Sign in to create or edit a product review. Pathfinder Society Scenario #2-03: The Rebel's Ransom (PFRPG) PDFPaizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartAdversary dungeon crawl from the 1980'sDeussu —The design of the dungeon is just to provide lethal challenges to the PCs, disregarding lore or immersion of the Dungeons of these type can be done with class and style, and this lacks both. Pathfinder Society Special: Ruins of Bonekeep—Level 2: Maze to the Mind Slave (PFRPG) PDFPaizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartWhat else to expect from Bonekeep?Deussu —I refuse to give a star rating to Bonekeep, since my personal scenario design philosophy is in conflict with Bonekeep's design philosophy. That said, I ran this scenario at a convention on higher tier and miraculously the team survived with only three deaths and completed the whole thing just under five hours, which is the artificial limit in Bonekeep. This limit, however, has an ingame explanation, so it's not all that arbitrary. So what of it? It's a dungeon crawl with no roleplaying opportunities, so in case you dislike it, don't even try. The design philosophy strongly gears towards challenging the characters to their limits, handing out tougher and tougher encounters. To my surprise there were a few combats which were ridiculously easy to the group, and managed to wipe their foes away in 3 rounds' time. To those with patience, ability to construct powerful characters, and don't get emotional when something bad happens to your character, this just might be your cup of tea. Pathfinder Society Scenario #6–08: The Segang Expedition (PFRPG) PDFPaizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartTwo parts in oneDeussu —While the scenario is somewhat sound, it is very long and exhausting. Due to the limit in word count, some encounters feel like they've been cut short. This scenario would have worked a lot better as two separate scenarios. There are also some editorial issues, and some encounters are really tough unless the PCs have one particular resource. Pathfinder Society Scenario #20: King Xeros of Old Azlant (OGL) PDFPaizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartA railroad through a could-have-been-exotic setting, with some ridiculous encounters. Features almost no roleplaying, lots of dice rolling and knowledge rolling. Some things can even stall if the party lacks certain skills. The editing is rather hard for the GM. You have to flip back and forth to reread all the details and descriptions for all the areas. The scenario lacks ... coherence. The party never really discovers the 'what' in the scenario, only creates another 'what'. Pathfinder Society Scenario #6–05: Slave Ships of Absalom (PFRPG) PDFPaizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartI loved it.Deussu —This scenario has it all: intrigue, combats, lots of social encounters, sneaky stuff, deducing, and to top it all a very climactic ending. Prepare this well, and tell your players to prepare themselves as well. They must pay attention and write down notes lest they forget what they were doing and miss out all the best stuff. Sports a minor nostalgia trip for Season 0 veterans. Pathfinder Society Scenario #4–07: Severing Ties (PFRPG) PDFPaizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartDeadly yet entertainingDeussu —I would not recommend this to a group of newbies playing fresh 1st level characters. Or rather, don't allow 1st level characters at all. Really, this has ridiculous danger potential. It might seem outrageous and over the top, but underneath all this there's a really neat backstory and some very fun NPCs to roleplay, given you have time to play them to their full extent. The difficulty is about the level of The Darkest Vengeance. Pathfinder Society Scenario Intro 2: First Steps—Part II: To Delve the Dungeon Deep (PFRPG) PDF (Retired)Paizo Inc.Our Price: FREE Add to CartAn alright dungeon crawlDeussu —While having a refreshening way to introduce the mission, the dungeon itself lacks atmosphere. It has nice little gimmicks and tidbits, but overall the combats are lame and ridiculously easy even with just four characters. A classic dungeon crawl should really push the PCs hard, almost forcing them to return to safety to lick their wounds, only to come back later. Despite all this, the scenario is well written and easy for a GM to run. Points for that. Pathfinder Society Scenario Intro 1: First Steps—Part I: In Service to Lore (PFRPG) PDFPaizo Inc.Our Price: FREE Add to CartNice.Deussu —This scenario provided multiple ways for PCs to solve problems, presented roleplaying opportunities, intriguing characters, amusing times and all that's nice. In terms of combat the scenario is rather balanced, maybe a tad dangerous. I like it that way. Adam Daigle, more please. Pathfinder Society Scenario #45: Delirium's Tangle (PFRPG) PDFPaizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartWell-executed dungeon crawlDeussu —Aside from some