Mounted Paladin

Docora's page

Goblin Squad Member. 37 posts (46 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Goblin Squad Member

Hmm, I think I am starting to get avatar envy... :(

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

I am confused, I thought those of us in the "top 3" from the first land rush were ineligible for this one?

Goblin Squad Member

Bah, spoken like a true salesman.. :)

So I did get my buddy invite and created my GW account, but it isn't linked to this account. Does it matter?

Goblin Squad Member

Ohh, the 40 year olds are coming on strong!! :)

Goblin Squad Member

Aye, come join us in our picturesque mountain haven. Who wants to be hanging around in that hustle and bustle of the North, full of chaos and thieves? ;-P

Goblin Squad Member

Leeeroooy Jeeeenkins!!!! (Sorry, couldn't resist it anymore..) :)

Goblin Squad Member

I got my buddy invitation. Thanks Lone_Wolf and Goblinworks!

Goblin Squad Member

Thanks Lam, I needed that. :)

Goblin Squad Member

44 going on 80.. :-(

Goblin Squad Member

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I believe I can't follow WTH is going on with about 90% of you folks.. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Bigmancheatle wrote:

This is back when I first joined Everquest, mid 90s, and I was about....oh 8-9 years old.

8 or 9 in the 90s... Holy cow I am REALLY old... :-(

Goblin Squad Member

@Lord Zodd: You are correct, it was more of a rhetorical/sarcastic question. Sometimes I am just amazed at the banter in some of these threads. :)

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hi folks,

Call me a n00b, loser, whatever you may, but I see several times on these forums people speaking in terms of winning or losing.

How exactly does one "win" an open sandbox MMO? Is there some big boss battle at the end that I haven't heard about yet? :)

I thought the intent was to create this living/breathing world that persisted on its own?

As an example, I didn't join TEO thinking in terms of defending my settlement or military strategy. I joined what sounded like a group of like-minded individuals that I would enjoy playing with.

As I have mentioned before I am more interested in PvE, though not PvP averse. But how am I to enjoy exploring looking for some uncharted dungeon (or whatever) when I am constantly going to need to worry about the "strategy" of my decision or if some angry miscreant wants to attack our settlement just to prove himself right?

Am I in the wrong place here? :)

Goblin Squad Member

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook

Goblin Squad Member

Heh, that was actually my lame attempt at humor.. :)

Goblin Squad Member

That is it, screw TEO, I am starting a new CC. YOLO - Join me and you live for a very short time and only ONCE! ;-P

Edit: Oh, and I forgot to add that we will be utterly Chaotic Evil Intarweb Hipsters... #lolz #nyancat #insertsomething"cool"here

Goblin Squad Member

Nice, I like it! :)

Goblin Squad Member

Congrats and good luck. I will certainly swing by for a visit though I likely won't start with a Paladin type

Goblin Squad Member

I will be interested to see how that plays out in-game, truly..

Goblin Squad Member

Fair enough. I will drop it since I fear probing will just delve into a political/philosophical discussion on what peace means.

Goblin Squad Member

Alignment aside, I still haven't seen an answer to the following: If Golgatha's stated goal is World Domination, where does that leave the others?

Doesn't really affect me, just more of a curiosity question.

Goblin Squad Member

@T7V Avari. That is a good point.

I agree that you can be the "bad guy" and still promote positive gameplay and I don't particularly have an issue with UNC joining but I don't quite see how you wash "mutual success" with thieves!? :)

Maybe you need a superset group of anti-greifers/jerks. Though admittedly I am already overwhelmed at all the different layers that exist.. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Well stated Ixiolander.

Goblin Squad Member

Congrats to all!

Pretos Teshdale/Docora - Proud member of TEO

Goblin Squad Member

Heh, aye. Clickfests are no joy for me either.. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Really? I didn't know that..

Oh, one other quick point. If done right, ideally a CvC (I like that term) really shouldn't be any different than a "random encounter" NPC interaction but with (hopefully) better AI. ;-)

Goblin Squad Member

Totally off the wall (topic) here but what would be really cool also would be to let users come on as "NPC encounters".

Let me get 4 or 5 people together and jump on one night as a group of marauding Orcs or something.. :)

By the way, +1 from me also on your post!

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf, you are right but I will leave it at that.

I am more of a PvEer but I am not PvP averse. Where I take issue is more about "attitude". If you want to try to kill me to take my stuff, fine, but don't kill me just to be a d*k. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Time will tell. I have no issue with long character development but taking days/weeks just to "play"? Part of it may have just been the gameplay itself, I don't know I just wasn't hooked. To each their own, obviously others like it as it has a fairly substantial fan base.

Goblin Squad Member

Valkenr wrote:

Did you actually look at the link? The section explains the durations your character remains in the game upon log-off, depending on what you last actions were.

And it takes more than 4 days to get into EVE, there is a strong learning curve, especially if you don't get in with a corporation. There is way more than 4 days of training to get a taste of what the game has to offer.

Yep, read it. I have no real stake in the game as far as what happens when you log out. There is no perfect answer. Which is true of 99% of these discussions. No matter what decisions are made someone will take issue with them.

As for EVE, any game that requires more than 4 days of training isn't a game it is a job. ;-) Actually, come to think of it, I don't think I got four days of training on my real job..

Goblin Squad Member

Traianus Decius Aureus. I didn't say it was complicated, I said my post didn't address it. :) I was just trying to respond about "meaningful" things for my PC to do while I go back to reality. :) It would be kind of cool if they could keep busy.

Valkenr: No offense but I have been trying to play EVE for the last 4 days and found it the most dreadful game I have ever attempted to play. Last night I finally turned it off and will likely uninstall tonight..

Goblin Squad Member

Would be nice to have some kind of AI options that you could set.

1. Find nearest shelter
2. Find place and make camp
3. Return to "job" (I like the having an NPC type job idea).

Whatever.. :)

Of course that doesn't address the folks dumping out to avoid danger.

Goblin Squad Member

I never said it should be easier, I said, shouldn't it be equal?

But I digress, it was merely a question. I will just have to wait and see how it plays out.

Goblin Squad Member

Well I wasn't specifically talking about CE characters. Even NE or LE characters will be restricted as far as I read it. Why shouldn't a bunch of bandits from Thornkeep (just an example, no offense intended) be able to band together and maraud? And it would be up to the "good" players to stop them. Or can they and I am not understanding how the restrictions work?

And again, I am well aware that this may not be possible. Even while I type this I certainly don't want to come in a total n00b and keep getting whacked for some a-hole's "xp"... :)

Goblin Squad Member

OK, I am WAAAAY behind the curve on all of this as I have 3 daughters and a real job BUT:

I have to agree a little with Valkenr. I must be missing something in all of this but with what I have read, I don't see any benefit in playing a "bad" character. Now, I typically play do-gooders just because that is what I like. But what about people that enjoy playing evil characters. Why should they be more restricted than I am if we are the same "level" (Yes, I know there are no levels).

And believe me, this is coming from someone who despises greifers. I pretty much don't play MMOs because of them but if PFO is supposed to be a more dynamic community don't we need the evil with the good?

How do you allow players to play "evil" without also letting them be a-holes about it?

I may be missing a great deal here so please feel free to hit me with a link if this has already been covered in another thread.


Goblin Squad Member

Hi folks. Also member of The Empyrean Order.