
Desert bandersnatch's page

53 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


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As Lord Perpireen attempts to convince his party mates that there is absolutely nothing that could go wrong with his brilliant plan, a herd of unicorns can be seen galloping at full speed across a meadow in the distance, chased by the desert bandersnatch...

Faintly from through the portal comes the weird, eerie cry: Wakka wakkaaaa...

Fox lands one good punch that seems to crack the bandersnatch's skull and incapacitate the wiley beast!

It is knocked unconscious for the moment, but it has fast healing, so... And Fox takes 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 piercing damage as well...


The bandersnatch closes its wild, silly eyes and falls limp!

Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote:

Johann growls in confusion as he wonder how strange this could get. He claws and bites.


Johann's flurry of attacks seems to do considerable damage to the wiley bandersnatch! It squeals in mortal agony and seems close to giving up the ghost! For his troubles, unfortunately, The Bear takes 3d8 + 12 ⇒ (2, 5, 2) + 12 = 21 piercing damage from quills...


*SNIFF-SNIFF*... GNNAAAAAGGHHH!!! groans the bandersnatch as the vile stink of GOLGOTHON hits its sensitive nostrils...

Will 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22 fails! The 'snatch takes all, or 34 negative energy damage...


Attempts to break Johann's pin... 1d20 + 32 ⇒ (7) + 32 = 39 succeeds!

At last, with a mighty squirm, the furry, quilled, sinuous feline monster slips out from under Johann!


It oggles Mwikali with its confusing gaze attack, eyes googling madly with an inner blue phosphorescent glow! Fort DC 23 or confused 1 round...

Mwikali wrote:

Mwikali steps forward on the pinned creature and casts. She then points at the creature and lets the magic take over.


Fortitude save DC15

Spell Penetration Roll

Eek... it auto-succeeds I believe with a Fort +15... 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31 succeeds...

NAH-AH-AH-AH-AWWWW!! it defiantly yodels, crazy blue eyes a-google!

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:

Ihrin strikes again. Thankfully Johanns continued pin allows her to take time and strike with precision.

The bandersnatch squeals in agony as Irhin plunges her blades into its prickly flesh! But she is also pierced by its quills... taking 2d8 + 8 ⇒ (6, 1) + 8 = 15 piercing damage...

The Ogon Fox wrote:


Only the first is a hit, right?


The Fox lands a punch, but there's not much oomph behind it!

And takes 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 piercing damage from the quills...

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper wrote:


Alphonse, distracted by his musings, finds himself unprepared for the Bandersnatch's gaze.

Whuh-oh! Wakka Wakka! lol...


The bandersnatch gazes at Alphonse... Fort DC 23 or confused...... as it struggles to free itself from Johann's mighty pin... CMB 1d20 + 32 ⇒ (2) + 32 = 34 vs Johann's CMD 36 fails again! The dice are hating this bandersnatch... or loving the Bear... lol... To no avail! The Bear squishes it hard into the cavern floor!

Pinned to the cavern floor by Johann and unable to move, the desert bandersnatch takes Ihrin's and Alphonse's strokes in its prickly hide and yelps in pain! SQWAAAA!!!...WAAAAA!!!

The bandersnatch gazes at Alphonse with its crazy blue eyes! Swift action gaze attack, Fort DC 23 or confused...

It attempts to free itself from Johann's iron grip... CMB 1d20 + 33 ⇒ (3) + 33 = 36 vs Johann's CMD...... and nearly does so, writhing and wriggling like a furry worm! The Bear's grip is too secure!

The desert bandersnatch gapes in awe at the celestial being and sighs with relief as its wounds are also soothed by the archangel's radiant aura...

The bandersnatch looks one last time with its crazy, blue-glowing, googly eyes at Johann, but does not attempt to peek him mad with his uncanny gaze attack... It seems to be waiting for the mighty Bear to release it...

Wakka wakka?

Cassiel the Archangel wrote:

Suddenly, the cavern is filled with a brilliant golden-turquoise radiance and a sweet scent like Frakinscence and sandalwood.

The gold-green glow and inviting fragrance originate from a tall angel with burnished golden-turquoise wings and halo, armed with a greatsword that blazes with a green fire and hums like a hive of bees that buzz in major harmonies...