few rules errors, Delirium's Tangle is a well-executed dungeon crawl through a maze. The DCs seem a tad too high for Tier 1-2, and the combats feel easy regardless of tier. The BBEG is an imaginative opponent who actually puts up a fight and isn't dead in just one round. Faction missions aren't all that good though. I'm struggling to decide whether this is a 3-star or a 4-star scenario. It's something in-between. Pathfinder Society Scenario #32: Drow of the Darklands Pyramid (PFRPG) PDFPaizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartDraught of the Darklands PyramidDeussu —Much like the desert around it, this scenario is dry and dull. It was the last scenario I played before I hit a 2 year hiatus. With such an effect it should be clear without saying how much this scenario sucked. Pathfinder Society Scenario #2-02: Before the Dawn—Part II: Rescue at Azlant Ridge (PFRPG) PDFPaizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartEpic for 1 round, then it's back to garbageDeussu —Now that I've run the scenario instead of just playing it, I can wholeheartily say this scenario sucks. The much praised epic element is very short-lived, mainly due to immense design flaws. Almost every enemy has either ridiculous tactics, statblock full of errors, or both. And what's worse there's very little else than battles in this scenario. This scenario is like The Hunchback of Notre Dame II; an unworthy continuation. The absolute worst thing is how anticlimatic the end is. The two-part adventure, and it ends in disappointment and the feeling you've accomplished nothing. You want that? Of course you don't. Pathfinder Society Scenario #2-01: Before the Dawn—Part I: The Bloodcove Disguise (PFRPG) PDFPaizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartParticularly excellentDeussu —This scenario holds much of those things I hope for. An open sandbox with lots of elements you can use, logical sidemissions and intriguing encounters. The possibility of actually screwing up if you're stupid is a reality which heightens the sense of danger. I recommend this heartily. Pathfinder Society Scenario #43: The Pallid Plague (PFRPG) PDFPaizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartGood story, bad executionDeussu —While the story is sound, there are numerous problems with the execution. The timeline of the scenario is downright impossible, which requires minor modifications (not affecting the overall experience really) to make it logical. It doesn't matter all that much in the first place, but doesn't bode well. This scenario is very easy regarding combat. A party of 4 1st-level characters can easily stomp over all the foes they meet. At one point there isn't even a good reason to lay out a map with figures, just ask what the PCs do and it's probably over after that. 4 stars for story, 2 stars for execution. Thus 3. Pathfinder Society Scenario #25: Hands of the Muted God (OGL) PDF (Retired)Paizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartMutes of the Handed GodDeussu —A very straight-forward railroad uphill to the top of the mountain. Combat encounters are alright, nothing that blows your mind. I somehow just can't recall almost anything from this scenario, it was just so bland somehow. All the nice things are in the end, where all the real plot things happen. It feels like the journey there is like an 8-hour drive through Nevadan desert. Finally, something good! It was a long a time since I last saw a really good PFS scenario. Decline of Glory gets a cake. It has a good plot, great atmosphere, challenging encounters, and intriguing situations. I might say that some parts are just way too deadly though, like the first encounter where our party TPK'd, but the GM felt that this scenario must not go to waste and altered the plot for the better. This, though, is a trait of Tim Hitchcock; he has said to be a sadistic GM/author, kinda the thing I don't like. Regardless, this is a wonderful adventure. Also, this scenario has weather effects! It *gasp* rains! When have you last seen it rain in a module? In a home game? Ever in the history of RPG?! It's been years! Pathfinder Society Scenario #21: The Eternal Obelisk (OGL) PDF (Retired)Paizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartEternal BoredomDeussu —I could just copypaste the review I gave for Trouble With Secrets. This is practically the same; a nonexistant plot, boring combats, and absolutely no roleplaying moments. If you like mindless dungeon crawls, this is for you. Pathfinder Society Scenario #19: Skeleton Moon (OGL) PDF (Retired)Paizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartWhat Skeleton?Deussu —The title Skeleton Moon would indicate this has something to do with Groetus. But surprise surprise, it has *nothing* to do with Groetus! Where as the scenario is alright, the map is yet again over-complicated and stupid. I can't fathom what's so nice about round rooms in a D&D/PFRPG environment, which mainly uses a grid? I would also argue the