
Dorian, the Grey's page

5 posts. Organized Play character for Tempest_Knight.

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Are Integrated Firearms/Weapons allowed in Society play?

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2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
Pathfinder Society FAQ; UPDATED How can clerics, druids and wizards learn spells from sources outside the Core Rulebook? wrote:

For the purposes of Pathfinder Society play, modify the Divine or Primal Spellcasting entries of these classes (or the Spellbook entry, for the Wizard) to remove the phrase “in this book” or "from this book." These characters have access to all common spells on their respective spell lists as outlined on the Character Options page. The Resource Ownership rules still apply for these characters as normal.

Characters who previously spent gold to Learn a Spell that they now have access to natively are refunded the gold spent.

"Guide > Player Basics > Spells"; important section wrote:
Spells from outside the Core Rulebook must be learned using the learn a spell activity before they can be used by prepared casters, even by clerics and druids.

Currently, if we accept the FAQ entry as overriding the written rules, we still have the Witch and Magus being left with the guide restriction on prepared casters.

Is the FAQ entry intended to lift the Guide restriction on prepared casters entirely?

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I was looking at GM Reference section...

Is the Treasure Table really supposed to be;
10 | 15 | 25 | 37.5

Or should it reflect the Guides list;
9.5 | 16 | 25 | 37.5

For levels: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6; respectfully...


The scenario list is off by;
+.5 | -1 | 0 | 0
of the expected wealth

At their respective levels, that is and extra 2.5 days of successful earn income for level 3, and a lose of 3.333 days of successful earn income for level 4.

Any ETA on the sanctioning documents and Pregens?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any ETA on the sanctioning documents and Pregens?

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As of the Season 8 Guide we have NO access to the Bestiary...

The "Summon _____" spells no longer work. (RAW they haven't since the start of the Core Campaign...)

Some Animal Companions now have abilities with no rules.

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2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Looking for an official answer to this question...

ISM wrote:
Winter witches must choose a familiar that is native to the frozen north, even when they themselves operate in other regions. Traditionally, this limits winter witch familiar choices to bat, cat, fox, hawk, owl, rat, raven, or weasel. A winter witch who gains the Improved Familiar feat can select any familiar she desires, save for familiars with the fire subtype

This would seem to state that the allowable familiar options are limited to those that meet either of the following;

1.) Environment: Cold
2.) Bat, Cat, Fox, Hawk, Owl, Rat, Raven, or Weasel

Is this correct?


Before the inevitable call to just use the list... The rule is, if the option states 'at GM discretion'.

This does not state a requirement of 'GM discretion' just states a requirement and a supplemental list.


The list is odd for the 'native of the frozen North' requirement...

Bat - Temperate and hot forests and deserts
Cat - Temperate and hot plains or urban
Fox - Any
Hawk - Temperate forests
Owl - Temperate forests
Rat - Any temperate
Raven - Any temperate
Weasel - Temperate hills

This is why I list it as a supplement, it violates that listed rule.

For those who might need a real world example of the environments...

Cold - Siberia/Alaskan bush/the Arctic
Temperate - Washington/Oregon/Idaho
Hot - Arizona/Florida/Baghdad


If we take the first sentence as the formation of the clause(/rule subject).

Then the second sentence can only be an addendum(/addition) to the stated clause.

The last sentence forms a method for exclusion from the clause.

This is the reasoning I used to form my position as stated above.


If we take the first sentence a flavor and not a rule we are left with the list.

The second sentence forms a list that is in opposition to the flavor of the first sentence. (If we ignore the first sentence there is no opposition.)

The last sentence forms a method for exclusion from the list.

This is unsound reasoning as it requires the removal of the first sentence to make sense.


Hopefully we get an official answer soon.

Please hit the FAQ request button, thanks.

12 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Since we have had almost 2 years since I brought this up last... and a recent thread asking the question got 'deleted'... I bring it back

At 1st level, 2nd level, and every four levels thereafter, a master of many styles may select a bonus style feat or the Elemental Fist feat. He does not have to meet the prerequisites of that feat, except the Elemental Fist feat. Alternatively, a master of many styles may choose a feat in that style’s feat path (such as Earth Child Topple) as one of these bonus feats if he already has the appropriate style feat (such as Earth Child Style). The master of many styles does not need to meet any other prerequisite of the feat in the style’s feat path.

The wording allows for two possible interpretations;

1). You ignore the prerequisites of style feats. But must meet the requirements for Elemental Fist.

2). You ignore the prerequisites of style feats and Elemental Fist, except that you must meet the prerequisite of having Elemental Fist for those feats that require it.


Please hit the FAQ button on this post.


This issue has been argued to death but to no outcome.

It is ambiguous, both readings of the class feature could have been written clearer. So there is no way to determine intent.

It requires one to make an assumption to allow Early Access to Elemental Fist or allow Early Access to feats that modify Elemental Fist.

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I'm looking for advice, I'm going to run for a group of Pirate/Privateer PC, we are going to be using the sanctioned parts of the Skulls and Shackles AP...

I need help filling in the blanks...

1.1 - The Confirmation
1.2 - ?
1.3 - ?
2.3 - Wormwood Mutiny
3.+ - ?

Any suggestions?

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Given the fairly recent legalizing of Harrow options... I have two real questions...

Ultimate Equipment lists "Cards" at 1sp - 100gp... I assume that it is a 54 card deck. For PFS do we have a standardized cost for decks, or is the full cost range usable?

The Harrow Handbook makes a comment about a minimum cost of 100gp for a Harrow deck, do we have a firm cost in any other book?

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Are there any plans for PFS at PAX Prime?

I will be working Evenings and all Sunday for the RPGA, but want to get in some PFS during my free time, and not just the Con Delve/Demo (though I plan on finishing a PAXport too).

Can you select the 0-level spell that the archetype grants access to was one of your starting known 1st-level spells?

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Anyone know of a PFS legal magic item that is similar to the old 3.5 "Blindfold of True Darkness"

I have a buddy who is looking for one for society play... The most important part is the blindsight. 60" is great, 30" is almost as good, since he plays a multiclass Rogue.

29 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have looked through various threads when I searched for it, but just like the wording, it was vague...

What is the official answer to the wording...

At 1st level, 2nd level, and every four levels thereafter, a master of many styles may select a bonus style feat or the Elemental Fist feat. He does not have to meet the prerequisites of that feat, except the Elemental Fist feat. Alternatively, a master of many styles may choose a feat in that style’s feat path (such as Earth Child Topple) as one of these bonus feats if he already has the appropriate style feat (such as Earth Child Style). The master of many styles does not need to meet any other prerequisite of the feat in the style’s feat path.

The main problem I see is that either side requires a change in the wording...

To limit access to Elemental Fist the wording should be...

He does not have to meet the prerequisites of that feat, except for the Elemental Fist feat.

To grant access to Elemental Fist the wording should be...

He does not have to meet the prerequisites of that feat, except for having the Elemental Fist feat.

Both are reasonable, but both modifiy the RAW.

I an wondering what all gets kept I you are using one of the 10 alternate Tiefling Heritages...

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How do we get the Goblin boon?

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I have been reading up on the Kitsune Trickster and noticed a fairly big omission.

The Kitsune's Charm class feature does not list what ability score is used to determain the DC.

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I've been reading the Guide to PFS OP, and I'm still not clear on this issue...

Do divine characters have to choose a God?