** spoiler omitted **

In English: Oh, let the stupid beast go! I will not suffer it to do thee further harm, I promise thee, mighty Johann Von Schwartzwald! Johann of the Black Forest! Oh, do not thou strangle unto death the wily desert bandersnatch, for is it not, like thee, one of God's great and mighty creations? Therefore, art thou not like brothers of the wild, thou and the beast? Thine little friend, Lord Perpireen McGibel, hath a worthy and noble plan...

Addressing then the bandersnatch under Johann: Tis a fair deal Lord Perpireen offers thee, bandersnatch of King Solomon's Mines! Thou wert wise to heed mine advice and go peaceably into that green and happy realm!

Looking not only like an opossum playing dead, but also like a goose that sees the pot boiling nearby, the bandersnatch sighs and waggles it's ears in agreement to Lord Perpireen's offer.

Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote:

[dice=sense motive]d20+7

Nice try, you monster bastard.

Johann laughs in a bearish growl and continues to tighten his hold.

[dice=maintain grapple/pin]d20+30

C'maaaaannn... I'm dead, see??

Can't blame a 'snatch for trying...

The bandersnatch suddenly wheezes a final breath before falling limp in Bear's grip...

Bluff 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

Storm Dragon wrote:

Quick question: is it Evil? This thing is putting on more hurt than I expected.

Alphonse uses his God given insights and a Move action to Detect Evil to determine whether this is a simple beast, or something more sinister...

Alphonse does not detect evil from the beast...

Ihrin and Fox both fail to penetrate the bandersnatch's prickly hide, the lady's wakizashi and dagger not quite long enough to strike without subjecting herself to more painful quill ripostes herself, and Fox encountering the same difficulty... It is hard to fight the urge of self preservation, to avoid sharp, impaling pain...

Though pressed hard by Johann, it still manages to mock them with its crazy blue eyes, googling at them ridiculously!


It's beginning to actually turn from beige to purple!

Feeling pained from within and without, the desert bandersnatch suddenlybbecomes nauseous, and forcefully vomits Lady Ihrin out of its gut, sending her flying like a cannonball out of a cannon to slam into the cavern wall!

Ihrin takes 4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 2, 6) = 20 falling damage, which she can halve with a successful DC 17 Reflex saving throw (if she has evasion, and makes her save, no damage!)...

The wily beast attempts to break free from Johann's crushing pin... CMB 1d20 + 32 ⇒ (1) + 32 = 33 versus Johann's CMD fails with a natural 1 ...but The Bear is not going to let this rascally bandersnatch escape!

It oggles Bear eyes-to-strange-eyes... Gaze of confusion, Fortitude DC 23...

Having tallied the damage inflicted so far, the party has dealt 108 points of damage to the bandersnatch in two rounds, minus fast healing 10 for two rounds, puts the bandersnatch at 88 net damage at the end of round two...

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper wrote:

"I'm...not sure I should attack the beast while Ihrin is inside of it, I could harm her." he ponders for a moment, then shrugs.

"But I suppose getting digested is worse."



Alphonse wheels his holy scythe around, sinking the glowing blade into bandersnatch hide with the first hit, but glancing off the beast's quills with the back stroke...

YARROOOOOOCH!!! howls the beast...

Mwikali wrote:

Fort Save fails...

does SR apply if so its SR 15

Its gaze attack is not really a spell, but a supernatural special attack that mimics a spell, so I would say it ignores SR. Mwikali goes temporarily mad from the glowing blue gaze of the bandersnatch! Confusion effect: 1d100 ⇒ 51... Mwikali inflicts 1d8 ⇒ 1 damage to herself in her momentary madness!

The gaze description doesn't specify how long a victim is confused by the gaze, so I'm going to rule that it lasts 1 round, since the bandersnatch can use it as a swift action every round... Seems reasonable...

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:

Well she is using the Belt of the Weasel to Compress herself down to small and once more slip further into its mouth to strike from within.

If Successful she strikes

If not she'll wait to strike once this thing decides to do the dead

Because the bandersnatch is basically trying to swallow her anyway at this point, Ihrin's strategy succeeds! She finds herself wriggling down its throat... The inside of the bandersnatch is much softer and easier to damage than its outer hide; Ihrin's dagger plunges into the pink flesh, dealing 21 piercing damage!

