not the intent then a bit of clarification would be in order.

BTW, overall this class looks great.


Is there any mountainous rain forest areas with reasonable access to the sea where I could put a coffee plantation? I have looked over the map and nothing really stands out except near the Sodden Lands.

In the process of converting my long running cleric (17th level) I started looking at the knowledge skills. There does not appear to be any mechanical advantage to putting more than 1 rank in each skill and looking at the campaign setting and Gods and Magic any campaign based reason. In 3.5 a cleric would get a synergy bonus to turn undead and in the campaign setting Kingdom of Kalamar a character needed ranks in knowledge religion to advance in their clergy. Am I missing something or is there no reason for a cleric to put more than 1 rank in a knowledge skill?


Please cancel my Pathfinger RPG subscription. Due to changes in my situation I can nolonger afford the subscription.

The subscription is under the account of Douglas Ervin.


As a possible enhancement to the message boards please consider adding Agree or Disagree flags to the posts. That way a browser would have an easy way to agree or disagree to a post without adding a post which only indicates that you agree or disagree with the previous post.

In getting a ranger (archery style) character ready I took a closer look at the Vital Strike tree. I can see nothing in the wording which would prevent a ranged character from using Vital Strike with a ranged attack. What am I missing or did I just find a loop hole?


Just got my email confirmation that the PFRPG Core Rulebook would ship in 5 to 11 days. I am a little sad that as a subscriber since June 19th I will not be getting mine until after well after the release date. Wish it could have been avoided but that is life.


I have been playing clerics since 1977 as a matter of fact my first character was a cleric fighting in gladiatorial events in the Empire of the Petal Throne. My clerics have endured OD&D, 1e, 2e, 3.0 and 3.5. Mostly I play clerics of what I now call the local sun god. Pelor of Greyhawk, Lathander of Forgotten Realms, the Eternal Lantern of Kalamar, Apollo of a homebrew using Greek and Norse pantheons and now I am ready to convert my 16th level cleric from Apollo to Sarenrae. Some of the things I am looking at are.

1. Concentration check instead of a concentration skill check. This one is just a matter of adapting to the new way of doing business. I may have to invest in the combat casting feat but I will have to see.

2. Three extra feats to decide on. Actually this will be four feats since when we transition I will loss access to the Augment Healing feat. Since Sarenrae grants proficiency to the scimitar I am thinking along the lines of weapon focus (scimitar), improved critical (scimitar) and critical focus. The swap out feat will go from augment healing to combat casting.

3. Changes to spells. This is a pretty big one. The change to spell which used to give immunities to giving bonuses to saving throws is huge in the current campaign world. The big one is hero’s feast no longer making you immune to poisons. The game master based the world on the worst aspects of the Roman empire and poison use is routine and a common threat. The party my cleric belongs to are considered enemies to the empire and the assassination attempts have added up into the millions of gold pieces in black lotus dust. The sneak peak by James, XXX poison, is already being incorporated. I fully expect my spell load out to include lots of neutralize poisons and one of my 0 level spells will be detect poison. Death ward is another one which is going to hurt since we have run into more than one banshee in the past. Of course since it is going to a damage base instead of save or die we may be better off.

4. The new domains. Since I converted the character from 2e to 3e I have always had the sun and good domains. Once I actually see the domains I may petition the GM to let me have glory and healing.

5. Favorite class and racial hit point bonus. These are two I am really looking forward to. I have progressed this character a half elf with a 12 Int getting only 3 skill points per level for 16 levels. Getting an extra skill point per level to work with is huge for me plus being able to no longer have to put points into concentration or spell craft (beta). I get to become skilled in something else like craft alchemy so I brew antitoxins. Six extra hit points may not seem like much but when a frost giant warrior crits with a great axe every bit helps.

Having played for 30+ years it is just a matter of adapting to the new rules. The game will remain the same; fight when I can, cast offensive or buffing spells when I can’t fight and heal when the other party members get hurt. Paizo has done a lot to making clerics live again.



One of the things I would love to see for previews are 1) the new spell lists, 2) new domains and 3) new arcane schools. My interest is especially the bard and ranger spell lists for 1 above. I am also curious how the good and healing domains have changed for 2 above. For 3 I would like to see the univeralist and evoker schools. So if there is any way to sneak them in to the blogs it would be greatly appreciated.


