
Devastation Bob's page

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Not as gripping as others in the series unfortunately.


I'd have to say this is my least favorite in the AP pregen series that Legendary Games puts out. I just wasn't "grabbed" by the concepts as I was by others in the series. The summoners isn't too bad, and they usually don't turn up a lot in game products, but otherwise, i'd have to say a lot of meh.

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The Ferrous Divinity Trail of Interest!


Legendary continues their quality pre-gen series with Metal Gods. While intended for the similarly named Adventure Path from Paizo, these characters would fit in with any Swords and Circuitry magic meets technology game seamlessly. A diverse lot, ranging from a gnome preservationist alchemist, to a tumor familiar wielding arcanist. Even if you don't play them, I can see these characters inspiring other ideas. Also handy to have for those pesky character deaths, just whip one out, they'd fit into the story just fine. Legendary hasn't put out a product i've regretted buying yet, Game on.

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15...err..8 men on a Dead Man's Chest...


Nautical Heroes continues Legendary Game's awesome series of pre-generated characters for the Paizo Adventure Path series. Ably filling the role of PC, NPC, or Quickie Replacement Character, each comes nicely illustrated with backstory and levelling suggestions in addition to the regular character stats. Characters range from a bloodthirsty Tengu rogue to an Undine Monk. You'll want to play them all. Check it out.

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Great premise delivered on.


An exiled noble and her family have to carve a city out of a wild region near the River Kingdoms. I read the sample chapter and I was hooked. This is a very entertaining PF Tale and one of the best in the series. Stackpole writes likable and engaging characters. I would love to see a sequel to find out what happens next. Check it out, you won't be disappointed.

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What's player's guides should be.


The last couple of AP guides have been kind of disappointing, but it looks like a return to form with the Mummy's Mask guide. It gives player's an idea what to expect and the campaign traits are, for the most part, inspiring and useful. More like this please.

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And the hits just keep on coming...


Path of Winter is the latest in the Adventure Path Iconics line from LPJ Design providing pre-Lgenerated characters for the popular Paizo line of Adventure Paths. For those unfamiliar you get 8 characters suitable for the AP, 1/2 are usually races from the core PFRPG, and 1/2 from LPJ Design's NeoExodus setting, of which I have little familiarity with, but they provide everything you'd need to run the character. It's easy to read, the characters are well written, and the profile art is nice. If you're looking for some quickie characters for the AP, or any winter/ice themed adventure you could do a lot worse.

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The shortcut to Hell...


More AP pre-gen goodness from LPJ. Art continues to be high quality, and the characters are well written and intriguing. My former quibble of half the pre-gen races being non-setting natives can be overlooked as Way of the Wicked doesn't take place in Golarion, and there's more room for the exotic Neo-Exodus races. Cool stuff, looking forward to Path of Winter.

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Premium pregens


Great art, interesting characters you'd want to play with well written backgrounds. Only minor complaint being that half the chars are races not in the setting proper (but they're still pretty cool.) Worth checking out.

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You had me at Goblin Ninja...


C'mon, Goblin Ninja! You need a review? Ok, Legendary continues to impress with this set of pregenerated characters for the "Far-East inspired" AP. Each of the 8 characters come with a full body portrait, a back story, suggestions for role-play and leveling, and 20 pt build statistics (with instructions for a 15 pt build if your gm hates you.) Good stuff!

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Another pregen win for Legendary.


More cool character concepts, this time for the King*cough*breaker AP. Hugo Solis continues to shine on art details and the characters are detailed enough to fire the imagination, but not so laid out that the player can't add their own touches. If you liked Gothic Heroes, you'll like Conquering Heroes. We clamor for more!

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They've got character.


I love pre-gens, ever since the TORG sourcebooks with the pages of ready made characters in the back. "Ooh, a lizard-man with a gatling gun, i'd like to take THAT for a spin." Whether you drive them off the lot, tinker under the hood a little yourself, or just get an inspiration you might not have had otherwise, pregens can be very useful to player and GM alike.

Gothic Heroes by Legendary Games is a set of worthy protagonists for the Carrion Crown AP, but could easily fit any dark fantasy/horror game. I liked the tips on rp and character advancement they provided. They even provide paper miniatures since it's really hard to put lead into pdf. The art is 5 stars, detailed and stylish, Hugo Solis is a name to watch.

I'd like to see more products like this, AP support, Legendary Games has done a heck of a job.

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I like it.


Is good. Can fit into any PF game. I would buy similar products to this one. Huzzah!