Ihrin suddenly shrinks down to gnome size and vanishes down the bandersnatch's throat! A second later, the beast's eyes widen and it howls in pain! AAARRRROOOOO!!!

Unfortunately, its stomach acids begin to burn Ihrin, dealing 2d6 ⇒ (1, 1) = 2 acid damage this round...

The Ogon Fox wrote:

Unleashes a flurry of blows... This one is the spin kick targeting flat-footed AC (doesn't apply if bandersnatch has Uncanny Dodge), so maybe a hit?

The Fox unleashes a flurry of punches followed by a spinning kick! He winces from the hit dealt by the bandersnatch's tail, as well as the quills he tries to ignore during his own strikes.

Taking advantage while Bear has the monster pinned on its back, Fox lands a solid reverse punch, followed by a rib-crunching spinning side kick!

ARRROOOO!! YEOWWWLL!! groans the bandersnatch...

The quills deal 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 and 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 piercing damage to Fox...

Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote:

Johann tightens his grip despite the pain of claws and quills.. This thing is not about the escape the grapple of the massive bear!

If that succeeds, then I will turn that grapple to a pin. wakka wakka wakka? It is Fozie the bear!

HAHA!! Well done, Johann...

The Bear slams the bandersnatch into the cavern floor on its quilled spine and presses his considerable weight down on the beast, pinning it!


The quills of the bandersnatch pierce the Bear's shaggy hide, dealing 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 piercing damage...

Ihrin gripped in its slavering maw, the bandersnatch claws at the Dire Bear crushing its spine with both claws... Claw vs Johann 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (8) + 24 = 32 deals 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 slashing damage! Claw vs Johann 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (12) + 24 = 36 deals 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 slashing damage! *SNIKKER-SNAKK!!*

It then lashes out at Ogon Fox with its quilled tail 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (15) + 19 = 34 *SKNAKKT!!!* dealing 2d6 + 14 ⇒ (3, 6) + 14 = 23 bludgeoning and piercing damage!



Bite at Ihrin again 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (4) + 24 = 28 *CHOMP!* dealing 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (3, 3) + 7 = 13 damage, and another grab attempt 1d20 + 32 ⇒ (10) + 32 = 42 succeeds, snatching the Lady Dracul up again in its maw!

With a snap of its mighty jaws, the bandersnatch snatches Ihrin up, threatening to swallow her after all!

It flashes its crazy, googly eyes at Mwikali again... Fort DC 23 or be confused...

More attacks coming...

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:

Ihrin uses her compression ability to squeeze herself smaller and slip into the mouth.

The bandersnatch resists Ihrin's attempt to wriggle down its throat!

*HWHARRRFFF!!!*... Like a cat coughing out a furball!

Quills deal 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11 piercing to Ihrin for her efforts...

Mwikali wrote:

Mwikali steps up and slaps the Bandersnatch!

With it being grappled and flanked, the touch lands... Mwikali takes 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 piercing damage from its quills... Fortitude save vs baleful polymorph 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 22 succeeds!

The desert bandersnatch resists Mwikali's polymorphing touch!

Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote:

Best way to deal with that thing is to wrap it in a bear hug... quills be damned!

Johann lumbers forward, and swings while trying to grab and hold on!


As Johann grabs the desert bandersnatch, he is pierced by its quills for 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11 damage, but he secures a vice-like grip on the wily predator, and crushes some ribs and connective tissue with a brutal bearhug!


The Ogon Fox wrote:

The Fox dashes forward and comes around behind the bandersnatch making use of my 50ft speed to cut off a retreat once the Bear catches up. He finishes his movement with a jab at one of the bandersnatch's haunches.

My position should set up a flank for the next melee person that wants it.

Indeed, it does. Jabbing the bandersnatch's launches deals 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11 piercing damage to Fox from its quill defense extraordinary ability!

As Fox jabs the beast in its prickly hindquarters, his fist is pierced by the monster's quills!

Before any of the Champions can react, the desert bandersnatch bounds toward Lady Ihrin, directing its maddening gaze at Mwikali as it does so...

Gaze attack at Mwikali, Fortitude DC 23 or confused!