To test backwards compatibility in the most vanilla setting I could think of so we started a romp through WLD. My character is an elven evoker named Dealann. We used a 20 point build and had access to the PFPRG Beta and all of the web enhancements. The party consists of my wizard, a dwarf cleric of Torag (artifice, earth), a half eleven paladin of Iomadae, and a halfing rogue. For my feat I took point blank shot. Prohibited schools are enchantment and necromancy.

The first 10 rooms contain mostly fiendish dire rats and dark mantles. My evoker claimed over half of the kills. I lead with fire from my energy ray to find out fiendish grants fire resistane of 5. So I switched to electical. Unlimited energy rays is a termendous boon to a low level wizard as is unlimited light. Sure we can't sneak up on anything but we have not seen it as a problem yet. The first time we got into trouble was with the rat swarm. I was forced to put up protection from evil just for the the +2 to AC. Decided during that combat Dealann would take burning hands for his specialist bonus spell at 2nd level. Swarms are nasty witout any area effect spells on line. My prepared spells were magic missile and protection from evil. While the dark mantles and dire rats were only minor problems, the swarm cost us a lot of hit points. The racial hit points and the channel positive energy allowed us to recover and continue. We continued through about 25 rooms before we finally needed to rest. We wanted to be prpeared before we sttacked the goblins.

The 1st play session was remarkable. I have been playing wizards since 1977 and the simple addition of specialist ability and at will cantrips have made the wizard so much more fun to play at low levels. The challenge for me in latter levels of WLD will be the limitation of evocation magic. When we finally face the World Eater, an advanced night crawler, I probably will not be able to do more than tickle it. A meteor swarm just doesn't do much to a 1000+ hp opponent.


Just curious if you are any closer on deciding if you are going to offer a RPG subscription? If you do, I will subcribe as I suspect quite a few other will also. Even if it is only one or two books a year it will be a worthwhile subscription for me as I intend to purchase all of the RPG series.


I am going to be starting a campaign located in the Darkmoon Vale region using the RPG beta rules. One of my players prefers to play rangers and usually selects the ranger's favorite enemy based on the most commonly known problem monster. Since neither lycantropes nor shape changers are a standard ranger favorite enemies I am looking for advise. When I get asked for a recommendation should I suggest humanoid(human) or animal? The other possiblity is to make a house rule and allow a local ranger to take lycantropes as a favorite enemies. I am leaning towards the house rule since it is a cleaner option in my mind.


On page 60 of the Pathfinder Web Enhancement it states 'The fortress is deactivated by speaking a command word (different from the one used to activate it). It cannot be deactivated unless it is empty.'

The 'unless it is empty' needs to be clarified. Does this mean that there can be no living creatures in the fortress or does it mean bare rooms? My personal preference is for no living creatures so the fortress can be a wizard's home with all of the books, book cases and furniture to assist on long range exploration. If the answer is bare rooms then it is just an expensive seige tower and probably over priced.


I would like to see the following spells added to the Bard's Spell List

1st Level
Magic Weapon
Mage Armor

3rd Level
Greater Magic Weapon
Keen Edge

6th Level

The first four were on the 3.0 Bard spell list and taking them away hurt certain character concepts. Adding teleport as a 6th level spell would give the bard a method of traveling long distances other than wind walk or phantom steed.


Mithral used in armor gives a lot of good features. The weight goes down by half, spell failure is decreased by 10%, maximum dexterity is increased by 2 and armor check penalities are lessened by 3 to a minumum of 0. I have absolutely no problem with these advantages of mithral over steel.

My problem comes from the phrase; 'Heavy armors are treated as medium, and medium armors are treated as light, but light armors are still treated as light.' If it were limited to only movement rates I would not have a problem with mithral armor. Being able to move full speed in medium armor and actually run in heavy armor would be a sufficent benefit. My issue is mithral armor negates the need to train with a heavier type of armor. Essentially granting the medium armor feat to bards, rangers and rogues and the heavy armor feat to barbarians.

In game terms, a 1st level barbarian who has never been out of the wilds observes the battle between a silver dragon and a white dragon. Both fatally wounded crash to earth killing their riders. One rider is wearing adamatine plat mail. The other rider is wearing mithral plate mail created by the same armor smith and identical except for material. Why can the barbarian don and use the mithral set but not the adamatine set? It makes no sense.

Please clarify the sentence 'Heavy armors are treated as medium, and medium armors are treated as light, but light armors are still treated as light.' to limit it to movement or give a justification why being lighter nullifies the need for the correct training.


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