Mr Jacket Potato's page

Goblin Squad Member. 11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

As a Subscriber to the Character Decks I found these sheets incredibly useful, will they ever be updated again?

If not would it be possible to release a blank sheet so people could make their own?

I am not sure i am using traders right in adventure deck 1 and the base set. As i understand it, if i go to a trader with one character then i draw two cards from the appropriate deck that have an adventure deck number of the current adventure or one less.
Does this mean that until adventure 2 I can draw absolutely anything in that deck even basic cards? Are all B and C cards effectively adventure deck 0 for this? Is there a rule somewhere i am not seeing that means we don't draw basic cards or anything?
I am confused because we just always seem to draw some basic cards and never anything that is good to trade for. Thanks for any help.