It snaps its snaggletoothed jaws at Ihrin 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (4) + 24 = 28... CHOMP!!... savagely biting her for 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (1, 5) + 7 = 13 damage and attempting to grapple her in its mouth... CMB 1d20 + 32 ⇒ (13) + 32 = 45... and grabs her in its jaws!

It eyes Johann the Bear, who is still about 30 feet up the tunnel, and whips its barbed tail back and forth, rump raised high, like a cat playing with a mouse...

Despite Ihrin and Lord P scouting with uncanny stealth, the wily bandersnatch sniffs the air and detects the approach of prey!

HAROOO!! KALLOOOO!! cries the bandersnatch in gleeful challenge, and it springs forward on six clawed legs to greet the explorers!

The bandersnatch is likely out of Cardinal Lucius' sight in the darkness about 120 east of the camp at the top of round 3, and it has received enough of a beating to look for easier prey elsewhere, so this is a victory for the adventurers. On its turn in ROUND 3, it hightails away eastward into the night...

The monster's strange, pained yelps become fainter as it gallops off over the dunes to the east, vanishing into the African wilderness!

Mwikali wrote:

Mwikali Growls and begins in her naked glory to move her hands and moves her body ending with one hand pointing at the Bandersnatch and the other pointing to the sky!

"May Africas' divine wrath CONSUME THEE" She says for all to here as she casts a powerful elemental spell Flame Strike!!

Flame Strike

Reflex DC20 for half

Reflex 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (7) + 16 = 23 succeeds for half damage, so 22 divine fire damage...

The roaring flames briefly illuminate the bandersnatch writhing in pain! It shrieks: KOO KOO KACHOOOOOO!!!!


Bernardo Machiavelli wrote:

Perception 10+1d6+19

Takes his time and reloads his cross bow. Saying to himself.

"Only those means of security are good, are certain, are lasting, that depend on yourself and your own vigor."

Then he takes time aiming into the darkness, then lets the bolt go. There is a long silence then it hits.

Studded strike, repeating H Cross bow, Cold Iron bolt TH 1d20+6+5+1 DMG 1d10+5+1+4d6 Range 120'

He holds the cross bow up readying it again.

"Beast, I will end you if you do not depart and never come back."

The cold iron bolt almost pierces the beast's dense muscles...

AC 29... very close!

Now somewhere further out in the inky darkness to the east, the desert bandersnatch gives a luring cry! WAKA-HOOOOO!!

Men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, for everyone can see and few can feel. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are. --Machiavelli


Bite at Ogon Fox 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (6) + 24 = 30 chomps down on Fox's left arm dealing 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (2, 5) + 7 = 14 damage!

The Desert bandersnatch nips at Fox in retaliation for that punch on the nose, then shoots away 60 feet further from the camp (120 feet from camp now total) into the darkness!

Bite standard action then moves 60 ft sway, provoking attack of opportunity from Fox and Alphonse...

Swift action gaze attack on Ogon Fox, Fortitude DC 23 or confused...

It's weird blue eyes seem to glow with an madness-inducing light!

Abe no Toshiro wrote:

Neither of my current characters has Arcana!

"Strike now!" Toshiro calls, and the spirits of heat and cold temporarily put aside their differences to strike the Bandersnatch down!

Sacred Geometry for Maximized Lightning Storm


DC 20 Reflex for half of 18 damage. Toshiro is AFTER the 'snatch, so even if this kills it it still gets an action.

Reflex 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (13) + 16 = 29succeeds, taking 21 electricity damage...

After fast healing, down 63 damage vs 180 hp...

Toshiro adds more lightning from the spirits that blasts the monster's hide!

Mwikali wrote:

Mwikali comes out of her tent naked and her face contorted in a scowl as she begins to cast. At the end of the inflect of her native tongue she lets loose from her fingertips of her right hand a lighting bolt!

Reflex 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (15) + 16 = 31 succeeds, taking half damage, or 16 electricity...

Mwikali's lightning bolt lights up the battlefield briefly with a flash revealing the strange monster's six-legged body!

52 damage vs 180 hp

Cardinal Lucius d'Borja wrote:

Lucius picks out the glowing eyes in the dark and begins shooting.

