Mr Jacket Potato's page

Goblin Squad Member. 11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I think it's bad because it being enormous doesn't make it do any more, it just makes your armour class worse. So it feels very unsatisfying. When you get huge and have a weapon the size of a tree it still does nothing but make you clumsy. That's just unsatisfying and doesn't feel cool. It feels like they had a deadline and had to have more types of barbarian and just threw in some stuff they were sure wouldn't break the game but didn't really care.
Just my take of course.

I just got my copy of the new rules today. Having got all the way to barbarian I have to say it's hugely disappointing that they have done this with large weapons. I'm not sure why they felt they needed to make them so bad. It's such a cool concept too.

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Using a fantastic template made by someone else and artwork from the Community Use Package my wife made Character Sheets for all the missing decks. She has posted them over at boardgamegeek - Hell's Vengeance 1, Hell's Vengence 2, Hunter Class Deck, Magus Class Deck, Occult Adventures 1, Occult Adventures 2, Pathfinder Tales, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Equipment, Ultimate Intrigue, Ultimate Magic.

26 people marked this as a favorite.

Using Hawkmoon's fantastic template and artwork from the Community Use Package my wife made Character Sheets for all the missing decks. She has posted them over at boardgamegeek - Hell's Vengeance 1, Hell's Vengence 2, Hunter Class Deck, Magus Class Deck, Occult Adventures 1, Occult Adventures 2, Pathfinder Tales, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Equipment, Ultimate Intrigue, Ultimate Magic.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Here is a blank sheet that I made if you want to use it.

Thanks so much, this is very useful.

Thanks so much for posting this, listening to the episode now.

As a Subscriber to the Character Decks I found these sheets incredibly useful, will they ever be updated again?

If not would it be possible to release a blank sheet so people could make their own?

As a PACG Character Deck Subscriber I really liked using these sheets, they were super convenient. If they're not going to be updated can you release a blank sheet we can use to make our own?

I think that the argument that Grazzle is too powerful is not really related to what his powers are. He is super powerful, that doesn't mean his powers suddenly work differently to everything else in the game.

You insert the word ATTEMPT into Seelahs power to show what it means, lets try that with Grazzle. "...the total number of cards shuffled must not exceed (□ 1 plus) twice the number of cards you ATTEMPTED TO discard."

There are many many powers in the game that refer to discarding cards, but then later gain the ability to recharge instead. None of them work the way you think Grazzle does. Thinking that Grazzle is too powerful is fair enough, but don't feel the need to convince yourself that he works in a totally unique way quite unlike everything else in the game just to nerf him a bit. You really must think that who ever wrote his power did so in an intentionally obtuse way.

Stating that it is too powerfull does not change it. Just say that you think he should be changed. That sounds fair enough. Enjoy playing it the way you enjoy playing it.

So if i use the power "discard this card to add one dice to any check" on a blessing, but then recharge it instead, it doesn't add the dice anymore? There are loads of powers that say to discard something, butt then offer a way to recharge it instead. I guess we now have to play them all as not working.

If the recharged cards do not count then why did they write the power is such an awful and difficult to understand way? They way it is written it makes much more sense that they do count and that recharging them is a bonus good thing, not the penalty the new ruling gives. What an insult of a power tick that is.

If they did not mean it that way then it was written in an appallingly bad way. I mean, seriously, if who ever designed that card thought that they had written it to do that then they are terrible at communication. If this is the official ruling then maybe they should think about not putting powers on cards that are massively unintuitive. They might also think about the whole blessing thing.

I am not sure i am using traders right in adventure deck 1 and the base set. As i understand it, if i go to a trader with one character then i draw two cards from the appropriate deck that have an adventure deck number of the current adventure or one less.
Does this mean that until adventure 2 I can draw absolutely anything in that deck even basic cards? Are all B and C cards effectively adventure deck 0 for this? Is there a rule somewhere i am not seeing that means we don't draw basic cards or anything?
I am confused because we just always seem to draw some basic cards and never anything that is good to trade for. Thanks for any help.