
Doomlocke's page

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Im interested in everyone's interpretation of the "Devout Pilgrim" cleric archtype, specifically in regards to "Caravan Bond". Are the "Traveling Companions" considered cohorts, followers, generic NPCs or do/should they follow some other rules?

Caravan Bond (Su)

At 1st level, by leading a group prayer for 1 minute, a devout pilgrim can select a number of traveling companions equal to her cleric level + her Wisdom bonus. She may use her domain-granted powers on any of these traveling companions as if they were her. She can use these abilities on her traveling companions at a range of up to 30 feet, even if the ability normally requires her touch.

This ability replaces the cleric’s proficiency with medium armor and shields—she retains proficiency with light armor only.

Is anyone familiar with a function similar to the "Loss of Heritage" Flaw but in regards to Class abilities? Additionally, what are some reasons why its a negative if it does?

Loss of Heritage

Prerequisite: Race with at least two racial abilities

Effect: Choose a racial ability. You are never able to use that ability, unless granted through some other means, but such effects are temporary at best. The ability you lose cannot be restored permanently to you through the use of Wish, Miracle or any other such magic.

If a character were to choose two traits that ultimately grant a bonus to the same number pool (albeit through different means and triggers) would those numbers stack?


1) Heavy Hitter

Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls made with unarmed attacks.

2) Killer

Benefit: You deal an amount of additional damage equal to your weapon’s critical hit modifier when you score a successful critical hit with a weapon; this additional damage is added to the final total, and is not multiplied by the critical hit multiple itself. This extra damage is a trait bonus.