[dice=Flurry]d20+13 [dice=Damage]d8+3
[dice=Flurry]d20+13 [dice=Damage]d8+3
[dice=Flurry]d20+8 [dice=Damage]d8+3

In the darkness he is not as accurate as he would like, but one of his arrows strikes home with mighty force!

AC 29, so no actual hits, but one shot comes close, striking but bouncing off the monster's quills...

A strange, insane yodeling cry echoes from the darkness to the east!


The desert bandersnatch issues a primal challenge with its weird, fey cry! Deranged and mocking, it coils in the darkness, blue eyes googling and glowing madly!

The Ogon Fox wrote:

[dice=Reflex DC 24]1d20+10

With low light vision and the campfire, for the Fox the bandersnatch will be in dim light. So I should be able to see where he is and approach (especially having seen the attack), but will suffer a 20% miss chance to my attack because of the dim light.

The Fox winces at the pain from the quill in his chest, but he pulls it out. Seeing where the bandersnatch lies, he charges it!

[dice=Unarmed strike, charge]1d20+16+2
[dice=Miss Chance, 1-20 is a miss]1d100

My AC is now reduced to 15 for this round. But if the bandersnatch makes ranged attacks, I threaten him and so he will provoke attacks of opportunity from me (I have 3 of those).

Fox's strike connects solidly with the beast's snout, a satisfying crunch as the cartilage pops, and the beast grunts in pain!


Down 36 damage total...

Bernardo Machiavelli wrote:

He mount hit, he drops his blade and Machiavelli lifts up a large cross bow and takes aim into the darkness, his Dark-elf eyes giving him sigh, he stakes aim carefully and .

"Above all else be armed"

He says as he lets a bolt go into the darkness.

Ranged Attack 1d20+6, confirm crit 1d20+6 DMG 2d10+5+1d6+1d6 + Con Save 17 or Drow sleep poison, Sleep in 1min to 2d4 hours

The dark elf-blooded Machiavelli's bolt strikes true, right between the glowing blue eyes! A groan of pain echoes from the darkness, sounding some 60 feet distant, give or take... Machiavelli"s darkness-penetrating eyes perceive the outline of the beast... a giant, feline monster with six legs and a spine bristling with barbs...

Down 23 hp... It is immune to poison and sleep...

Snarling, the monster in the darkness glares with its glowing blue eyes at the half-dark elf and they seem to flash with an almost maddeningly contagious lunacy!

BTW, Alphonse, Ihrin, the gecko, and Ogon Fox must attempt DC 24 Reflex saves or become sickened by the pain from the quills! Nasty beast lol...

Four barbs or quills fly like arrows out of the black of night from the east, each targeting a different target!

Quill at Alphonse 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (11) + 20 = 31 punctures the paladin's left shoulder pauldron for 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 piercing damage!

Quill at Ihrin 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (16) + 20 = 36 strikes the princess' left hip for 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 piercing damage!

Quill at Machiavelli's gecko 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (3) + 20 = 23 pierces the lizard's tail for 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 damage!

Quill at Ogon Fox 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (11) + 20 = 31 punctures the kitsune's right pectoral muscle dealing 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8 piercing damage!

If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared. - Machiavelli

The mounts are clearly disturbed and on alert within a few seconds of the desert bandersnatch brazenly pouncing on the donkey in the shadows between two large tents!

There is a stifled squeal, then ravenous chomping, chewing and swallowing in the darkness, receding further away over the dunes...

Stealth 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (16) + 23 = 39 to hit and run...

Bernardo Machiavelli wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Perception 1d20+1d6+19

Bernardo stops folding blankets and walks over to Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper and

Whisper "I apologies for my interruption good sirs, but I thought you should now, there is something just outside the camp to the east, its skulking about so I suspect its up to no good"

He then goes back to folding Blankets. But as he does so,
Sleight of Hand 1d20+7
He slips a vile into his hand.

Machiavelli's keen underworldly senses detect the desert bandersnatch as it steals the donkey, his half-drow eyes locking with the icy blue orbs of the desert bandersnatch for a brief second as the campfire cracks and leaps into the night sky...

Shikigami wrote:

Alphonse has no ranks in Perception, so he cannot possibly pass that check.

Shiki, on the other hand, MIGHoT be able to? It's a longshot though.


Shiki also fails to notice the exact moment when the donkey stops braying and is never seen again...

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