encounters are way too deadly for the appropriate tier. This scenario would also benefit a lot from diplomatic encounters. Pathfinder Society Scenario #18: The Trouble with Secrets (OGL) PDF (Retired)Paizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartRubbishDeussu —"Hi, I'm your venture-captain. We have a rat problem in our basement. Go kill everything! Also our senile janitor says there's an ancient evil down there, so be careful!" And that sums it up. The senile Bossell is a stupid excuse for this "plot". The combats are either too easy, tedious, deadly, or downright superlethal. I honestly don't have anything good to say about this scenario. If you like mindless dungeon crawling with no roleplaying, no plot, and no idea, this is the scenario for you. Pathfinder Society Scenario #17: Perils of the Pirate Pact (OGL) PDFPaizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartWorks Well EnoughDeussu —Despite the well-declared obvious, predictable plot, the atmosphere is good and the fights make sense. What doesn't make sense is how easy the fights really are. Some of the high tier encounters are just so flawed they can be soloed with a 5th-level wizard. Regardless of some ingenious moments, there's always a balancing stupidity. The scenario is by no means bad, it's just so average. I'd still want to see more from the author. Pathfinder Society Scenario #14: The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch (OGL) PDFPaizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartThe Many Plot Devices of Grandmaster TorchDeussu —This, I tell you, could have been done so much better I can't even begin to tell. Instead, possibly due to the absurd page limit, the scenario is just another scripted combat encounter after another. They repeat themselves to oblivion, and frustrate the players. If you are going to run this, come up with something much more interesting. Replace maps, tactics, and add possibilities for diplomatic approaches. That's what this needs, since I doubt your first reaction in an urban environment is to blast everything into smithereens. Pathfinder Society Scenario #13: The Prince of Augustana (OGL) PDFPaizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartSewers of AugustanaDeussu —There are two things to see in Andoran; the small heads of the Andoren, and the sewers of Augustana. This is the latter. Despite the railroadish feeling of the scenario, multiple interesting NPCs and encounters make this an enjoyable scenario. The mission isn't to get the fabled MacGuffin, which is a nice change of pace. What does make me frown are the maps. The last encounter with the map is just horrible, but fortunately you could easily just make it all better with a few more lines with a pencil. As if anyone would complain. Pathfinder Society Scenario #12: Stay of Execution (OGL) PDF (Retired)Paizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartStay of PlotDeussu —We finished this in 2 hours. I ran this another time and completely rewrote the plot leaving only the combats untouched. This piece is so unfinished I won't even finish my own revi Pathfinder Society Scenario #10: Blood at Dralkard Manor (OGL) PDF (Retired)Paizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartCorpses at Dralkard ManorDeussu —The Scooby-Doo of Pathfinder Society, it all flows smoothly until you get to roll the dice and fight. This scenario has some of the worst editing done in the history of, well, organized gaming. Remember, this has no Tier 1-2. It's just typoed, I think they meant it to be 3-4. Whilst the combats are horrendous, the rest of the scenario is alright, although there's very little of it. Suffering from the same problem Mists of Mwangi does, the adventure location isn't very inspiring. Some old manor in the middle of nowhere, whoo. Pathfinder Society Scenario #9: Eye of the Crocodile King (OGL) PDF (Retired)Paizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartRaw SewageDeussu —A very generic "Fetch me my MacGuffin" dungeon crawl. Filled with deadly encounters and awful maps, this doesn't rank very high. The amount of roleplaying is close to naught. After the briefing it's just walking through a railroad under the city, seeing the wonderful sights of the sewers. Last encounter is really some shafting. Most likely will make at least one player just leave the table to read a book or something, unless he/she is sadistic. Pathfinder Society Scenario #8: Slave Pits of Absalom (OGL) PDFPaizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartUrban RoamingDeussu —The plot is coherent and nice, but the scenario reeks with all kinds of holes. If the player catches you and asks certain questions, you might get locked up with no good answer. GMs should be very well prepared to things they haven't prepared. Combat encounters are nice, although I find them to be quite forced. It does, however, allow the characters to utilize some non-combat abilities, which is nice.
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